Race Highlights | 2010 Chinese Grand Prix | Extended Highlights

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we are all systems go here at the impressive Shanghai International circuit whatever uncertainty the last race in Malaysia caus formula 1's weather Watchers their faith in their Radars looks set to be restored with the caveat of course keep watching that [Music] Sky first corner so decisive in Malaysia is V going to get there first now slightly sluggish and Alonzo makes a bit of a move and the on side Weber looks to have got ahead of vett Alonzo already into the lead though great start by him and Fett's already dropped back into third place Alonzo from Weber from fettle jump start for alono there's no doubt about it looking out of the window Alonzo could jump start so we'll watch for that on the timing screen from the officials buckon is still ahead of Lewis Hamilton Massa still in seventh place but Alonzo flying start there fettle now trying to danant his way past Mark Weber coming through on the inside as they come out to turn six Weber still ahead button very close to Nico rosberg Massa very close also to Lewis Hamilton big uh connection then in the back of the field four cars there is that leotti hulkenberg delosa maybe try to pick that up yellow flags out so it's leoi Kashi and buen what a weekend he's had remember he had that enormous accident on Friday when the two wheels just Le off going down the back straight in practice okay so Lei drops it under breaking and the rear end oh right over the top and that's uh sort of gear booxed himself into the side here we go again the Saba he just drops it under breaking as he pulls a downshift and we're on board the Williams then that sort of just finds its way around good driving Ferrari have been out in the pit Lane for a good lap now I think they want to counter what they know is going to be a drive-through penalty for Fernando Alonso for that rather blatant jump start I saw it from the pit Lane as well Martin so you won't imagine things I believe it'll be a stop Ando penalty for alono but you're not allowed to serve a penalty under the safety car so intermediates for Mark Weber it's a bit of a gamble maybe and look at stacking up in comes vettle alzo been and so's Massa Alonzo's pitting for tires not for the penalty he'll have to come back through again this was always the worst case scenario for Red Bull everything just thrown up in the air and that didn't work well for better he had to Quee they have to get the other there's no refueling now but they still have to get the other tires ready for him he's behind Massa Schumaker Hamilton there is Sebastian vettle safety car is in this lap so they've got to go and catch it up and uh Hamilton staying he's changed his mind Hamilton's done a late pit stop and that's a replay as you can see but he was going around and suddenly got the radio call to come in so he's on the intermediates but Jensen button is still out there now careful also to watch anyone weaving because the drivers after the Hamilton insent in Malaysia decided at their meeting that that would not be permissible again that would not be a warning it would be a penalty Petro there being hounded by D Roa look how much more grip Mass has got on those intermediate tires sorry driving around the outside he got so much more grip as they Tippy toe on the dry slick tires so Alonzo in sixth place at the moment sutil eighth it's rosberg Buton kiter Petro Del Roa Alonzo caline and sutil bar alwari there goes Alonzo a fish tail at the back there but accelerates hard forward towards Petro just ahead of him now the early impression is that going onto inter was exactly the right move and they'll catch the two leaders in short order see how long they last though in these conditions they could be gone in three laps and they need to pit anyway some slip streaming and positioning going on down the back straight for those still on slick tires still roer and Petrov as they come down this back straight there's Jensen Buton ever so careful kopit is also on the soft tire still the dry Tire slicks D Ro's passed Petro Massa just behind there's Lewis Hamilton down in 14th Place as Michael schumacker in 13th very Cy at the moment what are the conditions going to do are they going to change is it going to be the right call to stay out there goes rosberg and button and rosberg just HS the fastest lap on slick tires [Music] on that's Hamilton and vetel then struggling around so it's just a drive through ble trying to come up the inside of Hamilton I wonder if they're just burning already those intermediate tires they need they're designed to run at much cooler temperatures in wet conditions and those pair are really struggling to get the power down let's look at the lap time so Weber on his Red Bull how he does in the slipstream of the McLaren as Alonzo hasn't been given a penalty yet