Extreme road build up a Mountain with a CAT 315 Excavator and CAT Dozer.

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well we made it an hour and 45 minute drive and guess where we're at this looks familiar it's on the video installing a culvert in extremely muddy conditions maybe this uh where we're at the black sheep himself that's right super black sheep super black sheep so idaho talked me into coming out here again hour and 45 minute drive true he made a promise i didn't promise nothing you promised the youtubers that there would be another day out here and i i couldn't stop you ah we'll have to look back see the video nice man oh yeah yeah yeah yeah you're right yeah cause i said we're gonna get off this hillside and i said we're gonna get a d6 in which we're not getting a d6 in we change gears idaho since dennis rented a uh bobcat was it or something yeah yeah says he's got a bunch of work done to the road that we can get up there so we don't need that big a dozer so that's how he swindled me into bringing this thing two hours away so we rented something else guys you know how much this is going to cost me it's in good will and charm a lot so we rented something else it's not a d6n man it's pretty nice though yeah it's really nice cat 315. yeah oh not the kawasaki terrex oh yeah well maybe we'll just crush that thing with it yeah we'll see what the comments are like yeah what's the comments like yeah yeah another gong the button or whatever jamie says yeah gong the bell yeah whatever i didn't even heard what the heck that i never even heard that before until he said that so yeah cat 315 we're gonna give it a spin first thing i'm gonna do is take that tree right there out yeah that's enough honey locusts all that so cat 315 that's the machine i'm actually looking at uh purchasing if i could ever find one so be a good uh opportunity to put it through its pace and see what it does so yeah you know what man i tell you what the rentals they look good for the road it looked all nice and shiny you get up here though i mean you know smashed up well you got guys like me running them it's been painted oh yeah yeah the you uh a pinna like that they'll charge you like five thousand dollars to fix it and they don't fix it then they'll just charge the next guy they'll say he did it too oh i'm gonna have to take a picture of it before i get started it's on video so this is it the cat 315 we we went away from the d6n so what is the game plan here idaho well the game plan i did all this with that bobcat yeah um the bob kitty we're actually going to make a road down through here right something nice come through there i made that ramp up to that level and that goes all the way down around the hill and connects into a road that goes all the way so do you want more concentrate up there do you want to mess with this down here my problem area is the drainage at the very top this right here we can work on this on the way back down now i can take this up and start getting it and start that and you can figure out what you want to do on this i think we're gonna have to get a game plan together on a tarex let's go see a game plan let the manager figure out what he wants to do who's the manager you know who the manager is no you didn't bring her with you did you that's you oh gotcha you think you can handle this cat power well it's got catitude i'm going to give it a hell of a try but i can put it in some pretty precarious oh i'm sure he's got it for the whole week i'm only going to be out here today and tomorrow so i'm sure i'll get a phone call that he flipped it or landed a tree on it or something come and help me and bail me out well he'll get a good feel too because he always ran my 120 so he'll be able to tell me what he doesn't does and doesn't like about this machine i'm just worried about you know the stability of it being a zero turn you know when you're bulking dirt so that's why i want to get a feel i like the zero turn but so it was either it's either between this or 313. idaho would be able to tell out there this week it's hard being in this after the 120 and the 120 man that was my baby the one twenty was my baby you know that yeah i trade this for that any day the baby's gone i don't know you ain't ran this yet you might love this thing it's it's too nice man too nice actually my 120 is in better shape than this thing well the only thing i'm worried about is the wrong people seeing what i'm going to do to this thing oh and uh well you're on youtube land it's going to work it's going to work this week i don't know what it's done previous i bet you don't put 20 hours on it oh yeah that's got a cushiony seat and everything i put 40 hours on a bobcat he'll be out here sleeping in it you did you put 40 on that just about yeah well you just could barely walk at the end of every day you just about got your money because you paid for 40. i know i know you pay for 60 on your body yo yeah yeah shoot well let's get up the hill on the side by side we'll get unloaded and we'll start uh throwing some dirt out figure out what we're going to do let's do it scrapping everything that's not a good start right there idaho oh somebody else [Music] so [Music] here's where the bulk of work's gonna be cutting this old turnout and flipping it the drainage right here is okay obviously it comes right down here yeah we'll bulk all this out we'll knob this whole thing off and lay it over we can't go too far back why it's your property yeah what do you mean you can't well heck we're gonna build this up and it's gonna look totally different [Music] is that basically it right now or you won't go to the top well we'll go to the top and show you where the major drainage issue is but this is the major thing we got to do i'm tickled right now but i know it needs work well you're either where it was you're awful ticklish from what it was you're tickled to death without your awful ticklish from what it was do you remember it was like the sideways on this thing [Music] oh hey before we get started won't you get in there and see what we got in that cooler oh my god we got it's too long that's it they might bite yeah two little baby birds in here oh robins are there robins i know it gives you wings it's it's tweeder it's elon musk yeah oh some elon musk before we get started elon musk gets a must yeah the end of democracy we see as we know it cheers him becoming an owner cheers so now you're going to be able to hear adverse opinions oh my god this gets you going right here yeah i about had to stop on the