F1 2019 Career Mode - Part 1 - Playing with a Wheel!

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what's up guys and welcome to f1 2019 uh it's finally here and i'm actually kind of excited about this so we've played a few of the f1 games back in the past i'm definitely not a veteran by any means but it was always super casual we never really played through a full season or anything like that so i'm hoping you guys enjoy this i'm hoping we can make it through a 21 race season this time around and uh let's see what we could do man we've got the uh the wheels set up here i'm also not a veteran on this thing so we're gonna be learning as we go it should be a fun time right now i've got the camera facing us on some episodes we might do like a wheel cam and stuff like that i don't know we'll see what happens but um let's just get into making our our driver here so here we go we're going to choose our avatar i don't think you can actually choose or change any features like you can in some games or you can change like the nose width and everything like that i think you just have a bunch of presets here choose your country and region we are going to be from the us first name oh man how do you how do you hit the bumpers on a wheel trevor martin looks good to me uh what do we want our three letter initials to be i'm gonna go with tmt like the the money team like floyd mayweather no it's like you know tt mart's i i think that's close the closest that we could possibly get all right so we've got that we're gonna go with our audio name just gonna drop down hopefully they've got trevor just kidding we don't want trevor we want martin here they're gonna call us by our last name obviously so we've got that and then for driver number um they have seven they don't have seven seven is usually my favorite number uh let's let's go with the lucky number 13 why not career and leagues are reigning champions until to use driver number one i don't care about that i'd rather stick with my number all right i'm good to go so we are gonna register our details and we are solid let's get it boys start up a new career here we go in f1 2019 you'll be invited to start your career by selecting a formula 2 team driving for this team you'll experience some key moments of a formula 2 season a thrill-packed racing championship in its own right and the springboard to formula one at the end of this feeder series your choice of driver academy and your performance in f2 will determine the terms of the contracts offered by the teams as you embark upon your career in formula one and begin to write your own chapter of motorsport history all right sounds good to me so this is a new feature this year uh basically it's i think it's like three races it's just kind of like a an intro to the main series so depending on how well you do is who ends up liking you more and the better contracts you get and stuff like that it's kind of cool it's just like mlb or nba or anything else where you play a little bit early it determines how good you are and then you you kind of get offers based on that so um here we go we are going to select our team i'm gonna be completely honest i really don't know that much about formula one let alone formula two i mean i've always had like a respected and off for formula one but just recently i've started watching more so like a lot of other basic people out there i watched the netflix drive to survive series fascinated me and uh now i've been watching a few of the races i just watched the the french gp recently it's kind of a boring one but i'm starting to get into it but i'm still kind of a noob so hang with me there guys but here we go um we've got carlin art dams russian time mp motorsport i'm just gonna pick i like trident that looks like a cool logo i'm gonna go with trident oh driver academy oh okay so whichever one you choose here this is going to give you kind of like brownie points with those teams at the end of your f2 career and you'll probably get better contracts like we've got the mercedes academy here so it's going to get you bonus points with the mercedes team the the williams team or the racing point team that one i'm not i'm not sold on i think i'm gonna let you guys choose who we end up signing with at the the end of this episode but i feel like it shouldn't be mercedes i feel like we've gotta gotta try to beat mercedes so we've got the ferrari academy which gets us in with ferrari haas and alfa romeo we've got red bull for the red bull teams um renault mclaren and then none okay interesting so renault and mclaren are by themselves that's kind of unfortunate i wouldn't mind racing for either one of those i think they're both really good teams but i also i want to have my options open so i think i think we're going to go with ferrari it's not like we're stuck with one of these three teams yet but it's just going to give us those bonus points i wouldn't mind racing for ferrari might be a little bit too good but haas is pretty cool as well let's just go with it we'll we'll do it up all right so um we've got qualifying practice race distance ai driver level we're just going to leave it on easy for now because your boy is a noob and let's get into this here we go event 3 out of 12 in may 2018 the third event of the 2018 formula 2 championship a mechanical issue presented trevor martin with a stark choice