yes he has he's been given the drivethru now so he can serve that in the next three laps and he serves it now alono coming straight through the pit Lan Ted the intermediate tires have gone they have burnt out leis Hamilton been on the radio saying there's no more life in these left I need to go back to slicks Michael shimaka is the first one to realize that and has come in now Fernando Alonzo serving his penalty right now and both Red Bulls about to come in this lap the Red Bull guys are ready we think the problem that delayed Mark Weber and ruined v's race was a problem that actually the guns and the air wasn't supplied to them but this is the Red Bull right in front of me now onto slick it's V it's Sebastian vle you're right as rosberg goes through with another fast lap Jensen buuck as well another awful pit stop there for vle and look at that side by side isn't there as well side by side Hamilton and vle touching wheels that that surely is going to be investigated by the sters that's extraordinary here we go down the pit so they're already racing into the pit Lane let alone out of it so for the second time today Hamilton's not on the racing on the racing circuit and uh and this is obviously before the stops ble had a had an appalling stop the right rear looked like it was uh sticking as well here we go well to be honest they they both got released at exactly the same time rosberg continues to lead as Mark Weber comes through then on the inside of hiy kova line and up into eighth place suddenly two three four cars of breast almost one on there is Lewis Hamilton getting a toe from ruen barell through turn 13 there's Weber there's vettle barell Hamilton so it seems so straight forward on the sunshine yesterday and qualifying the two red bulls at the front then Alonzo then rosberg on the two mlan front frustrated that they didn't do better and now because of the rain it's all jumbled again once more as if we're in Malaysia through comes Hamilton great move there has he got enough to keep ahead there of Ruben barell is coming back at him barell went deep into the hair pin as did the two red bulls now also we're going to see who racing between those two cars here is this is Fett having a go on the inside of Mark we it is and he looks if he's pulled one out as well he has they've got to rely on the driver's information on such a changeable track K line and then up into six place for Lotus at the moment extraordinary isn't it you got Al gwari in fifth saying ear in the week how Here Comes Lewis Hamilton coming through then on the inside of Mark Weber Weber really ruing two things there's a headwind down that back straight which makes it doubly difficult if you're in front and he's carrying more wing on that car in case there's a heavy rain later on they pay dividends at some point but right now he's just a sitting Target on the 1 km back straight s's passed cobal during this lap then and now he's got that pair behind him he not be keeping those behind very long b fanies a look around the outside into turn one and Hamilton will get blocked this is one of the problems but also while the driver's looking to make sure he gets through also has got to watch his mirrors from who might come behind as well hey knows there's very little point in banging wheels and losing a front corner against a car that that's so much faster than his interesting to see what's going to happen here cuz remember in Malaysia two weeks ago Lewis Hamilton charged through the field and then couldn't fight away past Adrien sutil Mercedes powered force India But Here Comes Sebastian vetan also coming down on the outside having a look is leis Hamilton holds him double strike oh and through comes sill or through goes Hamilton ahead of sill but Fett's coming back as well so two paces gained there by Le Hamilton so trying on the inside now a vettle and regains the position so Vel knocked his front Wing Hamilton with a double slipstream from the force Indian the Red Bull plus the extra duck that we've been showing you just sailed down that back straight and picked them off as they were busy fighting each other Mercedes P then fends off Rena power force India from Renault from Red Bull he's got good traction good purchase there but he had to get out of the throttle sotil begins to pull away and now we're in the slipstream have we got enough speed in this Red Bull Renault so yeah we have in a head wind it's helping satil half goes defensive not enough will he getting back at the end of the straight though let's see locked up a little under breaking there to sutil but ble has him and will Weber make his way through as well on the inside yes he has in fact Weber has done exactly almost what LS Hamilton did there and got two for the price of one rain forecast in 3 minutes of a very similar intensity as the start so similar rain again in about 3 or 4 minutes here is Hamilton then