Ezekiel (Session 12) Chapter 25

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well okay we are in chapter 25 of Ezekiel and the whole there's a whole shift going to take place here you remember from the outline Ezekiel we had the first three chapters were about the call of the Prophet and then the next 20 chapters were God's judgment on Jerusalem and we went chapter by chapter by chapter as God laid out his case mister why he's bringing judgment on his own people and we've been through all that up through the last session this session were at the beginning of a whole new section see these previous ones were given prior to the siege of Jerusalem now that's the third there was a initial siege that and Daniel and his friends were taken as hostages but they rebelled so there was a second siege during which Ezekiel was among those that was taken during the second and the third siege is when we had those presentations that we've gone through up till now and those were all given with the siege has from chronologically it start it has started Ezekiel is not in Jerusalem he's in the area of the Babylonian Empire he's about a couple hundred miles from Babylon the city the capital but in any case we are now in the next section which is from chapter 25 to 32 and that's God's judgment on the nation's that's where you'll find it in your study Bibles but you'll also discover its judgment on the Muslim nations and you'll see why I say that before the study is over but God the judgment always starts at the house of God so Jerusalem came first and we had those 20 chapters 21 chapters actually about God's judgment on Jerusalem now we're going to have eight chapters on nation on the nation's and these were given apparently during the siege of that the Nebuchadnezzar is laying at Jerusalem that they're going to get slaughtered and so on after this section when we get two chapters 33 to the end of the chapter it's the big upside it's the restoration for the Jews it's the Millennium and all of that so that's given after the siege they return to the land they have the value of dry bones and all of that we have the Gog and Magog event that we're talking as so many people are talking about these days and then of course the Millennial Kingdom from 40 through 48 and so exciting stuff so we're shifting then from the previous section that we've endured until this section there was pretty rough going there for a while but this is going to be a whole change of scene if you will and so Israel's hostile neighbors are the subject of this and they are they constitute this constitutes a transition between the prophecies our judgment we just gone through and the predictions of Jerusalem's restoration that will follow this section and it's interesting that prophecies against these foreign nations are grouped together by other prophets also Isaiah Jeremiah Amos and Zephaniah also cluster these judgments against these nations in their various passages so God's judgment is going to extend out from Judah in all directions the first three were going to encounter tonight Ammon Moab and Edom really formed the eastern boundary of Judah the fourth nation Philistia we know as Palestine that Palestina was on the western boundary tire and seat Sidon were cities of Phoenicia and they were to the north of Judah so that's the group that we're gonna look at then of course Egypt the major power to the southwest these are all the boundary boundary people it's rather interesting to note that the Four Horsemen of the book of Revelation were white red black and green remember the flags of each of these nations feature black white white red black and green that may not have anything to do with anything but I submit it for your interest so we're going to have judgment Ammon Moab and Edom and Philistia tonight we'll hit those tonight tire is going to be a special subject of a three chapters and then Sidon and then of course Egypt so we'll have these first these first four will be in chapter 25 tonight tyre will be 26 27 and 28 the first 10 verses because we'll discover something very strange from verse 11 of chapter 28 to the end there's another subject brought up that you want to what's it doing here and what is that subject anyone know Satan will explore the origin of this strange creature that there are two kinds of people those that even don't know exist and those that are terrified of him we're neither of those groups you know that you know you can divide people into groups those that divide and the two groups and those that can't count okay anyway Sidon then the last part of that chapter and then 2930 and then there's four chapters devoted to Egypt and that will be this section from 25 to 32 now why did the Lord choose to mete out chastisement and Israel surrounding nations because of their demeanor towards Israel it's interesting to realize that the basis of God's judgment of these nations is their attitude and performance relative to Israel and also what what drives that is their own ungodly pride and self deification so if we've been reading in the last twenty four chapters about God's judgment on the nation Israel remember it's to the Jew first Paul tells us and the