Exposing the Truth About Master Sri Akarshana...

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hello I'm calling from the team of Master Shake Ashla about your wealth yogi program hello else what you do now let's see how your suffering let's see how much our life's gone that bloody pieces so that I can make weed a bit more money out of you on a wing and a prayer that you may get somewhere further if not you're go to debtors prison and probably be sent to paucity basis of near-field herbs groups yeah why don't you guys to buy flowers rip off the pedal so you could throw them at him as like some kind of hero and yes I worship come here come with gold how much money did you lose in your experience and as a single parent that's got to be devastating and [Music] devastating as a bit of an understatement did you say you wouldn't to cardiac arrest and yeah it brought back six iron she took them to stabilize me I'm not be telling our hospital even I was so so L I'm the cause of all the trauma of what happened I just basically give up I didn't want to be here anymore start putting stuff up my facebook I'm making people aware and I got an email today basically trapped in me and but I won't be tracking and I read it good afternoon Eileen it was observed by our management team that you have published negative videos which negatively showed and discussed the internal materials and content of our company's program please remove these in the next 24 hours otherwise management team will take the appropriate legal action against you it was signed very politely stay blessed oh no Dave hey we're about to sue you stay black welcome to coffee break today we have Eileen and Paul they are victims of Eriko and they wanted to speak out first of all let's start with you Eileen tell us aftermath of what happened before we rewind before we go back and talk about how it all unfolded what happened you with Eriko why are you speaking now forgive me if I get emotional juice and cry because it's been really horrific and traumatic experience for me and the aftermath is for me my system due to all the stress my system absolutely crushed and I ended up on husband and I neared it-- and coming out of where I am I got a sense of strength and I sing more people speak a night and because of what happened tell em Charlene's lastly and holding things in I'm from suffering a lot of magical problems myself it's time for us to come out and make our voice heared they spoken and and don't let these people away with things anymore we have to stand our ground we all have to come together as a community and not be intimidated by these people who are just scamming hard-working and people for me even being long parents was a child to have that responsibility and you just want to give your family and your children a better life and to be knocked down and maybe even taken away so for me is my point of my story is to help prevent people and who make me as strong with me and to come back and speak art and and I actually think there could be a lot of suicides people who've not able to recover from the expenses and stuff because I know I was absolutely broken I'm the only way I could put in the world so I was broken because of my experience how much money did you lose in your experience I couldn't be away for three months and I got scandens do not only one of the programs but after the wife yogi program is over I stayed on today another one which was not very nice either I've been off work your cotton hotels and your your B&B is whatever the boats on all the costs of ten thousand hands I know it is a second and as a single parent that's gotta be devastating and devastating Lisbon for understatement a lot of these people there's no kids they know little my bunny kids have no responsibilities they have no responsibility even of death Muslim Muslim have their parents and their loved ones and they make active hard lies when they don't even know what a hard life is and for the life of me and so many other vulnerable people who are putting all our trust into these people and there are programs I'm going and just being scammed and enough enough more people need to speak out I mean need more people like you and to help us with speaking out and not be afraid or intimidated by these people and take a stand together Thank You Ivan can I jump in and say my experience at this stage yeah jump off so I didn't take on the same program as Ilene and at the end of it I really felt left high and dry by now the cost of the program was supposed to be $3,000 White's priced in dollars we can only guess so that's the amount that I spend out but what we will develop as this conversation goes on is that there was a grading system halfway through the course whereby master formerly known as haricots or whatever other name he wants this week and was going to do a creaming process as in let's see I'll get the one that really good at computers or mildly gullible and in between the two we'll take those away from the rest of this course so I can nurture Nate try them to get them to be my 18 as long as they play ball they were sent down the chance to spend am i correct not if you'd say this is great hundreds and hundreds of pounds on buying flowers to rip all the petals off so that we could all throw flowers he strolled in with it - boy oh no no let me let me restate that yeah why don't you guys to buy flowers rip off the pedal so you could throw them at him as like some kind of hero and yes he's my worship come here comes God and the walked along the flower path of the petals from sacked the Lotus crossed legs on this chair and everyone does the namaste bollocks in front of him no yes yes well we didn't have to bathe large or sad but we hadn't ripped the petals off the flowers and I seen the price and was disgusting Wow Wow yeah that yeah it sounds amazing well let's get into it now that we have