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so I found it girl only school in Blacksburg that I was told her the scary secret to it waitwait was assessing the window no boys allowed no what the I just got blocked so I made a new girl accounts and went undercover and what I found will shock you so make sure to watch all the way until the end e you're not gonna want to miss this one since you two are really girls follow me is the last room oh my god huge guys the truth today guys we're here in the world of blocksberg and I was just chillin in my blocksberg server and I look across the street and there's a school over here there's literally a school I have never ever seen a school in blocks four before and it happens to be a girl only school I like I've never ever see oh I'm already why is everybody blog with me what the heck this has got a weird Jenny McDonald so she said hey you are saying hi how are you doing she said get off my property alright well this started off really great okay Shay I'm gonna check this place out she said get off my property okay so this is definitely a girl only school and it's kinda nice touch too I guess we was assessing the window no boys allowed no what the I just got blocked I just got blocked wait why did you blocked me I usually blog three she literally just blocked me she said sorry buddy girls only get off the property uh well I'm blocked now so it doesn't matter what she said who wants to come to my do the school he said this girl blocked me out for property I don't know why but it looks like this whole like girl only thing I okay she's talking to all the girls I guess this isn't technically a girly school but like what egg I just wanted to go check it out that's all I wanted to do um yeah I don't think I'm gonna be able to actually walk around any of this let me go ahead and walk around the edge here I don't know why she blonde I'm gonna actually try to convince her to unblock me she said welcome to school do you want to join my school I want to say it hey Jenny can you on block me question mark I want to enroll my daughter I don't know I barely I have a daughter now but there's there's only one way to find out what this place is look I just want to see it like that's all I want to do is see it you said where is she she's literally at home she's chilling at home I gotta realize that you know hey she might not be here right this second ringer here and then I'll think about it most I can't just check it out and myself question mark since I'm the parent okay so I don't know she said no oh she said bring her but girls only know so how am I supposed to do that she said boys are not allowed okay so this girl is very very cheesed off she does not want a single guide couple on her plot or anything like that so the thing is applause too big so you can't really seen the outside but I'm gonna check this out so guys I think we're gonna do is I'm gonna go undercover and go on another account that looks like a girl who when she said get off the property now you filth are disgusting and gross now okay all right well she said gross and then now okay so she definitely doesn't like boys this is kind of a weird situation not gonna lie but I think it's time to go undercover we gotta go undercover make a girl count and see how this goes all right guys so I really want to get inside this girl only school just to see what it's like in there cuz she seems like she hates boys like literally hates boys so I don't really know what's going on it just seems very hostile for no reason whatsoever so I kind of want to just go check it out inside and I know that for a fact an alternate account will get me inside if I go undercover so I definitely wanna go check that out but guys comment down below what you think is gonna happen next do you think either a she's gonna have something really good inside and the school is nothing wrong as she's not you know she's being hostile for no reason whatsoever and there's nothing behind it or be she's going to have some bad stuff going on in this school I don't know it just it seems a little weird it's just it doesn't make sense to me but anyways let's get back to the video all right guys I'm now on the alternate Cal right now as you can see my name is Miranda WWE I know the most random name I can think about but I am on an alternate account now and I literally am a girl so hopefully whatever happens as a chordal unquote girl will just be a little bit better and we'll have a little bit better of a time she said hey girls come to my new school so I literally joined she actually just joined a new server I literally just joined off her she has her joins on for whatever reason but it's pretty crazy because she's advertising she said Joseph are you a girl Joseph is clearly not a girl but this girl right now I'm gonna say hi can I check out your girl only school let's just see what she says she has no idea this is me she said Joseph Urgo yeah this is the oh wait Joseph's and yes the heck okay she said hey girl okay yeah already getting the best treatment possible I already know this gift she said I love your hair obviously oh thank you thank you so much all right let's see what else she says because like dude this is this is already off to a good start I knew going undercover as a girl would have been good but I'm here for a main purpose and that's to see what's going on this girl in these school because she said do you want to join my new school sure I I would actually love that I definitely would I would love that my friend Jenny I really would I seriously what she said welcome to the girl only Education Center come on inside and I'll give you a tour okay all right well it looks like she had that one ready to type and everything okay always she's talking she's about to talk to Joe it didn't Joseph is a girl she said hang on can I join her - honestly I'm saying Ellis Lea yeah yeah yeah come on come on get her in the door all she said only if you're a girl okay well looks like this is actually working out just as planned know that she