next next few of course we're gonna have all the nations and what basis Genesis 12 many people as we travel say why hasn't God judged America because we're certainly overdue for God's judgment Billy Graham quit so colorfully years ago God doesn't judge America he's going to apologize in Sodom and Gomorrah good quip Thomas Jefferson said the same equivalent thing back in 1781 I Kemble for my country when I recall that God is just and as justice will not sleep forever so as we want it so one of the when people ask why hasn't God judge America we assume it's because of Genesis 12 verse 2 and 3 I will bless them that bless thee and curse him that curseth thee because we have stood for is those right to exist however as we mess around in the Middle East I tremble I don't worry about Israel that's God's problem I pray for it because he tells us to but god is perfectly capable of dealing with israel's needs but I do tremble for America as we slip out from under the umbrella that has sheltered us from overdue judgment anyway as we study aim Ammon Moab and Edom and the rest of these let's realize that we are in some sense subject to the same kind of chastisement anyway they descended from Shem tyre may have descended from Japheth and Philistia side in Egypt descended from him so those are for what it's worth but first group is Ammon the word of the Lord came again unto me saying son of man set thy face against the ammonites and prophesy against them well who are the ammonites we're gonna try well they had their origin in Genesis 19 rather dubious origin and they sprang from ben-ami that was lot son by his younger daughter as moab but by his elder remember that sorted de'cine when that lot is approached by his two daughters and they became pregnant and that gave rise to the the ammonites and the Moabites so Ammon and Moab continually appeared together in fact they're said to have been together in hiring Balaam although only Moab's mentioned in the passage there are some reason to believe that they did it as a team as a team deal but the land that it involved the land from the Arnon River to Jabba and I'll show you a math here a map here in a moment but that land is assigned originally to both of them and the Old Testament designation has been on me or been alone which is son of my people or or children of my people is what it means which means that even despite their incestuous beginning they're still relatives of Israel and so we find that the Israelites were commanded to avoid conflict with them on their march to the promised land and Deuteronomy - and now the ammonites dwelt on the east of the Dead Sea and the Jordan between the Arnon and the Jabbok but before the advance of the Hebrews they had been dispossessed of a portion of the land by the amorite search will come - separately who found it along the east side of Jordan in the Dead Sea the kingdom of Sion and so they were dispossessed by some people Israel is going to put down be victory over which gives them even less excuse to be hostile to Israel they should have been grateful not hostile but the Israelites dispossessed the amorite to the land afterward that Ammon occupy between the arm of the jimick and we know from the records of Egypt especially that they were being pressed from the north by the Hittites and and then Boston you know south and they settled east of the Jordan so Israel in effect helped the ammonites by destroying their old enemies and that just in that just intensifies God's criticism of them Ammon destroyed the Aboriginal rephaim you go up to the Galant heights and see the Gilgal roughly I'm the explorer Bruins of this strange tribe that were Nephilim hybrids from that strange business in Genesis 6 a man called him the zoomin and they occupied their land the Jabbok being their boundary so here's a map to give you a rough feeling we're gonna be talking about here map of Israel if you will and up in the north we have Bashan you and I would call that the Golan Heights today and but south of them you have the amorite s-- the ammonites were driven eastward well that's what we're gonna be talking about here in a minute working southward you go from the shanem rights then Moab which is east of the Dead Sea getting pretty far south by this time then eat them and then Midian we won't be talking Midian much but it's worth understanding that to give you a little broader picture here it the Exodus we believe crossed the we don't believe that the traditional site is valid by the way modern discoveries have validated in our view the Jabal al lawz is the real not cyanide it's in Arabia exactly where Paul said it was in Galatians and so Nick and there's a land bridge across the gulf there so from Jabal al lawz the ten commandments and all of that they work their way up to Kadesh Barnea where they have the confrontation with the the twelve spies and ten say don't go in that's terrifying and so forth we have that whole crisis of faith that the book of Hebrews leans very heavily on God forgave them for the lack of faith but he still kept he did not repent of them being disinherited that that generation well they try to go into it go further anyway and they fail them and