kind of both of your a little bit about what happened what I did can I just finish that because you wanted the ending sure yeah yeah absolutely it's because of this dissatisfaction it's crucial to see he stood up having had all this adulation of flowers and all that and giving his little speeches and then handed out our worthless bits of paper to say that we completed the course and then started to announce who he had privately selected to be part of the I am creator close to God experience speed and you can probably have a guess that maybe myself and Arlene were not on that list then the names ran out and he said well that's the end of the wealthy okie scheme thank you for coming along for the last month if your name wasn't called out then good luck with your future all you were taught in that month was out to be a Tele sales guy to sell I am creator products and courses and things it had no intrinsic value whatsoever and inside his umbrella in the real world because you'd sold yourself to the devil in the clickfunnels and the the aweber process everything that you have been taught would only be good for selling his product onwards correct yes the other bottom line is within the 15 people I do not know one person although they may talk about it that earned one penny I certainly did not receive any Commission whatsoever for what my few results Arlene I don't believe you saw a whisper either now and I don't know any of the B lispers that got anything some of the aliases may have been enticed in so I don't think they're so how much did this course cost again in that the basic price should be three thousand dollars or pounds depending on which way you were doing it okay three thousand pounds to go become a teller salesman that's all you are a Tele sales rep to be your average the commission was 10% on product ten percent now I've worked commission only sales on its yellow pages sales rep brewery industry game the Machine I've worked for companies I understand sales but if you're working commission only ten percent is a travesty plus has no embedded sales tracking of your leads being allocated you for a lifetime so it was a we're going to get to this as you retrograde through the beginning and the middle but nothing of what was signed up it was a free-for-all as it was in the office staff are in chaos and have no structure and we had 15 people that didn't know what their leads were they were allocated on a bit of a but was it a Google Docs sheet and you put your name down that you want you to ring these three these people now let's understand let's take this into the worst scenario their offices being in Lincoln have no mobile signal connection we're in the middle of nowhere you don't get one bar plus your leads are in 0.1 America time zones and India time zones with some in England time zones so you've got people going up stairways wandering around rainy car parks on little mobile phones trying to look like the budding professional hello I'm calling from the team of master Xie xiè about your wealth yogi program hello ask what you do now let's see how really now let's see how you're suffering let's see how much your life's beyond our bloody pieces so that I can make weed a bit more money out of you on a wing and a prayer that you may get somewhere further if not your go to debtors prison and probably be sent a positive eight or seven years beetle clubs group oh my goodness that's quite the experience let's get is anything of what I've said there cuz I know I express is anything there Arleen inaccurate of what I've said no everything's and cracked and we haven't even touched iceberg yeah we do you say you want actually give me the shivers of what what happens let's go let's go through it okay so I want you guys to take me through first your why you got involved with master Sri Yash Khurana or whatever his name is Eric ho then tell me about like tell me about the experience of okay you pay the money you get involved what I want to go through specifically is how Eric hoes promises did not lead up to what he was saying so I want to hear about his promises and then I want to hear about the actual deliverables so once again I'll jump on on that and I'll try and keep mine snappy under sure I pumped into one of their members at a travel trade show because I'm a tour guide and the stuff with regard sales and the internet which I was not very good at seemed a good idea so I bought of it a little bit of a program which I worked my way through so that got me into the system they then had a little bit of a seminar up in link and I did that for three days and well the stuff there that I didn't know about sales and marketing so I'll take that as an in a couple of days then getting on to what is the subject of our matter this new scheme this new schemes to come on board to be part of this great global operation that's going to be bigger and better to understand what's going on called the wealthy okie now it was going to be by a strict very strict select program whereby you had to pass an interview or boy this interview is gonna be very strict and you had to answer all the right questions so the right answers to make sure for these are limited spaces of only 30 spaces and they're crying out as we speak for these bases you don't know how lucky you are to have been selected to have these spaces so when the phone call comes be ready because you might even out be asked for the secret code word needless to say you get the phone call have you got enough money to spend three thousand quid to come up to Lincoln or as well San Diego then to be on this program what what if what wasn't missing in your life well missing is finance because you know I am really sort of reinvesting in my future I work day to day and not all the usual pain points that we learned about and were taught how to possibly manipulate with others I go on the wealth yogi thing