Extension Planner Flip Through

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[Music] okay so to my returning viewers welcome back you're all an to my new viewers and subscribers and well done I hope you enjoy your stay so let's be getting so MUC my cover for my a5 is the Filofax original and it's in the color stone so it's in um it's like grayish with like a blue like super super light blue like tinge it's absolutely gorgeous and I love um like Filofax love they're like the original it's very sturdy but like it's like still soft at the same time if you get my meaning so yeah I absolutely love it so opening her up um so it's basically yeah like my extension planner it has like these like main sections right here so I have my goals my finance social media events travel in then nerd space so it's like stuff that I want to keep track of stuff that I want to plan out that does don't necessarily lie have to be like in my everyday planner like I don't plan like these like things or use these like things every day so it's like for a long-term like stuff long-term plans long-term lists all that stuff so before we get into all that I just want to talk about like this um side pocket action right here so I have this like magnetic like pin this is from the honeybee shop I just like it's like Bombur jacket with like a little bow on it um Clawson paper card plan our spot card and then my pen my pilot g2 0.38 is my go-to pen I just have some mail stuff that I need to take care of still so my front cover our combination of like different like planner across these are actually stickers and this is from the planner spots as well I have this in this little like flimsy card like holder I just got it from Etsy and then in the back I have some sequins and paper um coke cards and y'all know I love my coats so I have this vellum right here from crossbow printables I it's s the world's your oyster and yes the world is absolutely in that booster um so this one is from Elm on paper co and it came with my order I ordered her financial inserts and my order came with like my name on it so it's like that perfect next up I have this like clear like Flyleaf rum it's a Filofax premium but it didn't come with the planner I just got it from Amazon um so with a little sicker than like your normal like a state and you can like take it off and put it back on so I decided to like put some sticky notes on here these two are from thinner spot and then the rest are from aliexpress this dashboard is from yo edits and I like how it layers that way next again my planning routine from yo edits I do have a planning routine that I made for my own and my personal planner my main planner but I'm still working on um the a size version that talks about like how I plan in this planner but I'm still like waiting on a few things from closet paper so stay tuned for that um so I have like a monthly monthly inserts these are from simple and trendy Co so sins like my calendar schedule planning is like in my main planner I do want to keep like a monthly like what's going on like in the month like in this planner just to have like another reference but I did notice I do have September and I have October but I honestly like rarely like look at this like since I've been using like this planner so I kind of just like did this at the beginning of the month and I'm planning on doing November and December as well but maybe like moving on into like the next year I probably won't like do it anymore because when I use this planner I actually use it in tandem with my personal so there's no point and like looking at two things two is the two of the same things you know so yeah I just decided to try it and it's an error I won't do it again on this card is from Kenneth spot sequence and paper and this ruler is a detachable one also bought it from Pepsi so I just wanted like another like page marker because I have another one right here so this is just like to mark like this like section to like look up the current month I have my 2020 overview insert from Johnson's paper so I don't have anything so far just like um I have an upcoming trip to Japan in April of next year and then my friends get married so all my dividers so these like gorgeous gorgeous like blush like pink the writers are from Clausen paper and then these like on the back as well the black ones are from clapping paper you can see and then I just labeled them on my own like using my label maker so like each like divider has like these like layering like cards I did I turn on one little overboard I think but I love like the way it looks so and that's why I like it make it like my planner like a little bulky but it's okay it's mine I can do whatever the heck I want with it so this card is from crossbow controls uh came with like my order set the Z and then I have this rose gold like big clip I bought like a set from Amazon anything you can buy like different colors too if you want like a bulk like order and then this one is from planner spot so my first section is my goals and projects so the way like the deco works there's like kind of like a trend or like a system so the first like deco is a crossbow printable vellum and then my vellum and then this digital printable from the gallery so I like how this dream bag is definitely appropriate for this section which is my goals and my pride so I just have like this master list insert from Sesame's and I just thought of this like the other day but I haven't filled it out yet so stuff like project ideas