Exposing My Friends’ Hiding Spots in Gmod (VanossGaming Compilation)

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I'm going back I'm going back hey Delirious you made it alive too alive hey come over here someone come come over here Delirious come over here I can't I can't I'm in between a rock and a block block CH chill chill chill chill CH chill turn turn right turn right turn right turn right turn right straight go straight towards that pole no the other pole go to Delirious there's no exit but oh wait a second did you s me they're above us they're mocking Us in the trains they're mocking Us in the trains I saw they sold me out why you stupid [ __ ] I remember this I remember this at Prop Hunt MLG last year I remember that oh I think's a bunch of computers I think F Sherlock and Dr Watson right here oh you guys are figuring out real good done just going to leave my computer that's that's it no GL I'm just going to I'm going to go I'll be back okay no I'm going to go do some laundry hold on I'm going to take a picture of another another hint there we go and there we go and there's your there's your second hint guys there's your second hint let's see this EV now would be a good time to run oh [ __ ] dude oh [ __ ] you know I saw that one I was like it look up but a treeh house while he was checking I just ran past as he was checking the Twitter picture we ran good I trust you get up there oh he's he's the little oh [ __ ] you got to be [ __ ] kidding me right now you got to I'm done I'm [ __ ] no the record I knew that was him sure yeah yeah sure yep yep I was y yeah sure everyone watching this I swear to God I knew that was him okay please Evan are you still you still there I'm still I think I'm still on the sand yes and you just got higher pictures the sentence go longer I have no idea what you just said Ryan where are you could you could you type Could you type and then we can start to get bold they had to be inside it's the only thing I can think of oh it's crazy no way you're a chair in front of the screen no way yeah I am that's crazy is he sitting in a chair in front of the screen he is you're a [ __ ] vanas oh he the pizza box no he was the pizza no way I was like there's no way Evan would actually be a dick like that but sure enough yeah see that's what I was hoping that's I'm going to go ahead and let you live because of that what what do you want keep going straight and you'll find me oh what the wait a minute you don't you don't belong here you don't belong here you don't you don't tell me where I belong my father told me I I I grew up here what what my father told me I grew up here you don't have a father you have a father Brock follow me what what do you mean follow him what are you what are you showing him huh yeah yeah what what are you typing to him is this going to get birth no please going I'm Christmas this tree is a little weird I I Delirious I love how when you run away you always run towards me dude you always run away yeah you always run towards me did you get away you be flipped away are you fing kidding me wow are you kidding me dude you're going to kill Christmas he kill Christmas no hesitation happy Hanukkah [ __ ] I am doing nothing nothing suspicious stop doing what you're doing I'm trying to there we go what's going on in here yeah yeah see see look what you've done look what you've done are you in here with me no I'm not in there with you that is a room full of crazy [ __ ] that's haunted do not go in there Brock who I'm blocking the [ __ ] door I'm blocking the door I'm blocking the door man he's just going to blow the place dude I don't I don't want to go to school today Evan what the [ __ ] are you you nothing don't worry about it don't worry about it maybe shoot the bed Brock are you still there Wildcat yeah yeah yeah you still in that closet I mean you [ __ ] in the closet [ __ ] he's not he's not in the who no he's not he's not in the closet no gravity how how dude EV you're a [ __ ] [ __ ] I have no idea where they could be no clues down here I swore I saw someone at the beginning feel like someone was trying to jump up high on something while did you type where you at yeah yeah type type in local chat uh hee sir type in local chat sir nice hey did you did it yeah I did it I did it it's not it's it's not as good as I had hoped but it's still okay all right can I come can I come no it's a bad time right now it's a bad time but maybe soon I'll give you the okay one yeah you might be okay I don't know you'll probably die I don't think he's in the laundry room laundry room cleared I I know for a fact he's going to be like eye level he's going to be high somewhere yeah I'm real high up about as high up as you can get on this map oh [ __ ] I'm hanging from the [ __ ] lights the light switches work in this game you can turn them all on and off I didn't even know there were light switches I didn't see wait minute why what are you doing trying to get a clip you're kind of you're kind of funny stuff what the [ __ ] am I supposed to do you stupid motherucker you stupid [ __ ] in front of in front of the laund room EV I hate you so much right now laundry room you deserve to die [ __ ] was that [ __ ] he's been clipping around he's cheating was that oh finally I'm a different prop okay oh my God [ __ ] I was trying to change in room you ruined everything I've been trying to do oh I feel I feel like you made it better though no it was better before trust me okay where are you and it was just gone just yeah where did he go he just comes in here Calles Mayhem and leaves he didn't die he he didn't die Nola died he's still alive [ __ ] [ __ ] you [ __ ] me so hard EV you what do you mean where you didn't know where I was no oh I [ __ ] hate you Delirious you stupid [ __ ] I saw a b moving around sh where is where is he where's Clipper come come on you getting your clip [ __ ] just walks in knocks over the plan and just leaves got because I was a bottle inside of a plant I've been trying to do it like three or four rounds straight that's I'm not going to do it again and and like the hard part is every time I tried to make the jump the [ __ ] plant would fall over cuz I didn't