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[Music] [Applause] oh [Music] what's up kilo crew and welcome to today's video today i'm at lamada's pizzeria an italian restaurant about to take on their massive six pound pasta oliforno challenge this thing is huge i have 45 minutes to tackle this entire thing along with two garlic knots in order to receive this 50 meal for free this sweet t-shirt that i'm already wearing big thank you to carmelo and 50 cash so i'm actually going to be the one kicking off this challenge which is why i'm wearing this beautiful t-shirt already and not waiting until i win it and earn it very excited to be here we got a good amount of people here randy just took on their amazing seven pound soprano cold cut sandwich challenge and he crushed it spoiler alert so big crops all right so inside of this pasta alla forno if you do not know because i didn't know it's a baked spaghetti so there's all sorts of spaghetti noodles in here mozzarella cheese we have five meatballs made here locally but again i do have 45 minutes to tackle the pasta alofourno challenge and yeah i'm very hungry and very excited to take this on so we will wait for the timer to count down to get this underway and one two three let's do it and by the way twirling is the proper way to eat pasta so i am going to twirl oh that is delicious it's like a vodka sauce right oh yeah oh that cheese though welcome to la cucina kilo crew big little pockets of ricotta in here as well which is one of my favorite cheeses all right let's try one of these massive meat the bowls here we go okay that is delicious [Music] had a lot of fun bantering with the very italian owners of this restaurant steamy this was literally the only bull big enough that they had so wow yeah this thing was deceptively huge as you'll be seeing here shortly what's that i go for the glamorous one yeah i mean oh we got it this is about three kilos of food right here since uh randy didn't say it for me this time six and a half pounds roughly you include the meat the bottles well that was the intended weight anyway everything is massive i'm not entirely positive that this is only six pounds i think the extra yeah the extra sauce and the cheese added up to extremely well over six pounds but that's okay we're gonna go for it no hard feelings whatsoever as it was their first time ever doing this challenge it is getting warm in here but let's go ahead and try one of these garlic rolls they look and smell amazing yeah yeah that's good those rolls definitely trumped the olive garden breadsticks they were certainly divine got it girl you got it you got it [Applause] it's kind of hard to see the progress of what's going on in here since it's not in a clear bowl but we haven't made much of a dent let's just say this thing is this thing is huge so uh we're just going for it right now this was about the point where i started to panic because i could feel just how dense it was all right just passed 10 minutes in i'm feeling pretty good other than temperature hot this tastes amazing but i'm now seeing why mama lamata wouldn't let me carry this out this was heavy heavy and very very hot last bite of meatball going now as always this was an awesome and very supportive environment y'all i love cheese and this is definitely cheesy you say mozzarella mozzarella mozzarella [Music] so uh yeah very really enjoying this but it is definitely a uh be quiet and just shovel situation so let's get this no better time to work on your italian than during a spaghetti challenge right i'm gonna do this last garlic roll while it's warm that is lovely i really wanted to use some of this maize legacy sauce during this but this is definitely saucerized enough for me i did have a chance to try it on some gator bites the other night when we were here just dining casually it's very very good now mentally i'm ready for this it's just me and some pasta [Applause] some let's get y'all pasta little cheese pull action going on here if i can it's definitely still warm add some cheese yeah can you turn my ice out just a little bit spin the it will say iso on the back oh okay all right sorry about that it got a little cloudy out so that's why you saw a little gap on the timer here back at it bless his heart randy tried a little behind the scenes action there [Applause] again there's nothing i enjoy more than doing this in front of a crowd the energy is contagious little over halfway through the timeline that's scary look yeah i swear the noodles just kept multiplying it was crazy all right about that much left everyone 25 minutes in 20 minutes to go there's hope i got super jazzed when i could finally see the bottom of the shiny bowl it was kind of nice you got it shake shake there's something to be said though this still tastes good even 25 minutes in it's amazing so mad props for them in the back i don't know how you can make cheese and noodle taste bad though this is amazing 10 out of 10 recommend a normal sized portion of this dish i guess i wasn't scared of this bowl because this is what i eat my salads out of at home but this is a lot different than salad but in my mind this is romaine right now right it's true i eat my training salads out of the exact same bowl at home i'm not going to start hitting it like this it's light enough to hold it now it's just [Music] [Laughter] ah the entendres never get old i'm a little immature we got a little pasta in here right now the buttons on my mom jeans were begging for mercy [Applause] ten more minutes everyone here is awesome i'm going to keep pushing through definitely didn't want to give up on this one but man i was feeling some type of way trying to give you guys the right kind of show not the wrong kind of [ __ ] [Laughter] all right take it easy pace my way through as much more of this as i can i feel a little mentally defeated already but we're going to get as far through this as we can to kind of send a set excuse me to set a benchmark for this challenge in the future in the future though i'll probably uh ask the kind owners to maybe weigh it out first that's all right we're gonna power through yeah i think the weight on this one from zero to a hundred real quick turn the ball around oh girl you already won girl i bet you ate six pounds already yeah she did right there shots for everybody all right we're just about coming up to 42 minutes in the three minutes left probably only gonna be able to take like two more bites of this we're gonna do it let's see how far we can go and then we'll weigh the leftovers so i ended up having just shy of three pounds left and my guess would be that this was in total about 10 to 11 pounds when it started but again no hard feelings and uh yeah i'll let you enjoy the rest of the video ah i'm going to get a waffle thin mint all right that clock is ticking down i am at waffle thin mint point where if i do one more bite it's not going to be a pretty ending but this is what i have left here kilo crew this was an absolutely delicious challenge albeit more than the uh the three kilos i announced it as when i began i will not be getting my 50 meal for free i could i might have to give back my stained t-shirt i don't know what's going to happen um oh i gotta keep the t-shirt thank you very much to everybody at lamatas this really is delicious the rolls were amazing i love garlic rolls and then the meatballs were great as well a big thank you to everybody who came out to watch and support [Applause] all right everybody thank you guys so much for watching i will catch you guys in the next video okay peace out bye
Channel: Katina Eats Kilos
Views: 187,237
Rating: 4.9030304 out of 5
Keywords: girl vs food, eating challenge, food challenge, cheat meal, cheat day, competitive eating, calorie challenge, mukbang, eating, girl v food, man vs food, man v food, restaurant challenge, italian food, italy, spaghetti, baked spaghetti, italian challenge
Id: ylCZ_ecewfc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 39sec (639 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 17 2021
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