for like home like giving cleaner and then craft and then I have several of these inserts from sublime trend eco they're the brain mapping inserts so it has like a big box like just blank and then she has like different layouts I have the dot grid and then there's a line and then there should be a grid too but I think I use it already and then this one um these where you call these like the Cornell like a style like notes from closet paper love these and then more master lists from sesame so I kind of just keep I'm different like types of like inserts depending on what type of like Bowl or project I want to plan on so it just depends on how like my brain works and everything so you're like some days like I need a list some days I need like this type of format I do have an insert like from yo edits which is the lifestyle um like management which is like it's like a pretty big like workbook um I think it's like 16 pages I initially like put it on here but since I'm not gonna use it till like for 2020 so I decided to take it out I might I will put it back in like in December and start filling it out and I just like do a little updates like ons like how it incorporates like into the system I do have this planner purge challenge I'm insert from vo edits and then next is my finance so I have this other like card holder it just has like different cards these two are from canna spot these two are from Casa paper um so another like planner card layering over here so for my finance section um I just have like this card that says this month like a Julis I'm planning on filling this out for November these are from planner spot seconds in paper and this is from sets of V and then these two again like finance cards from seconds and paper um I'll link everything that I mentioned like down below if you guys are curious so kreso printable column my own develop so I just made this and like oiled it so it's like so hurtful well right here is finance and then B calories so um that's answer from simple and trendy Co so I just wrote my spending rules I have the same one in my personal planner so I just have like the same exact one so this is actually like I want to see like everywhere I look because it's definitely like good reminder um for like the rules that I set for myself when it comes like spending so just like a quick I talked about us on my Instagram but yeah so I want to like focus on tackling Mike that I want to pay my ulcers before I spend on anything and then before I have like a 458 like a lot men like spending money for each month so I actually um turned it down or lowered it to 200 a month um I started this this month like October currently and it's not really going so well because I'm really used to like the 450 which is like almost half of this so like double of this I mean so I'll try again in November and see how it goes because I wanna I'm a lot like that other half for either bills or like in my savings and then next is ask yourself five times do I need this I definitely definitely ask myself this like every time I want to spend on something use what I have and this is mostly for like clothes or like planner stuff mostly planner stuff like I have so much crap and I do need to use what I have instead of like spending like the same thing like stickers or like sticky notes or whatever I have sig notes I should use them instead of like buying more and then experience over material things I think this is the most important and my favorite rule of all like this one really like stops me this is the one that stops me instead of like oh yeah I gotta focus on debt because you really like we want to like use your money to like for experience like traveling spending time with like loved ones instead of like just buying like material things so I think it's very important and then think about my future so that's uh that's very self-explanatory and then I have this other card from second sand paper so next I have just like different like to use like financially so like quick notes that I've been using um if you guys noticed this is actually like upside down because I use like this initial like part first and then I didn't want to write like on this side so I kind of just flipped it over and then just used it I mean it's kind of the same thing anyway that's like sections or whatever so I have like financial to dues that are debt related financial truths are savings related and in retirement related to use I have like some stuff that I needed to take care of like years ago that I have been putting off so I wrote it down finally um that's about like my 401k like from my other job that's been just like sitting there and it's not like we like hearing like any money so I decided to put it in a Roth IRA instead I'm gonna learn you a lot of like stuff um from like different like planner babes online who are also like in their financial independence journey and I also have a few friends who are like have all their together and I need to get on that yeah so doing that and then like some like to do life savings related I want to like start on my emergency fund I am I do I already have like started but I'm not like putting in a lot of money um into it that I want to so I've decided to like go up more on the money that I put on for my emergencies and then right here I just have like a flame like darker paper I have my subscriptions um so with like recurring pain and I have like different categories so like for entertainment I have Netflix I have Apple music prime video