Exposing India's Begging Scams (Beware!)

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Greetings Friends, when you visit India, you are definitely going to meet beggars. But what you might not know is that many of them are just professional beggars. This is their job. So in this video, I'm going to show you three such begging scams that I've come across in my time here in India. And don't get me wrong, some beggars are genuine. They're impoverished and they suffer from significant hardships. The people you're going to see in this video are not them. These are fraudsters. These are scammers. These are people are trying to take advantage of you. So I was going to film this video out on the street there, but just see what a pain that turned into. I’m just walking around Connaught Place and filming bits and pieces of this video and all the scams, all the same scams that I showed on my channel are still happening. Nothing. Nothing changes. Thank God for those videos that you can go and watch before you come to India. This guy was just trying to get me interested and take me for some some rubbish sales pitch to his friends store. I just speak Hindi straight away and they go, “Oh, he's a local” and they just leave me alone. You what? I’m a lucky man, why? It's true. I'm very lucky. - Very lucky. Are you? So why are you talking to me? No, no, this is not karma. You're walking around... You're walking around talking to all foreigners. I, someone else has tried to do this trick to me. Someone else just tried. You guys are all together, aye? You’re all the same. You guys are trying to rip off foreigners. That's it. You're trying to trick foreigners and take money from foreigners. Nothing. I won’t give nothing to you. We met your friend, the guy in the green turban. He's your friend, man. He's your brother. Real brother? So you guys are working together? - Working together. I see. Magicians. He knows my ex-girlfriend's name, this guy. He knows. Don't know Bro. You don't know. Obviously, she's my wife. Yes. Absolutely. Oh, God, no. No. So, I mean, this is just how... how common these kind of street scammers and street tricksters are. We're going to have to go back to my house so I can start this video and show you the three different beggar scams you’re going to find here. And the reason I'm getting hassle so much around this area when I'm filming is because this is literally the area where the Government's official tourism offices are. You can go there and get free advice for your trip in India. So they know foreigners are coming to this area and that's why there's so many tricksters around here. All right. First up, this gang of fraudsters is collecting money for their “village.” Just see their tactics. What’s this? Food giving? Did you notice how she keeps following me, calling out to me, trying to guilt me? The whole point is to make me feel uncomfortable. To up the ante they may grab your arm or grab your leg as well. That touch point can really make certain people feel very, very uncomfortable and you may just pay them to get rid of them. That's the point they're trying to make you feel uncomfortable. You've got to learn to say no. It doesn't matter if you're in India or travelling anywhere in the world. This is like a life rule. No is the most important word in life. If someone's trying to pressure you to do anything, you don't have to do it. You don't have to say yes. You don't have to be a yes man. You got to set boundaries and you got to say no and you got to not let people push you into things that you don't want to do. So be firm with your “no” with these people. The goal of these professional beggars is to gain sympathy and exploit your desire to help. We all want to help within our means as many people as we can. And these professional beggars know this. Check out their documents. These documents are meant to give legitimacy to the scam. They say something happened in their village, Ranipur. And that they had to leave. We can also see the amounts others have supposedly given. The average donation is ₹300 per person, which is unbelievably high. People here give like ₹10 to ₹20 max, maybe ₹50, maybe sometimes ₹100. But I've never seen anyone give more than ₹100 to these types of people The document ends with another guilt trip as well. “Please help us and God will help you.” And a little research into Ranipur shows that this is a scam happening all across India. I found instances of it in Gujarat, in Assam, in Kerala and of course here in Delhi. But yeah, it's a India wide scam and very common. They don't even bother to change the name Ranipur. And a lot of foreigners don't know that here in India there is Government schemes and assistance for a lot of people. There’s housing schemes, free food schemes, there’s employment schemes, it's education schemes. So there is some help here for people. But the reality is begging is more profitable than employment schemes like MNREGA. The next scam is probably the most common. It's always happening at railway stations, whether I'm in Delhi or Bangalore. I found it in both places. And it's the medical fees scam. Here's how it works. You'll be approached by beggars at train stations or intersections. And they'll start showing you their medical bills asking for help. So looking at her medical document, it's not an original, it's a photocopy that's been laminated. It's from 2008. So it's 14 years old and it's from a hospital in a neighbouring state. Good morning. I got an update. So it took 2 days for her hospital to reply to me because I did write her hospital and I said, “What's going on here?” “Is this a scam or not?” And they told me it's a scam. This lady was treated back in 2008 and she was cured as well. All right, back to the video. And if you do want to help a patient if you do find a genuine patient, you can call the hospital directly and find out if their case is real or not. Don’t call any number they give you on the street. Call the hospital yourself directly. Because sometimes people are giving out fake numbers and it’s just their friend saying, “Yes, yes, this is hospital. Please donate the money here.” Here's a third example from India Gate. This lady is collecting donations on behalf of orphanes. Oh, a donation for a school fund. Which school? This is it? The Delhi Council for Child Welfare donations. So you are this one? This is you? Kausar Parveen? And here's the most annoying thing. So you think if you give a little, or even a lot, that they'll go away and they'll leave you alone? But in my experience, that's not how it works. They'll now stick to you like glue and they'll keep asking you for more. You think they'll go away after you give some, but nah, that's not what happens. They just keep pressuring you for more because they know you're vulnerable and it gets worse. They'll even call their friends across as well. What a day. So I just passed the poo on the shoe scammer from another one of my videos. Just proof that nothing changes. All these scams you see in my videos, they’re still going on. There he is, see? See, I told you they follow. They’re hunting. The guy is hunting. And you guys can see down there, in the yellow shirt, that's the poo in the shoe scammer. He’s hunting us. He’s following us. We’re about 300 metres from where we last saw him. So if you want to help, what should you do? I think the best thing is to donate to charities. There's a lot of them that work on sustainable solutions for poverty and inequality and you can donate right now from your computer online. So guys, tell me in the comments, have you ever come across scams like this where you've been travelling, what were they?
Channel: Karl Rock
Views: 1,299,058
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: India, Hindi Speaking Foreigner, Indian, Karl Rock, Carl Rock, Documentary on begging scams, Begging scams exposed, Scammers posing as beggars, How to spot begging scams, Real-life stories of begging fraud, Investigative report on begging fraud, Hidden camera footage of begging scams, Begging scams and their tactics, Awareness videos on begging scams, Educational videos about the dangers of giving to fake beggars, begging, scam, scams, scammers, scammers in india, begging scams
Id: _uqgEJrCSrQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 07 2023
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