Surviving 100 FEARS That Will KILL You!

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today my friends and i are facing 50 of our biggest fears starting with all phobia which is the phobia of being kidnapped sounds ridiculous oh my god is this really happening i just talked about this in my intro next up acrophobia the fear of heights do you know how high we're going we're going 14 000 feet do you know how fast we're falling 120 miles an hour each of us has a heart rate monitor on to track how scared we are here we go trust your car all right and if a person goes above 140 bpm they're eliminated this next fear is cryophobia people who are afraid of ice baths and i couldn't do this challenge alone because that'd be insane so i brought a coloradian what's up are you actually made of cold water um by the end of the five minutes one of us has to be fully submerged bro my belly button to submerge get lower dude we have two minutes and 40 seconds left all right who's submerging rock paper scissors yep rock paper scissors shoot shoot there's a shoe best two out of three rock paper scissors shoot rock paper scissors shoot no dude once the timer is over zealous has to fully submerge in the iceberg i didn't sign up for this all right the time's over you gotta pull this over oh gosh oh gosh oh man fear of insects what the heck is what is that oh oh my gosh bro bro oh it stinks did he pee on me dog holy cow the pinchers dude that spark just went up to short i blame you and you alone fear of rejection anthropophia quick question do you know how much a polar bear weighs enough to break the ice i'm chase it's nice to meet you too i uh so i was wondering if you could possibly like we could probably go on a date after this no it's a loose loose snow all right i got rejected two fears in the price of one and the next fear is ophidiophobia never heard of that before oh it's snakes honestly snakes are not as scary as most people think now the one thing is just don't crawl in my pants you know these ones smell oh this one's making sound dude 90 beats per minute elethophobia fear of the truth all right i'm at 93 right now just gotta stick home come on give me your best shot vince i got nothing to hide how much money do you make my heart rate's already increasing uh i personally take home money in a year uh the business is about a dollar okay okay yep you don't lie i'm keeping honest dude he told me if i lie i get shocked so i'm keeping it honest have you ever stolen anything from preston uh just video ideas that's true have you ever stolen anything when i was young i accidentally stole a person's toy and i cried for hours it might have been stickers i don't remember that's better and final question would you ever quit youtube yes we all gotta die sometime clethrophobia is that really a thing i really think i have to be handcuffed behind my back and find the key in here while being stuck no here's the only key that we have you're gonna drop it right now before yeah i'm sorry [Music] oh god it's my this foot is i dude i can't find anything in here yeah i'm full stuck aquaphobia the fear of drowning which means if i don't find this key i will drown or i need to stand up and i'm stuck in the oobleck right now i will i refuse to die in a box of food the water is high the key's still in there somewhere yeah bublex sucks and you had a heart rate highest of 137 and they couldn't find the key and you couldn't find the key sad hello gosh where am i now oh [ __ ] is this more bugs oh no oh it's all fluffy guys oh they're gone oh no oh goodness craziness i don't like this no thank you can i get everyone's attention i would like to tell a joke to get over my fear of public speaking there was the greatest pickle of all time you could say it was the real deal also i would like to get over my fear of public singing yo yo yo i'm a cheerio the little round things in your cereal you eat me up you slurp me down as long as you know i'm the best around i've been asked to go into the gaming room to pick up a ball for a shot that we're doing oh gosh it is so dark in here uh i've got the ball boys [Music] nyctophobia fear of the dark oh no i don't like this hello hello is anything okay in here yeah i'm fine okay i'm fine this fear is paladophobia which means you have a fear of having your body waxed i don't think i have a phobia of this okay is this too hot that is hot burning you i mean a little bit 82 beats per minute 86. look at me if you don't rip it and grip it i'm actually going to be in a lot of people three two oh that was painful you only went to 93. yo look at that it's all gone i just sit down right now you're not pranking agnostiophobia the fear of not knowing i don't trust anybody dude here we go okay okay i just gotta hide myself up real quick where are you at oh oh i i felt something i felt oh i'm petting it it's much softer than i would expect where are we at boys oh goodness okay it's v ew dude is it a snake it's got like weird scale things on it it's long i'm looking for the butter the head oh it's got legs snakes don't have legs uh i'm gonna say it's a centipede and a a moth close enough no oh wait a minute i felt the little ears it's got cute ears is this a bunny dude hi bendy oh goodness you are so cute oh my gosh claustrophobia the fear of suffocation my heart rate didn't go up on the last few fears that we did so we brought in the suffocation specialist the life is being sucked out of me in this bear to hopefully increase my heart rate look at the capone [Music] the pressure on my eyeballs was unreal dude and this still didn't get me up that high huh i just don't think that was very scary i've been told we are playing hide and seek uh i i trust no one fear of tight spaces maybe i feel like some something's gonna close on me or something just a nice casual goodness gracious cholerophobia the fear of clowns okay is that real i can't tell if that's real oh no no no this fear is heliophobia which means you are afraid of the sun and quite frankly nobody should be afraid of the sun except for vampires we all need vitamin d to live is that a cop what i'm just kidding what's wrong with sunbathing what's illegal about the sun this is the next fear the fear being arrested if you're being arrested seems to be quite silly because as long as you're not doing anything illegal like running for the cops this shouldn't happen to you no only 163
Channel: Preston
Views: 5,032,731
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: funny, challenge, family, comedy, preston, brianna
Id: 6bI5WxCo4xg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 14sec (494 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 20 2022
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