PlayStation view and then busy Plus is coming in November I'm definitely getting that and I just have like a little legend on what like the frequency of when I get a build so I have monthly yearly occasionally on in limited time so like a limited time like for beauty I'm getting laser hair removal so I'm only like paying like for a year's like worth every month I get paid of I get um I get billed monthly but it's only for a year and then like function of beauty is like the shampoo and conditioner that I buy like online it's like this company where you like create your recipe like depending on your hair goals and then Lola is like this company like women based company like me and they made like organic like salmon and products like pads and tampons and all that so I stopped like buying like the ones like into grocery tour like the grocery store like the big brand ones because there's a lot of chemicals on there and this one like they support like you know like for women and stuff and on planner subscriptions I have cloth and paper and planner spot as afraid no and then tech stuff I do have Adobe Creative Cloud like my brother and I share it um because he's a photographer like he used the Photoshop and then I he was like the other stuff I used to photoshop too but not as much as he does but I do you pay for that and then I had to have Adobe Acrobat which is the PDF like editing um since I've been using like printable inserts so much and I feel like it's a lot it's a it's a really good investment I'm to use that because um I'll talk about it later one night we go to travel because there's a PDF um insert that I did like kind of jumbled around which I use that and then sounds straight I purchased this for like the whole year and I think I did like at the beginning of the year and I use it to like put music on my like YouTube videos but I actually might just like wait or just like use the remaining of the year and might not like renew because um I'm not as like posting as much videos anymore and I don't think it's slate I'm not like getting a lot of you out of it and then next I have like my credit cards my credit cards yes I'm not very proud of it and I do have a lot of debt still that I need to tackle on but it's been a learning process very very much so so far I've had like three that I have paid off and I have five more to go so I actually did this yesterday so I just like did um for each card like the limit like the cutoff date so one like a statement billing date ends and then the interest and then how much I have left so so far I paid like three and I still have like five to go yeah it's insane and like these are like the remaining balances so I'm like doing later David Ramsey method like the snowball or like yeah like that method where like you pay off your credit cards with starting with the lowest like balance first and then like I double like the amount that I pay yeah so I don't not really good at explaining it very well but yeah so I'm gonna look up like how to pay off credit cards like the David Ramsey method yeah there's so much like resources like online so I have like some inserts from Sesame together like the bank accounts and the card information so so far I just filled out like the bank accounts I just cover like the actual account numbers so I just want to have like a reference um like of the bank accounts that I have and then filling out like the cards that I have as well which I haven't done yet and then next is the starter finance bundle from Ellen Paper Co umm I just like have a quick notes right here to start filling this up for December so I bought this like back in September but I didn't fill it out yet because I didn't really see the point of filling it like you know before the year is about to end so I wanted it to be like a fresh start but I have been like using this like as a reference to like right like my own like stuff like on my personal planner or like here too so I just start filling this up on December be honest you swell in daily yeah because there's like questions on here that's why I said be honest like what is your current financial situation answer not good so yeah so yeah that sounds like a pretty good answer to I didn't get the ultimate finance one because I I'm not really like good or I'm not really that educated when it comes to like handling like your finances clearly because of my debt situation but um so yeah I decided to use a starter for now and then if I do like it and if I prove it to be helpful I'll get the ultimate one like the following year or something so I just has net worths specific goals long term and short term budgeting more budgeting that overview that repeat payment truckers bill tracker and all that stuff which is pretty good because it has lights like let's say like here four bills so I just like right like all my bills and then check it off if I pay it like every month which is nice but I so I am doing writing like the actual bills for every month like for my personal planner but it's nice to have like a reference right here too so next up is my social media section so this is mostly for intention like initially like I wanted this like for many to ban my Instagram so it's like my only like social media like mediums that I use like for my planner account but um I'm actually gonna make like a different change to it too but I'm not sure yet so for now social media um this card right here is from point on this is from set savvy and then this clip is also from Sesame I have like