they try it when you get to eat him eat and will not let them through so they've got to go around Edom something that becomes a bone in the throat the rest of history the hostility between Edom and Israel is a tense not just from Esau and the porridge and all of that it's intense throughout the entire history and even to the extent of Herod being an idiom it-- and so on we'll get into some of that as we get into eat them and the river jack is a very key boundary it's the boundary between the ammonites and the king of Bashan the the the and it's also the boundary between the tribe of Reuben the half tribe of Manasseh later on but just to give you a rough feeling for that geography especially east of the Jordan it might be it might be useful to him okay now Moab of the two of Ammon and Moab is probably more civilized half of Lots descendants we read constantly plentiful fields hey summer fruits vineyards presses songs of great traders and so forth Amoy Moab was apparently the more civilized of the bunch Ammon was more fierce plundering and Bedouins like half we read him them frosting out the right eye of all those at jabba's Gilead and first samuel ripping up pregnant women in Gilead treacherously murdering as Ishmael the bailiffs agent and so forth suspecting and insulting their ally David to their own ruin and so on tough guys their stronghold their main city was raba and it forms a contrast to the many numerous towns of Moab there are some over 20 that cities that are mentioned in judges 11 some of those probably think we're mobile cities their Idol was Moloch and that they they worshipped in a tent a token of nomad life not a fixed temple or a high place such as was appropriate to the god of the more settled people like Moab so these are they cross the Jordan seeds seeds Jericho for a time but the amorite s-- will drive them out of there their unwillingness to help Israel and their joining Moab and hiring Balaam caused their exclusion like that of a bastard from the Lord's congregation of 10 generations according to Deuteronomy 23 and elsewhere now Edom who had not hired him was only excluded for three years the three generations not 10 their exclusion was from the full Israelite citizenship not from the spiritual privileges of the Covenant if they became cross White's previous to david jefra and saul had sorely punished the ammonites in the days of Jephthah they oppressed these rights east of the Jordan and deprive them of their territory when they came from Egypt whereas it was the possessions of the amorite that they took not the ammonites that's a false charge but anyway they were defeated but their hostilities had not cease and their contact the Israel was particularly shameful especially in the days of Saul and David and that's that helps account for some of the cruel treatment that do you read about in 2nd Samuel 12 and elsewhere and I'm enjoying Moab and the expedition of uprooting Judah from its possession and Jehoshaphat's reign see all through their history we see these being a source of trouble but the the were so thoroughly routed took three days just for them to get pick up the spoil they bring the gifts to Zaya Jotham reduce them to pay a hundred talents of silver and ten thousand measures of wheat and ten thousand of barley and so forth so they had success there and their country came into the possession of Jeroboam after the Civil War was almond and when the Syrians of Damascus deprived the Kingdom of Israel their possessions east of the Jordan the ammonites became subjects of ben-hadad of Damascus and we find a thousand of them serving his allies to that King in the great battle of Syrians with the Assyrians and cacar and so on they're very prominent obviously in these ancient histories so and they may have regained their old territory when the Assyrian leader till gasp Eleazer carried off the advice east of the Jordan into captivity we find them sprinkled all through history namah Solomon's wife mother of Raya bong was an ammonite it's beginning of summer Solomon's problems I think they're idle mahlock that's this brazen idle that was heated red-hot and they put the babies in his arms you know it was comes under different names milk um and Malcolm which is for Hebrew their King may be rented the same word as for king and Solomon's ammonite wives seduced him to rear and alter to this abomination to his own hurt it was see it was these wives that Solomon indulged in that brought his apostasy if you will and the high place is built for song and by at the instigation of his - wives were not destroyed until Josiah that's quite a while because after Solomon of course you got Revlon and you know it isn't until you get down after Hezekiah after Manasseh you finally get to Josiah there is some you know relief of all that their hostility to Jude is also shown in their joining the Bab the Babylonians to destroy it and the cruelty is denounced by Amos and Jeremiah Ezekiel and Zephaniah all through the scriptures you find them referred to and in the inner testamentary times that murder of Gedaliah was a strictly act and and it goes on and on like this they constantly are the enemies of Israel that's why they're being