initially to San Diego I paid the thousand plus upfront in a couple of installments then it was supposed to be San Diego then with a few weeks to go it changed to Lincoln and I went in sorting I would be nurtured to be part of a growing company I've seen all the videos the law of attraction I can't quite get that coincidences that breed results I'll think well that can be quite interesting I'll go down that road because some of the stuff has been interesting and this is going to take us on a journey and I thought within a month that journey am I prepared to subject myself to yoga well that's an area Arleen love the yoga I was you know I'm sixty something a little bit unmatched fit but it was intensive intensive yoga which was will come all so of what that is because the yoga also went into manifestation which even master edged on the fact that he was deliberately brainwashing the people in order to be the perfect students to go with the flow to get the end product for what he wanted out of the individual so that is my journey what Arlene will say I think will take them I would like her to take the manifestation and the the yoga further because she did more than that but that's how I went in but it was on day three of the course then it became blatantly obvious that we were being trained to be telling sales representatives and nothing more ten sales representatives on Commission only and that's what our function was that's where I'll leave my beginnings and that's in day three when we chose to go down in the absence of our own business plan the I am creator direction which is a fatal error because then everything you taught was only useful for being part of the iron creator team so I'll go over to Arlene because that's my little story and it's not complete but she'll fill in other bits go ahead Eileen well for me it was this I'm quite special getting on this special path years ago helped me with my mindset so much I am the most driven positive person you'll ever meet I've done all the Tony Robbins and attended dispersion colleges or spent thousands and I don't have a bad word to say about any other program that I've done I came across and he was just eric whole transition into mastery cash not a mega was July and God totally sucked in by one a single new trip I thought oh this this dude's amazing I have to work with this dude I actually had time to do the Tony Robbins yesterday in December and I thought no I'm going to the Erica one instead I joined their creator Circle and don't all this on the Hein arts give up my son DS and to go onto the meditations and all got sucked into the whole inside he's doing his wrist infinity bonds where every Sunday once a month he's meant to charge them and that's not money scam so then hands I let me sorry to stop you what what is it affinity bans charging oh he had to be the first 100 to sign up to CC trust if we signed up CC Plus she got for $19 so that's why I signed up this is across uh what do you what do you mean he's charging them I'm sorry it's a yellow band on yeah and then once a month and his sandy high nights he doesn't meditation to send its energy to them to charge these bonds what are the bands gonna do for you oh they're gonna employee in Mick magic I know I didn't and yeah so that was okay go ahead I'm sorry I'm trying to get the full picture here okay so you're selling met in magical infinity bands that he's gonna charge once a month via Web okay I think he don't have one month and that was it there was no word since not only that then Eric you gotta charge the Infinity bands come on buddy go drain infinity bands what are you doing it was a USB connection Oh different but it used to be discard at the time an armed escort you could see everybody's messages and there was so much negativity and I used to think why is people being so negative what's going on I didn't really want to believe it and so I just sort of forgot about it but he's so clamor with his CC cross and this pit crew it's closed so you have to be approached or um post has to be approved though it just means if anybody has any completes me anybody who wants to speak domains there's no way of getting that through his Facebook page because everything needs to be approved as nada hides you wouldn't have a Facebook page that he had approved everybody's posts and stuff like that and so that was either make something sucked on the challenge there his seven-day manifestation challenge Dan got sucked into doing the there was another girl doing launching business in five days and I ball in South program first an Anna come about things and my life I love challenges and I was in a really bad place and I was doing another challenge today challenge and I of course come across the wife yogi program or how it was gonna change your life and you've had when you're there all this stuff and I was like oh my god I what was this man he's me and I need to sign up for this but because I already bought the other program Isaac how can I leave my son for time on high can i and okay I'm a mortgage I'm gonna pay mortgage on the Stevens for every last penny I had into these programs and I mean everything right down until the day before the day I was gone I actually tax lien and said I don't think I can go I don't think I'd be able to afford this and he said all we have to go we have to go could you get paid when you're here you get paid when you're here and I put all my trust in him and I had to take my be dog even and she's 15 years old and she's got cancer because nobody would look after and antique or with me and they for sitting in a B&B or air B&B every day by ourselves why we were there for 600 pause I'm pregnant I'm gonna separate little camera just okay nice to see ya but stopped into all the challenges and pollens and programs when Lincoln was all hyped up can't believe I'm here can't believe we're working with master I am