F-16 - Familiarization Flight - Katie

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A really good quality video showing the sheer violence of flying jets. Really great in my view.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Meryhathor πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 08 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

This is so awesome.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 3 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EmDubbbz πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

Is she a pilot trainee?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/nuffced πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

I would give my left testicle to do this

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/skillz1605 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Apr 09 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
wise yes i am all right um the gopro going yes all right you ready to go i am all right i have my left click on one okay on my helmet it keeps popping um all right is your mask like holding up yeah it's fine okay nah just let me know it might once we like pull some g's might set the level out and kind of mess with them on either side is that cool yes all right um you go and arm your seat i'm gonna r mine up front what does that mean uh take that little lever and drop it down whatever where uh your left leg just behind or between your uh knees nope that's the oh yeah the controls locked uh it's just a checkered one yellow yellow checker you just take that like you see my hand up here yeah and just lower it it'll lay flush cool you ready to do this let's send it send it all right don't forget to tell me when to breathe yeah don't just keep breathing that's gonna be a good thing period oh yeah i'll give you the real warning john tower good afternoon viper zero ones number one two two right ready for takeoff all right please throw one shots higher quick climb to one zero thousand is approved runway two to right win one fourth year at six clear takeoff change departure pass by conditions to departure all right president once cover take off two two right up to ten thousand we'll go all right turn that on turn that on we'll go make some noises so right when we take off that's when i should start to squeeze yeah it'll be real brief it's gonna be like two seconds so you're not gonna g-lock on it okay but i'll let you know what's going to happen all right oh my gosh i can't believe this is happening giddy up here we go ready ready let's do it phil slight push in the seat game on holy america america all right there's 100 knots oh my god there's 150 knots 160 i'm just kidding we're going 450 you ready to do this here we go how about that alright good afternoon viper zero's passing three thousand for one zero thousand viper zero line shot departure radar contact so we requested that 26.002 fighters looking for surface to 18 000. how are you doing as fighters go on water and uh i'll confirm that was flight level 180 within the confines doing good there's eight g's there so now we're making just an easy left-hand turn we're gonna be going over here to our 11 o'clock is it messing up yeah it keeps clicking it might like if you you don't have to push it all the way up but it's like your mask falling down or anything like that um no i think i'm good okay sometimes they like back out of the clips or if you got to push too far forward then it might um just give it a problem i might have too much resistance and back out just a little bit so we're just gonna make a left-hand spin i'm waiting the ranger is climbing up in the tower so wait for them to get up there once they get up there then we'll be able to start uh doing our thing here so doing our thing america no big deal oh my god i can't believe i'm flying that's not too bad huh this is normal yeah it's just like a normal day right like it's not gonna stay like this for very long no it's gonna be really violent here in a second very violent mercy you know roller coasters are violent that's true this one just has 54 000 horsepower so slightly more see hopefully this guy will walk up faster damn it every time i go to clear my ears it clicks out the uh it's still staying up right yeah okay i just don't want it to break the steel it no it's like if it if the air is like blowing up in your face like that's probably annoying but honestly like if it's not a perfect seal like we're gonna be fine okay again if we're flying up in the 40s or something like that then we definitely wouldn't want to have your mass leaking or anything like that all right ooh the sun slightly bright huh quebec papa shaw first these shots from here three zero zero eight and one able squawk yeah in around 1200 feet and the departure in there and then it's ragged around five thousand to seven thousand and then clear above at ninety five hundred dollars roger thank you for connecting top of the shop three zero zero eight and uh your radar contact one zero miles southeast of camden so now we're just waiting just burning gas she's getting more flight time forward before quebec papa clear to chattanooga airport as filed maintain 100 000 expect to play level two four zero in two minutes is this what it looks like when you guys do hold before a flyover yeah go in circles just a lot of circles there's just time with your thoughts 309. 