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in brackets JB I'm not sure with JB cents for maybe Justin Bieber guys we're gonna have a Derby we're gonna have a fun or be of the time good job Josh oh my all right it is me and Richie against Geordi and Josh obviously don't get inside the funnel boy oh you don't want to get it it's called gravity no energy oh sorry scientist Geordi tap it - I can't count I saw four there so you're a little late with that one ah but Jory is usually late so I don't blame you guys I don't believe I'm usually lately yes guy who's a late an hour late an hour today heart are you kidding me I did I was not late I have no idea where you're on about no I'm sorry guys I'm coming down to you it's tricky but I believe we can oh oh yes I'm getting massive frame drops for no apparent reason you have a great computer great just going great today I don't think so Josh oh yeah work time always at the top with one frame per second congratulations Julie thank you and what's going on I still have one frame per second and we want oh god yes great I don't know how about okay time for round three fun we're back at 60fps yes terney we legitimately just whining toe Geordie don't we let you in yeah you let okay you mean it's totally it's certainly because about purpose what an idiot it's one hell of a funnel I know right fun is what what is this what is a funnel what is a funnel Doge oh you're dead really really really huh the squad has arrived Oh what squad just to you you two it's not gonna do anything I'm not scared of that it's not gonna do anything he says that's exactly what I said why bother repeating me well I think josh is dead though so not all good you ain't no squad anymore Geordi so how's the spot - I thought you just said that we sheet down reishi down man down yep how dare you call him a man I don't know who he is okay I'm already on fire okay okay I am falling down into the funnel I'm falling down in the photo who's this just drive around I'm coming with ya baby we ever ride on here what did Geordi fall down here he hit me off yes I survived this guy's wait he's also in the funnel I don't know how well I'm on fire and I just got out of my car so I'm definitely gonna die pretty hard wait so we just won this because Geordi glitched I don't know yeah probably yeah sounds of it well out of the area wait wait Geordi 22 seconds how about you no he's lying no he's lying why I mean I'm trying but I can't do anything about it seconds eight seven six five oh oh damn it I'd have killed myself ride before again we its side for round for you like yourself a good boy yeah yeah I like jazz hands we get it you know just Droid we focus on driving driving yeah he's definitely gonna have a hard time with that flying I'm actually still alive Josh are you dead yeah and journies as well okay I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to sacrifice myself for the sake of I can't okay I'm sacrificing myself guys you're gonna win this because jump ow I'm dying all right this is my final flight Goodwin Jordy Oh Jay Lee just a legend we lost it kicked me of course it does it all the time I got kicked for winning too much rematch I demand a rematch we're back at funnel we switched up the teams a little bit but actually rather not be somebody some better team it's what it is what's up mr. Damon the light button become a subscriber education belt you know hard yeah kick through she out of the game yeah that's that's weird it also got me out of the game Thank You Josh Billy's great I know you get you guys kind of need me to you know have some fun no no all right you just killed me all right sounds good no that's Josh is already gone no I mean how did I do yeah i'ma say Geordi you scratched my car a little bit you're gonna have to die okay well I'll have to turn around like this I have a little issue Geordi I'm gonna go say hello to the front of you all right okay have fun thank you all Oh Jory I say no I didn't I was wall riding for like two seconds and then I didn't grip jelly an itch anymore well I can still try wall right this I guess twelve seconds later alright Geordi I'm actually going to die I'm not gonna make it back up there man I'm sorry I don't care don't you think time for round two my buddy Mia Tasha back funnel that the funnel job is actually kind of hard like it's it's pretty it's pretty hard to write but it's quite large spun to fall down really small chance of surviving exactly as soon as you get even too close to it it's like get gone buddy get your gon get sucked in it's like a singularity right yeah exactly that well gently doesn't know Billy's a great that just goes so I'm actually quite quick so there's that so it makes sense yeah time for round three photo that's right round three that's what I said guys out we obviously you know he started to because kicked us all it was literally Blaine is so hard that's true hit it so hard we had to put him in Oh like we're at the news okay yeah alright Geordi on I'm not a goner you're not a goner oh come on Jordy I am actually still alive though really easy to spin out with these positive yeah they're very slippy up Tasha made