Extract Bios BIN file from EXE file

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hello everyone welcome back to my channel today I'll be talking about biospim files how do we get the BIOS pin file if your bios file is corrupted and you want to reflash it using bin file so how do you get the bin file today I'll be explaining to you how to do it in this Lenovo thinkcentre m71e machine so here we have here I have already backed up the original bin file from the BIOS chip of my motherboard and also I have downloaded the executable file from the manufacturer site as you can see if we go to this site Lenovo site and thinkcentre m71e I have downloaded this file okay and what we need to do now we need to have the 7-Zip extractor so this is the executable file that I have downloaded from the manufacturer website and this is the backup of my original bios bin file as you can see it's pin file so if I go to this file and your to 7-Zip extract as you can see we have a folder the same name of this executable file if we now open this folder as you can see now we have more files out of that executable file so what file now we need out of this is the biggest one as you can see here is the biggest one it's a ROM file now what we need to do is open this file using hex decimal program this program I'll go open and then I'll open this fold folder and then I'll open this ROM file as you can see now I have this information on this ROM file now what I need to do is to open my original my backup file okay so I'll go and open I'll go back and open my original as you can see now we need to do window tile vertically so now we have here the one from the manufacturer and this one is my backup okay I hope you can see it as you can see the one that I have the backup of my original bios start with ffff and then we have s a or 5A A5 F 0 0 f but the one from the manufacturer start with a different thing if we go back to the folder as you can see the ROM file from the manufacturer is 2560 kilobit only but the one I got from the back from the BIOS the backup file is 4096 so this is a four megabyte file and the wrong ROM file is 2 megabit 2.5 so there is something missing what is missing is what is missing is the me region from this from the manufacturer file so what we need to do is let's copy these four bits or four whatever is that Kobe and go to this one and go to search find go to hex values and then paste and then search as you can see we have here the same thing everything the same as the one from the manufacturer so the one from the manufacturer starts from zero zero zero zero zero and then D9 five four nine three seven eight and here we have zero zero zero zeros and then we now we have D9 5493 seven eight so everything everything from here downwards is the same as the one from the manufacturer so now we know that everything up from this area from here and upwards is missing from this file so what we need to do is Kobe everything where did that go from here okay so Kobe everything from this point here until the beginning so let's press go to the beginning and press shift and press here shift Okay so now I have selected everything that is missing from this file okay so I need to press and copy right press and copy I mean left press or right and then copy okay so I'll go here at the very first at the very beginning I'll press paste okay this message here says that this operation or what I am doing now will change the file size let's and click ok as you can see now we have everything that we have copied from this okay so this one start from I think I missed something or is it the same yeah it's the same so as you can see everything is the same from this file and this file everything if we now go back to where we started okay let's find it the one before the read the one the f after the red I want to see the offset even if it is the same or not so the opposite start at zero zero one eight zero zero zero zero and here we have if we copy this again Kobe search find okay in here I need to find okay so it starts the zero start from the same offset or is it let's go okay so this is the red thing that I have copied from this so the zero starts from zero zero one eight zero zero zero zero and then this one also start from zero zero one eight zero zero zero zero so everything looks fine we need now to go to the end of the backup file and check whether it is the same or not if it is not then we need to edit it but in this case we have it the same as we can see everything is the same nine zero nine zero E9 9bf8000 and then we have f8 FF and also these things which is written in text is the same also so now this fold this file is ready we need to do is click on it what I have done so this one okay so now we go file save as let's give it a name let's write um 71 e new bios or just new DOT bin file bin dot bin okay and save it now we can close these things everything and go back to the folder where we will save our file as you can see here we have the m71e new the one I have saved and if you can see the size of the folder now matches with the size of my backup file so it's bin file as you can see both of BM file and the size are the same and also written here pin file you have to have the the size matched you have to have everything matched inside the files so now this file is ready to be flashed using the programmer I hope you find this helpful if you find it helpful and you like it please don't forget to like it share it and subscribe to my channel thank you for watching and see you in another video
Channel: FixTronics
Views: 29,745
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Id: wmQWUudBL6E
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Length: 11min 22sec (682 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 21 2022
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