F9: Fast and Furious 9 - Behind the Scenes

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i think what makes f9 special that this character that was abandoned that was a bandelero that was uh an outlaw is now a father is a very interesting and engaging concept we try to take themes in this saga that um are important to us and we feel are important to the world and explore those themes and that was really the objective to continue from faith of the furious into this next chapter mia's back [Laughter] i'm so happy uh also we're gonna have we're gonna have a really really kick-ass female character that just was raised by by that she's kind of like hannah you know that character that's like raised uh by special forces so i'm just super excited uh about letting the girls play it's just fun to watch and i feel so proud like a like i'm like a mama or an auntie or something it's like when i found out i was coming back i just you know i talked to justin about it and i was like i can't wait like get me in there and um i also have vin to thank in a major way because he definitely wanted to bring the family back together it's not that it felt great to be back it just felt so odd to be gone it felt like it didn't really make sense so it's wonderful to be back as i continue to show up and show out in these movies the crowd and the audience has to see some sort of progression some sort of growth something that they did not know about this character so i couldn't be happier about the growth and about the progress and you continue to learn more things about him a lot of people didn't even know he could whoop ass until uh furious seven so you know i just i'm very happy with the way things are going with the character and i hope that all the fans that love this particular character understand the same thing i'm incredibly pleased with ramsay's growth through these movies because she started out as someone who was a bit of a loner and kind of terrified of everything this group does she's like a tech girl who is used to probably being in a room somewhere hacking away she's not jumping from cars and doing crazy you know action driving and so to see her confidence grow and to see her you know prove herself to be a really instrumental part of this group is just so cool and really exciting and yeah it's i've had such a blast being a badass in this movie in a new way she's always a badass but i was really nervous you know saying i was really nervous you know vin diesel he always played like this very serious guy and in film so it's just like ah scared but he's just so nice so dope he makes you feel so comfortable you know it tells you the power of the audience because you know after you know han was no longer the franchise you know when we went to you know fast eight that brought up a lot of questions from the fans you know why is shaw now part of the family when you know he was responsible for the death of han so you know it's pretty exciting to see that you know this is truly like the people's movie um you know they demanded for this character to come back unless i'm sitting here again i read 20 pages at a time because i just needed to breathe for a second because it was just so much action so much energy jumping off these pages it's like when you're reading a good book you just gotta put it down and just i need a minute i think what's kept the franchise not only on its feet but at the forefront of what fans want to see is the narrative about family and i'm really hoping for that because i'm actually i get the honor of bearing the toretto name so this is a huge development in the overall structure because dom has always defined his family as those he holds closest not necessarily those who share his last name but in this installment you actually learn of another toretto a jacob dom's brother so it's really exciting and i think once you introduce a possible brother meanwhile as dom is facing fatherhood so there's really is a strong weave of family in all the narratives and i think i know fans flocked the theater to see the action i think they stay and return to see the story and the story is about family roman things changed but i don't call anymore when i make fast and furious i there's not a moment that goes by that i don't think about uh my brother pablo and the need for me to find a quiet place so i can hearing his advice like i have grown accustomed to do over the last two decades so when john cena walked into my dom shrine i said to play a toretto you're gonna have to be prepared to go to some dark places i'm a huge fan and it shows it shows the staying power so it wasn't like i had to like oh i gotta go back and do my research to find out what this is about i was one of the young people captivated by the first installment and i've watched ever since so it was it was easy to kind of fall in line i remember meeting certain members on the cast meeting all the members of the cast for the first time and being like whoa that's ramsay or that's letty or that's dom like starstruck because and and knowing them as their characters which is coming from a wwe standpoint sometimes i'll call the superstars by their real names and a lot of times i'll refer to them by their characters because they're so convincing as their characters and these this crew has been together for two decades now so you can't help as an outsider being invited in for the first time to be like it's mia it's just who they who they were to me before i was able to introduce myself and have conversation that's one characteristic about john uh like the fact that he didn't have to be humble the the fact that he didn't have to be you know grateful or thankful to be part of this but it's just who he is you know and i think that really added to our collective group uh just that kind of energy and that's that that in a way really helped us integrate and challenge each other i think justin makes all