Exposing Hypixel Pit's Most Notorious Hacker

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the oldest anarchy game mode on hypixel is fraught with cheaters many are hackers b-hoppers closet cheaters not-so-closet closet cheaters others are more imaginative with their rule breaking we encourage players to be creative in art and designs in a way that doesn't damage the experience of others the final type of rule breaker is the exploiter exploiters abuse glitches to gain whatever advantage they possibly can whether that be a fly exploit duplication glitch or anything of the like however these categories aren't mutually exclusive in fact someone who isn't afraid to break the rules in one area is likely to ignore them elsewhere but very few reach even close to the levels of illicit activity that will be discussed today all done by a single player my name is sudhi and welcome as we explore the story behind the pits a secret super villain hey super villain sounds like an exaggeration is it an exaggeration no the player i'm referring to is the biggest spotter in the history of the game mode who abused several duplication glitches got several players to number one on the leaderboards terrorized at the entire game changed the streaking meta got into conclave and fooled everyone including minicloon while doing it the player i'm referring to is fish do fish dupe one fish two fish redfish blue fish the fish dupe let players do fish to dish a fish into two requires a wish from you through the wi-fi you can't to deny a supply of fish will multiply but soon sai cry and say goodbye after mini cloon with a whoop went boop to the dupe alas the legend lives on in a player not at spawn the protector of katie khan fish dupe fish dupe is an old account owned by a member of the huntsman he was a violently aggressive cheater and protected the huntsman while they streaked he changed the game in its entirety an influence which can still be felt today he hunted relentlessly and got so far as to be number one on the bounty's claimed leaderboard there were rumors that this account was shared between hazel is potentially katie khan minor event and maybe even others who is this elusive player in fact the account was never shared and it was owned by one person fish dupe is none other than ochil one of the most respected people in the pit ochill started playing the pit when it was first released but really got into the game in the summer of 2018. that summer a duplication glitch initially discovered by potty and abused by ben b was leaked ocha learned of it and this was his first dabble in the dark arts almost immediately after the exploit was patched i learned of a bounty dupe from mcpanda with otdx i'm just a fish major miner atomized woolsey and ochil a dupe group was created the dupe worked by combat tagging someone with a bounty after they were warped out of the lobby the bounty would be claimed but wouldn't be removed from the player this process could be repeated indefinitely so we used it to grind gold for our prestigious this was around the time major event discovered the double login and then didn't tell us these screenshots here are from oatshill months later in 2019 ochill embarked on the most ambitious project yet code name damocles he did this with hazeles and kade khan two of the pit's most notorious botters before that happened though ochell got his hands on a robin hood 2. back then every arrow would automatically move to hit its target this was incredibly powerful on season's map there's an area above spawn where people can pvp so ocho went up there and started shooting arrows down the arrows targeted the players who were in spawn but since they had invincibility the arrows didn't go anywhere this seriously lagged out lobbies and it was the same principle that allowed the volley wolf exploit to occur together with major event orr and katycon fellow owners of robin hood twos they joined major events and spammed the crap out of them the arrows collected mid-air and caused so much lag that the sidebar glitched out one day hazel saw prince link and potty using 20 bots in a dead lobby and she got the idea of using the worst hacked client to bond not being able to reach the level prince link was at though she spoke to potty and he told her to use oku mindbot hazel immediately purchased the program and figured out how to use it within a day ochill upon discovering hazel's botting prowess invited her to a group chat with katie khan and their adventures began they planned to monopolize the botting practice and take it to its absolute limit the first account they ever boughted was mousemeister on august 6 2019 afraid of a ban they coded the mindbots to immediately leave the lobby if anyone joined getting caught was always in the back of their minds until one day hazel figured out the rotation glitch on the pit the map rotates every week on tuesdays and hazel found out that lobbies stayed open around 5 hours after the rotation occurs they could still be used if at least one player remained inside the lobby meaning botters could go for hours on end entirely unimpeded after the map change these lobbies were impossible to access unless someone was warped in hazel also realized the enchant pit blob which spawns a slime that grows bigger with kills and can hit multiple players at a time could kill the bots while the botter hides in spawn because they were the only ones who knew about the rotation exploit they could fill the lobby completely with bots both ochill and hazel used oqminebot to bring them in since it takes a beefy computer to run dozens of bots from one account botting with 80 players causes one's level to increase incredibly quickly so their productivity skyrocketed cade for some reason leaked the secret of rotation lobbies and other botters started to use it as well in a cave on castle map there's an area in which mine carts naturally spawn azel saw these and figured out they could be moved with fishing rods because she was bored she brought five mine carts to spawn and took a screenshot with all her afk accounts through this she got the idea of bringing a player back to