put the team first and see the position of their teammate lucas webber or deny weber to pursue their rivalry with devon butler trident's new driver really commanding the race here devon butler still ruthlessly giving chase these two have been really scrapping it out for the early wins in the championship and something's wrong butler sees his chance some kind of mechanical failure no picking up speed again it's unclear what the issue was can they still finish this race oh shoot here we go boys i'm not in control yet oh oh we're gonna be in control at the end of this okay here we go oh my gosh all right well um our brake works but our gas doesn't work so i tried the age-old trick of turning it off and on again and we have an accelerator pedal let's go baby here we go we are in action our first race of f1 2019 your teammate is approaching and wants to get past repeat lucas wants to pass you come on baby so our teammate lucas is behind us he wants to get around us our turbo's out that was the issue correct so we're missing some of our top end speed your teammate wants to pass you i know you don't want to drop a position but without your turbo he's the best one to challenge for points further up the field are you sure about that bro i got my drs active i mean he's he's now he's in p5 or p6 we're in p4 we've gone up a point i don't want to be a bad teammate but if he's if he's not going to pass us then we're not going to let him pass us you know what i mean we're not going to slow down for him we're asking again please let lucas pass while there's still time for him to make a challenge [Applause] i mean granted this is probably kind of like uh 1.9 seconds come on baby got around him let's go i realize this is probably like oh gosh we're really far on the outside here there's probably like a scripted thing um and we are in that default difficulty which we probably need to think about bumping up to be honest now that i can see how easy it is for us to pass these guys but still you can't hold it against me i'm three positions up on him no way i'm gonna get a lay off for no reason some people are gonna want to talk to you after this not letting lucas pass has potentially denied the team valuable points for now race on do the best you can valuable points like my third place position hunting second right now [Music] i'm not sure what i did i just pressed something i made that menu come up okay we're getting we're getting a little a little crazy here i'm being a little bit too aggressive trying to catch this guy we're okay [Music] are we within a second of him are we gonna be able to activate drs i don't think we are okay last lap but be aware that these tires need to last till the end of the race okay so we're gonna take care of our tires also want to try to catch alban here we're we're up on them oh gosh got him that was a pretty smooth pass we definitely need to up the difficulty dude oh my gosh i can feel my tires they like this this thing is not handling well anymore so now it's just a game of keep away we just want to stay in front of alban here and make sure we secure this p2 finish should be some good points for us put good points for the squad and the team hopefully isn't too mad at me for not letting our teammate pass come on baby we might be able to catch him our rival butler so this they were wanting our teammate to to beat him that's what they wanted us to go around for so if we can beat him that would be the bee's knees drs drs let's go that's that's first that's p1 baby please don't pop a tire or something ridiculous dude nice move good job these things they dude it they are not dripping they are not okay i was not paying attention there [Music] just don't let them around you final corner [Music] [Applause] we got it boys let's go take care of the car so what are you saying about that sir about the the whole turbo issue and letting our teammate buy so another fantastic victory for trident today our drivers are making their way out for the podium celebrations give that big old bottle of [Applause] oh here we go all right so f1 drivers receive a lot of media attention and how you deal with the press can have an impact in several aspects of your career interviews can occur after any session of a race weekend according to what happened and how you performed how you answer the interview questions can affect your reputation with both your own and other teams the morale of your r d departments and whether you become known for your sportsmanship or your showmanship consider your answers carefully but don't take too long you only have a limited time to respond each question in an interview refusing to answer you can frustrate the press leading them to asking you tougher questions in the future there you are that was an exciting race it definitely got people talking about you which means i was able to secure a quick interview okay we're all set over here just a minute remember anything you say to the press can go very very public so be relaxed but also be conscious of what you're saying and how it might come across to other people okay sounds good i think we're ready great is this like our agent or something so emma keeps telling me you're the one to watch this season if that's true you'll be doing plenty of these just remember be yourself and the more you can give me the better this will go right stand