judged here and they joined the Syrians in their wars with the Maccabees were defeated by Judas Maccabeus and so on and as you get in the more recent times they joined the secret meeting and other with other conspirators to consider rebelling against babbling in jeremiah 20:7 that planted materialized but they did unite with judah and tyre against Babel and then the two ancient enemies were joined against a common foe and so when Nebuchadnezzar decided to attack Judah instead of Amman remember in Ezekiel 21 Haman was relieved that she'd been spared but she really wasn't spared it was just a question of sequencing and so anyway let's just jump in the Sante ammonites hear the word of the Lord God thus saith the Lord God because thou said AHA against my sanctuary when it was profaned and against the land of Israel when it was desolate and against the house of Judah when they put into captivity see they applauded the enemy with plotting the enemy is a bad idea okay and because that enemy is the very one that's going to destroy em and in return Jeremiah 49 deals with that cinching you're gonna see again and again the same formula because therefore you will know you're you're being judged because of this therefore you'll know that i am the lord in other words they will be able to link their judgment with God's assertion here it's a formula to show the destruction of Ammon see they rejoiced over the destruction of the temple because they were mockingly saying AHA and then so the decimation and the exile people cheering when Judah is being defeated by their enemies cheering on behalf of their enemies is an invitation to disaster because they gloated over Judas misfortune so God says there behold therefore I will deliver thee to the men of the east for a possession and they shall set their palaces in thee and make their dwellings in thee and they shall eat the fruit and shall drink the milk see God's judgment is going to fit their sin they rejoiced over Judas downfall so they would fall God would send them to the people of the east the nomadic desert Reisman as a possession now we're going to see here obviously some commingling because they're going to taken over by these tribesmen of these two ever they are one of the things that as you go through this you'll find most common taters because of the extensive nosov thus judgments assume that these people don't exist anymore how many of you know an ammonite before an example but I'm gonna suggest we be cautious about jumping to those conclusions I'm gonna show you at the end of this chapter as we get through this study why these things may be far more timely today than the traditional commentators have any idea so just bear with me I know there's a lot of ancient history here and there's a lot of commingling of tribes which makes it fuzzy as to who you're talking about today but bear with me let's go on to verse 5 and I will make raba a stable for camels and the ammonites a couching place for flocks and ye shall know that i am the lord that's the continual echo all through the book of ezekiel and they shall know that i am the lord now RIBA is the chief city of ammonites and it was to become a pasture and it is today and he shall know that I am the lord that occurs 65 times in Ezekiel and repeatedly in the foreign though the oracles against foreign countries thus saith the Lord God because now it's clapping hands and stamped with the feet like Nancy and rejoiced in heart was all by despite against the Land of Israel behold therefore see because of that therefore I will stretch out mine hand upon thee and I will deliver thee for a spoil to the heathen and I will cut the off from the people and I will cause thee to perish out of the countries and I will destroy thee and thou shalt know that I am the Lord well you know as I go through these passages I shudder to think of these peoples that hate Israel that hate the Jews because God is judging these by their attitude towards Israel that's a heavy trip man well let's take the next one we've taken Amman let's take the other illegitimate child of lot Moab it was probably civilize than the other than the other half of lots of sentence and so we read about all these neat things and so the hostility between Moab and Israel began when Balak the king of Moab tried to oppose as well as Moses was leading them to Palestine remember they hired Balaam the Prophet - in that whole episode there and numbers 22 through 24 there's three chapters and devoted to that then during the time the judges ISRO's oppressed by Eglon the king of Moab another series of instance in judges three relations between the two countries Moab and Israel improved while a little bit there during the time of the judges in fact what famous person came out of Moab that we read about the Bible and growth she was a Moabite us absolutely and she marries Boaz who was a son of Rahab the harlot interestingly enough anyway so some of the is right she went to Moab during the famine they had a family in Israel that's where Naomi and Emily Malik and their sons went to Moab yeah to the land of Moab and that's what links Ruth of course to the line of David that's why Bethlem becomes the City