18 000 vipers tail number ninety one zero four eight zero let's be dry he gives zero f's all right are you ready to do this yeah were we just calling some sort of jeez about 1.5 yeah so we're going to do about eight times that that works for you i guess we'll find out yeah you don't like me right now do you all right we're going to dip down here to the left we're going to accelerate out and then we'll get you the 9g club right okay just tell me when to squeeze and breathe all right well we're going to get kind of cindy here so i'll let you know just getting a little smash here and then uh are you ready to pull some g's yeah all right here we go on top good g in for the cuban all right g's are easing off here a little bit you got to catch your breath still feeling good yeah all right we're all upside down welcome to the 9g club all right here we go all right g's are easing off hang upside down for just a second there you go morning morning warning warning under this little cloud here that's pretty awesome oh there's my house still feeling good money all right get a little smash here and then uh we're gonna do some rolling oh triple roll you ready yep rolling left here we go one two three let's just do one more because it's fun all right here we go [Music] roll some more all right g's reason off doing good yeah yeah all right we're gonna do a min radius turn if you're still feeling good ready doing good yeah all right jeez are coming left you ready to do this all right here we go all right we're gonna hang upside down for a second already ready doing good yeah wave to the crowd here all right nice today we're gonna do since we can see the ground we're gonna drop down low and go fast first all right let's go back altitude altitude oh yes all right it's gonna work out perfect we're gonna go fast we're gonna max climb knocked out while we still can all right whatever you said it all sounds like a good idea it's just always an agreeance so here it's slightly faster than your average commute yeah just a little bit here come a few g's easing off you're doing good yeah all right we're here we go altitude here climb up freedom is inbound there we go slightly better than most oh my gosh doing good yes all right glad we got that in that's the main thing because everyone wants to go fast still doing good yeah you want me to stop asking you don't you i know helpful what's that it's helpful all right we're gonna do a four-point roll all right okay the main thing is you've waved to the crowd otherwise everyone think you're real rude ready yep here we go wave to the crowd it's a really long crowd just gonna keep saying hello i'm literally hanging upside down yeah that's the whole time very well okay roll it out all right coming around all right still with me yeah all right next is our falcon turn here all right okay some g's here and there but here we go all right now we're gonna slow it down summer right all right let's see how slow we can get it across the ground [Music] this is a lot less violent oh god who's having fun definitely mean it's kind of tough to see how fast we're going but just a lot less violent here oh god that's 105 knots across the ground warning warning warning warning to just rock it right out of it do you want to hang upside down or not no okay we're just going to fall down nice and easy here we got two maneuvers left okay the knife edge and the dedication pass those don't sound very friendly yeah i mean like it depends on who your friends are i guess you want to give those a shot yeah all right because why not right because we're here might as well right all right here comes the knife edge coming right we're gonna pop it up do a little rolling we're gonna wave to the crowd and once we're done with the way the crowd we're gonna pull some keys here some g's all right last one the dedication pass this one might be a few g's huh you ready to give this one a shot can you level out for a sec yeah you bet right there all right okay all right doing good yep all right i'm gonna get his turn kind of into the sun to start that way we don't finish into it all right how many g's all the g's oh you ready to do this yes all right here we go coming left [Music] 9.6 not bad for your first time how you feeling oh my god sweating yeah it's a little bit of a workout so we got two options you can fly some or we can drop down low and go fast again um can i flag yeah absolutely all right i'm gonna get us kind of pointed to a fat part of the air space here uh so i'll maintain the throttle and i'll i'll move that you just you'll control the stick okay okay geez it's like three turn it around almost there all right so you're you're gonna have the uh the stick there so you see my hand huh can you see my hand yeah so what you're gonna oh sorry you're just gonna bump the stick like this kind of over for the four point um let's go home here we go okay yeah sounds good points at vipers your one we're good micrograded rtb in uh two minutes three runway all runways are wet advised on initial contact you have information hotel a viper can accept 3 000. all right so just coordinating for our rtb right now so talk to the approach control guys and we'll get head back here uh shortly we gotta shoot that instrument approach i was talking about your one point off planes three