F-86 Sabre Vs Mig-15 Dogfight | Digital Combat Simulator | DCS | Korea 1950 | 4K

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[Music] all right guys welcome back to another video today we are in the f-86 sabre and we are flying against the make 15 the mig 15 flown by my buddy longshot he does have his own channel so definitely check him out the links in the video description and the pinned comment this will be my first time flying the f-86 in a pvp environment i've flown the mig 15 before many of you have seen that on the channel and it is you know the make 15 pretty awesome plane especially against the f-86 what i know in terms of performance about these two aircraft is that they are very very similar and the differences are so small that you can basically ignore them here comes the merge it looks like we're going one circle here and basically i think the f-86 performs better with altitude once i get down to the deck the mick 15 is going to absolutely out rate me so i need to be careful with that use a bit of the vertical here to get out of his nose and we're continuing on with a two circle here and again as long as i have altitude and i can dump my nose i can kind of keep up with them once we get down to the ground i'm gonna have some serious trouble and the other very big notable difference between these two aircraft and swim in terms of performance is that my roll rate is significantly better than his so if we get into a scissor situation i need to keep it a flat scissor and he will try to go for a rolling scissor and as long as i don't let him and i can keep it flat then you know i should have an advantage in that situation as well so i'm just trying to lag outside him here a little bit and see if we can pull them into the hud and take a shot at them and just keep in mind that you know performance of the aircraft is one thing but the pilot's ability to extract that performance from the aircraft is a whole different thing right so i'm gonna try to pull what i can out of the f-86 but no guarantees um those actually came kind of close but still missed and he's actually moving into a good position there it looks like the mig 15 didn't cooperate with him for a second there as he was trying to line up and f 86 not cooperating with me now i got full left rudder at this point slowly turning it's uh hard to remember that you're not flying f-16 sometimes you pull on the stick like you are especially with these old birds and here he comes nose dumped nice and gentle on the stick for me nose down attitude and we're gonna try to pull them a leg position now let's see if we can pull him into the hut and take some shots at him well there's some hits right there i saw an aileron come off i think yeah look at that on his right wing he's taking some serious damage possible tail damage which means even on the ground i may have an advantage now he's missing the flight control surfaces so and into the clouds we go got to keep a sharp eye on them i'm going to try to emerge from these clouds and just start shooting there we go that must be terrifying you just see an f-86 come out of the clouds gun's blazing all right i'm sitting in a good situation here he's going to try to climb taking a bet that he's in a better energy state than me and looks like we were actually pretty equal and now he's trying to stall me out force an overshoot which he managed good for him kind of upsetting for me and look at this he's trying to get into a rape fight position behind me i got my nose dumped remember that his aircraft is now damaged nice those rounds falling short not too worried his aircraft is probably not cooperating with him right now having lost a bunch of control services so even in the rate fight i should have a bit of an advantage on the deck now i'm very grateful that we hit him before we got down here or else he would be outraging the crap out of me still doing a really good job and he is relentless man like he's damaged and still fighting and fighting hard i respect that i'm just gonna sit here it looks like i am making up some degrees here he should be seeing some pretty serious losing cues at this point i actually think we can line up a shot here come on come on come on hits good hits look at that still shooting yeah it looks like he's going down yep okay splash one make 15. [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] foreign hey guys before round two real quick i want to remind you to enter the giveaway for the three free modules by edie that will be running until the 20th of december the form is below in the video description and the pinned comment all right let's get to round two so long shot always a formidable opponent i'm not really going to give him too much you know free space here because he is the kind of guy who will capitalize on it and it's annoying because he does fight to the very very last breath you saw him as he was going down there he was still taking shots and uh you know it's nice to see somebody so determined to fight to the death and uh it's kind of uh intimidating you know you're like oh