F & B Chords -Part 2

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hey guitar players I'm Sean and welcome to today's guitar beginners guide uh today's video is a continuation of the previous video that I did which was introducing the F and the B chord um I introduced those chords kind of talked about some of the difficulties that people will encounter with them and some practical solutions to make them sound great however those chords were kind of the adapted or what some people call the beginners versions of those chords um and today I want to talk about the fullblown versions of these chords which are bar chords um now just a little note on that I'm not going to talk all about bar chords and all the different kinds today I'm going to focus solely on the F and the B and I'll do a separate video down the road all about bar chords now also I just want to say thank you for all the comments and emails that I got people letting me know you know how they handled the chords themselves um some of their difficulties and I really really appreciate that now if you're brand new to the F and the B chord I would suggest that you go back and check out the previous video the link will be below otherwise let's get down to it let's start off with our favorite chord the F all right so here is my F chord that's what it looks and sounds like and uh the obvious challenge with this guy right off the top is what's happening with our first finger so it is pushing across or barring all of the strings at the first first fret whereas with the previous F that we did the getting started version we were just pushing down the two so now it's going across all six all right so the first finger at our first fret across all six strings uh try not to be too close to the nut the these strings are much much more difficult to push down uh the closer to the nut you are um try to get close to the Fret piece itself to the Fret wire all right so first finger across all six strings my second finger goes on my third string at my second fret my third finger goes on the fifth string at the third fret and then the pinky my fourth finger goes on the fourth string at the third fret now the bar that I'm doing with my first finger uh this is what's known as a full bar a full bar means that you're doing all of the strings you have it draped across but here's some good news for you um if I play my chord and if I kind of take these fingers away if you look on the side view here you'll notice my finger is not straight on like that I'm actually kind of I've got a little bit curved and you know I'm kind of pushing down here and I'm pushing right here on like the second and first string and what I'm doing is [Music] this I am really not pushing at all on these middle is strings here because like on my fifth my fourth my third string because these fingers in front well I mean nothing would sound there anyway because the sound's coming from whichever fret is highest onward so in other words I'm saving a lot of energy in my hand by not forcing and pushing all of them down now that works for me that may or may not work for you but I would suggest that you give it a try and it's basically well it's very economic in terms of power now of course down the road depending on what you're playing yes you do want to be able to bar across all of those strings and have them sound out but in a case like this you could totally get away with it so the chord that we learned last time uh this version in other words um it all that is is really just the top part of this chord so you see what I mean so it's it's really just an abbreviation it's kind of like the higher sounding part of this okay so the difference in sound yeah you can hear that this one has much more kind of bottom end to it because we've got these Incorporated now another way to kind of look at the F chord is well check out what I'm doing with these three fingers here with my second my third my fourth finger that configuration looks an awful lot well actually looks exactly like an E major chord because it is and but what the deal is in instead of using fingers 1 2 and three like this I'm using 2 3 and four so f is just like an E chord kind of moved up a fret and then your finger is actually taking over the job of what the open strings was doing before let's move on to the B chord but just before we do if you're enjoying this content please like And subscribe uh that really helps me a great deal and thank you in advance and I also have a newsletter that you can sign up for all the links are down below and um let's do this let's move on to B so the beginner B chord or the modified B chord that we played last time looks and sounds like this and really the only difference between this and the full B chord the bar chord B chord is I am taking my first finger and I'm just going across five strings like this so I'm not playing the sixth string in this case Okay uh this would be what's known as a technically as a partial bar because I'm not going across all of the strings but nonetheless there it is so it's a bit richer sounding because it has the it's got that low B note in it so from that to that alternatively this is another great way to play the B chord and as a matter of fact probably nine times out of 10 I go to play the B chord I'll do that uh well it always depends on what's going to come next of course but um this is just another way to do it now the the thing with this is as you can see on the side view here is I am barring these three strings now with my third finger so you need to be able to um Kink this finger like relax it and let it Bend at this joint right here so in other words like that okay and if you are unable to do that this may not work for you or you'll just have to kind of work your way like try it if it's new and just kind of work your way into it okay this doesn't for me it doesn't work if I'm doing the abbreviated version uh that's too strange but we're all different you may find that that works great now another alternative here you can play the B chord like this and then just don't play the first string or purposely touch it with your finger giving [Music] you okay but you want to watch out if you're doing this version if you're doing the one where you're barring your third finger make sure that you're not barring across all four CU then you end up with this note that doesn't belong to the chord and it ends up sounding like that now whether you're playing an F or B chord uh watch out for what's up with the thumb uh myself when I play my thumb looks kind of like this um if I take take the guitar away that's what my hand kind of [Music] nice clear sounds out of all this and um again I'm Sean and we'll see you next time take care
Channel: Shawn Trotter
Views: 446
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Id: 8ZKsmHwj8sw
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Length: 8min 36sec (516 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 29 2024
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