thousand southbound five zero one 3 000 southbound laviga trying to take it easy we'll do we just got easy left-hand turn coming around feeling a little queasy yeah fair enough we just did a lot of crazy stuff still keeping the turn coming around we're sort of a little decent here [Music] thank you [Applause] 6 500 for 3 000 request ils 22 right stop roger uh radar contest eight miles above the shuttle cleared to shall be our radar vectors turn off heading zero four zero maintain three thousand five percent one three thousand zero four zero all right left your information hotel by press hotel i'll be straight level here in just a second [Music] altitude altitude from those uh full stop all right almost out of the weather there [Music] it's always nice all right so the field is off at our like 10 o'clock um and i was kind of talking about we got to fly past the field turn back around even though we're out of the weather here because you can't actually see the field right now if you need to you can drop your mask if it helps you breathe a little bit better um i think i'm good okay i'm just trying to focus on breathing yeah that's fair because the g squeezes my inside it's it does have a little bit of pressure it does hurt slightly at least we got one static wick i got 9.6 g's yeah no big deal not many f-16 pilots have pulled 9.6 g's just saying so you might carry you might not care but yeah so again uh on this screen that white dot so the field's back now at our seven o'clock so we make it a left-hand turn here shortly okay to get us going uh to the field then um i'll be lining up some of that instrument i'll be line up instrumentation to line up with the runway and bring us all the way back altimeter 3007. there one turn left heading three one zero just gonna maintain two thousand zero one three one zero down to two thousand all right so now we're starting to turn so when you guys go on trips and tdys and you're not pulling g's you literally just sit here don't you yeah like don't go across country it's just sitting driving yeah i mean you're working because you're always i'm always worried about my engine quitting so i'm always looking for the nearest piece of concrete running numbers for fuel and stuff like that but uh you know sometimes it is just driving go on one zero miles north of the final perch fixture left heading two five zero containing two thousand telescopes from the localizer cleared i listen to you runway two two right approach five zero one two five zero two thousand cleared ios two two right uh but yeah sometimes it can get really boring just that thing you know what can you do all right so now we're kind of pointing back towards the field a little bit we're on a 45 degree intercept it is windy it's 40 knots oh it's pretty good at 2 000 feet so now we're lined up with the runway and just driving it in sorry i cut it short all right we got through it uh we got through it all actually got full cindy man the wind is kicking entire viper zero ones 10 mile final two two right gear stop vipers there one shot run with detroit yeah so like i'm angled like 20 degrees off course right now because the wind is pushing us away from the field wow all right let's see how good the skills are yeah hopes and dreams right you got a vested interest in this too that's very true better be good right i trust you all right altitude altitude yeah compared to what we were going like we're crawling along so we're 180 knots right now which is still about 60 knots faster than uh like a cessna running full speed but it feels like it's so slow six miles from the field i can see the runway now so that's a win that's where you want to be in life right on target time on target that's right yeah over here it's like beautiful yeah i would take it off like 20 minutes earlier this would have been like over the range but still pretty good you got to do a lot of fun stuff and it the weather is clear yeah it's would it usually be at this altitude if we were doing it uh well we'd still be a little bit higher uh just because if you have a non-pilot in the back seat you got to do it above 5000 feet but if you're doing like aerobatics and rolling maneuvers yeah it's windy tower viper 01 the pirate go ahead yeah they're approaching it's a ragged bottom around like three thousand feet now with about seven uh miles miz happy holidays i don't know if you can see the runway yet in the hud um part of it yeah i'm basically still pointing like 10 degrees off the runway heading just because of the wind [Music] all right welcome back oh my gosh good times that was incredible i'm glad we got to do it i thought i did a lot better than i would with the keys you basically did the most violent profile possible so you're gonna talk about ripping a band-aid off that was literally ripping your first flight band-aid off yeah like a champ you can go ahead and save your seats to lift that lever up the left-hand side okay well all right congrats thank you you lift now we
Channel: The Afterburn Podcast
Views: 491,130
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: F-16, F16, usaf, john waters, John rain waters, demo, fighter pilot, pilot, aviation
Id: oD9XRyzYxpw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 54sec (1674 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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