exposing myself on the Internet | Rating Fanfiction Tropes

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is hot it is hot it is summer it is it's June and summer has started in Baltimore it is too hot it's too hot and I'm I have half a mind to cancel summer altogether even though that's where my birthday is what's up y'all how's it going it's been a hot minute I had some stuff going on in my life you know pandemic but you know it's never too late to get back to it you know never too late to hop on hop on the YouTube try oh my god so hot I'm really gonna try to focus and get this intro done because how does a month longer there's no I don't have air conditioner in my kitchen it's in the living room we live in ODIs building there's no central air it's hot and I'm sweating I can feel the sweat building on my upper lip and I'm I'm not happy about it so we're just gonna get through this so what are we doing today we're actually doing something a little bit different something related to my other interests my other hobbies aside from drawing yes I have other hobbies aside from drawing primarily it is writing and I do you know I write my own stuff I have plenty of original content that I write my final semester of college I was working on a webcomic that is go up first stop but you know my point is I've been writing for a very long time Larry large chunk of my life and though I do have a wealth of original content one of one of the things that I also spend my time doing is a 22 year old woman is writing fanfiction and I feel like the fact that I can't even say that on camera in a video that I'm going to post on the internet for people to watch is brave of me you know I've always had my friends tell me that I don't need to be as embarrassed as I am about of a life State if a light who writes it knows that like there's just this inherent innate embarrassment that you have telling people that aren't in your immediate circle that she'd do this so anyway I saw that a booktuber had done a video on a trope on a trend that was going around Twitter where people were basically reading fanfiction Tropes and I felt like it would be negligent of me to not give my two cents often I mean either way I think it could be kind of fun you know it's a different thing than what I would normally do on this panel and all and I just I don't know I'm interested to see I mean I know generally what's on the tier list but I didn't I don't remember everything so I'm gonna be showing my ass a little bit in this video and by the people in my cell phone blast a little bit but that's fine I'm gonna try to shake off some of this mild embarrassment and discomfort we're gonna really have a good time we're gonna have a good time this video we're gonna we're gonna have a good time all right let's get into it if we must okay just so you know I turned off my air conditioner to film this video and I need you all to appreciate it so I have the tier list pulled up in front of me and I'm going off of the format that I saw and read the Cindy's video of the like the tears and the top tier is heart eyes emoji isn't like love it it's great like favorite like yes Queen it's delicious the flavor is immaculate like we love it next tier is like it where it's like I like it I could go for I could go for a smack of this eye hell I might even go I might order it who knows the next category is soar and that is like you know I'm not gonna go up to the counter and order it but if they mess up my order and I get it I'm gonna be mad about it the fourth category is depends on execution and there might be quite a bit there might be quite quite quite a bit in this category darling because let me tell ya I'm very picky I'm very very picky about about my my stuff my fix okay hopefully the audio might be a little bit better now cuz my living room is very echoey I tend not to film in here but it is just too hot in my kitchen so I can't do it the last category is not my thing and that's just kind of like take dish it off the menu the flavor is not immaculate the first category or the first trope is alpha beta Omega dynamics and I hate that this is the first one because like I won't put myself on blast like but I'm gonna go ahead and put that in depends on execution because I will be honest it depends on very very specific factors but there are aspects of that truth that I don't mind and kind of enjoy and that's all that I'm gonna say about that if you don't know what dynamics are you can go ahead google it because I'm not really I don't want to explain what that is on camera okay the second trope is M Nisha 'fuck and I think that's when one of the characters develop some sort of amnesia um I'm gonna go with not my thing cuz I don't really care for it like I don't really see the the draw in it at all I don't know like it's not I mean it make to me think of it just like complicate things cuz then you have one character who is basically a blank slate I don't know I feel like you would unnecessarily complicate things and fanfiction I just don't um angst oh yeah we're gonna put that right up in heart eyes heart eyes your girl love her some angst period I cannot write a thick without any angst in it like I'm just you know I love like fun stories and stuff like that like fun fluffy stories but like for me personally I live for the drama I thrive off negativity I need to have I need to have I need to have my good don't dohsa angst up in there you know mix things up bringing a little bit of the drama a little bit of clutching your pearls like what's gonna happen I need that in there um the next trope is arranged marriage hands on execution well let me think make sure I'm not getting this confused with another thing that I think I yeah I'm gonna stick with depends on execution if it's between two characters that already like each other and this is kind of puttin them in a situation where they have to be closer to one another then I'm more open to it than just having like two characters who hate each other like be forced to marry one another that seems kind of it's not really my cup of