of David is because of that whole episode those little four chapters look at Ruth and so but then a Saul comes to kingship the relationship between the two deteriorate David conquers Moab and made it a vassal of Israel and remain under Israel's control all the way through Solomon's reign Moab rebelled against Israel years after Israel and Judah split after the Civil War during Joseph s regime they united with Ammon and Edom the enemies in an ill-fated attempt to defeat Judah during Joseph s reign and later Moab supported Babylon and attacked Judah after dry chemistry for some are hoping to gain out of all of that and mole began joins the other nations that considered revolting as Babylon in the subsequent siege but there's no evidence that she actually did she barely considered it there Evans to that now moems territory was between the river arnon the brook Zara we sure he's that map but they often laid claim to the land extending to the head of the Dead Sea and after the death of Ahab at ramoth-gilead there's a king by the name of Misha this guy gets interesting here for some reasons I'll show you he shook off the yoke of Israel but on the ascension of Jerome to the throne of Israel that King sought the help of Joseph at an attempt to reduce the Moabites again to their former condition and so the united armies of the two Kings became unexpectedly on the army the Moabites and gained them an easy victory and reduced to despair he ascended the wall of the city and there in the sight of the Allied armies he offered his firstborn son as sacrifice to her Marsh the fire-god of the Moabites pretty grim stuff first second Kings three if you want all that but here's the interesting discovery back in 1868 a block a huge block of black at her basalt was found in Jordan it bears an inscription in the Moabite language which is almost Hebrew from about 850 BC describing the ninth century BC victory of King Mesha of Moab over the Israelites and this stone is presently in the Louvre in Paris the interesting piece of brewery's about three and a half feet high about two feet and two inches thick if you will and if it was rounded at the top it consists of 34 lines written in Hebrew Phoenician characters it was set up by meshes of record and memorial of his victories it records his wars with armory his public buildings and his wars against her own name and it corroborates the king the history of King Mesha in second Kings 3 but with the exception of very few variations the moment language in which the description is written is identical with the Hebrew it's one of the oldest inscriptions written in alphabetic characters and so it sits aside from its value in terms of Hebrew history here it's also of great linguistic importance and I like the quote I took here we have the identical slab on which the workmen of the old world carved the history of their own times and from which the eye of their contemporaries read thousands of years ago record of events in which of which they themselves had been witnesses so it's very interesting to see this in its contemporary terms let's continue here thus saith the Lord God because that Moab and say or and I come back to that word do say behold the house of Judah is like unto all the heathen now again it's the lot this older daughter we're dealing with here Moab saw nothing good or unique in Israel's existence and that's their failure and the scripture is full of maledictions pronounced son Moab Isaiah 50 couple of chapters in Isaiah 1516 chapter 25 Jeremiah 48 a misty Jeff and I are too and so it goes you'll see this term seer frequently that's the name of a mountain range south of the Dead Sea that encompassed the city of Edom and does it become somewhat synonymous with Edom just like the plain of Shinar is synonymous with Babylon it's the plain where the city Babylon was so the the you know is is a well the seer is an Edom for for a seer is a synonym for Edom okay and Edom is here included with Moab even though there because it but it's judgments coming next because they're both guilty of the same kind of contempt and they're both were denying God's promises to Israel by the way you know that's that to me it's a scary these people are being judged because they're denying the promises God made Israel the reason that makes me so uncomfortable there are many many churches today they're doing exactly that thing they don't understand the millennium is the fulfillment of the Davidic covenant that Israel has a future it's not replaced by the church that's that's that's the heresy anyway so by minimizing Judas position of central among the nation's they were profaning the name of God who had promised you to that position when you deny something God has promised somebody your profaning his name that's our real problem even though the Christian body we have no fear of God oh of God let's be careful verse 9 therefore behold I will open the side of Moab from the cities from his cities which are on this frontiers the glory of the country Beth Shemesh and BHEL BHEL melon and curium and these three cities one is two and half miles northeast of the Dead Sea the other ones not nine miles east of the Dead Sea and four miles