here turn a little this way for me perfect make sure you get my good side girl ready an exciting race today let's get your perspective can i have your number no so lucas are new to the team how are you settling in uh settling in well so the season goes on we'll find our rhythm don't need to settle in unprofessional team are doing fantastic job and it helps that lucas weber is an exceptional driver there we go i want to ask why didn't you let lucas pass when your team told you to i really don't know why they made the call he wasn't that close i gave the opening but i wasn't gonna stop for him i probably should have i'd like to take this opportunity to apologize to lucas webber i'm going to be completely honest dude 100 honest well that's everything i mean i was willing to pull over and pull off to the side and let him pass us but he didn't he didn't pass us bro no not now next time the team give you an instruction follow it it is not a request yes oh i'm sorry am i am i interrupting i can leave or uh actually no continue can we help you with something oh it was just uh you were the better driver yeah from my car it seemed like you deserved the win okay congratulations but the team gave you an order you could have jeopardized it for both of us you know i hate to be the ones that tell you this but you really don't have what it takes to be a champion lucas uh likes to talk a good game about the whole uh team thing but the fact is if you're in the same situation do you really think he'd let you pass i would see the hesitation anyway it doesn't matter who wins next season i'll be spending my sunday afternoons atop the f1 podium while you two will be teaching kids to drive go-karts good luck yeah look i understand why you did it do you really think an f1 team will allow you to just drive however you want come on i mean he's got a fair point even if i was faster if your team is telling you to stop you should all right so the sixth event was a low point for trevor martin when an aggressive move from devon butler resulted in contact and the destruction of their front wing butler's penalty some brought back within range of martin but only where but with only a few laps remaining all right so butler is going to be trying to uh to catch back up to us i i don't like devin i like our teammate i understand why he's upset it's a bunch of egos dude we're all trying to make it to the big leagues just gotta i'm gonna take care of my own you know what i mean even though that was probably a bad move oh gosh look at them go devin butler locked in wheel-to-wheel racing with his championship rival desperate to shut them down and stop them getting past oh his butler simply left them nowhere to go there was just no way for them to have avoided that and look there's significant damage not sure if that was down to recklessness or sheer aggression but i'm sure the stewards are going to have something to say very shortly nail him nail him to the wall let's go baby all right so he took our our front wing off he's still in this race got a new one in the pits and and now we're going to be back after it here we go we're p11 right now with five laps remaining okay [Applause] you can still beat him okay sounds good to me i'll do my best man here we go try to get around these boys yes sir we definitely i promise you guys episode two will up the difficulty [Music] looking pretty good there slow it down through here [Music] dude what a beautiful place to race i don't even know where we are right now but it looks amazing [Music] got rustling currently in sixth place p6 he's six so we're in tenth right now let's use our drs we should probably stay behind him and then and then go around okay 3.5 seconds my bad my bad on that one that was my fault we've got contact on the right there but we're good we're around them we uh we definitely overshot that a little bit yeah we want to stay behind him draft him with the drs and then cut around to the outside not just hit the drs and go around the outside [Music] so we're in p9 right now we've got a few laps left got a couple of guys in front of us here how are we going to get around them is the question so we are in pa right now with seven in our sights and then devon is in p6 i don't oh i see him up there shoot he's got he's got quite a lead on us but we can we can make this work i don't think we're gonna be able to go around the outside on this guy but we can cut the inside baby let's go we i thought you couldn't uh i thought you couldn't use drs if you were leading i thought only the chaser could use it looks like butler just moved up to p5 shoot that's going to be one more person we're going to have to pass man but they're both together right here so may be able to make something happen let's make sure we're ready for the drs p5 i don't want to go for too aggressive of an overtake here like i want to but i don't you know what i mean let's be smart about this here we go [Music] up into p6 we got butler in front of us we've got two laps left to be able to catch him i think we're gonna be able to do it he's right there dude the problem is as soon as we try to pass him he's obviously gonna be super super aggressive [Music] [Applause] got him on the inside baby let's go activated the drs got right around him you made it look easy we're chasing fourth place now p4 should be able to get dude i'm feeling