Extract All the Tables From PDF in 3 minutes With Python

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you know in real world not all the data come into a native pandas data frame like CSV or Excel you might want for instance to extract the content of this PDF file uh specifically collect those tables into a panda's data frame we have this one this one and that one and one way of solving this issue is to use a library called table up I let me show you how it works so to be able to use Tableau Pi what you have to do first is to install the library using the PIP um module instruction so what I do here is PIP Dash QQQ install Tableau Pi the QQQ is to not make the outputs you know shown in the installation process because sometimes when you install a library it shows a bunch of information so I don't want those to be um shown here so when I run I have I have the installation process going on so this is done so what I have to do next is to import um the function that is going to make the reading process so from tabua I import read PDF so read PDF is going to read the content of the PDF file I showed you here right now so after that what I have to do is to initiate a variable URL taking the content of the URL this is exactly the PDF I I showed you here right now like we have 0.org and here is the full path of the URL so this is the same the same information I'm putting here and right after that what you have to do is to call this function now table of data this is the result I'll be getting raids PDF I get the URL and I'm interested in getting all the pages you know so now I'll run this one this might take a bit of time you know but sometimes depending on the speed of your internet you know and here is the result table lot data and in this top load data you can notice that it returns a list of tables this is the first table the second table here which is yeah this is the first table the second table and the third one which is here so let's say we are only interested in this table what we have to do is to get tabua since it is a waste we can get the second element of the list and here it is we get the table the table and the result is a pandas data frame we can simply get the head of this let's see six first element of the table of a data frame and then that's it so that's pretty much all you know it helps you easily extract the content of the tables within a PDF file so if you like this video give it a thumbs up and see you next time for a new video bye
Channel: ZoumDataScience
Views: 12,621
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Wp0wHx5UNG8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 39sec (219 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 17 2022
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