so sparsely connected and I am so embarrassed to be even turn this call at this present minute and hi I didn't see the signs before but I know Nye that I had to go I had to learn and I have to stand up night and had prevent so many other people from making the same mistake I did and hopefully more and more people will come forward but when we got there and basically will not go into too much but will give his basics just showy or chai is hurt once the first day we got there we were talking to his office mid science stuff nobody didn't even know we didn't even know what to have a recital and because we were all hyped up by all this stuff he was tallness and Tobiah come in and they basically stated long shortness I thought I was gone I told them I just wrote a book I wanted to publish in the book and I want to work on me charity work oh yes master be able to happy roll out he'll be able to give me the best publishers and all you can make and 2,000 per giant and all this they were telling us then and they took us into room and said right and we have big plans for the whole I am creator and we're going to go global we're gonna be training people up in public speaking we're going to be training people up in marketing would you basically would you like to be part of the I am creator team and come work for the I am creator patreon duct and all these avenues whatever you want to be trained up in and then work worldwide who says go to America India and be part of the team everybody was like oh my god this is so amazing I can't believe we get to be part of the whole I am creator master sri kazna right every single person saying yes everybody forgot about their own work we put all our trust that this was going to be completely life-changing and then they give us M statistics on how much money that will connect by each phone call and it's program that we sell and we're like whoa that you can make up to a thousand dollars a call that is high like they were selling oh sure yes sure so we all have to be product then we will intense training and today except Shauna's marketing some people have no computer skills and I have no idea but capful knows no idea by facebook guards the training was that intense we were like in there for 1415 hours a day it was complete overload and we couldn't even take it all in so then when we finished our five dance I was training on how to build exceptional then we were sent into groups to start making kept photos to produce for his or his GRC programs his wife yogi programs and then that's when the energy and the case that we have to pay for the Facebook ads out of our own pocket yeah but we can't hundred pounds deposit into their Facebook account to pay to the Facebook ads to produce adverse to produce leads to produce leads for a Salesforce print in either San Diego Bangalore or London to produce the leads to produce the contacts to produce the telephone numbers which we then have to follow up in our own time is very money in order to get a result which was not allocated to a person at any one time and that lead could be stolen or completed by one of the office staff further down the line having made the in Rome to it and that's the chaos that were involved in but when you're into the spirituality world as opposed to the hard fast sales world which eyes more it became dog-eat-dog and you've seen all these lovely little fairy fairy spiritual types turning against each other as they bet each other's ankle to try and get a phone call through to earn their 10% commission there very social experiment I found it quite amusing but in a very tragic way right yeah so we made our tech photos to God entertains and then when we got into teams everybody was just basically kill each other so some people doing the work and other people just doing nothing and anybody then when we had our trip follows me and he informed us as Paul said you had to have five if you want during the two-month program which cost five thousand and he and your own general one month you had to pay an extra five on the time of your own money to run a spec ads some of us was moved over into his bedroom I was one of the ones that was moved over into his burden call this one little ones instead in Halliburton once I moved over and solid business in the first week and that's when I started seeing what really was going on I didn't want to believe it but because I'm so trained in I was picking up on all this stuff and I was like oh my god what have I done and and then I just goes I just can't get caught up on this so there when whoever didn't have the files on the pile to run the Facebook ads it was like I don't even want to know you there are some was laughs it in the other bin at this point have you already paid your 3000 or whatever yeah yeah hey your 3,000 hold on yeah you pay your 3,000 you're thinking you're gonna get rich from this program that's the whole reason you get in you go basically he says okay what we're gonna do is put you in our team right and then you have to start by putting in five hundred dollars into his facebook ad account exactly in order to run ads and generate leads for friends for him and they're not like the stuff you paid for is not necessarily tied back to you yeah and you're supposed to call for him yeah in order to get 10% of any profit margins yeah that's the worst deal I've ever heard of I know but praise he has this little phrase which I think comes I mean once I realized what it meant because it reverse engineering so you look at the end result and you work work it back he's used it on a lot of his franchise models but he's basically cut everything to the absolute bone to make the operators take all the responsibilities or creating and generating the leads activating the leads closing the leads producing the business to get the most absolute minimal percentage of the end result and then feel that they're