a lot of these already I bought like my third set I like the different like colors because I'm obsessed I love these like Jun the regular paper clips are a lot like class you're looking and I feel like it doesn't like cause like put like a dead on like the pepper which is nice I know this card is from crossbow printables another vellum from crossbow controls my own velum social media gallery so I have my social media goals I started writing this maybe around like August or September I think when I started setting up my eighth I'm so social media goals just just regular stuff like posts regular post on YouTube that's not going really well so far 500 followers or subscribers by the end of the year not really sure how much to discovers I have so far but I think this is a doable thing um 8,000 followers by the end of the year for my Instagram and I'm actually pretty close I think I'm on like seven hundred seven thousand seven hundred so that's pretty sweet I'm interact with more people and then the most important one is provide inspiration and support by staying true to stuff and yes that's very important like even if we share like all our like on social media like good I'm and bad to like to you know um yeah so it's important to like stay true to your own and like do what you love and not just like do it for the sake of light since other people are doing it or like you know you're pressured because it's everyone else is doing it and then you'll say you think that you'll get more likes followers and all that stuff but you don't really like what you're doing so that's just dumb so yeah do what you want do what you love stay true to you and also like be nice um this differ just like from a hobby cleaner sticker book um and this is like the page finder or the ruler bookmark thingy that came with the planner so like this insert like this whole section right here is from jane's agenda so it is the months on one page and then like it has like the tasks goals and projects list on the first page i think which is pretty nice like for a social media type of um tracker yeah cuz you have your like calendar right here they sound like three like film days that i planned on doing and i I just I didn't do these two obviously I'm doing this this one and then just marking my workday so that I don't like schedule like stuff when I work um and I have like some tasks and need to do some goals projects and then events so clearly it's not really working out so well because um it's hard to like think about content from for like minimal planner stuff unlike when I still use the happy planner like I can do a plan with me like every week because like every spread is like different you use stickers you decorate and all that stuff so I'm still like getting in the groove of thinking about stuff to share when it comes to like just like minimal like planning so and I might actually do uh playing with me if you guys are interested let me know in the comments below if like that's something that you would want to like watch um because like I do have a system on how I plan like every week and I think I could just like share that it doesn't have to be like it's not a decorative part but the actual planning part and I think that's useful so oh yeah I just thought of that that I just thought of this stuff that's I just thought of it um right now so yeah if you guys are interested let me know and we can work something out so I do have like the rest of the year or a full year I just used October part first obviously so I'm flat and then I just have like a blank sheet right here Oh like James agenda has like amazingly paper quality like this I bought like a two packs of these like dot grid because I like my dog red paper I'm both personal and my a fives yeah I absolutely like and love like the paper quality so good um next is my events and my ideas so I love this card it says don't be a lady be a legend also from coughing paper this club press from Sesa be excessive II its Rose fold and then this one is from seconds and paper another crossbow printable vellum events and ideas like my vellum and then be gallery you digital so I have some to-do lists these are all from yo Abbott's and I kind of just do them like categorize them to like what they are so events and ideas or like I thought of this like section is for like thinking like stuffed up to do for like basically like social life so I have likes to do like local stuff so like stuff that's going on like all around like here in Arizona so I just want to put those in and check those off I did it some things like to do with friends things you would family things to do like on my own like trying you Kathy check out local shops take a class and then like date ideas if I do go on one all that um and then I might this is where I'm gonna put my Christmas um planner so I'm still like on the looks out for the perfect like Christmas like planner I could track gifts and like events and everything but if I am gonna find one this is where I'll be putting it so I've been sending to you so next is my Travel section these two are from cloth and paper again that's a V yeah and then this is from sequence of paper and then this is sesame this is actually like the card that came like with the clips like it's just like a backing so I just I didn't want thrown away so I just put it right there to like later so travel vellum for me the gallery so I have two trips like up Cummings and December I'm going to Disney World with my siblings and then in April in