on the outside of Michael schumacker coming down towards The Hairpin has he got enough or is Michael schumacker done enough to hold that inside line and again he has lewi Hamilton providing The Dramatics but couldn't quite get through this is allowing the Red Bulls to get on the back of uh Hamilton he's got a much better drive out of 13 this time I think he'll be past him halfway down the straight this time here he goes and that's that's difficult to defend they've got a slow car on the inside but the tracks wide enough and it's Michael now in the slipstream and he'll be fancing and and what he doing he got this right Lewis has gone well wide and Schumaker gone through and he's ahead again AL look Michael Shaka come back or Lewis got it through and Hamilton is ahead now but what about fettle coming now on Michael schumacker is this going to be the right moment answer not yet here's another fight we've been looking forward to the man they called the new schumacker who really is the new Sebastian vetel up against shumacker look how much Drive he's got out of the corner as well and in that slipstream the Red Bull will have enough something um bad I don't know if there's a vesy of just from The Damp air that was coming out of the side of vel's left side pot I think it's just the vortices that sort of boil off the edges of the aerodynamic pieces that was the way to do it just Usher schumacker Out to the edge of the track continue on your line and continue out in front and next up Mark Weber will he find it as easy Buton is really close isn't he on Nico rosberg they're both on the stop the tire happen because the last lap he was what four and a half seconds down and yet here he is right on his tail and he's having a go now rosberg lost over a second in the middle sector and Jensen button looks to have got ahead of him and he is down on this long back straight he's round that hairin but maybe on the inside line rosburg will be able to regain position no button accelerates away so it's 2-0 to the McLaren in a sense past the two Mercedes firstly Hamilton past schumacker and now button past rosberg there we go there's the replay so he's gone off and that's why he lost so much time button's kept it all together and uh that's why that's down at turn 11 that's why button was so close coming onto the back straight another angle of the same incident into the pitch they two come so presumably for intermediates they don't fan see it is obviously raining heavier than before because this seems like a no-brainer to them so Shumaker s oh the right not again that wasn't one of the smoother stops e he ahead though it's Al gwari sutil Alonzo comes in so do Master this is going to do smart work by the Ferrari mechanics and Hamilton's really taking it gingely here likewise V buckon in and he's gone for intermediate tires rosberg's in and so is kiter all action in the pit late again once more and we're waiting to see whether we're going to get yet more oh there's a problem there now the sa got at the back of Al Gwar's [Applause] car that's his it's a front has gone wrong there he's ran over his own front Wing he's tagged it on something that's how Al gwari lost his front Wing coming out of four into the Kink of five and the safety car is [Music] out craing What's happen here that's that's sending all sorts of cars and bunching them up in completely difficult way because they're allowed to start overtaking not on the pit straight from the start line but from the first safety car line which is just by the entrance to the pit Lane so Jensen button will start now he's asking for trouble pulling that little oh look there's a Red Bull going way way off there is that Mark we who went off there either way Jensen button under attack you can see how much rain's coming down there's plumes of spray coming up behind the Cars and is that Michael schumacker where are we now there petro and kubit did they manage to hold station there or they actually chandok who's going back actually the blue flag should be waved he should be letting moving aside to allow the cars to come through and that of course causes problems you can see Hamilton now coming around on the outside of Michael schumacker if he can Schumaker holds him and then gry squeezes him out and Shak almost a little twitch then holds line though and Hamilton has to wait again soill has made up ground because it was Red Bull and was it also FAL who went had a problem we wether went wide but FAL seems to have suffered as well because sutil's got through and also Alonzo's got through as well so button's tactic some might say wasn't kind at all it certainly paid off for him but not for on the inside of Michael sh a wonderful move there unless Jim can come back look at him slide there but holds the car still in control and here we go so it was I see yeah it was actually he did Hamilton did go into the side of Weber but