happy with the deal when then again there is no on sale that leaders that not allocated to you for a lifetime or for whatever that client may go through the system that you will be rewarded for how that individual was to grow and if that group individual was to end up as a team leader in the space of three or four years I have no idea who so what to anybody and I've never seen such chaotic rubbish in my life the the other side of this too is that you're you're selling to people who are then gonna become salesman themselves in his and yeah they'd and they don't know that it's it's a very strange business model to be in and I'm really happy you guys this is why I'm happy L or speaking out is with so many people not knowing what's actually going on what is well Theo you how does it even work I'm really happy to have people who because this is the kind of stuff I can ever get to personally this is why I have testimonials is because you guys have been through it you've been through the ropes so for anyone out there watching wondering hey should I join you know the wealthy okie these are two experiences that are not you don't have master sri looking over their shoulder right now making sure y'all are gonna give the the positive testimonial he wants so I'm yeah I'm definitely absolutely tragically because we're genuinely kind you know down-to-earth people we were dragged in to give great testimonials about how much we've learned and how much we've earned and we haven't you guys were told by master sri to give a testimonial Oh every day it gets you have to start when you go there and you know but then there's no testimonials at the end testimonials at the end would have been a different story good photo collage but he gets yet to start when you're all hyped up thing for me is that people recognize me I was on CC plus I was generalized videos they were trusted me put their trust in me I know since I've even spoke out you're like but you were the one said it was Korean I goes I am so sorry and from the bottom of my heart even to the papers I am ashamed myself when we were told to do the calls and got the listing I was like I had to make I had no money I had to make my money back and I need the cause and I got people signed up in the program and I just goes I just I cannot be no part of this this is not who I am this is not what I'm about because I am spiritually connected and pack up in energies it was absolutely the most horrific experience I'm home at nights to my Airbnb and was crying myself to sleep bullying email mu I mean that is atrocious I have not seen it tell me about it tell me about it I read it yeah and I started putting stuff up my facebook I'm making people aware and I got an email today basically threatening me and but I won't be trans I know notice whether these people whatsoever because I need to prevent I basically give up a knife on your behalf Arlene because yes looking again to that that the world with Bill with love Island who was it's fair to say that joke Arlene has had mental health issues understandably what she's been through and to send when we actually have to open up all our vulnerabilities to these I am creative people I know your vulnerable points they know where to hit to send this atrocity and threatened legal action I think it's outrageous in every wonder here this is they decide to stand up against master it because obviously he must have authorized this it reads an email from creator circle om trader calm good afternoon Eileen it was observed by our management team that you have published negative videos which negatively showed and discussed the internal materials and content of our company's programs these materials were provided to you during the program time and you signed an indemnity form which confirming that you do not have the right to disclose any of these provided materials although you breached the confidentiality agreement we would like to resolve this issue between us you will be given a grace period to delete all the disclosed materials please remove these in the next 24 hours otherwise management team will take the appropriate legal action against you unbelievable unbelievable it's completely disgusting they're threatening you for speaking out just get out about their program which they signed you into the trace for Talon they're trying to shut me up for Talon Detroit I couldn't because I was over in the business all the other ones that basically left us you will not believe the extent some of these people went gasp monster no master tree bags full master just to get his leg people I am creator we often don't even get paid out I mean there's just no it was sighing very politely at the bottom of this this outfit have the the audacity to say stay blessed from the customer Oh No hey we're about to sue you stay blessed da just at least leave me and paws off not sorry I still can't get past the fact that he's threatening a single mother who's lost $10,000 nice memory lost ten thousand dollars to his course and then he's saying stay blessed I can't get what does that do to you as someone who's just trying to recover I mean you talked about the emotional toll this is done to you can you speak a little bit to that so after you after everything kind of happened after you realized you said you'd kind of caught on what happened before when I come home from the program I was broken I was broken I tried to get back on my feet I got seriously is a christmas to extent i was in cardiac arrest and i was brought back i was it was just the impact and stress of everything that I'd been through all the long hours we were doing four or five hours of yoga to turn the morning train in England 16 17 hours a day I will look back on it I said what the hell we even Pike would be even thinking so i from pain ii getting better I've come to realize everything that he was teaching none of it makes even sense