way about about an hour in and have a drink because i was about to fall asleep on my hour and 45 minute trip i know you know just another 15 minutes and you'd been in gatlinburg close close drove up the old mighty ohio i told you guys i'm gonna pay for this one or the other right there what are you gonna pay for that red bull no this trip out here your trip out here how's it how do you maybe i'll give you that culvert pipe yeah i don't know maybe a gopro 10. well that'll work let's get this thing unloaded you seen the task at hand let's make it happen right idaho man we got about two months worth of work lined out in two days one day and a half but it's like all those other shows we got a deadline to meet yeah and we're just gonna barely make it mm-hmm we're gonna make it or fake it probably fake it it might be a little bit of both true unloaded we're doing man i'm just gonna drink this don't begin [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] we're supposed to be going to the top of the hill we ain't made it 200 foot and jamie's trying to knock down another tree he just can't resist in the idaho he's like a kid in the candy store like i hit that smile look at that smile i couldn't make it through here i put that tree out i do believe when we came up he said i'd really like to save that tree well the manager said no your wife's not here so that's a far cry from saving that tree almost save it for firewood hey there you're thinking yeah hey we never did we gotta tell the audience how your uh how your uh oh anniversary went you have to talk to a bell by yourself didn't you it might have been the best anniversary yet hey at least i had to lay them height that's right absolutely so that's the only place that was laid that day you know what usually happens twice a year anniversary my birthday and when you work for me yeah because you're gonna be doing a bunch of septics this year so you're gonna get it you could be somewhere laying pipe this summer wow i told him i probably won't even get you much because you'll be up here at your cabin all the time oh no no all work football playing nowhere well yeah you like that final hand something there's got to be some man i'm good with that red bull oh my goodness i should get i should have got the big boys you know he means business in we'll get this tree out let's get up there i got a task for you i got idaho coming in here and pulling all these trees out and then laying all this hill back start bulking that dirt up that way i can uh bring all that dirt all the way around take it out to that end get that so we can get get around here real nice we're going to get back in this hill pretty far whole knob we're going to take off lay it out and maybe we'll have a heck of a road up around there that's the game plan let's get getting let's get to getting [Music] [Music] [Applause] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh so so so i got idaho taking them trees down and bulking all the dirt over for me that way i can widen this road up and lay it back making some progress i'll put you guys on a time lapse so you can watch us well if that sucker falls on you you'll be hurting look at the thorns on that thing [Music] oh lord this was supposed to be covert now we've opened it up to the world so guys you saw it in the video when we first got here how small the driveway he is going above and beyond so he uh he knows how it needs to be and by god that's how he wants it we haven't spent a whole lot of time here but boy oh boy does this does it sure make a difference yeah this was huge [Music] let's go get idaho's reaction when i tell him i'm not done with him down here he's so so in such a hurry to get to the top of the hill i don't know why he's like missing steps weird what the hell is that off of that yeah that's nice and it came back and mirrors are useless anyway so why are you up here already we need more dirt down there we got to make a move we got to do it right one day we got to do it right now you got this is the important issue no we'll get there but you got to come down there and take that whole knob out and you're ready yeah when you're coming down here get all that stuff back so i can get to it because i can't i'm not getting into the i'm not gonna doze with them things holding my thing so pull this dirt out that way i can make this road nice come on down here i'll show you what i need [Music] oh that's seven years bad luck well i add him up yeah no doubt right i told you he wouldn't take it too good he's in such a dang hurry to get to the top how are you going to get to the top at the bottom ain't right you know you got to build from the bottom up well foundation is the most important but uh yeah i'm just he's got a long time frame i don't have time he's not a loss of words yeah pull all that crap out of there so we can get this those right this ain't even level yet that whole knob on this corner i want taken out oh my god yeah see we got a low spot here we're gonna be working till dark or after oh this is i want to bring dirt all into here i want to make it safe diesel um all right well we're staying out here tonight spending the night in the cabin oh yeah we're gonna cuddle to keep warm like naked and afraid i got a sleeping bag oh we might cuddle though yeah this whole knob take it out what do you mean from this tree here take this whole knob out okay about 10 foot up in there this whole knob just all the way down bring it out and we'll go up start going up all right all right i told you he wouldn't take it good why are you in such a hurry i mean i gotta leave in 20 minutes but jeez no that's what i'm saying i want to get up there to where my this was all passable yeah but if somebody turn around if something i didn't have a three hour drive now i got to turn around to get down here to god's country i mean i like it when i'm down here don't get me wrong yeah i mean it's awesome down here it's just a part of getting here purely recreational joint enjoyment yeah yeah yeah when you're here it's good but getting here's the problem i love it well yeah some amish cheese on the way home this is god's country good lord look at what we've done yep get that knob out that was a good poll right there idaho you're a little rusty you've been awful winner man you're reckless on that thing i got two more you're reckless that's right ice man reckless and in danger so i love the sound of that dirt and rock jeez though and see we're making progress pretty quick too actually coming along ain't it edge yet idaho we'll get it