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oh my gosh where is she I can't believe it we can't find her what how I just want to know where she is [Music] they're playing hide and seek and there was some special guests today we got Ben here Ben you're really ready to go aren't you we got John John Travolta this is his beautiful home so we're lucky to play hide and seek good we also got his daughter we got Jimmy and Hailey we got man we're using the entire house I have first time ever brave of us let's do it rules are simple we'll have a seeker we'll have a bunch of hiders I'm gonna be the secret for round one and then whoever it gets found first will be the secret for round two all right everyone has to hide giving you guys 65 seconds everyone has their fancy little GoPros on are you guys ready yes I can look out the window all right guys 65 seconds I'll just I'll just walk or whenever you land you're gonna walk 65 seconds starting now one Mississippi two Mississippi what a beautiful day are they behind me they're supposed to be hiding oh my god oh my god okay I planned this out earlier and hopefully no one ah catches me I drew the curtain just enough so that I could sit okay oh gosh how far does the car crane go okay hopefully there's not a big lump on the other side of this well that make it less lumpy oh no that makes it worse okay 26 27 28 okay but going here whatever it's not working there's a spiderweb word above me scared the reason I hid here is because this is probably the best spot in the house and I never get found here actually like no one can find me and absolutely because it takes you long for someone to find me like something else 32 33 and 34 okay so this is what I'm gonna do this is the dining room you know as people has a very big appetite but he's already eaten he will not be interested in coming to the dining room I'm gonna go under here and wait for him and from now on I'm gonna have to whisper things you see him out there I hope he didn't see me hard I don't think he did 39 Louie I don't know where to go is there anyone in here is anyone hiding in here - 350 forward I got every hiding spot that I thought of earlier um okay I'm just naturally going to my bedroom I have no idea what to do right oh ah yes I think wait oh this could be completely obvious what was done counting and I don't really know this house very well this house is absolutely huge as well I'm kind of nervous cuz there's a lot of places to hide but I can assure you I will keep my title as hide-and-seek master so now further ado let's go inside and let's find everyone oh there we go oh I'm coming so quiet in here ah does anyone over here you know [Music] there's so many places to hide I hear I just hope I'm not the first one found there's anyone behind you anyone behind you man they're good this they're good no one's hiding in any obvious places that I can see em okay so we got the playroom in here there's anyone hiding what bet you there's someone hiding upstairs there has to be someone hiked all the way almost well there's no one up here I'm trying to think of interesting things to to talk to you about while we're waiting for let's people to find me see the volley 305 pitbull the rapper friend of mine gave me that as a gift okay there's gotta be something here oh it looks like someone oh that looks like a good spot though I think I'm gonna have to hide their next round I'm sure laughing hey wait a second I see an arm right there yes yes I did I thought no you can't you can't say I didn't come down literally no no no you're definitely there I see you I can tell I'm gonna touch you I'm gonna touch you tagged you know it's here nope I found you this is a rock okay no it's not a rock you're definitely human oh he found somebody oh my god okay someone's found ya not the first one found you found you whether you don't want to a minute or not I found you I don't even know how to get out of here very difficult to find people in here Oh would you look at that I don't know it kind of looks a little obvious a little bit I was looking at the pose and I'm like why are they not touching the window like how does that make any sense I found you okay I found two people maybe three all right so so far I've found been in Keiko you guys got to help me find everyone else huh okay I have to be patient because my theory of him being not hungry and avoiding the dining room is accurate because if he were hungry here to come in here first and I knew he wasn't and that's why I did this you see how much of the Kareem is oh okay just enough to come to me yeah all right what have we got in here what's in here no no good now is room no one Oh behind the door I didn't find anyone I did do a good idea of hiding behind the door before we started so let's check behind all the doors behind all the doors checking a news story wait to see someone in there decided that I saw this side and that the curtains just looked a little different alright so we found three people so far let's do you guys go check these two rooms okay okay I am gonna go back down this way and see what I can find I'm gonna go against the rules and change my point of view and just hide behind a wall here say I'm gonna go over here I'm gonna just turn around and wait here because I got tired of sittin doo doo doo doo doo doo who's already check this room this is the toy room if he takes too long to find me then I'm gonna change walls and go to that wall maybe even change rooms if I have to move at this I check this room he'll think that I was standing here the whole time and he'll be amazed that they didn't check such an obvious spot hmm wait a second do you see that there's a hand right there you know I really really wouldn't know I mean you kind of look like just like a painting on the wall you know you see later I was hired for this table I was watching you outside and then I decided when I got bored with that point of view that I would just wait for you here and then you would think that you missed the most obvious spot well I like to thank you well you've been found bin has been found and it's been found a kale has been found so you were the fourth person so let's go find the rest let's do it okay let's go and let's wait and wait wait I gotta finish checking this room did you check behind the bed no I didn't write their pillow back here oh now that's kind of suspicious something is suspicious over here oh no they're just pillows oh man okay and here did you guys already check upstairs then did just check upstairs I wonder no I'm thinking maybe you know think anyone in here all right I think there's no one in here oh my gosh was there anyone else something no do you know what I said I said he has a big appetite so but he's already eaten so the last place he'd be interested is eating again in here that's true we just ate lunch so I got that so we got to find others one time I couldn't find anyone under here under there there no one under there what about behind the couch oh that's a good possibility no no I'm not seeing anyone Wow we only have two more we had Jimmy and Ella oh he knows a good spots we did not check the laundry room no no one okay you check the playroom that's why I found Ben of course did anybody check these doors maybe in the bathroom in the bathroom it's rude to check but did you check that side let me check this side no how