everything that I've been doing this last couple of years I was going against myself I was working from the ego enough from the soul I was basically chasing and that was saving but it's not me to guess that to realize how much I've learned and I can put that in to happen my clients night I haven't change our lives the right way can I ask you horrid horrid did you say you went into cardiac arrest and yes it brought back six hours it took them to stabilize me I'm not be telling our hospital even I was so so L I'm the cause of all the trauma of what happened I just basically give up I didn't want to be here anymore and not to be so a taste and I've started my special traits and I'm doing things the right way and I've changed my whole life around within weeks I have got this inner strength it was the other day four people contacted me about stuff that was going on and as advice people contact me just wanna move on and won't forget about this whole experience and something just clicked and I goes does it I've had enough I have to speak out and coz holdin all that stress and stuff in was I can't move forward until I tell the truth and learn art and I think I by doing this I can move forward with my life if I'm not taking the court in church and we were basically used talk on the phone or pay your own money to appease the gods use your own phones sell his horse Sally his course and then at the end of it have a nice life see you later good luck nice to meet you left hung and right this is heart I mean honestly this is heartbreaking III heard I've heard recently I don't know if you guys have followed this there's another guru Samuel Leeds who he had he had a student killed himself after after his program now now I'm not gonna say they were related I'm only gonna say I took the program he was an ex that and basically he was in a lot of debt he was very stressed out because of the debt and he ended up sadly very I mean tragically committing suicide yeah I said your mind in your mind have things gone too far with these gurus who are charging people up and up and up and up and up promising up and up and up and up and up targeting them more and more and more and more vulnerable what's our darts they don't realize they make like their change in people's eyes no but nobody's showing the other side of it they're people that they're breaking and that's why I wanted to speak out because like I the part really pissed me off as well if you don't succeed he makes like that you don't put in the effort and you don't change so it's a win-win-win situation Fred yes but for me because I am anybody it knows me anybody that knows me on Facebook knows how driven I'm positive and I put my heart and soul into everything and I never give up and I put everything into this to be left to shaft and basically that's what we were left shafted it was talking about the heavy big cell on being agents for kangen water is that worth talking about a hundred percent it's worth talking about I okay so I heard I heard about this I heard like rumors about this link for everyone who doesn't know kangen water is an MLM multi-level marketing right which many people in America hold to be pyramid schemes equivalent to pyramid schemes but what will let that lie he was trying to recruit you guys into that every single person within there was not put the project as a teen thing like master standing up and saying I think well you got stand up and say the kangen water is good stuff but every one of his office staff will sneak round one of the tables from time to time I don't know why but no one approached me I don't know why that was but everybody else they came up and said we're agents for kangen water this negatively ions come alkali water which is all the rage and all the health health thing yes save your life Sega answer Savior whatever yeah well even to the extent that the water within what we drank within the office had to be canned in water we weren't allowed to drink tap water and the kettle had to be boiled with kangen water and because of the negative energies obviously we weren't allowed in microwave because you can understand a microwave and all that sort of energy just would've affected us in all our sales approaches oh my god I can't imagine yeah so we just had a little hot stove you know that when we weren't farming or doing it out with rubbing boy sticks links boyscouts links together to make open fires to manifest around each other we have to you did a lot of things around fires didn't you you did the chai Indian New Year round a big open fire didn't you yeah are you away they done a fire on Sunday night now but it was the way they've done it they took me up into the office they're like oh can I talk to you in there like oh we would like you to be part of our meds and tank water group because your hair so amazing and you would be in the front of our adverts and we think you'd be so me isn't and Isaac right okay and I need to stage what was grown as a guarantor so I am back over to the other bed that I said so a couple of ones I was only up to try to get me to sign up for this kind of water I'm the brought me aside and they're like oh my god same thing to me and I was like what the hell I cannot stand sneaking around and if they had to talk the whole daughter was in and said we work with cannon water would you like to be part of it and be part of the great for whatever instead of sneaking everybody around making me sleep squash I'll get you signed up get you signed up and away you go I've got to ask because I heard this from somebody I heard that Eric was allegedly threatening people with dark energies who weren't paying up is that true he's my camphor tree and an Indian mine and contacted me the other day he was doing the FLC program and because it was so bad he stopped it putting in a monthly payment scheme and he stopped him from taking the payments