oh yeah i mean i don't want to go hey we're making black sea mountain accessible yeah black goat mountain he gets so mad when i say that i want my shirt to say black goat mountain people are saying man how do i get up to that road up there oh yeah from from down there yeah i must be putting gates up and stuff now see now they're gonna be able to see what you got up here yeah that's not good you'll have all the locals trying to i'm gonna have set land mines yeah so so idaho is kat von d's neighbor now she does she's living in babies yeah kat von d bought a big old mansion down the road here in bibi the town of evie so that's i know his neighbor yeah oh yeah we'll be hanging out at the bar with a couple a couple more videos uh you'll i don't have old face tats duck ted hank he's retired he got impressed about he'll come home tatted head to go my interview days were over i'm getting them that's right tied it up baby you [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] let's get two cents with idaho what is it i don't know what do you think i don't know i thought we i think we're doing a great job but in typical special excavating fashion are you being reckless on this because it's a rental or just because you're rusty well it handles a little differently like three three trees i've seen hit it about been my machine you know they've been calling yelling i would never run your machine like this i know so it is because it's a rental well i have a little bit of mirrors busted out a little more freedom on this one yeah so what's your thoughts on this one you like it no this is one i was thinking about buying what don't you like it's too tippy you can't grab and pull with it it wants to pull over and everything that answers my question i'm gonna have to run before we send it back but oh yeah yeah you gotta run it you don't like it i don't like it as much as my baby what about the power well i'm running i'm running it in turtle right now what well i'll turn that's for track i mean it's not i mean if i run it faster well you ain't got the throttle wide open well three quarters yeah this hill yeah well you see how squirrely i get with it so you're not squirrely or idaho and i don't i don't know it's these new controls and maybe it's because it's not just touchier it is it's a lot touchier power's not there myself all the time you have to we'll have to demo the 313 the 313 see i think i'm pulling back it's pulling me where your old one would just alright it would have been all that weight on the back end this one's actually three thousand pounds heavier i don't know where it's at maybe in that bucket yeah but my 120 had it all you know hanging over so i mean i like the fact that this is a tight road where we're working and you could spin around without worrying about it but you give up that counterweight well the 313 really doesn't stick out that much more yeah that's why i was waiting to buy anything because i haven't ran any of them i like the concept of the zero turn but if it's gonna be jerky and do that i don't want it yeah you'll have to see what you think well there you go guys we got jamie's two cents let's get back on getting his row cut in before he freaks out says we ain't got enough time we got to get to his little bad spot where he got stuck with his truck we'll get there geez will be i know i am i mean but look at this this is actually turning into something you don't want this to be icy and then you get on there and help hit that and jump up you'll be in what's that road down there 262 129. i think from that corner you could probably hit that lane at about that intersection down there 129. we'll try it on the 1000. i think you'll do it in your truck in the winter if it's muddy or slick well if you start you got to go all the way i don't think you'll have any choice well i don't have a full send at that point it would be a full sin for sure you want to land on the road not on the hillside that would be the yeah that'd be ideal but well there we have it idaho's two cents let's move some dirt let's do it is that deep enough [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] i hope an airplane doesn't try to land here tonight or at least until i get some lights out here we're gonna have to plant a road trees on the outside of this driveway so nobody can see it and it's already four o'clock we haven't had any lunch or water or anything other than those red bulls i might be getting parts all right so this is about it for this part of the driveway the rest up here is it's manageable we'll never be able to work it and make it this wide without losing a lot of trees and having a heck of a steep bank but uh once he gets up to here then we're kind of in the woods and nobody can see us working which will be nice and then i mean i can work on this side here and pull some of this back but we still got a lot of work ahead of us i see a couple trees that i think i'm gonna have to lose hate to do it but we're gonna have to so we got day one in the books of uh the roadway to black seat mountain what do you think man it's uh an improvement oh big time yeah so what's your final thoughts on the 315 be great for tight spaces like this it'll be the only time i want to use it you really didn't like it huh anywhere out in the open i'd want i'd want that ass on it i'm glad i thought i really wanted to try it out then you'll have to run it y'all i'm gonna run tomorrow first thing i'm gonna get in there and do some work on that that top part so that's it that's day one of black sheep mountain driveway up the goat path till tomorrow the last little sip for the road for the ride home [Music] now i won't be able to go to bed tonight i'll be up all day night took it too late now i'm already a little shaky we didn't have no lunch or nothing till tomorrow
Channel: Orschell Excavating
Views: 38,202
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Orschell Excavating, dirt work, building a road, cat 315, cat excavator, cat equipment, equipment, heavy equipment, road building, mountain road, cat 315fl, excavator, excavating, cat dozer, cat d3 dozer, cat next gen dozer, rocky top, land clearing, removing trees, excavating a road, road work, renting a excavator, dozer work, dozing, construction equipment, road construction, excavator digging, cat 315 next gen, next gen excavators, next gen dozer, Road Excavation, 299d3
Id: M4G5q3ZvdM8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 51sec (2151 seconds)
Published: Tue May 03 2022
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