like i'm lewis hamilton out here bro i just i got that mercedes engine and i'm just straight dogging on people i keep pulling up this my thumb keeps hitting it when i turn right really hard i don't know what i'm pulling up there we're up to p4 we might be able to podium that would be oh we might be able to get p2 dude let's let's do a whole lap here i'm kind of curious as to how you guys want me to do these videos i mean i'm i'm down to do the full race but i feel like i would be in sixth place p6 that would be really long and i feel like maybe highlights might be a little bit better i shouldn't be taking my hands off the wheel like that drs shoot press the wrong thing set a camera oh he's locking up dude he's locking up and the carlin i'm around him what bella bella what are you doing why she's on like this ball how did you even get up there she was just climbing up on top of the thing bella get down go go she like turned my monitor in everything in sixth place p6 i don't i don't think that's something that normal like real f1 drivers really have to worry about kind of on the outside of this turn here we're good okay so it looks like we're going to take a so in the third race we had a p1 this race we're going to take a p2 i'm uh i'm not mad at it let's go baby that's what i'm talking about well done good finish you stepped up and achieved what we asked good job great work out there today let's have your thoughts yes ma'am well that was a great recovery today did you think it was all over when you had the collision with devon as soon as i realized the car was drivable i knew i was still in the race uh everyone in the team put in huge amounts of efforts and you can't let them down um i'm gonna go with that dude i feel like we we owe our team some props so did you ever think you'd get the place back from devon um amazed i did seen the finale seemed like the perfect opportunity to catch him it was a huge gap to race and see what happens gonna be kind i honestly was gonna call him out and call him slow a lot of points recently what do you think of your championship chances our results are a reflection of the incredible work of the entire team and i want to speculate i proved it am i talking about in the track been carrying a lot of momentum i'm gonna i'm gonna give the team props again i feel bad for that first race when we completely ignored him well that's everything what's up bro what can i say i guess there's no other way to put this but i'm sorry i'm sorry forever giving you the common respect that all races deserve because you don't deserve it neither of you do that was the dirtiest driving i've ever seen ridiculous i thought exactly i'm taking my line and i get smashed into i'm fine by the way thanks for asking me and then i'm penalized for the privilege you're unbelievable you deserved every second of that penalty maybe more i mean aside from trashing the car did you ever stop to think that maybe someone could get hurt yeah me fine but winning at any cost is your strategy not ours you better watch yourself whatever dude you know what so buddy don't let him get in your head he knows you're a better driver so on the track stay away from him he will try to force you into contact that's how he wins yeah let's get ready for the press briefing it's good advice but yeah this is like so real like you guys know i oh here we go hold on i'll tell that story in a second uh martin and butler were tied on points as they entered the final race of the formula two championship but with butler ahead by virtue of a greater number of race wins martin needed to score more points than him to claim the championship oh man so we need to place ahead of butler here if we don't place that at a butler it's all for nothing [Applause] in the formula two calendar has led us here here we go the final event of the championship and one that promises to be a spectacle every bit as exciting as we might have hoped look at all those yachts out there bro that'd be so much fun to watch a race from a yacht like that so the yaz island circuit offers 21 corners and a lap distance of around 3.4 miles there are a few opportunities to pass with long straights and drs zones in two places turns eight and eleven plenty of close racing then plenty of speed and plenty of excitement for the fans no doubt all right let's get into it but yeah like the whole egos and fighting and disagreements and like yelling at each other in the the garages and stuff totally legit like totally real all you have to do is finish in the point ahead of devon and the next time you see each other you'll be the f2 world champion no pressure then good all right you can choose any of the five card presets by highlighting one you can also click on a set up to customize any of these presets in detail by adjusting the sliders but i don't that that's the thing is i have no clue what i'm doing so i'm just i'm gonna go for it oh wait a second we're starting the race okay lights out at abu dhabi here we go boys so butler's a few a few places in front of us i'm gonna try to be smart here dude we haven't started a race yet this is kind of terrifying we're all like right in with each other i don't even know how to look to my right so i'm just gonna hope for the best and hope nobody's there we're good okay we've got our spot we're in the lineup we're p-8 [Applause] butler's up in 