me oh no I know you tried wait your teammate killed himself that ain't too good man damn that ain't too good oh he asked in the in the text box while you're playing as cuz it's accountants band oh no I'm not bad idea Jodi was not jobs I host no [Music] yeah we both fell down I kinda want it to be with Jordy so I went down with him I felt down as well then you want to be with me Josh we can all be together that's so kind ofin Utley their low friend who won I don't know oh we did it nice high five - thanks Ted four round full funnel time yes I serve the last little funnel funnel it just funnels I loved it and I wish I wish it was easier to get out BAM all right I almost got you there Jilly yeah but almost pretty much means that you didn't so yeah right irrelevant oh come on Jordy come on don't kill my card is that cool I don't know who's gonna drive in circles rad about hearing the audio oh that's that was me Josh you just literally killed me did I buy judge and he'll do now I got a jelly got the assist I got the assist sorry can you recover - Katie come on what about you Julie well while I was recovering but Geordi and then what just messed me up and then you Josh I'm coming down to your Tosh good hello to you I don't know why I don't really like you but I don't see hello anyway come on hit me out get me out oh come on really what a wall right this guy's I'm wall writing it but I'm gonna die cuz my car is on fire and I'm not why I ready anymore okay oh I just got spawned out magician Jenny I know I am a magician magic magic killer magicians yeah you know what I'm gonna stop wasting time and just jump off that I think that's more fun anything Josh a little last flight Oh that'd like it hot it did quite her yeah I'm dead now okay time for round five that's right I said round five it's going quick the fun around stay don't last for long I don't know what it is okay don't know just like you jelly they don't know why last year's Josh oh cool oh eight hundred years I don't know a Hyundai before that large Italy that's a lot oh I think we're good I just killed someone straight away but perineum oh this guy almost had mr. J gamer oh he's gone mr. J gamer that's his name I said mr. J gamer are you sure I think your ears one or something different but that's completely fine definitely guys who wants to give me they say oh yes there we go I'm alive we won Josh we won I'm very dead - yay [Music] thanks guys time for round six photo gang numbers I know the fast round is gonna happen yep it's gonna happen and I love these fast how do you say I don't see the future I just live feeling and feel with his hands and he strokes it a little bit school all right where you go I had him almost had Geordie I don't know what this forest but you know what this course quite irrelevant just let you let me say me gently it's about me your inner feelings oh my god Josh hand me off I was gonna make that interested in you dirty what's going on here guys mr. J gamer is gone it's only Jordy and Josh and they're having some fun we're making out okay that's awkward Jodi how close can you don't want to watch don't want to see this oh gosh she can go a little closer right my gosh you go Josh you you're scared - you're scared Oh Josh is gone rest in peace Josh it is time for motorcycle versus plane the man misses Jordi and who's with us guys who's with us let's shake I think it's a mr. J mr. J the game that's right he hit that Bell that's ways with us today what kind of bike you just stop those disgusting burps I told you anything about it jelly can I please hold it in and then just you know silent one you are a weird human being already all right so they have plates if they can but I think we're a little faster than Josh what do you think well you did die there's that Pope oh that's uh that's awkward wait did you just drive off yeah I thought like you know I have a silly-billy unusually yes I should probably look before I do these things it is time for round two Josh we get to paint smell it is tempura brush take away yeah because we are very good pilots so that means that you won't have a chance you're probably not even gonna make Chris real quick okay maybe you are cuz you're a bit faster there's that oh you're definitely gonna make it yeah yeah we only just took off so that's a little awkward but maybe we can you guys except around jump go for it John hey guys I just want to say hello did you get Geordi already yeah no way good one Josh nice I could see flying should I try and get you wait that's very far I didn't even do anything what just happened tapped about three motor sucks boogies blanks oh you oh yeah alright back on the motorcycle Josh I'm not sure I like poor boys I pretty much didn't do anything in the plane considering they both died like oh yeah I hit Geordi kind of by accident and then I accidentally said then the course he says that of course you would say that all right so they come on the second ramp jelly yes like really the first one right about here I think they're almost there they're almost there right about there jelly yep okay just all right oh I dodged that one didn't I you dodged down alright so here's