Telescope Eyepiece lens recommendations

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[Music] good afternoon and welcome to my second video on eyepieces after my last video on basically an introduction to eyepieces which you can find a link to down below if you don't understand any of the terminology or anything that we're talking about today I received a lot of questions about specific eyepieces I want to upgrade my eyepiece what do you suggest I go to and there are basically several different levels of eyepieces as far as I'm concerned and they all pretty much start out the same with these inch and a quarter puzzles that probably came with starter telescopes and there's really nothing wrong with these to start out with having two or three of these in your kit is not a bad thing in my accessories box I have several of these that I hand out to people that need a kind of eyepiece focal length that they don't actually have and they want to try see what it'll do the downsides to these are they have a small field of view so you don't get to see a whole lot when you look through them you don't have a very wide view they're small that can be difficult to hold on to when it's very hot outside and your hands are sweaty or it's very cold outside and you've got big heavy thick gloves on and also as you start getting up into the higher powers the glass that's in here gets smaller and smaller and smaller which makes it very difficult to keep your eyes centered over it and they also don't have a lot of relief meaning they're difficult to use with glasses so when you when you hold them up here you really got to bury it in or or take your glasses off to use them so the most common question is I have these and I want to upgrade to something a little nicer than these twenty thirty dollar pause alot pieces so the next step up is going to be something like this celestron XL LX these are bigger eyepieces as you can see they are a little heavier they've got a lot nicer little rubber grip ring around them which makes them easier hold on to you if you're doing solar and your hand is sweaty that's it's no problem if you've got a big glove on that's no problem they fit all your inch and a quarter telescopes and of course with an adapter they've got a two inches as well nice thing about them is the glass here is very large even when you get into the smaller ones like this is a nine millimeter and it goes down to five and the glass is about the same size so it's not as hard to keep your eyes centered over it as it is with with the the puzzles they have a twist up eye Cup which is really nice it's a very soft rubber so whether it sits on your glasses or actually on your eye you know around your eye it it's really nice they have excellent high relief and they're about 60 degrees I believe field of view now another nice thing about these is they're not that expensive they are much more expensive than the puzzles of course but these I think run between 80 and 90 dollars apiece so if you watch my last video which I hope you did you realize you only need two or three good eyepieces so you know having three of these is not really that big of an investment it may be you know if you only spend $100 on your telescope but keep in mind that these provide almost 50% of the viewing quality in a telescope because you've got usually two objectives you've got the glass on the front of a refractor and then this or a reflector you've got a couple of mirrors and this so this is a big piece of what you see so it's worth spending a little extra money on it so let's say you know you've got this or you got something equivalent you want to take the next step up the next step up is going to be something like this this is a no ryan stratis which is very similar to the battery Hyperion's i've actually had people leave me comments and tell me that the Orions are slightly better than the batters and I'm not sure if that's true or if it's a sample variance where you know that particular Orion was better than that particular batter I haven't used enough of each to know what I do know is that they're very similar and I would not hesitate to use either one now the advantages to this are this is bigger heavier yet again nice rubber ring around it good iCup excellent high relief and we're now at 68 degrees field of view instead of 60 or 50 like we'd had before the other really nice thing about these is they will work in inch to quarter telescopes and they will work in two inch telescopes without an adapter so they're one of the few eyepieces out there that will actually go either direction and the image quality in these is very good now we're up to say about a hundred and forty hundred and fifty dollars a piece but these I have really enjoyed using these over the years and have no problem recommending these if that's the the level of eyepiece you're looking for so once we get out of the hundred and forty hundred and fifty dollar range what's the next step up well at this point you might as well just go whole hog and let's go up to one of the top-of-the-line teleview some of you probably recognized it immediately by that particular color of green telev using only one that uses that color so let's run through this the good to the teleview is it's a nice big serious eyepiece optically they are as close to perfect as you're probably going to get they are right up there with the Pentax and the nikon eyepieces as if not the best made definitely in the top two or three and even people that don't like these as much as the pen taxes or some of the other real high-end ones won't argue the fact that they are definitely in the high-end now teleview makes a lot of different eyepieces like most manufacturers this particular one is a Nagler the neg less have an 82 degree field of view so you're getting pretty wide without getting a little over the top if you get into like the Ethos range with their hundred degree i think that's a little too much for me but that's a very personal thing the 82 is pretty much a nice sweet spot they have excellent i relief they have a very nice I cup a huge glass enemy see nice wide range of sizes to cover just about anything you'd ever want I think they go from oh gosh a three or four maybe I think it may be a three millimeter all the way up to like a 31 so there's a huge range to choose from now of course the downside to this there's a couple of them one when you get up into the bigger ones I think it's the sixteen and up only fit in two inch telescopes below us sixteen I believe you can get in the inch and a quarter variety so that may be a consideration especially if you're working with the less expensive telescope however if you're working with a less expensive telescope you're probably not going to want to pay 350 plus per piece this is a 17 millimeter Nagler and it was right around 350 dollars new they go up if you get into the really big ones up to six seven hundred dollars so this is definitely a huge investment now I used the word investment very intentionally because Nagler hold their value extremely well puzzles do not the celestron LX is yeah not really the orion Stratos is believe it or not hold their their value reasonably well it's not unusual to see these go for over a hundred dollars on ebay used so you pay a hundred and forty you get a hundred that's not bad at Ella views like the you can expect to get 75 percent or better of what you paid for them easily you can eat I've even seen them more than that and I've seen a few you get more than what you paid for it because they don't make that particular model anymore but don't hold out for that that's that's rare the nice thing about these is they are so good optically that there is no question that they're providing the best view possible through the telescope and the seeing conditions that you've got there's a lot of things that you can't control in astronomy you can't control the clarity of the atmosphere you can't control how much you know dust and humidity and all of that stuff there is it's difficult to control the cooldown on a large reflector telescope because as soon as it gets to a certain temperature the temperature outside has dropped again and so you're constantly playing catch-up even with fans it's tough to keep the collimation exactly right there's a lot of things that are just really difficult to control if you use eyepieces in this quality that is one thing you don't have to worry about it is not that your eyepiece isn't good enough to handle a really fast Dobsonian scope which is what some people have problems with it's definitely not the eyepiece so you can move on from there so that is my lineup in my case at the moment are the the in the accessory case just kind of thrown in or the the puzzles then I have in my eyepiece case a whole set of the celestron al X's and a set of the television Engler's and that covers everything I ever wanted to do and then some and I don't think I'll ever be buying another eyepiece so if you have any questions or anything I'll leave them down below please subscribe like the video as well and I will try and post links to these down below thanks again for watching [Music]
Channel: Allan Hall
Views: 112,187
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: telescope, eyepiece
Id: TFiOW19mjCA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 46sec (646 seconds)
Published: Sat May 19 2018
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