tea personally but um baby Fick I'm gonna put that up and like it cuz I honestly think they're really cute like I really kind of like wait wait no no no no no no no no no no no no I misinterpreted that no no no not my thing okay hey editing Morgan here this is popular than to say disregard this cuz like I don't know why I didn't Google it if I didn't know what DB Fick was at first I it I was thinking of the right thing but for some reason my mind was like wait a minute is this like does this mean one of the characters is like being treated like a baby like a weird like like an adult baby type thing and I was like oh no that but I actually googled it I don't know why I didn't do that in the first place the general definition is that like it involves a child or a baby somehow usually it's like people are taking care of a child or a baby and that's what I thought it was at first and I'm gonna disregard that and stick with my original answers and I think it's cute because I like them less this is what I like to see how characters react in different situations and different responsibilities and having child's one of them okay by sharing a bed of course we like it in here yeah that's that's it that's a classic I think every everybody not everybody everybody's found that that that sharing a bed thick that they like that they like go back to like oh yes this right here this is this is the tension that I need I think sharing a bed can be cute because it's like oh my god I've got to be close to you I gotta press my back and shoulders up against you in the bed whatever are we gonna do bang or die I don't think I've ever like read a thick like that and I feel like that kind of gets into like dubious consent territory and I know I'm not really here for that like I said I've never read a Bangor dive fix so I don't know I'm just gonna go with not my thing because I just don't just just thinking about the premise on the surface layer I'm not really not really here about I'm not really here for it body swap I'm gonna go with not my thing again it's one of those fake tropes that you can get into weird territory in terms of consent and I don't also like why what part what purpose does it serve coffee shop a you me right up as someone who used to work in a cafe which I resonate with that so what coffee shop a use can be so cute if you do them the right way oh my god this cute guy works at this tea shop what am I gonna do like he's so cute well like y'all coming right up Michael I college at you again we're gonna put it up here and love it cuz I love college again it follows of that doméstica thing kind of puts me closer to real life I like modern a use mainly and I kind of like being able to put characters and situations that either I have seen in college or been in in college I don't know it's it's therapeutic for me crack fit I got a look up that because I think my understanding of what that definition is maybe a little bit different from what it actually is crack Vic is a work a fanfiction that is absurd surprising and ridiculous often intentionally yeah that is kind of different from what my understanding of crack fake what I guess I'm more so no crack ship which is kind of just like you took two characters that literally never interacted in like why would you ever ship them together not in a sense like that is problematic but it's like why these are two totally random characters I've never interacted and have nothing to each other Robert you ship them I'm gonna go ahead and put not my thing cuz I don't again it's another one of those things I'm like what's the what's the purpose of this I mean I guess it could be fun if you like hey you know what the kiss of idiocy Ferb don't go to KFC let's turn up they don't jump on the tables gonna go steal a bucket of chicken but again it's like for what um crossover I'm gonna go with not my thing it's a little bit weird for me I don't know I kind of like to keep the contained in within like their own universe which is crazy because when I was a kid crossovers were my thing like I wanted to see all of my favorite characters interacting as friends like I was so so into that dynamic but that's to say like I used to love crossover fake but now like currently it's not really my thing okay next next category is dark fake fanfic that is particularly dark and atmosphere and has disturbing concepts it is usually full of angst torment depression violence rage abuse insanity sorrow and lots of negativity see that's too much I'm here for a little bit of angst but like this is like damn like this so much like all of it at the same time all of this there's already so many shitty things going in the world right now I go to fanfic or to escape from the bad things in the world not to just encounter them again I don't know I can't no it's not my thing major character death not my thing no I've read maybe a few major character death fix in my time and they all made me feel awful emotionally I'm not strong cannon divergence imma put it in depends on execution cuz I think I did write a cannon divergent fake like once or I didn't like a certain aspect of the source contents I was like I'm just doing with myself it needs two lovers we love enemies the lovers in this house apps absolutely enemy it's the lovers that like Loki you know they like each other but like they're their rivals rivals two lovers like I love that I hate him I hate his beautiful smile and beautiful brown eyes and beautiful dark curly hair I hate I hate all of it that tension that yearning I love it we're here for it absolutely established relationship I don't put it in like it um yeah sure I'm gonna put in sure no actually I'm gonna move that to depends on execution established relationship is fine if if you have two characters completely out of left field and it's like yellow why are they together like it doesn't even like really make sense as to why they're together or why you would ship them together pair them together then that's when establish relation it becomes kind of weird cuz I'm like okay we're hold on I need more context for