this guy he's not gonna let me get away with any here today all right there's the merge looks like we're once again going one circle he's not pulling too hard on the stick this time he's maintaining some sort of energy which is going to allow me to get inside the circle they pulled hard there dump that nose holy so remember his objective here is to survive long enough to pull me down to the deck as fights continue they will inevitably go low and lower and lower as you know bandits will dump their nose etc etc you'll eventually end up on the ground somewhere if he can survive long enough to do that he should have an advantage look at him here nose dump going for the rape fight i cannot keep up with him though like he is outraging me i cannot pull the lead necessary to take shots at him you see that you see how hard the nose is working to get and i just cannot pull him into the hud he is doing a fantastic job rate fighting at this point and there he goes now he's outraging the out of me notice my nose completely dumped in an attempt to keep up with him right now he is completely safe completely safe and i'm really just praying that he makes a critical mistake come on and look at this when i lose the altitude okay i'm out i'm not even gonna play that game with him down here look at how fast he just out rated me down here so i'm gonna try to reset the fight see if we can change it one circle and whoa he's taking shots oh boy i didn't expect him to come around that quick all right we're gonna reverse into him now use a bit of the vertical and so remember he wants a rolling scissor i need a flat scissor but i don't know if i can do it oh f-86 not cooperating with me there oh all right this fight is not going well for me oh i keep trying to get him into a flat scissor but he's not taking the bait see there he goes he's over the top again he's continuing his rolling scissor very smart for him i thought he would cross the nose there all right he's out in front now because i got super slow i might be able to take a shot at him here damn it all right now he's defensive and he goes right back into his rape fight i got a couple opportunities here i might be able to hit him those rounds are falling completely short and look at that i can't keep up with him cannot keep up in the great fight look at how far he is i can't hit that i need so much of lead to hit that and i just cannot get that kind of bleed so there's that mig-15 outraging me on the deck there looks like i'm sort of keeping up on that i dumped every bit of altitude i could there he's back on my tail once again we're going to try to reset that fight he's on my seven o'clock low at this point go ahead and turn around once again try to force that one circle if possible but i don't think i have enough time yep see there's the shots a very high risk situation once again reversing of the scissor across the nose come on buddy damn it there he goes into his rolling scissors i know it looks like he used a lot of the vertical that time oh i'm so slow oh no oh [Music] [Music] [Music] oh all right guys quick little tag view review here long shot in the red make 15 me in the blue f-86 here's the merge this is the round where he wins obviously i want to analyze and see how he did that and you can see the turn here initially i'm doing really well at 13 degrees he's getting 10 and here he's getting 14 i'm getting 14.9 i'm 0.2 degrees better than him still and here we go at 14.1 i'm down to 10.5 so he eases off the stick a little bit here and pulls really hard at the end and he's back to 12.5 and then dumps the nose it's my personal opinion that i think he dumped the nose more than he would have wanted this goes back to you know the aircraft cooperating with you and doing what you're asking it to do the same goes for this wobble that you just saw up here i don't i obviously don't think he meant to do that but you know these old aircraft they don't always cooperate with you and so you can see as long as i have altitude i'm actually doing okay in terms of you know keeping up with them through this stuff now here is where he switches over to the raid fight this is even when i fly the make 15 my defensive maneuver in the mig 15 is to go in the right fight against the f-86 because it absolutely decimates the f-86 in in terms of a rate fight i don't know if that's accurate uh from what i've read in terms of performance these aircraft are supposed to be really similar to each other but for some reason the make 15 does better and better and so here look at him right now getting 25.1 degrees a second where i'm only getting 20. 