out on a certain member again rang him and said the dark energies would come back on you and you've been affected by the law of attraction because you're not making these payments and I was sick too so much I'm not sure they believed in the law of attraction no I don't I don't think and the personally I mean we cannot know we cannot know but I don't think they do because they they wouldn't be doing much idea because does not law of attraction they wouldn't be contradicting themselves by taking papers money often and real stuff but then just shasta and basically it's all everything is just basically money doc doesn't forget and I was on you've got to manifest your Lambo somehow I mean you got a manifest available you know to be fair did he not put out all the fires in Australia with his meditation oh yeah that's racist what man that's gay I don't know what to say I owe shames no no she I'm whatsoever what did you guys do in the aftermath of this programming I mean obviously I think a lot of people probably left like you guys kind of bewildered by what happens what dr. Wilden and I children after experience okay I didn't do anything that wasn't by my own free will I had greater expectations between no way were fulfilled and I don't believe with a bunch of crooks like that that it's it's wasted energy trying to book bits of paper to refund as far as what we were sold and what we got out of it it was rubbish it was pathetic I there's people that sold their houses there's people that don't all this don't know yeah I they're doing what they have to generate to leverage back what they have to guess but where I think I just can't understand knowing what we went through how can you sell something to somebody else knowing exactly what what you're selling ripping people off to go through what we went through that's what really pisses me off really annoys me so much Paul you seem to be very this less affected by all of this then Eileen is it fair to say you're kind of here for moral support or you you feel bad about what happened to her or are you here for your own reasons feeling that you know you you also feel obligated to tell people about what happened I'm not here because Eileen's billing I believe it everything that she said and I've been half of that it has other things that we have token about because I'm trying to keep a little bit of the reins on Eileen not to get into the areas not provable let's just talk about what actually happened because that's important it cannot be denied I do very much stand my ground then I was a bit of a devil's advocate up there I was not on it Eileen got a listed selected initially until she found out what was going on my feelings have been made known very very early that that this was towards a lot of gullible people that the course of not fit for purpose we had other things in there which are quite horrific which are the fact that the man management of the whole course of people with accommodation and another shark that sucked a few of the girls in with accommodation and disposed car rental that didn't happen which I helped bail them out on that and financially got embarrassed in that instance as well but this is where the whole structure of the course is organized like a couple of a couple of teenagers trying to organize a scout camp in the forest and it's completely completely wrong it has those script rapture it has no function and it has no any product when that email came through today that really enticed me I was going to come on and talk to you but you seem like a good bloke you seem you got your head screwed on and without people like you that are prepared to that have got the the outlets to to highlight these things that going on if you can save a few people from wasting 15,000 pounds and getting close I mean I didn't know till after the effect although I was in contact with Arlene she's her own person it only came to light way after Christmas because where everyone was doing their own thing that she got to sort like a near-death experience there's no course or business opportunity in this world that is worthy of putting yourself through that girl you know it was you know it's not acceptable and with all the things that are currently in the press it's an absolute atrocity that that email that came through this afternoon threatening with you legal action well they've got my goat and now it will I will go all the way with this this can go out to all the people that we know because you know you're just they're just a few little school children playing with business up there they haven't met the real world and the real world is just about to come up and hittin our o with things you don't understand so this is just the beginning because when you put this out and it goes live it's going to bring other people out of the woodwork I don't know what it will produce but what we've said is honest and truthful to how we went through it no more no less thank you thank you Paul Thank You Eileen thank you so much for being able to give us this opportunity just I've seen so many other people your voices deserve to be heard I strongly believe that I think that customer testimonials the idea that only positive customer testimonials should exist is insane and I think it's damaging to people's lives so I mean you guys are the ones who are you know risking so much to come out and speak again thank you guys with that said everybody that's all for now we will talk later thank you [Music] [Music]
Channel: Coffeezilla
Views: 113,463
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: eric ho, master sri akarshana, fake guru, ecommerce, wealth yogi, yogi in the Lamborghini, rich, money, wealth, business, sales
Id: sDq3BNmCsaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 4sec (3064 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 22 2020
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