this and you're not giving that to me but if it's like two characters that already have like you know a lot of romantic tension and stuff like that or whatever then I'm cool with it I'm cool with it I'm okay with seeing where you wanna go fairy tale a you um I'm gonna put sure because I like I like the concept of a fairy tale a you but I guess I like that more in the context of like supernatural a you I don't know like fairy tale a you as in when you're like mimicking like an actual fairy tale or like you're just putting this source material in like a in a magical world I those are two different things and if it's the former I'm not really into it but if it's the latter I'm sure I'm interested but I feel like I need more clarification on that um fake relationship depends on execution I feel like that goes back into arranged marriage where it's like I've read cute fix where people have to like you know they're on some kind of mission they got a fake being in a relationship and ends up just like they end up actually falling for each other sure I can see the yearning in that however again it kind of plays into like if they don't like each other to begin with and I'm not really here for it fix it Vic according to Cindy's video fix-it Vic is like thick that rewrites aspects of the source material that you don't like and I'm gonna say not my thing because I'm like I don't know it just feels like okay this is it though this is this is what you were given like I have no intention of wanting to fix the things within source material well sometimes I definitely want to I don't know I feel like at that point I might as well I just might as well write an A you um fluff oh hell yes fluff is like flour you know so you can't you can't make no delicious baked good without flour it's the basics but you can't you can't never go wrong with some good fluff you know just cute this we're gonna go to the market we're gonna go have some tape we're gonna go to Trader Joe's we're gonna go up there we don't get we're gonna get some chocolate-covered sunflower seeds and jojos and we're gonna have a good day friends to Lover's also top tier especially like if people have been friends since like they were young is there's been hints that they've had crushes on each other for a long time but nobody's ever said anything and now they're really waiting the feelings for one another and they're becoming adults and they want to really realize that they're they're just meant for each other like that right there that hits a little bit different Jen 'fuck it's fix that does not specifically focus on romance or sex I'm gonna have to go with not my fingers like what's the point you would really have to draw me in like you would really have to just like you know like you really got to hook me with that description or else I'm not really feeling it I'm here for the romance and therefore the drama here for the banging like hurt / comfort hell yeah in my fix there's often kind of a combination of like angst fluff hurt and comfort you know there things hurt and comfort is a good way to like get into the matrix of some characters you know yank out what you want and really just get into those raw emotions that you don't normally see on screen historically you I'm not my thing I don't really care I already don't care for history class I guess I'm more so biased cuz like I never write historical I use because that means I have to do research and I'm not I don't feel like doing all that I really don't different strokes for different folks I guess but I'm not one of them folks I'm high school a you not my thing because I am 22 years old and reading about people in high school is rather weird for me now I'm huddle for warmth hope I didn't like it because you know I think that if done right it can it can you know it can be fluff it can be hurt comfort it can leap it can escalate you know there's a lot of options there there's a lot of a lot of different paths and avenues that you can take and I'm really here for that humor it depends on execution because a lot of y'all not funny it really depends execution because if the author ain't funny then like it's just gonna be really awkward to cringey to read like you've got to be funny like you not gotta know these jokes don't land and I feel like having an effect that's completely dedicated to humor that's really hard to pull off and I have trouble doing that even just incorporating like the small amounts of humor in jokes into like fix that are not primarily meant to be humorous writing a whole thick that's meant to be humorous it's just not realistic next categories in vino veritas I see very tiny here that I can barely see with my horrible eyes and it says drunken confession I'm here for that cuz he listen if you if you if you really want to care go to just say what the they mean but you don't know how to get there drunken confession cuz let me tell you some being drunk don't make you less honest i'ma tell you that right now first kiss it depends on execution like if it's first kiss and like like ever this person's like first kiss with the person nah because almost always it sucks but if it's their first kiss with a person that they've like just started in relationship with and I'm here for it could you get you get to get that that lot like that moment of like fireworks like passion like magic a you hell yeah I love the concept of like people having magical abilities I don't know it's just really fun for me that's probably because I you know I am a witch I'm like I don't know even even before that it was when I was young I just always loved magical abilities and stuff so I'm here for it miscommunication why no not my thing what's the purpose like I'm just creating issues I already get annoyed when that happens like in like the source content like why would I like to carry that miscommunication over to my sanctuary of good content that I've written for myself missing scenes does that mean like I think that means like when people decide to like write a fake within the scope of the show or the the source content that's