Fact and Opinion | Award Winning Fact & Opinion Teaching Video! | What is Fact and Opinion For Kids?

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Fact and Opinion at GrammarSongs by Melissa...  What is the difference between a fact   and an opinion? More importantly, how can  understanding fact and opinion help me when I   listen and when I read? Let's get started! A fact  is a statement that is known or proven to be true.   An opinion is a statement of  belief or judgment about something.   Statement? Judgment? That may sound confusing,  so let me explain/ A fact is a statement that is   known or proven to be true. For example, Abraham  Lincoln was the 16th President of the United   States of America would be considered a fact.  You could look up the information in a book or   encyclopedia in your local library, or use online  resources, to prove the statement to be true.   An opinion is a statement of  belief or judgment about something.   "Little Foo Foo is the cutest dog in the whole  world," is an example of an opinion. Little Foo   Foo's owner might think so, but other people would  have different opinions. I think Patch is cuter!   There is no amount of research that can be done  to prove a particular dog is the cutest in the   whole world. Since it can't be proven, it is an  opinion. So, an opinion expresses what you think,   feel, or believe! Yes! And a fact can be proven  with research! A fact can be proven to be true.   Sometimes it takes research, but often the  proof is quite simple. For example, if i say,   "Pizza is the most delicious food," it would  be an opinion. Many people would disagree and   have their own opinions. There is no way to prove  "Pizza is the most delicious food," to be true.   But if I say, Pedro's favorite food is pizza,"  I would be stating a fact. I wouldn't need to   go to the library or use online sources. I could  just ask Pedro, and I could prove this statement   to be true. What is your favorite food, Pedro?  Pizza! When you're listening or reading, there   are a number of signal words that can help you  recognize a statement that might be an opinion.   Oh, no! How will we ever learn them all? Don't  worry! I don't think any one person knows   every single word! Becoming familiar with signal  words is simply another tool you can use to help   you identify when a statement is an opinion.  For example, our earlier sentence, "Pizza is   the most delicious food," contains the signal word  "most." The important thing is to remember is that   a fact is a statement proven to be true, and  an opinion is a statement of belief or judgment   about something. We use facts and opinions every  day in real life without ever thinking about it. Everything in the store is 50 percent  off. This is an amazing bargain!   This bathroom smells funny.  Someone forgot to flush the toilet. The water is too cold! The water  is exactly 64 degrees Fahrenheit.   I think he is the best singer! He started  singing when he was only three years old!   Using careful observations or measurements can  help identify a fact. For example, percentages and   specific measurements, like temperatures and ages,  can be clues that a statement might be a fact.   Oh! And don't discount those careful observations  where there is undeniable, um, physical evidence   or proof! Opinions often have adjectives, adverbs,  and other signal words to help you identify them.   And although facts are important, opinions  are important too! Without opinions we would   all think, believe, and feel exactly the  same way about everything all of the time! So, facts are important because they help us  communicate information in a way everyone can   understand. Very good! And opinions help us  express our thoughts, feelings, and beliefs.   Yes! So, how does this help me when I read? You  are asking an excellent question! Understanding   the difference between facts and opinions  can help you beyond the literal meaning of   statements to think more critically. Let's read  a newspaper article written by the famous chef   and food critic Olive T. Cook. She ate a meal at  Brantley's Bistro. Let's see what she thought....   Brantley's Bistro is a restaurant located on Main  Street. It is open from 11 a.m to 9 00 p.m every   day. When I arrived, I was greeted promptly by  a lovely hostess. I was seated and given a menu.   I ordered a sirloin steak with mashed cauliflower  and zucchini. I thought everything was absolutely   delicious! The next time you go out  to eat, you should go to Brantley's!   I noticed that Chef Olive T. Cook's review  contained both facts and opinions. Let's reread   the article and highlight the facts in red and the  opinions in yellow. We want to help! Fantastic! we   will read each sentence and decide if it is a  fact or an opinion.... Brantley's Bistro is a   restaurant located on Main Street. Would this  statement be a fact or an opinion? Hmm! This   is a fact! You could prove Brantley's Bistro is  on Main Street by driving there or looking online.   Very good! Let's keep reading... It is open  from eleven o'clock am until nine o'clock p.m   every day. Would this statement be a fact or an  opinion? Hmm! This is another fact! You can prove   the hours by looking at the sign on the door or  by looking at the restaurant's website. You could   even call the restaurant and ask. Excellent! Let's  look at the next statement... When I arrived,   I was greeted promptly by a lovely hostess.  Would this statement be a fact or opinion? This must be an opinion! I notice there is an  adverb and an adjective. Although many people   might agree with this opinion, not everyone would  think the hostess was "prompt" or " lovely."   Those kind of words signal an opinion! Wow!   Not only are you correct, you did a great job  explaining your thinking! Let's keep reading... I was seated and given a menu. So, would  this statement be a fact or an opinion? Hmm!   This sentence has to be a  fact! There are no feelings,   emotions, or signal words. She  is simply stating what happened.   She sat down and looked at the menu. Excellent!  This is a fact! Let's keep reading.... I ordered a sirloin steak with  mashed cauliflower and zucchini.   do you think this statement  is a fact or an opinion This is another fact. We could look at her receipt  for proof. This is what she ordered. Nice job!   Let's see what the article says  next.... I thought everything was   absolutely delicious! What are your  thoughts about this statement? Hmm! This has to be an opinion! It clearly  says this was her thought or feeling.   She also uses an adverb and an adjective!   Fantastic! You are beginning to sound  like experts! One more sentence to go! The next time you go out to eat,  you should go to Brantley's!   Is this final statement a fact or an opinion? Hmm! This is definitely an opinion! Chef Olive T.  Cook tells you what she believes you should do.   "Should" is a signal word! Wonderful job!   Well, hopefully, this review will  be helpful for Brantley's Bistro! So remember.... a fact is a statement  that is known or proven to be true,   and an opinion is a statement of  belief or judgment about something.   Congratulations! You did a great  job learning about fact and opinion!   Thank you for joining me at GrammarSongs  by Melissa! Enjoy other related videos at GrammarSongs.com.
Channel: GrammarSongs by Melissa
Views: 282,650
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fact and Opinion, facts, opinions, facts and opinions, fact and opinion for kids, fact vs opinion, reading strategies, reading comprehension, signal words, text evidence, grammarsongs by melissa, main idea, context clues, inferences, cause and effect, fact, opinion
Id: CuK0AX9nXgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 18 2020
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