25 degrees keep watching the degrees per second that he gets 25 i'm 22 26 28 i just saw 28 there for a second i'm still 23. this is obviously with a nose down attitude and you can see that what he's essentially doing is dragging this fight down to the ground where he is gonna have better performance right and this is exactly what he should be doing 26 like look at that it's sustained 25 degrees a second down and i'm getting like 23 24 at best oh there's me hitting 25 didn't expect that again only possible as long as i you know have my nose dumped once we get down here and i can't do that anymore you know it's game over for me so i'm just going to bug out of the rape fight with him in an attempt to uh reset it here now this is not what i thought was gonna happen i thought he was further back so i thought that when i did this turn i would maybe meet him head on you know we could have a one circle fight i didn't realize he was this close to me so he takes these shots those look like cannon rounds he took at me only two shots very dangerous and uh so i go for the vertical roll obviously this is because i want to displace some more distance i'm using the vertical to travel some more distance but keep the same displacement you can see this is how much distance i moved let me just draw this this is the distance that i've moved right and displacement if you look top down is only this much right so very small displacement for large distance this is a nice way to make your bandit shoot out in front similar concept to the high yoyo and so he's going to follow me into the vertical as he should if he didn't do that he was going to definitely overshoot reverse the turn into him and accidentally give him a shot there and so this is just a fight trying to get one of us to go out in front right and you can see i'm trying to keep it flat like this is the flat scissor that i'm talking about it's the constant like this whereas what he wants is the rolling scissor where we just roll around each other that's what he wants and that's because his aircraft has very poor roll performance and so continuing on here [Music] still just trying to get him to shoot out in front which he does here he shoots out in front nicely and the reason for that would be because he was just faster um indicated 144 he's uh well let's do two airspeed 158 he's two airspeed of 296. he's basically double my speed and so he's going to shoot out in front all right which gives me that was the one opportunity i had there to hit him that was it and then you can see here's the defensive rate fight again just goes right back into the right fight and it looks like i'm i might have an opportunity honestly these shells look like they're pretty close to him these rounds but uh i don't think they were as close as takvy is showing because taki is also scaling this up so that it's easier to see those rounds were falling significantly short in the video and all of those also you can see short short i like i said i know they look like they're close but he is actually a lot smaller than takvy was displaying him here okay you can see his rate there look at this right through this 21 21 24 22 24 24 and this is really all that i can do in terms of keeping up with them because all of a sudden the tables shift all right look at this 15 19 2014 13 22 23 13 25 23 that was me pulling really hard 25 21 basically you can see he's outraging me and there's no way that i can get the nose on him let alone lead him enough to get a shot right and that becomes pretty evident here as he starts making up the uh the circle and so once again i just have to disengage i just have to get out and i got to try to reset the fight right this is standard operating procedure for the f86 against the mig-15 at low altitude once again exact same scenario we're right back in it scissor there's this is the rolling scissor except he doesn't come back down he stays in the vertical which really uh confused me i guess you could say like i'm down here i was waiting for him i was like where'd he go and he went straight into the vertical very smart by him and just you know lined himself up for the shot by the time i figure out what's going on and i try to climb up here um i had a panic essentially because i'm like i don't want to let him just dive down on me so i try to climb up after him this is all happening in like fractions of seconds by the time i get up here i realize how slow i am indicated of 107 and i'm basically just a floating target in the air we can turn off labels at this point and he just kills me all right so good kill to long shot uh big thank you to him for helping out with this video don't forget to check out his channel big thank you to all you for watching and i will see you in the next one bye guys [Music] you
Channel: Growling Sidewinder
Views: 132,526
Rating: 4.9463472 out of 5
Keywords: DCS, Digital, combat, simulator, dcs supercarrier, dcs dogfight, dcs world, Military, army, air force, F-16 Viper, F-14 Tomcat, F-15 Eagle, J-15, South China Sea, Dogfight, F-22 Raptor, Mig-29, how to, tutorial, guide, F-18 Hornet, Microsoft flight simulator, BFM, Eagle Dynamics, JF-17 Thunder, F35, super carrier, korea, air combat, world war 2, war thunder, navy, us military, defence, Mirage, dogfight, f22, f18, hornet, f16, rafale, f14, tomcat, viper, mirage, air to air, warthunder, f5, f-14, f86, mig15
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 47sec (1307 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 17 2020
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