3-3 didn't have our best spot there but like i said i don't want to get too aggressive this is a long track we've got some straights with drs and stuff like that we should should be able to make some moves we're good i don't know if those guys were fighting there or what we got around them pretty easy so we're up in a piece six here dude this is the start was okay now stay alert for threats around you devon is three places ahead of you right now yes sir will do this is a long track too we've got six laps of it we should have more than enough time to be able to catch him a little bit of contact there we're okay the good news is everybody is is all bunched up together not gonna be able to catch him there every time i think we have an opportunity it gets shut off here we go dude our engine on the straights is insane gonna break here we're just gonna have to pass this the the front straight and then the back straight we're gonna have to pass them there really we just have to be so careful dude so we beat him and we are a world champion i would say that that's gonna put us in a good spot for all those f1 teams that we want to join i'm on that booty bro i know you're nervous i know you see me in those rear you should be okay views continue it'll cost us a little bit of time but we're nearly at the end of the race i think that's from when we we kind of hit the front wing on those guys earlier on we had a little bit of contact there but sounds like we're good i'm just i'm playing it super safe super simple here um all i'm worried about is just getting to that that straight we might be able to beat him on that front straight across the starting point trying not to damage our front wing anymore [Music] come on baby oh we're gone nice work that brings you up the place we just got fastest lap too drs is now enabled i'm just gonna fall in line we're just gonna race like a normal human being nothing too crazy if we can hit drs on this back straight up here we might be able to get all the way up into first it's going to be happening here soon boys [Music] come on baby is this not a drs zone i would have figured that out at the moment it is a drs zone we're catching up on first dude the problem is we don't even need first i'm not going to do it i want to do it we'll pass him later on in the next lap i want to do it but there's no reason to let's not get stupid i'm just going to play this smart we're going to take our win and then we're going to have to up the difficulty for sure i know you can like change the difficulty on your car you can also make the ai more aggressive so we're gonna have to do a mix of both at the moment we'll adjust that throughout the the series make it more oh no [Music] the wing is not looking good we got to get out in front of this guy and then we don't have to worry about that anymore but um yeah we'll adjust it and make it more difficult throughout the series make things interesting so if we get around this guy we're going to be up in the first place and then it's just do whatever you do from here on out oh he's not going to let us around him we've got to be able to get around him here though right with the drs yes sir we don't even have to use drs all right so from here on out we just oh gosh we're getting the speed wobbles we just do our thing just do do whatever we got to do final corner here and that's it let's go baby gotta win world champion well done good finish you stepped up and achieved what we asked good job that should give us plenty of bargaining checks it's been my privilege over the years to witness a number of great sporting events and here's another to add to that prestigious list it's the ultimate dream for any racing driver we have a new formula 2 world champion now we got to move into formula 1 and do the same thing baby that's what i like to see but yeah those teams that we want to sign with y'all are gonna have to pay up that's cool dude i like all the cut scenes and the story behind it and stuff this is good the racing's good obviously but [Applause] it's a nice bonus first of all congratulations you must be thrilled thanks babe appreciate it wow you're the driver's champion how does it feel despite some previous incidents uh best driver one of the end feels great been close amazing want to thank everyone on the team we're just gonna keep being a good guy for now i think we want to do that before we interrupt one season how was the race for you it's challenging but the team really put it together and never had any doubt and finishing the points and that's all that matters it wasn't easy but it's a great race and i'm pleased with the result again give it to the team baby wow we've been hearing rumors of a possible future for you in formula one care to come in um i would love to race against the best in the world appreciate your time all right well i think that's the end of our our kind of like pre-career our filler series and therefore i think it's the end of this episode i think it's it's gonna be time to choose a team congratulations mate f2 champion hey congratulations enjoy it because it's the last time it will ever happen devin it's okay to be upset you came very close we know things would have turned out very differently if i didn't get slapped with that ridiculous penalty what is it with you and complaining look somehow you managed to do a lot of things right