south and then the other one is ten miles below Bell Mian and seven miles northwest of Diamond and so the the second and the second and third the last two of these are mentioned on the Moabite stone by the way interestingly enough after the men of the east with the ammonites and will give them in possession that they that the ammonites may not be remembered among the nations I will give them in possession it's in addition to losing her defenses more would also lose their freedom the same fate as Ammon they're going to lose their distinctiveness and so the nomadic desert tribesmen that would overrun Ammon would also overrun Moab and that will execute judgments upon Moab and they shall know that i am the lord there is a there there's a verse that occurs twice in the Psalms I could really just reading the Psalms that caught my attention actually tracked it down yes there's at least two places Psalm 16 verse 8 and some 189 the Lord has in the Book of Psalms it's interesting trilogy here Moab is my wash pot over eat him while I test out my shoe Philistia triumphs thou because of me strange phrase appears twice in the sums anyway let's move on to eat him and this this this we didn't start with it shows up historically where they won't let Israel pass through their land on their wanderings that's not really where it started it started with the sale of the porridge where he saw gets snookered there and saw we get to King Saul he fought the and David finally captured Edom made it a vassal state and Solomon who follows then further exploited eat him and established he laughs and Edom as Israel's seaport but Edom opposed Solomon during the later part of his reign and the nation continues the vassal state after Israel and Judah split and it was controlled by a governor from Judah until after the time of Jehoshaphat very uneasy peace here in the days are armed items that's rebelled against Jude and regained her freedom but thereafter Jude and him struggle to see who would control the vital Caravan shipping routes of the southern end of the trans Jordanian highway and both am Isaiah and Isaiah regain territory been lost to eat him and eat him counter attack during a has his reign and inflict a major loss on Judah it became a vassal state of Babylon after Nebuchadnezzar stunning defeat of Egypt in 605 then 593 them joined the other conspirators playing to revolt against Babylon but did not carry out the plan Judah revolted in 588 Edom sided with Babylon he was always siding with whoever is against Israel items there when when Nebuchadnezzar kind of his armies are trashing the temple on that the were cheering him on training on - their children's that the babies heads against the stones is what they cry out and you find that in the Psalms the other way and you won't understand that do you understand what total was going on even displace the hurryin sincere occupy the rugged country extending for the southern end of the dead seat at both sides of the air of the Arab ah to the Balkan Gulf of Aqaba the capital was Sayla which later becomes known as petra okay so we think of petra realized that was an Edomite capital and so after the fall of Jerusalem repressed in southern Judah from the late 4th century BC through the 1st century AD Nabataean Arabs established a high degree of culture and the Edomite territory they're the ones that built that treasury that you see at Petra and all of that the were subdued by Herrick anise and 125 BC incorporated into Israel Herod the Great was an idiom Ian that's the greek term for an Edomite if you will so hey that's why Herod was so hated by the Jews he wasn't Jewish he was an Edomite the traditional enemy of the Jews and you find that all through Josephus writings both the antiquities and the Wars of the Jews thus saith the Lord God because that Edom have dealt against the house of Judah by taking vengeance and hath greatly offended and revenged himself upon them say again every time there's a conflict items on the side Judah's enemies that's the reason they're being judged therefore thus saith the Lord God I will also stretch out my hand upon Edom and will cut off man and beast from it and I will make it desolate from teman and they have beat him shall follow by the sword now teaming was a city central eat him about three miles from Sayla later known as Petra d-dan was southeast of Edom in the northern part of Arabia so Edom gets conquered by the Nabataeans during the intertestamental period between the Testaments and there's a remnant of Edom it's that moved west toward them to give and later they're forced to because they were forced to become Jewish converts so Herod is a descendant of those that were forced to be Jewish and not in name only of course there are other maledictions all through the scripture on Edom we all keep moving here I will lay my vengeance upon eaten by the hand of my people Israel and they shall do and eat him according to mine anger and according to my fury who boy and they shall know my vengeance saith the Lord God my friend Walid Shoebat was a jihadist and he was reading the Bible in the hopes of winning his mother - who was Christian - Islam and he began to realize that