Exposing The Moving Company's Scam

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- Okay, what's up guys. So I know it's been two weeks since I last updated you. And I apologize for that. I really wanted to just sort of wrap this thing up two weekends ago, but I haven't been able to because well, quite frankly, the story has gotten way deeper and way more complicated than I would have ever guessed. There are now lawyers involved, there might be a lawsuit. The company itself is under investigation as are their employees by the police. And basically I'm gonna do my best to update you on immediately what happened after my truck was discovered, let you know, what's happened up until this point and what's likely to happen into the future. I'm also gonna update you on something really important that I think needs to be said at the second half of this video, which is tips on how to protect yourself, anyone you know, your loved ones, your family, and even your friends when you move. And I made a list of things that happened to me and things that I've gathered online, that other people have gone through, because believe it or not moving scams as I've discovered over the last two weeks is a pervasive problem in Canada and the United States and probably other countries, These companies and I don't wanna generalize because I'm sure there's some great ones out there, but a lot of them, a lot of them take advantage of people and upcharge you with BS, terms, charges. I'm gonna update you on all of that, but I wanna give you exactly what happened immediately, following my truck being discovered. So after I got the call from the manager of the shipping company saying that my truck was discovered. All my belongings were in it and we should be okay. It doesn't look like anything was taken. I immediately went to Mississauga, which is a city outside of Toronto, claimed it in customs. And they took it directly to their warehouse, which was really strange because they wouldn't let me on the truck to see what was missing. And they refused to let me do that. So I thought, okay, I don't have any choice. So I signed the thing that said, "I'm picking up my stuff. " and they took it away. We set up a delivery time for the Friday. They delivered on Friday and everything was delivered except one of the boxes was opened, and here's (chuckles), here's where things get really bizarre, on the entire truck a single box was opened, my box. In that box was all of my most expensive stuff. The watch I bought myself for my 10 year YouTube anniversary, my Sony camera that I use to shoot all my main channel videos, hence why I'm shooting this on my blog camera at the moment, they tried to steal my Mac book, but luckily it was just the box in there, not the actual Mac book, but they thought it was in there. And finally my most expensive pair of shoes. And altogether it's tens of thousands of dollars. And it was something that really sucks because as it turns out, which I'll get into it doesn't look like I'm gonna get any of that back. And it doesn't look like the insurance company's gonna pay out, nor does it look like the actual company itself is going to pay out hence why I hired a lawyer to handle this for me. My lawyers and the police believe that this was an inside job. The current theory... And again, I can only speculate at this point because there is a police investigation going on right now. The current theory is that this was an inside job. Whether the company itself was aware of this and was in on it, or it was just some rogue employees, we don't know yet. We have a few people that they're looking into, but essentially what they did was as they were packing up my stuff, they gathered all of my most expensive stuff and put it from around the 25% mark of the box all the way up to the top. So about 75 to halfway through to the top so that they knew exactly which box to hit. They could access it all easily. So they didn't have to go all the way to the bottom of a single box. And that's what they did. They opened one box, took all my most expensive stuff and dumped the rest. They didn't touch the big screen TVs. They didn't touch any of the other stuff that they picked up from five other people. They targeted one box and it was mine. After all of this happened, the shipping company actually gave me a full refund for the shipping costs. Everything that they charged me, they gave back to my credit card and I thought, oh, at least I got the costs back. I thought it was a gesture of Goodwill. And then after I talked to my lawyer who subsequently talked to an insurance expert, apparently the reason that they did that, was to absolve themselves of any responsibility regarding an insurance claim. They knew what was taken. They knew the value of it. They knew exactly what they were doing and they figured, well, we're gonna refund this guy, $8,000 originally quoted me $3,700. But at the end said it was 10. And I negotiated them down to eight. But in any event, they refunded me the $8,000 US. And they did that because they waited well, we can either keep the 8,000 and be on the hook for tens of thousands of dollars of stuff that we've stolen or allowed to be stolen, or we could just refund him that and absolve ourselves. So that's basically where we're at right now. The police are investigating them. There's an insurance expert on this. And the insurance company themselves is refusing to pay out because the company is trying to extort me for the $8,000 back. Let me repeat that. The company gave me the $8,000 back and now they're trying to get it back, through the insurance company, by telling the insurance company, "Don't give him anything through our policy because we want our $8,000," even though they refunded me. So this company is very dirty, very scammy. I would love to tell you guys who they are, their name is actually (beep) but I have to blank that out because my lawyer has advised me, at this point, not to say their name. If they wanna continue playing dirty, my lawyers actually wanna go to the media. They actually want me to make a video dedicated to this and expose this company as a last resort, basically, if they wanna play hard ball. And so we're gonna hold on to that option. So if the company is watching right now, I have every intention of making sure you guys don't do this to anybody else ever again, that kinda leads me into the second half of this video, which is how to protect yourselves, your friends, your family, or anyone that you know, that might be moving from this happening to you, from being scammed, from having your things stolen and from being overcharged, a gross amount. First thing you wanna do is find out what their insurance policy is, how much insurance coverage do they have dollar wise get a copy of their insurance policy contract and make sure that you have individual expensive items to individually write those down on the contract to make sure that it's on there. Because what they're trying to do essentially is say that, oh, well, we don't know if any of this was really there. Even though I've got receipts for everything they're trying to get out of the most expensive items as is the insurance company, because that's what insurance does, right? We all know that insurance is a nightmare to deal with, you paying these premiums. And then when it