Japan with my friends so I do a la like plan E like when it comes like traveling oh my god I love the planning part like when people say like I hate like a like they hate the plane no like I love the planning part and I also love like doing the trip itself but the plane part is like so exciting to me so this is simply simple a trend eco this is like the grid box like grid rain mapping on paper so I just have like my information like on our flight some like quick notes and everything nice have like a sticky note over here I'd like started planning this like yesterday because they've been like so busy planning like our Japan trip that I've like neglected to do a plan like granted like all the hotels are booked like tickets are good it's just like a matter of light actually I'm thinking of like our itinerary like for the day so another Sesa via master list so like today I think or two days from now like I got an email from Disney like I can like reserve my fast passes like friends are different like rides but you want to do so I like categorize them into like two different like parks of Disney World so I have Magic Kingdom Hollywood Studios Epcot and Animal Kingdom and I listed the ones the rides that we want to like go to for sure we're gonna be there for 7 days so I think that's like plenty enough time to like see the entirety of Disney World because the last time we went it was just for three days and it was not enough so this time were prepared um we're um yeah so I just wrote the different rides and I'll like do the fast passes like online and then next sites downloaded this um this is from Emma studies she's on Instagram too and she has like a tumblr account she has a bunch of like printables like for like calendars planners and stuff so I liked how this is set up it's like a weekly overview I think this is like intentionally for like a letter size but I just like Reese I sit down a five and then I have like hourly stuff and because fast passes do you have like a specific time that you have to like do like when you can go there and do like the ride and then like reservations because we want to like do a bunch of like dinner reservations and then like other events that we wanted ideal so and we're going from Sunday to Saturday well Sunday to Sunday but the sunday is mostly for like leaving and stuff so I don't need to plan that out as much so yeah like Sunday like that's all we're leaving and I like how it's time because like I can like put in like the time that we're leaving and all the time like we get to Orlando and then like stuff that we can do and then for the rest of the week so I'm going to plan this out once like I do the fast passes and then share this like on Instagram like how I used it and then next is the travel planner this is a travel planner like bundle or like an actual insert like a printable one this is from Pepsi and this turn eight it's like this it's a it's French it's like I'm enjoy petit bizarre hey I don't know I feel like I just buttered like her shop name but I'm she's very nice like yeah and at the planner itself like is in English but I think like this lady is like she's like based in France so I like scoured like XE all over like for like the perfectly travel like planner and after like search and search and search I finally found it hmm so and the best thing about this out like going back since I talked about like Adobe Acrobat so that her planner like came like when you downloaded the files are not together they're all like in separate like styles which is like pretty good and because she said that um you know like you can use it however you want like like order two pages that you like how you would like set up the pages and everything so with Adobe Acrobat you can rearrange like pages or you can combine like documents so that's like the thing that I love about it so that's why I use Adobe Acrobat a lot because I do download a love like printables and then sometimes I kind of want them to be printed like one side on the back and the other like from another file so I just combine them I don't like edit or you know like modify like the file itself I just like put it all together so taxing on so it's their travel center and then another like from Sesame and this is just like for pre-planning stuff like I wrote down the stuff that I wanted to see for like each like part of Japan because we're not just staying in Tokyo we're like doing like other parts of Japan as well and then my friend and I got together we compared our lists and that's when we did the planning so this is like you like the big like bulk of it all so it just has like an overview of where we'll be from April 1st to like the 15th and then this is like booking all the hotels which I I was responsible for and I did um and these are like reservations like to like different attractions so we have to get reserved before we get there but since we're not leaving til April it's a little bit too early so I kind of just puts these I'd like a reference and then to just like you know when it's finally time to like book so like we're doing the Mario Kart experience like in Tokyo like ah that's so exciting if you guys like play Mario Kart you can just imagine you're gonna be a name in a Mario Kart and your dress is the characters you're gonna be driving all around freakin Tokyo that's like that's definitely like nerdgasm right there so I fighting and then I have like just like a list of like fixed expenses like the Rail Pass tickets to the attractions and then