the Muslim nations are all through Ezekiel 2530 - and he realized it's he's on the wrong side became a Christian and a very profound scholar very neat guy Tara the lost their country on their national identity so let's take the next one the Philistines in latinus Palestina when the Romans wanted to label the geography in a way that would offend the Jews and exclude the Jews they call it the land of the Philistines who actually were a small group there but that they is indicative of the enemy of Israel and in Latin that's called Palestina the word Palestine is the label for the geography given to it by its enemies it's not the West Bank it's Judea and Samaria it's not Palestine it's Land of Israel anyway we're gonna get to a group now that we read a lot about even though they were not a large group they descended from ham came from calf door which we would call Crete and probably prior to that they came from Egypt that's often misunderstood there are more Old Testament reference to them than any other single nation of the misra itself and they were subjugated by David they were attacked vigorously in the days of salt they were conquered by Jehoshaphat subjugated by Isaiah and they became very powerful in ray has they were subdued again by Hezekiah and we're also mentioned Isaiah 14 they Confederated against Jerusalem with Psalm 83 and they were invaded by Nebuchadnezzar in Jeremiah 47 they had many prophecies against them all through joel amos obadiah Zephaniah and zechariah listed they had been Israel's enemies from the time of the conquest when Joshua was in the land and when they failed to take the whole land they could they they they couldn't hand the the tribe of Dan drew the land that was controlled by the Philistines couldn't handle it their hero was Samson and he did a lot of colorful pranks but didn't really accomplish anything when he dies they can't handle it so they as a tribe look up north they find a area up there and 600 of them subdued that and they move up north so Dan doesn't stay where they were appointed they are up north it's fascinating when you get to Deuteronomy 32 that the prophecies of of Moses on that tribes they will leap from Bashan which is interesting because that all happened long after Moses but Moses prophecy anticipates that they would move up there and they're gonna leap from there where to the Phoenicians then all over the world they became very seafaring the tribe of Dan and so anyway so anyway that Felicity's moving to the hill country an attempt to control the whole territory of Israel there they're opposed in the judges by Shamgar Samson and Samuel all have their go at the Philistines and Saul's major battles in Israel were designed to check the Philistines advances on the Benjamin Plateau and so on and in the Jezreel Valley and so David finally subdued them after a series of battles early Israel he blended their challenge and they was able to go on to the offensive and defeat the Philistines that was one of his major achievements and so Felicity remains a vassal country through the reign of Solomon even into the after the Civil War into the divided monarchy and so so they treats tried to control each other of course josif that was able to dominate first she has a vassal state butchy revolted and against his son joram in sack Judah and Jerusalem whose eye re-establishes Judas controller goes back and forth and so now the feud between Felicity and Judah was halted by babblings intervention nebuchadnezzar establish control over both of them now let's go into this let's say if the Lord God because the Philistines have dealt by revenge and have taken vengeance with a despiteful heart to destroy it for the old hatred they constantly attacks against Israel that's something for which God is not forgiving them and so they tried to dis possess Israel of the promised land something they are doing to this day so as we watch the world's antics trying to deny Israel right to the land recognize these are the final chapters of a long Hugh a feud from long ago therefore thus saith the Lord God behold I will stretch out mine hand upon the Philistines and I will cut off the carrot themes and destroy the remnant of the Seacoast war these people the care teams seem to be a subtitle under the Philistines the word actually means the cutters so the Hebrew here may be a play on words I will cut off the cutters is what it implies neither's a play on words here so either the carrot teams were a subset or a synonym for the Philistines in effect here in fact that they were once a part of David's bodyguard incidentally interestingly enough I will execute great vengeance upon them with furious rebukes and they shall know that i am the lord when I shall lay my vengeance upon them okay you've endured me going through clumsy summary history of each of these peoples and your first reaction is okay that's great but in each one they lose their identity in each one God's judgment is to ultimately if not already to destroy them in some cases that may seem it's already happened in some cases that may yet to happen but I want you to start sensitizing you to some illusions that seem to be a little strange now this goes beyond