not there but they're framing it within a time frame that the show has so I'm gonna put sure I've definitely read some missing scenes fix where I would be like okay that's an interesting take I see where your head's at I respect what you're doing I'm not gonna go out of my way to look for missing fixed scenes but if I would come across one that has a nice description that grabs my attention I might click on it Mutual pining we're gonna put that in like it because like I said before it's about it's about the yearning you got to get that just right like when two characters are just like I love just person so much but they just don't know I just can't tell them it's so delicious sex pollen sure sure sure as long as there is still explicit consent and it doesn't dabble into the territory of dubious consent I'm here for it I do like that just like I did before I think it's fun I'm pregnancy sick I think it's really cute like I kind of like and this is weird cuz a lot of people don't like it but I think it's fun to like you see them being like parents and stuff like that and having kids and my caring for their little cute little babies like I don't know it's probably cuz I have a like a very very very in sense my baby for at this current age that I'm at but I think I think it can be cute I do okay now I gotta clarify something because I thought that this met some thing else then and what it does okay all right this is funny pwp which means porn without plot I'm gonna go ahead and put that up with like hell yeah who does a like format I'll plot you know sometimes you're just here to see people getting at all you just wanna see some booty cheeks but the funny thing is I thought this meant porn with plot and subsequently I've been mistaking a lot of my royalty a you I'm gonna put it in not my thing because I feel like that kind of relates to historical a you and I just don't I don't go seeking it out I don't I don't really it's not my thing slow burn I love me some slow burn that's my main like that's my main squeeze right there it's about the pacing my job you have to get the pacing right the slower it has to be like slow not but not slow to the point where it feels like it's dragging like you really want to make those moments where the slow burn picks up you want to make those moments worth it so I feel like the pacing is really important so made at you sure I'm put that in sure cuz I've read a couple so made a you fix and I think it can be cute but again I'm not cutting in front of the line to get to the front of the counter so I can order some saw made on you time loop not my thing I don't even really is that like a like a groundhog day trope I didn't even know that it's been affixed I've never read any time loop fix like a said of thing I'm love triangle no not my thing I don't care like I'd much rather it be a three-way polyamorous relationship that a love triangle for what I think it creates too much unnecessary job well like I don't I don't understand the point of it I don't know I've never liked love triangles in any media like ever even outside of fan fiction so I don't really know no unhappy ending for what no no because something that I go to to get away from the horrors of real life so I wouldn't want I don't go to fix looking to be more sad than I already am unrequited love no no no no because I feel like basing relationships off of a desire that was initially one side it just doesn't seem like a good starting point to me so we've we've completed the chart I actually didn't end up putting myself on blast as much as I thought it would so that's good for me I'm glad about that so you know in the top tier we got a lot of domestic stuff with some like people being honest fluff just like it's all about the yearning up in here in the top tier we like yearning but also porn without plot which is kind of kind of the opposite of all that but hey I'm a I'm I'm cultured I'm diverse um like it I'm just like you know cute things yeah it's just cute real cute up in there sure it's kind of things and I'm not sneaking out fairy tale are you missing scenes soul mate are you okay alright they all right I'm I read one every once in a while but I'm not gonna go looking for it depends on execution arranged-marriage Canon divergents established relationship fake relationship humor first kiss and sex fallen I feel like I kind of went into all of that as to why each of these are depends on execution but just so I have to say it again a lot of these especially a real dynamics dependent on execution alright thank you for my TED talk and not my thing there's a lot in here there's a lot in here and I didn't I didn't realize it was gonna be that much in here but a lot of this is just like now I'm like character death body swap dark fik like I just won't be happy I just wanna I just want to enjoy my feet I just want to sit down with a ice-cold glass of sparkling water and enjoy my happy cute little fig and I'm not I can't do that with major character that's that that's just not realistic okay this was fun this was fun got to be honest more candid on camera usually my videos my voice overextended be more and more planned out so this was fun let's get on camera talk about stupid fanfiction Tropes it's fun I'm glad I did this video don't forget to like and comment and subscribe to this channel because around here this is full concentrated Morgan and if you hear for that amount of crackhead energy that I'm here for you I'm you girl feel free to like and comment and subscribe if you feel like coming back anytime soon and I love to see your beautiful little face again and I'm gonna say go ahead and have a effervescent rest of your day whenever you're watching this and make sure that you do not leave that mustard out on the counter not like you did last time [Music]
Channel: Morganzola
Views: 909
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: YBdlWl9UE1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 53sec (1553 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 23 2020
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