the hotels and then some variable stuff like food shopping and then if in case we need to do other local transport other than the railways I'm gonna have a list of or compiling a list of stationery stores that I'm gonna hit up because I'm the planner girl you're yeah you're about to hit the stationery stores in Japan because come on started in Japan so the insert like comes with like this like countin review and it's kind of just the same as this one but like I said an account under view so I just have like color-coded like we'll be in Tokyo for these four days Hakone and mountain we're gonna go to Mount Fuji Kyoto Osaka Nara Hiroshima and then Tokyo again so it comes with this like checklist so I just read I just organized the pages as I saw fit like when it comes like planning so but when you find when you download like this like particular travel planner um like I said they're in all separate files so I put like the main checklist right here some pre-planning checklists like solo planning group planning budget and then to buy before and then I have like our flight information our first like hotel and then again like another overview of the trip and then transportation details I haven't filled this out because my friend and I my friends and I were waiting to buy the Rail Pass and once we do that's one will feel this out we do have our hotels booked so these are accommodations so I have like accommodation details like the name of the hotel the address check-in times checkout times how many nights and then the total costs a total cost is actually like per person um we do have like my friend like did it like a document like online where we can like see everything but I also want mine like written so more hotels right here and then travel breakdown so my total budget for like this trip is $5,000 which was a lot I wanted to be there for two weeks and I think it's like pretty worth it um so so far I've like rant like it's actually not like totally this it's not actually five thousand I think it's like three thousand something but I have I want to have like extra money just in case so all three have sports stuff all the accommodations the food and then the scheduled things and then shoppings so these are just like estimates of what I want but then these are like the scheduled stuff that we want to do so let's say want to go to the National Museum of Nature and Science at the 60s or $6 which is like pretty good that we can see like ahead like how much that we are gonna spend like in a particular place so like the first like few days we're in Tokyo I'm gonna spend like 190 just for like being like the experiences that doesn't count food like shopping and like other things but um it kind of like gives you an idea so I just like wrote down like all the stuff that we want to and then next is traveling expenses so once I have like a more um like concrete like idea of like how much I am really going to spend I'll fill this out and on the itinerary I just wrote plan to sweep this like two weeks before so this is just like I think it just came in like one like file and I just like print it like a bunch because we are going to be there for two weeks and then again route planning more route planning I think this is good for when we finally get our real passes and then visits and activities so has like dough what we're flight time needed reservation and other information I printed a bunch of these as well and then packing lists so I have like my I want to like plan my outfits come on stir Pam you gotta like at least like be aesthetically preparing us for the outfit but we slept like how I am like I'm just so extra that way and then like other clothes that I need socks and then more packing lists I like that comes with like these like big shoes and then these like for like sections right here and then I have like - um bucket list inserts from yo edits and I just like travel bucket list obviously there and then yeah so that's like my you travel um section this is actually like the most used section other than my science one in this planner because I do have like trips upcoming trips so uh I like planning it out and I like the big space but when my like trips are actually like coming up I'm gonna I downloaded the EO edits I'm travel planner in the personal size so I'll use that like and fill just fill out the one store without the inserts a lot more condensed there's not a lot of like information that I um that I wanted for like pre-planning stuff so that's why I downloaded this instead for the pre-planning part but when it's actually time to go I think it's more for like resource and everything so next is my nerd space this is just for like like you know nerdy things I am big nerd still even tight like dude like the planning I'm forever like a geek like movies TV shows and books are like my Fred really first loves when it comes to like you know life it um I just have this card from cloth and paper sequins and paper Sesame card and then again I think this hello there is from yeah play my spot maybe and then this is from seeping the paper so I like this don't lose your fire awesome printables my old felon is from this gallery and then so differ and inserts from different shops so this is for me lettuce at the movies and TV I actually printed this for a 20/20 I'm going to write down the movies that I am anticipating for 2020 fan TV shows as well and then TV shows to watch this is from Sesame these are mostly like shows that I recommended that I need to watch or