land directly in the center finally I landed directly in the center and Evan runs in and knocks it over [ __ ] [ __ ] where Come on talk to me saw you knock over a plant yes yeah he saw you knock over a plant oh man yeah I don't want to use the same spot cuz I don't want to recycle footage how five seconds where can you see me yeah he can see you I can see you yeah you I just I don't want to I don't want to recycle footage you know yeah that he can see you he can see you [ __ ] you EV you deserve it you [ __ ] been trying for [ __ ] 50 minutes to do that [ __ ] I've become the greatest prop of all time I'm the prop that everybody wants everybody needs I'm the healthiest prop would' you become d uh I will type it boom okay yep why is that so great yep cuz everybody loves me and I'm incompatible with pineapple oh I I get it yeah I agree some people don't agree with that but I I agree Nola yeah I'm glad cuz if you didn't agree we wouldn't be friends anymore actually type where you're at nola nola can I have a piece no Brock I know what he is where is he can you have a piece no that supposed to yeah what is the old spot what is the old why did you talk to everybody Fu s I'm lagging and I was in the middle of a hall so didn't think I typed D Evan dare buy boxes of don't read it out slowly oh oh I know where you are yeah so is everybody else what do you mean I didn't say anything you said boxes how many boxes are in this map yeah but you don't know what's in the boxes didn't they didn't know it was the box of oh now they know there's something in the boxes thanks Evan thanks n it down I know but they didn't know it was oranges oh my gosh oh man oh boy I'm trying to make it to the [ __ ] kitchen man like you said out loud to everybody watch out I think that's [ __ ] you're outside I'm lagging I'm lagging I'm just lagging Pizza know a lagging Pizza just let me get to my fridge let me get to the fridge oh my God W oh my [ __ ] can I stop lagging please and now I'm dead now I'm dead but I'm going up the stairs on my screen as's a floating pizza now I'm dead Okay Evan's a stool wow I'm [ __ ] done no [ __ ] done now he's a different type of stool he's a different type of stool no why did you say it oh I'm sorry did I say it out loud bad a I didn't mean to oh gosh Evan you know what just just slip of the tongue hey Evan Evan come here I've prepared a room for us oh no I've prepared a room for us for this very special day oh god what the [ __ ] is that behind you what is that [ __ ] yeah that's that's that's where you put your dick hole it's a dick all there it's for three different dicks okay all right all right Nola he [ __ ] killed himself he killed um Nola oh what what's he doing what I think I think we should die together yeah like for that isn't it yeah was there you ghost in Father what are you talking about I was just saying that for our love yeah sure once Evans start talking my bra went shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] up shut the [ __ ] up hello lunch lady what are they serving today oh they're look they're serving cash monies look oh yeah they're serving that for us to eat yes of course delious it's not like someone's using that to pay for food you ain't never ate a stack of $100 bills well I guess cuz you're a raccoon you probably did probably eaten a lot of random [ __ ] I've eaten it all man could you pick me up a banana yeah sure sure just let us just let us know where you are I'm really hungry let me know where you are and we'll deliver to you I'm over at table four table four no that's table one what where's the back left back left that one thank you thank you very much you got three free cheeseburgers with your banana oh thank you so just s that Mo you have a great teammate moeur run away food run away food get him I did not know you were there I did not know you were there come out with your cheeseburger up oh I'm clinching my patties oh good job is that extra cheese he's happy to see me show me your bu show me oh my God oh my God open the door open the door I'm letting you do it open the door where the damn cheeseburger he's way got he's gone all the way at the end of the hall I mean I know he did shut up I saw a box move as far as I remember boxes don't move as far as I know boxes don't bleed wa run wow why would you become a chair that is like the worst fing room that is like the worst possible idea if there's anything you want to be on this map it's not the [ __ ] chairs they're not going to find him it's impossible all right I'll give you guys a hint okay I'll give you guys a hint he's a chair he might be a chair he might be a chair a chair get to the chairs get to the chairs hang in there no got that was cl feel dead I wanted to kill somebody but I didn't boom good shots boom I'm losing all my points when I'm behind trees and [ __ ] kill the guy who's Frozen right there in front of that tree behind the behind the tree reload [ __ ] running I know at all of them the no got him [ __ ] oh they're nearly there he's on line no he's not the I froze him yes you're kidding you're kidding kit kidy [ __ ] hit his dick was on the L I was like earlier I froze Brian I was like he's a guy in front of the tree here are his coordinates X for 18 that round that's ridiculous now where do you think people will go while cing which side I'm trying to give you a hint you're a [ __ ] you're such a you big [ __ ] Dopey die dagle there you go it's in your second name bastard I like what you're doing and I don't think he's ever going to figure it out he knows what you're weing about he knows what you're wearing he doesn't no he doesn't no he doesn't yes literally you were in my CR but I no ammo you in myair but I had no ammo maybe now father will finally accept me will thanks for watching if you enjoyed the video please consider subscribing by calling 1 1800 click the [ __ ] subscribe button that's 1800 click the [ __ ] subscribe button
Channel: VanossGamingExtras
Views: 1,224,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vanoss, vanossgaming, vanoss compilation
Id: Ru7EA2gtXHA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 18 2023
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