about upstairs do you see anything up there Ben no no nothing she's not in the closet no no one's in the closet no one can hide into the beds because all the beds are to love there's some good hiders I don't know where else to look what's what's in this room we got one more person everyone has been found except for Ella did we check everywhere in the playroom I did you guys can check I mean I checked it pretty well this room is there anyone in this closet did you check out I did not check that closet well that's impossible to fit in that there's no way I'm gonna try to make noises cuz I think I'm last one whoa I'm back here did we look back here we did check that we did not check this room though no nobody nobody knew where she she's got the best spot so it's not gonna rain really hard outside it would be kind of crazy with the power went out need to come out now or if I just stay here we're still looking Ella wasn't kidding when she said she was good in this game I've already looked in here pretty well wait we did not check these rooms we checked our guest room this one Ella oh my god she's killing it hello oh my gosh where is she Ella you're too good she just ran out the front door that's how she's hiding okay so like I should stay here but at the same time I don't know no I can't believe it we can't find her yeah definitely definitely not gonna be in there not in there I didn't even know there was a bathroom right here or any of the cabinets high table can she magically fit herself into small boxes about this room that would be a storage closet nothing in there what how I've no idea she's got to be in like some cabinet or something is there a secret door some lawyer no honestly wouldn't be surprised if there's some secret door houses huge if you like I just heard someone maybe like a little chirp that leads to the other room also look at that and speaking while I have idea I can't believe that we can't find her hello wait something I heard hi she's just got an amazing hiding spot wherever she's at where she's up there please I bet you she needs to be somewhere wait a second I heard her what about this room unless she squeezed in behind there I hear voice hello do we give up no we can't give up that is not an option no right then we're gonna know where all the hiding spots are because we've checked everywhere around the house I know I can't believe this maybe she's in the vents okay are we gonna all be embarrassed that we couldn't find such an obvious place and literally yelling so loudly right now this is gonna take forever at this point I just want to know where she is hi I heard something down there hey go check in there go check in there if she's not in there doesn't know we restricted that area and then like that's an unfair play I just heard her in her room check behind clothes I've lived in here she wasn't here oh now we got round two that was an amazing hiding spot person you found the first person I found with Ben but you already have the cameras imma see here you can keep this one Ben what are you gonna count to I don't know pick a number seventy eighty nine hundred and fifty thousand all right do 65 how about that all right ready everyone go oh you know I have an amazing spot where does your amazing spot you're taking my spot that's my spot oh my gosh okay I'm gonna have to find somewhere else oh gosh I don't know where to go now I don't know where to go oh jeez oh jeez that's terrible spot no I can't fit in there buddy you're not here I can boys oh he's coming he's coming [Music] hello oh I see you what are you reading yeah is this film I know I jumped behind you moving around do you Tommy I found you first and you found me first all that's all you're gonna go find people on the hoverboard yeah all right now I gotta help you find people now I dunno he did ah so now we got three people already that's pretty quick I do want to say now I end the secret now so I am on your team however there was someone hiding in the room that I was in I just want let you know now I know exactly where they're hiding I'm not gonna give them away you know that's that's not fair but there is someone in this room I will say that yeah they're up here see anyone oh yeah it's my favorite song wait you didn't find anyone wait well then what was that someone else I don't know someone in this room I can't tell you if they're upstairs or downstairs they might be upstairs but they might also be downstairs fudge Bob you said it was someone in here you gave me away you know what look let's put more let's put more honor find everyone else I know I'll go over hide in this corner and again they'll think oh what an obvious place why didn't I check that we got to find everyone else now I have no idea where everyone else was hiding Plaza tectum you can start checking closets what about you go for the living room no one you know no one this one what about this one you know no no one okay let's go in the living room I don't think we're gonna check the living room yet that's like the biggest room what about this room the laundry room no let's see I went in here someone could be hiding over here no see anyone there's so many places to check there are so many places all right let's just go door by door by door door number one anyone anyone anyone yeah we would have never known okay two more to go two more I believe two more we got to check these rooms this may be like this and nobody give a minute that was over here and then I got bored here and then went over the corner and then I went to this corner and I felt when I heard you guys I said you know what I'm gonna scare the crap out of them like they did me that's it I made my decision one more in the tailee we've looked pretty much everywhere okay so she's competing with Ella to find their coolest spots yeah the game was a checklist for up with Ella being so difficult to find so let's assume that she's being difficult she's being very difficult we already checked all these rooms everything yeah we checked up okay so we have to double if not triple check everything double and triple check every room to go in the toy room again closet what about Ellis we did we check these servers really gonna check these theorems very well here anything [Music] [Applause] so the last person was it yeah right there all right well thank you guys so much for watching and thank you everyone for participating also thank you John for letting me use your beautiful yeah I'm hoping if we decide to do another one yes we'll have to do it outside and you have a bunch of crazy dirt bikes we should play hide and seek with those so cool so you guys want to see that leave a like on this video thank you guys so much for watching I'll see you soon and a brand new blog [Music]
Channel: Unspeakable
Views: 4,055,885
Rating: 4.9041119 out of 5
Keywords: unspeakable, vlog, vlogs, unspeakablegaming, prank, comedy, challenge, laugh, funny, moments, craziest, pranks, crazy, no cursing, no swearing, how to, parody, troll, video, react, family friendly, funniest, adventure, trolling, unspeakable vlogs, real life, life, unspeakable real life, unspeakableplays, hide, seek, hide and seek, john, john travolta, mansion, house, extreme
Id: xL08eG0SUJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 22sec (1402 seconds)
Published: Tue May 07 2019
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