today it's great you needed the win i didn't for me this was always just a stepping stone to work for oh you too you too you've got your workout for you now that i'm gone so you're gonna have to prove to everyone it was more than just not the gut yet sure winning one racist luck winning the championship is talent really next time you use that incredible talent to ram into someone and steal all their points remember they won't be as forgiving as i am i always got an excuse this has been a lot of fun i gotta run things to sign important paperwork and all that i'm sure you understand ciao so with this big win you're going to be getting a lot of interest all i can say is choose wisely or else you might end up with someone like devin as your teammate come on let's go celebrate [Applause] heck yeah man oh my god that would be so awesome all right two months later since the thrilling conclusion of the 2018 formula 2 championship a lot of opportunities have begun to open up for you your agent emma has called you into the office to make a final decision about your potential future in formula one dude i'm nervous i'm excited to see who has the most interest in us uh choosing which team to race for is one of the most important decisions in your formula one career so consider your options carefully and pay attention to each team's expectations highly ranked teams like prior to mercedes have faster more competitive cars but will expect their drivers to be achieving podium finishes right from the start of the season they will quickly become unhappy if you fail to perform lower ranked teams have less competitive cars but their expectations are easier to meet they tend to be more forgiving if it takes you a while to settle into your career signing an up-and-coming driver like yourself will be a positive move for any team as a result when you sign your first ever formula one contract you receive a one-off bonus to your reputation with that team shoot multiple f2 drivers on the right welcome come on in dude take a seat i'm nervous for him it's time we had the big conversation about your next move your performance at the f2 championships last year got you a lot of attention from the formula one teams some of it more positive than others i'm not so concerned with who does or doesn't like you you'll have plenty of time to win the doubt is over but i am concerned with our choices they're narrowing as we haven't shown commitment to anyone as your agent my advice is to make your decision now we can worry about comfort and finer points further down the line i need you to review these you've earned every single one of these proposals so take your time have a read through and don't get too hung up on specifics let's get you a formula one seat dude all right so it looks like everybody's available um ferrari his team won't settle for anything less than racing championship victories and they'll expect their drivers to perform the highest level of course they want us to fight for the championship mercedes wants to lead the field they actually have quite a bit of quite a bit of you know value in us you know what i mean ooh ferrari's attitude preference is showmanship i kind of like that uh red bull uh aston martin racing uh compete at the front showmanship they like renault likes showmanship uh toro rosso likes uh mclaren likes sportsmanship so does racing we're not gonna go with racing point haas like showmanship alfredo mayo like sportsmanship and we're not gonna be going with williams um interesting so i i definitely don't want to do racing point or williams i don't want to do mercedes just because i feel like that's that's a cop-out dude that's too easy you're in the best car that sort of thing i don't want to like be guaranteed like that you know what i mean and like ferrari sounds cool but i'm also worried that they're kind of in that same position i think something a little bit more mid-range would be fun i mean like red bull's a good option they're like a solid number three so we could take a red bull and compete with ferrari and mercedes uh mclaren could be the same thing and i guess we could do the same with like renault or haas i feel like i feel like those are my five ferrari haas mclaren renault or aston martin red bull let me know what you guys think down in the comments i think it uh it could be interesting regardless i guess alfa romeo is is the team that has the most interest in us but i kind of want to be with like a young cool showy type team you know what i mean so i think that's what i'm gonna look at are these five probably not ferrari we're probably gonna go for one of these four just to kind of be a little bit different let me know what you guys think down the comments leave a comment down below whichever one has the most votes then we'll be sure to uh to make it work so anyway i hope you guys enjoyed drop a like if you did subscribe you haven't already peace out
Channel: TmarTn2
Views: 1,189,744
Rating: 4.8437352 out of 5
Keywords: f1, f1 2019, gameplay, game play, lets play, walkthrough, playthrough, guide, career, career mode, f1 2019 career, f1 2019 lets play, f1 2019 career lets play, f1 2019 career gameplay
Id: 9wr8sVJrkMQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 36sec (2196 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 25 2019
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