ExpressJS Nodemailer Tutorial

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this is how you can easily send emails like this one from your node.js server to your users first we need an email provider and I like sending blue because they have a very generous free tier of 300 image every day which is more than enough for a small projects you can't use something like Gmail for a transaction and emails because this will just put you into the spam folder very quickly Step 2 install node Mailer in your Express app step 3 create a transporter using note mailers create transport function and here you simply enter your Zen and blue login credentials then you can simply use this transporter to send emails you can define a subject headline a from mail and you can add the body of the email as plain text and or HTML and voila you can now send transactional emails from your espresso
Channel: Coding in Flow
Views: 9,485
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Express send email, express send email gmail, expressjs send email, express js send email, nodejs send email, node js send email gmail, nodejs send email sendgrid, send verification email nodejs, send email using nodejs and express, send email using nodejs, nodemailer - send email from your nodejs app, nodejs send email smtp, nodejs send email free, nodemailer node js, nodemailer tutorial, nodemailer send email, nodemailer example, nodemailer typescript, nodemailer sendmail
Id: _INB5cm29LQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 0min 48sec (48 seconds)
Published: Fri May 05 2023
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