like seasons that I need to catch up on I haven't filled out yet and then movies that already came out that I do still need to watch and then books right now I just have I'm currently reading to settle art I'm not giving it suck by Mark Manson and it's a self-help book and honestly it's the only self-help book that I've been tolerating so far because yeah it's really good and then I have like videogames of books so like the last section are my information so I have home auto as in contacts sub-element me again for gallery so home stuff um like in itself like home so I um I usually clear like the clear tape from my label maker and then was so glad that they it comes in black too because like if you use the clear and with the black ink it's not gonna show so if this is like black tape with like white um font which is nice because I really like this like black ones these are from coffee paper if I haven't mentioned already sequins on paper and then here right now I just since I really don't know like what to put like in this section yet I just I like have like um like house info like cameras over here I didn't realize that I wrote it down okay so I have my address right there and then like just like information like on our lease we are renting the house and I still I live with my parents and everything but I do like share like half of the rent um so it's nice to like know I think like how like the leases and then everything and then I just have this like um sticky note pad paper from planner Society and it's just like ideas like section or ideas for this section like what I can put in this and I just like you want to write this down and then for auto stuff I have my another like list right here for this section that I can put and then this is the auto maintenance um insert from Sesame and so far I did buy my first car like this year and I've only gone to one maintenance so far and then this masterless from Sesame and I just like put in like what's in my car so like different categories like essentials tech help hygiene and then extras so I want to be prepared like you know for you know whatever at least um so I just have like some stuffed I need like like my car manual my insurance car is my title and registration like first aid kit and then like a charger of course had film the flashlight and that emergency kit like when you they have like those emergency kits that you come by like on Amazon my dad like gave me one like after about my new car and it's just like measure measure your tire pressure or like um when you actually when it's like lower and it can actually like put in like a little bit of they're not like the ones that are like heavy-duty like in car like um like maintenance shops and everything but it's to like you know help you get by and then hygiene like hand sanitizer wipes tissues extra clothes shoes hair ties a jacket in chapstick and then extras I do have a blanket and a pillow like well I got those small like throw pillows not a big like you know an actual exciting pillow I have my reusable bags for like groceries and shopping um a pen in an opah some cash and some coins and some glasses and my glasses and then lastly is my contacts list so these are from coffin paper and then I just have like random like rock grid paper from beads agenda and then I have more sticky notes in this like Flyleaf I'm from sesame cloth and paper and this is just like regular I'm from like staples or something and these two are from Aliexpress and then I have this folder pocket folder this is from sesame and I just have like stickers that I use a lot like in desk planner or I have two new papers this is from Gotham paper planner spot and then different like made paper coats stickers coop and paper cloth and paper and cloth and paper you can't forget those dot stickers and then these two are also from Kaufmann paper I have the small transparent sticky notes and like these two by priority introduce and then more stickers these are from crossbow printables they're like pretty big so that's why there is this part right here and then more clock and paper stickers and then this is from sequins and paper have my Ollie clip and then more plan our society um sticky notes tea pad which is like really pretty like the like a floral put people bows on it but it's like black and white which is definitely methane so yeah that is it oh my gosh like yeah this is my extension I call it my extension planner it is an extension of my personal science EDC and so far like this system has been working out pretty well and I like how I can plan like long term stuff like in a big space and then the short term like everyday stuff like in this like little space that I can bring with me everywhere so thank you guys so much for watching I hope you like this video don't forget to hit the thumbs up button if you do and if you want to see more content from me I promise that I will come up with more content and post regularly more on YouTube because I do miss um posting on YouTube because there's a lot more to share I just have to figure out what those are so yeah don't forget subscribe and I will see you guys next time ice
Channel: rledzn
Views: 19,183
Rating: 4.8547487 out of 5
Keywords: planner setup, a5 planner, a5 rings, filofax, planner flip, minimal planner, plan with me, planner flip through
Id: F8iO3MJDv1A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 20sec (2660 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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