the kind of thing that you'll find in the reputable commentaries so you want to go at this guardedly but there's some strange illusions that seemed to hint at something a little deeper than simply these ancient ethnic ties okay Daniel 1141 Ezekiel 35 and Daniel 243 are verses that seem to hint at something deeper I want you to be sensitive to Daniel chapter 11 there's a mage that's where many people draw their whole perspective of the Armageddon scenario the Antichrist and all of that there's one verse that whole sequence that gets their attention speaking of the Antichrist it says he shall enter also into the glorious land what land is that that's a term for what Israel okay but these shall escape out of his hand there are three groups that apparently he doesn't dominate I thought he was gonna be a world leader well maybe not the whole world because he's got the kings of the East and others that are gonna trouble him before it's all over but in case there are three that escape out of the hand of the Antichrist here it lists them even Edom and Moab and the chief of the children of Ammon Wow why now these three according to classical geography are what we would call today the state of Jordan why would the state of Jordan be able to escape the thumb of the Antichrist don't know have no idea the conjecture is that maybe that's to give Petra a to provide prepped as a place of refuge for the remnant that are fleeing from Jerusalem and part of the final thing could be possible possibility but these shall escape out of his hand Wow HIDA Moab and the chief of children in Ezekiel 35 that we'll get to a few sessions from now there is a verse that my friends that are translating the International Standard Version caught and are wrestling with in Ezekiel 35 it speaks of Ethiopia Libya and Lydia and all the mingled people and cub and the men of the land that is in the league shall fall with them by the sword so somehow this group of people are going to fall by the sword but there's a strange passage part of this and all the mingled people and the transplant the traditional translators don't know quite what to do with that it appears to be an allusion to a mingling with the seed of humanity well to mingle with the seed of humanity that seed must be something other than humanity you follow me you don't have salt mingled with salt you might have salt mingled with pepper which means you have two different things in other words if you're going to mingle with it you imply two distinct things that are commingling all the mingled people and here it's not that clear but it hints at the same thing that Daniel 2:43 speaks of and in the mass erotic text the users of outpointing that means all the Twilight era of and Boca I mean it means night and morning but originally it may have meant something a little different it's a little more spooky than that the Septuagint translation also says all the mixed ones they don't know quite what to do with it either now this all these these conjectures spring from Daniel to verse 43 where you have that many metaled image the gold silver brass and iron and the iron mixed with miry clay and all the speculations occur what is the miry clay all about well in verse 43 of Daniel 2 he tells us Daniel speaking is whereas thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men but they shall not cleave one to another even as iron is not mixed with clay this term in the Hebrew is very crisp they mingle themselves in the seed of men which means they are something other than the seed of men or they couldn't mingle with the seed of men probably understand the grammar and if so what is this talking about we don't know one conjecture that comes from this maybe these are Nephilim maybe these are hybrids analogous to the Nephilim of Genesis 6 analogous to the Rephaim and the some zooming and the other tribes that were such in the Old Testament that God told Joshua wipe out every man woman child these particular tribes because he had a gene pool problem maybe that's what we're dealing with here possibly to mingle themselves with implies that they are something other than the seed of men Wow possible okay for the next session we're now going to take three chapters on the next one we've taken four of these groups in this chapter Ammon Moab Edom and Philistia we're now going to dress tired and you'll discover there are three chapters there but it's going to even be more complicated than that I want you for next time to prepare by reading chapters 26 27 and 28 I don't propose it we'll get through all of that next time but we'll see what we can do but as you do that I want you to be sensitive to the strange segments in chapter 28 because the text seems to transcend the local situation and hit head-on the origin and career of Satan and there's two passages like that well it will ultimately look at both of those passages so let's stand for a closing word of Prayer
Channel: Bible Study
Views: 2,413
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Id: YObBd27sv3A
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Length: 45min 51sec (2751 seconds)
Published: Sat May 02 2020
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