this weird ramp last time you're gonna let me fly around Jory I can't even fly a motorcycle because I took the just I took the job a bit nice one nice one mr. J gamer what happened I killed himself I have no idea how he didn't kill me cuz looks like free dad was like no no John hey Jordy how's it going nice you try to land that thing I'm trying to land and kill you that's what I'm you're giving up already you're trying to land it Jordi Kosh live I know you know you over okay wait a lawnmower Wow I'm not grass you calling me grass yeah you're green right well I mean I'm green but that doesn't make me glad I'm not a tree no oh no oh no oh yes great great platform all right Josh just fly into him Josh playing become weak but faith decide firing rockets nice one he's so dead and he's jumping out get him Jim what's the plan he's gonna cut your parachute I didn't kill myself before that okay Wow smart move thank you you're dead anyway it is stabbed around full Lotus eyes all right this place now we play in the first 30 second rive around a little Aden and then don't worry about me chilly all right I'm not worried man I'm not worried I'm just I know you are worried you are always worried okay you know what about you I am always worried that's it look up there's like some redneck platforms in this guy mm I think they're probably useless thanks Josh just oh wow I love this guy he's a great guy honest it's for the content I realize are you joking that was a pretty good commentary Matt tough around five I legitimately only had a total of four seconds in the plane so far and it's also my partner this whole match plating complaining complaining yes Josh of course you ate Wow jordan says I complained way too much while Jordie Wow yeah let's go complain a lot jelly you got spoken I complain a lot okay thanks Josh so now you're complaining about me saying you can play a did you hear me complaining I said thank you no complaint you can play that I mean that come no are you seen it i am i dead how are you so damn fast I don't know all right I'm still alive it's gonna make it back to the to the Hydra even though Hydra I'm a bit unlucky today I'm not sure why I think it's Josh I think it's Josh you haven't loaded up with the plane yeah I guess it was a faulty plane I guess it was a faulty plane it was it was all meant to be wasn't it Josh yeah okay oh my goodness that was the riskiest jump ever alright Geordie is cheating he's got the Hydra which means I am pretty much striving for no reason there you go now shooting River rocky or something I mean the school I mean are there even rocky yeah yeah there are many rough to see really oh my god what is by yeah I hit his head with my bike and that's how I just took the rocket and destroyed him that's right kind of deserved I'm gonna quickly have a look what's on these platforms Josh you don't have a look well this guy flies around and might kill himself okay there's nothing on there unfortunately Josh sorry to let you know just because mr. game has been such a good person to hit an occasion about you think we should just let him win i I think I'm gonna try and fly into jelly then alright sure he doesn't kid no I won't let that happen Josh oh snap hey at least I got to fly the plane for a little right uh from six motorcycles places back in the plane I'm a good little motor stop take a plane a little further away from Josh this time code that sounds like it great that great be right with that Josh following me and Mister are going to win this guy we got Josh is such a joker man okay I know my controllers broken by the way cuz I cannot pull wheelie on this bag Wow way to blame the controller maybe maybe it's like constantly hold it back oh dude by homeland it's good England hell is up with this British probably get movie might kill you now he won't I won't good it's not that good at the King what you not sure you want to say that stuff to jelly yeah George Mac man yeah Jordy oh my goodness I just said yeah you survived it but now you've got a run man no why did this guy just leave me oh don't worry see I did I did manage to get you alright died no huge mr. J gamer left him mr. J gamer he doesn't care about his see me only cares about oh he just rides he just doesn't care about you it's there for home oh wow jelly thank you I thought mr. J gamer loved me okay all right if you keep thinking that all right if that helps you out know if that makes sleep at night if you keep thinking that mr. J gamer josh is going in for the kill yeah thank you guys so much for watching this video if you enjoyed it click on that subscribe button and also make sure to check out the new exclusive jelly army t-shirts on jelly store.com [Music]
Channel: Jelly
Views: 10,808,315
Rating: 4.8418965 out of 5
Keywords: Funny Moments, gameplay, compilation, glitch, gta 5 glitch, jelly, family friendly, new, challenges, kid friendly, GTA 5, child friendly, gta 5 challenges, gta, GTA 5 Funny Moments, 2017, epic, GTA 5 Online, derby, EXTREME BLENDER DERBY CHALLENGE, gaming, games, game, blender
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 30 2017
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