comes time to pay out, they don't wanna pay out because again they're all scammers. So you definitely wanna protect yourself by doing that. That is absolutely crucial. When the movers arrive, this is a bit awkward, but you have to get their names, take their pictures, and get a copy of their IDs. I'm telling you, you have to do that. Some of these movers are the sole cause of the scams that happen. I don't know yet if the company was fully involved or if it was just some rogue employees, but I didn't do that. And now we have to go even deeper to try to get their information and things like that. If you do it up front, it's a bit awkward, but just explain to them say, "Am doing this for both of our protections," say, "You can take my picture if you want to make them more comfortable, but you also should get their number." Just get their information, know who these people are, know who the people are, that are touching your most valuable stuff. That way there's a much less likely chance that they're gonna steal your stuff, if they know they've been documented. The third one is get individual GPS tracking devices and put them in random boxes that they're picking up. I know that that sounds like overkill and a bit strange, but this is gonna blow your mind. This professional, big professional, big moving company didn't have GPS on their truck. And they actually asked me if I had GPS as if that was my responsibility. So if you wanna be proactive, don't assume that the company that you're hiring has all their bases covered. You have to take responsibility, put GPS tracking and random boxes so that if the truck does get stolen, like mine, that police can find it. The fourth thing is find out if the people that are picking up your stuff are actual employees or third party contractors. There is a very important reason for this. If they're employees, they're much less likely to steal your stuff. As it turns out, the company hired third party contractors. So these were just independent contractors that had no responsibility. Didn't care if any of my stuff got lost or stolen. And just figured they could probably get a payday, and took advantage of me with this situation. So find out it's important that it's their employees do not accept third party contractors. Get a solid contract written quote upfront that you both sign as a contract. Almost every single moving company will try to upcharge you when the time comes. What they did with me is they gave me a $3,700 quote upfront and then after they had all of my stuff on the truck, they go, "Ah, we're gonna calculate this." Ooh, it's actually $10,000. And as the innocent customer who now is in the hands of these people who have all of your belongings on the truck, who won't leave until you sign the contract, you're expected to read the fine print of a three page document that they're in a rush and we gotta go. We gotta take your stuff. Nobody reads that contract. So sign it upfront because you're gonna feel pressured. You're gonna sign it under duress. And it's gonna be a mess because what this company is trying to do with me and say, "Oh, well, you signed the contract." and there's the fine print, blah, blah, blah. Get it up front. Make sure the contract says no hidden fees. Make sure that you have a lawyer look over if you can and make sure that you both agree to a set amount upfront. With this company, tried to do with me and say, "Oh, there's an elevator charge, there's stairs charge." " Oh well, we have to walk a little farther than normal, so we're gonna have to charge you an extra hundred dollars a box." Like blah, blah, blah. It's all made up. There's no such thing as an elevator charge. There's no such thing as a stairs charge. There's no such thing as any of this. This is just upcharges that these scammers try to do. And the final thing is document, document, document, document, document. I cannot emphasize this enough, write everything down. If it's legal where you are record every phone call, keep every email, try to get everything in writing as much as humanly possible. What I did and I was a bit naive in this is I trusted these guys. So a lot of what they promised me was over the phone, but when it came down to it, like I said, overcharges and all of this insane stuff started to happen. Document, document, document. And that includes, like I said, getting the names of the movers, copy of their ID, take a picture of them, get their names, get their numbers. If they've got nothing to hide, they've got nothing to hide and they shouldn't have a problem with that. So where does that leave us now? Well, like I said, this is gonna be the last video that I make on this topic because I'm in a really good place. I'm back in Toronto. My mental health is finally back on track. The gyms have opened, COVID is really going down all the cases here in Toronto and everything's just opening back up and I'm excited to make content again, even though my camera's stolen. So I have to buy a new one, which is gonna be thousands, but that's okay. It is what it is. And hopefully my lawyers take care of it, but that's where we're leaving off right now. My lawyers have everything handled. They're going through the insurance. If the insurance doesn't do it, we're gonna have to go to court with this company. and it's gonna be a lot of money. But I've decided I'm gonna go through with it if it gets to that point, because I guarantee you this is not the first time this company has done this. I guarantee you a lot of other people have been scammed in the past. And I'm in a position where I do have a bit of savings where I can legally go after these people, these scammers, where the average maybe might not have the money and they're just out, whatever was stolen. So I'm actually doing this more for all of those people than I am myself. And I hope that justice is done. But in terms of the name of the company, if it has to when it comes down to it, I'll tell you their name on my social media. So make sure you check my Twitter. If I have to, I'll even make one final video, but it'll probably be way down the line because insurance companies and lawyers and the court system, sometimes these things take a year or longer. So unfortunately I can't wait that long and I wanna get back to making normal content. I wanna thank you guys for all the support you gave me through this whole situation. So many people reached out and gave me love and things of that nature through email and social media. Just know if anything like this has ever happened to you, you're not alone. I've seen all your emails and tweets from people saying similar things have happened and I'm not gonna let this company get away with this. I'm absolutely not. And I promise you, I will take this to the fullest extent necessary to handle this and to make sure these people never do this again to anybody else. I look forward to new content coming. Once I get a new camera, which will be in September, 'cause I ordered the Sony A7S3. So just be patient. But thank you guys very much. I love you. I'll see you next time.
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Rating: 4.9306712 out of 5
Id: jTQ1dJkWZoY
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Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 22 2020
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