spawn wearing martyrdom pants in the minecart or realized she could just use cheats to teleport her back up martyrdom spawns a whole bunch of creepers so activating it in the safe zone can cause some serious damage 14k views worth of damage during this time hazel had the idea of using the minecarts to keep the blob in place this doubled the efficiency of botting since the blob wouldn't get pushed around by the bots hypixel moderators occasionally joined their lobbies banned all the bots but didn't ban them so they realized that mods didn't have permission to give out bands for boosting on august 10th the weasel account began for the first time the gang tried to get as much gold as possible over the next several months they botted more than half a dozen accounts to prestige 13 and beyond getting kill streaks in the tens of thousands and gaining a combined total of hundreds of millions of gold these accounts include weasel fauna sky who went from press zero to prez-22 in one day yaneli culkiller disappointed and hazel isn't these accounts afk'd in every lobby to buy the good auctions including feathers and mystic repair kits at the time in the irl market feathers sold for ten dollars a pop and repair kits were worth two feathers each the strategy used for maximum botting efficiency was quite sophisticated step one of course was to bring in 80 bots and set up the blob and a mine cart if it were on castle map on the other maps they put the blob in infinite water so it just floats they'd also use martyrdom to push the villagers down into pit so items and parts could be bought and changed and prestigious could be attained without resetting their kill streak nowadays you can only prestige every two hours back then though there was no limit and if they prestiged without going to spawn their streaks wouldn't reset some of their botting accomplishments include but aren't limited to getting the first 10k streak and later getting the highest streak in the history of pitt this was done on the disappointed account and it only ended three hours later after 62 000 kills when ochil accidentally went into spire and the streak was reset they also got the first pit account to ever have eight digits worth of gold on top of that cade ochill and hazel are the only people to ever create chickens and get eggs in the game on the pit an enchant called devil chicks will spawn chickens that explode moments after an arrow is shot for some unknown reason when that bow was used during a beast event with 80 blots in the lobby the chickens didn't explode but instead reverted into their vanilla farm they laid eggs and hazel and ochil still have every single egg they got from that encounter in late 2019 a player was messing around with fish when the lobby lagged moments later he looked into his inventory and realized the fish had duplicated after investigating the player figured out how the glitch worked as the year came to a close the fish dupe was leaked and subsequently patched on castle map fish could be sold for 40 gold a piece which meant that close to a million gold per hour could have been made mini clune patched the exploit before the map rotation got around to castle so this glitch was never utilized to its fullest extent inspired by this ochill bought a new account and named it fish dupe fish dupe he kept this account secret until the race to number one began at this point in the game a lot of players were tied for first place on the leaderboards this was because the highest anyone could go was prestige 30 level 120. that all changed on february 28 2020. however to understand why that change was implemented we must first go back a couple weeks earlier i had just found out about the volley wolf exploit from mathematics and creatune we wondered about the possibility of using it to crash lobbies and potentially duplicate items i knew that ochill had experience in this area because he was part of the robin hood aero exploit abuse so we brought him in and started to lag out lobbies to an extreme degree even though we weren't able to duplicate with it it was still tons of fun especially seeing the reactions of the entire player base these reactions included i'm a squid kid who joined one of our lobbies oh no oh no no i'm not stopping we did this until the exploit was patched and that same patch added prestigious 31-35 several players started to get on the grind including minor event kdcon and godhack at this point in the game the main issues in prestige wasn't xp it was gold before a player can prestige they must first reach 120 but also have to get the gold requirement to solve their gold problems they began to use an exploit originally discovered by mathematics to utilize the glitch someone has to get nine walls with the wolf pack enchant and has them attack a player in dark pants in a one by one area the wolves won't do any damage so if the wolf wearer jumps up and down holding an item enchanted with critically rich the game registers all of the hits as critical each crit gives gold and at the max level it was 108 gold per second or close to 400 000 gold per hour botting for gold is 10 times faster but that is much riskier during this race was when the fish dupe account first came onto the scene ochill joined cade's crit rich parties to defend him or even to sometimes do it himself the exploit was patched in the 1.0 update but not before several interesting things occurred kade and godhack were in a head-to-head competition to see who could max out fastest and they gathered millions of gold they set two prominent pit groups against each other the pit cops and the huntsman god hack was protected by the cops and the huntsman protected katicon now gold isn't the only interesting thing about the wolf x play another part is the raw damage output each wolf was hitting the player in dark pants several times per second even though the dark pants players weren't damaged those hits counted towards the damaged leaderboard this is how players were able to deal and receive tens of millions of hearts of damage with that in mind there's one major event where damage is important rage bit the winner of the