he had vtil up on the inside of him it seems sh is just going backwards at the mud isn't he this a man who was such a rain Master someone who just seem to excel in these sort of conditions could read a race could read the weather could read everything it seems and yet whatever he seems to forgotten the expertise of the M he seems to dropped the book through comes Hamilton now on the inside there of Petro played the same trick on the exit of eight into nine catching them unawares so Hamilton now up into fourth place next up it's Robert kitson look at the way he streaking clear then of Petro those have retired include Degrassi delosa Bui Kashi leotti and Glock and here comes Hamilton now against kiter down towards this hapin Hamilton on the outside has he managed to got enough has he got through and round and can he hold that line he has he's mov swiftly across there to take the inside and this is Alonzo challenging stil seemingly at the same place and Alonzo seemingly pulling the same move squeezing him out as he's entitled to do and through he goes and Veta will try to play the same maneuver as well Reno is off then pet Petro was fifth but he's allowed through Mark Weber or Sebastian V rather and Alonzo so that now into seventh throst it there and could almost have collected Alonzo just got on the power too hard too early no traction control these days Weber coming in so he was just behind fipe Masa in 11th so he's stopping Lewis Hamilton continues on his way I wonder if Weber and here's the move he's going to try and make the move that's worked so far and he got such a good run out of seven that rosberg but he's on the inside now good driving from rosberg good close contact from the pair close action for the pair of them new intermediates for Lewis Hamilton OH they had to hold in for the Renault coming through [Music] smoothly done there by the McLaren mechanics also coming in is Fernando Alonzo who is in third so the top three button rosberg Alonzo all in the pits Jensen button reemerge ahead of Lewis Hamilton and's n rosberg rosberg is going to be behind so this could be a McLaren one two they got this right through goes McLaren rosberg rejoins in third that's why chanock had a bit of a problem Karen chandok dropped it in the exit of four Michael sort of made his way past it with no dramas Petro aljari aljari is a new man this last couple of races say I've been very impressed with his overtakes but right now he looks vulnerable Petro's got him and M is having a look on the inside as well one Ferrari engine car and that could be costly for alasar because masa's coming through wheel tohe now Petrov is through Massa the experienced man got to choose his line carefully and it looks like he's got ahead Al gwari possibly choosing discretion there talk about Michael schacker aren't we rather than niik rosberg as Here Comes Petro coming on the outside of Michael schumacker and the Champion's got no answer to that has he well I don't think it's because he's a champion it's because he has no tires left that he's got no answer to that to be fair to Michael two Renault drivers in between the two Mercedes drivers we under threat Hamilton just going through now whoa it's going to go around he's held it Petro's got him and Petrov is through then on the inside there a Mark Weber as the Gap closes once more between the leaders as well but Weber slipped back that's not what he will want after the frustration in Malaysia he may have his teammate very close in his mirrors but Jensen button has been out on his own for much of this race he's round the final corner and only in his fourth race with McLaren Jensen button wins again he's the world champion and he's the the championship leader he heads into Europe leading the way it's a McLaren one two Jon button from Lewis Hamilton it's another Podium for Nico rosberg Fernando Alonzo scores for Ferrari we wait to see where Sebastian Fett is with Robert kiter now here comes kiter into fifth place yet more points second fourth fifth the man who's on poll fails again to win in 200 [Applause] 10 this Victory uh yeah it's it's very special and uh it really means a lot it was a a tricky race out there and again we called we called it right and um it means a lot you know it's not just about being quick it's it's about reading the conditions and uh obviously coming along across the line just one second in front of Ls you know I think it shows what a what a team effort this has been and uh what a great result for the for the whole team e
Channel: FORMULA 1
Views: 561,744
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: F1, Formula One, Formula 1, Sports, Sport, Action, GP, Grand Prix, Auto Racing, Motor Racing
Id: Vo6aB5OhO2s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 38sec (1238 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 15 2024
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