the difference because i think justin cares so much about story he cares so much about character i mean he makes references from like four and sometimes i'm like but then i have to like look back and check like what was he talking about but i think the continuity of character the evolution of the family that matters so much to him and so it has heart and i think that's what the audience loves i think when someone recognizes me or recognizes anyone else from the cast and they go mia like it's it's like we're all connected it's like we're all family because we've had we have this history together so this movie is imbued with that history but it also like goes it's you know it has so many elements it goes where no one else has really gone before so but it's still a super grounded action movie with um family at the very core which i think justin does beautifully you do the driving i'll cut you in for 15 my thieving days are over my name i love driving cars in in movies and i always try to do my own driving if i can in a movie and um because i love it i love the process you know it's very fun because very often the roads have been closed for you um so um you know this was a match made in heaven for me and and um i i love the juxtapositioning of the themes in fast and furious it's sort of you know this wonderful mad ride that the audience go on but it's always underpinned with real emotion with stories of family you know i i thought i'd i'd enjoyed the franchise and um i was i i was very desirous to be a part of it ramsay doesn't know how to drive natalie knows how to drive not really no i don't i do know how to drive i just don't have a license but yeah so ramsay and i have that in common um yeah it's very funny because ramsay's kind of put in a situation where she's the only one who's available to drive and this vehicle and she kind of has to she kind of has to uh admit that she doesn't drive or can't drive and then she's kind of forced into a situation where she has to drive not just like a little car it's like a huge truck yeah it's it was it's been really fun and exciting and made me think like okay it's time to go and get your driver's license now i said that on like the first movie actually so it's been about six years where i've been saying that so now it's actually time that's funny jacob because all i see is still the same scared little kid i wanted to make sure that you know what we were leading to uh the brother fight between dom and jacob that it was gonna be able to um uh do a sibling fight uh justice i didn't want it just to be two you know two brothers looking at each other and fighting it the fight actually doesn't start as a fight it starts as a chase i was hoping you know that the idea was to make it so that the audience can really kind of feel this kind of no holds barred brothers fight different i have uh four siblings they're all boys and we kick the crap out of each other and i've won fights have lost fights because we're all very close in age brothers will fight dirty they will but it's accepted because it's your brother so although the fight between dom and jacob is truly spectacular and the fight with sue is is much more close quarter just because of the setting the psychology essentially as you approach the fight should change when i sit back and i think about like how we ever if we do another one gonna top that just as far as action goes i mean the things that happen in this film are just like okay wait a minute this is a game changer for sure yeah that's never been no nobody's ever seen that before ever it wasn't like walking into a job it was a coming to a family reunion everybody got a little better and a lot more mature they're more comfortable in their skin i think people are going to see that in the film you know the camera doesn't lie so you know when people ask me is that friendship for real i can say you know when i walked on that set after i went home that day i said yeah this is a real friendship yeah these are real relationships that um i know are sincere off camera we are a fast family you know not just on camera and when we say family all of our kids play together we invite each other over i think that over the years this is the perfect timing for us to play these roles when it's dealing with family and dealing with being a parent and you know that it couldn't be better not to i mean it couldn't be it couldn't be a better time because it resonates on and off screen getting a job to be able to tell a story to a global franchise where the focus is cars that is that is something special for me it's it's really cool to be surrounded by elements of automotive culture every single day every piece of this movie is interwoven with modifications and concepts and uh current production models models you haven't seen yet it really also still keeps its roots to the car culture to the cartoon culture and to people clamoring for what's next in the car world i think it's it's really special in that regard i feel so excited for the world to see the ninth chapter in the world saga and i truly truly truly truly truly mean it when i say we hope to make you proud you
Channel: Mayhem Mendes
Views: 1,713,212
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fast and furious 9, f9, fast and furious 9 behind the scenes, fast and furious 9 review, fast and furious 9 jeremy jahns, fast and furious 9 ign, fast and furious 9 rotten tomatoes, fast and furious 9 imdb, fast and furious 9 half in the bag, fast and furious 9 chris stuckmann, fast and furious 9 screenjunkies, fast and furious 9 bts, fast and furious 9 double toasted, making of fast and furious 9, fast and furious 9 bloopers, ending fast and furious 9, fast and furious 9 stunts
Id: 9JK7dtUSoKk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 23sec (803 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 02 2021
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