rage pit is determined by who can do the most damage and it was through this exploit that kade was able to attain the unequivocal rage pit world record of 124 000 damage that is insane some months previous ochille had traded his robin hood to major event in exchange for some admin items and information about a duplication glitch major had learned from ottomize that the double login glitch he had performed in the latter months of 2018 could still be done if the player had an account on miniclone's test server the only people who had the possibility of accessing the test server known as testnet were members of conclave the pit equivalent of skyblock nerds after ochoa learned of testnet a plan was hatched to get him into conclave i was also informed about the potential duplication glitch and at some point we were all invited to conclave because of our understanding of the game and enthusiasm for helping it given that that exclusive club is devoted to the development of the game there was a lot of talk about the upcoming 1.0 update the full release of the pit one of the things that ocha learned from the discussion on the new update was that chunks of vial were going to be incredibly valuable on top of this there was going to be an item which could upgrade a non-rare mystic enchant by one level at the time the most valuable pant enchant in terms of defense was critically funky before the update even dropped i went around using otil's funds and bought several pairs of soon to be valuable critically funky pants after the update dropped the price of those items increased tremendously we soon learned the item which allowed the upgrade of enchant was called a gem and there was a glitch that allowed items to be jammed multiple times right before the update though mini cloon invited all of conclave onto testnet for you guessed it testing major totally prepared to duplicate as much as possible saw that double login didn't work the duplication glitch had been patched and we were left disappointed despite this ochil and i still profited from our insider trading on april 22nd 2020 the official release of the pit was announced and this is when fish dupe really started to make a name for himself ocho went on to the account and used combo xp to get his xp and hunted and autoclicked on cakes to get gold in the new update mega streaks were added which allowed the players to gain tons more rewards than previously the long-standing strategy in the game was to build rings around the middle so that the potential victims dropping down from spawn would have more trouble running away a new mega streak in the update called hermit caused a player's blocks to last twice as long which is definitely helpful for building rings that being said it's still super annoying to construct them so some players began to enlist help this in the threat that bounty hunters and b-hoppers posed to streakers coalesced into people bringing their friends in to help them with streaks building rings and fighting off any potential hunters fish dupe was the helper for all the streaks of kdcon miner event and some of the other huntsmen the best mega streak for xp on the pit is called to the moon and the higher the streak you go the more true damage you take from normal hits one of the items i had bought with on my own was critically funky two sweaty two mirror one pants i knew these pants were incredibly valuable so i bought them and then double jumped them to become crit funky 3 sweaty 3 mirror 1. mirror blocks true damage and this meant my new pants were unbelievably useful for moon streaking as a result they became worth close to 450 dollars major asked me to borrow the pants and lended them to katycon without my permission i didn't realize it at the time but there was actually a precedent for major exhibiting this behavior in the early part of 2019 when we were involved in the earliest spotting schemes i asked him who in our group had oq minebot major told me me and kade have the same account moreover i lended it to cade without the owner knowing that's exactly what happened to my pants major gave the pants to cade without informing me and kade of course refused to give the pants back though ochill tried to help me i was 450 in the hole what made the situation even more complicated was that kade got stat wiped with the pants on his account with all this drama that had gone down i made a video which propelled this channel from obscurity since cade was wiped fish dupe's focus went to minor event who became the first prestige 35 in may 2020 o'shell fish duped for him for more than 12 hours every day until he reached max level moving forward he protected various streakers including myself and continued to massacre anyone who stood in his way particularly the pit cops i cannot understate the influence fish dupe had on the game he cheated so hard the fear he struck into the hearts of innocent and not so innocent pit players cannot be overstated on top of that even today people call the act of having a friend protect you while you street fish duping all because of ochil towards the end of the year there was some more massive drama but this time within the huntsman several members had all their items stolen leaving jessica major and minor event with the prophet since then most if not all of the huntsmen have stopped playing the game ochill was one of the players who lost out in that situation and this really put the nail in the coffin for him when it comes to playing pit ochill himself has moved on to skyblock becoming one of the most advanced players and reaching top 20 in server wide net worth long story short if you get rich keep the items on an account you never give anyone access to don't lend people items without compensation if you get scammed create a youtube empire as a result and avoid spire events so you don't lose a 62 000 killstreak my name is sudhi and if you don't subscribe kdcon will steal your items
Channel: PitFall
Views: 170,357
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 2sec (1142 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 21 2022
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