said I am okay I don't know she's actually a girl or not like I don't know what's going on but does it actually work it out pretty well okay let's see no case you said let's go inside oh let's go ladies okay all right ladies let's go all right so far this is going so well looks like it doesn't what can he think suspicious just haven't stand right here she said let me check you in okay so she's got to check us in real quick okay so so far this looks like a pretty pretty solid you know girlie you know I was about to say hotel that's cool and it's not looking bad you know honestly she said what would you like to learn um I would love to learn everything you offer literally everything you offer she said what she's like what is available well Joseph I'm actually surprised you're a girl I really thought that Joseph was gonna be a boy scout but apparently she's dressed up like this girl so I'm assuming she's a girl she said you will have the best education okay well that's good that's good kind of wander ugh yeah actually I don't know if I want to wander off just yet because like I really want to see more into this we offer the best glasses for every job how long would you want to be here each day um let's say 7 hours 7 hours it's like an actual school day or something well in blocksberg time well if she's doing everything I'm doing everything ok alright ok I see what's going on here ok so this is looking good um can you tour the school question mark maybe she can tour the school on let's see if we can tour the school because I want to see what it's all about like I really want to see what all these like secrets are because I I just I feel like there's something here that she's hiding man I mean as you can see in the beginning there was a no boys allowed sign in the beginning no nothing crazy that makes sense for a girl in the school but she was being so hostile the beginning oh she said the biggest question to be admitted and last but not least okay what is this gonna be this is gonna be like Oh would you like to all pay me money money I don't even know I don't know what she's about to do boys what oh my god I knew something was wrong with this place ah this girl said oh yeah they stink I'm gonna say yeah they stink ok guys there's something up here she said ok good Joseph alright this is just weird this is weird because I knew for a reason she was hostile and it looks like she hates boy you guys promise me you hate boys you will join i'ma say awesome I do I do indeed 8th those gentlemen I as the fine gentleman um just everything checks out let's start the tour okay okay this is weird okay there's definitely some weird stuff going down here guys like knock it alive there's some weird stuff there's got to be some weird stuff okay so she said everyone check out smiler start the tour and then she said so here are the girl only lockers okay so clearly definitely some girl only lockers nothing too crazy Oh looks like there's a classroom and you're okay all right so so far this section of the room this section of the wing of the the school is pretty nice it's not anything really too suspicious but we're really gonna crack down here I'm start asking some weird question but say how many girls go to this school I'm gonna say you know I'm kind confused yeah really I just want to know we learned all of course I literally got tagged of everything I said she said we learned to keep boys away from our life that's a good skill to learn oh one day what if she said how many girls what how many no here I'm just gonna say go here just just just get an idea here see how many girls are actually here because I'm actually oh she said oh yes of course all right well I'm actually kind of curious to see because this is just getting weird man like she said around a hundred each school year oh wow I would say Wow uh and they all hate boys we got it we gotta make sure it we got it loves honestly they all learn to hit boys ads I was typing that was like that's a lot okay alright let's go check out the rest of this place I'm gonna go ahead and just wander around a little bit hopefully she doesn't get mad at me I don't actually have guests so I can't open these doors okay it looks like there's an office here or something like that pretty cool she said let's continue she said this is where the principal works from okay all right all right I would say I would say cool cool sounds good nothing nothing too crazy she's checking all the doors yeah I guess this is the back room okay nothing too crazy to wander around there I don't really need to be in there if I'm gonna be a student but this is like something weirds goin down you man this doesn't seem normal she said here's the front office okay all right cool stuff she said this door right here dot dot dot we can skip it for now yeah must be a janitor's closet or something I don't know what she was talking about there but something's going down Sam say okay uh what's in that door by chance question mark okay she said this is another classroom okay pretty simple oh wait a minute there's the no boys allowed son again they are really like really pinning this on these poor girls and just uh just just pin it on them that they hate boys like I feel like that's kind of a weird thing to teach you said I like those signs nothing you can't know until you're accepted by the school I'm saying I thought I already was accepted wait what the heck she's Louise it she literally just said I was accept in the beginning not just yet okay she said both sides are amazing what that yes something's weird I don't know it's weird cos Joseph is literally talking about how cool they are too we have to make sure everyone here is a girl oh my god guys guys I don't know what's going on maybe maybe she's had a deal with Undercovers in the past but she said but if you have been truthful you will instantly be accepted up I am truthful though that's the thing well not quite but not quite but she's really talking about how just girls they gotta be girls like they literally can't be Undercovers I mean anybody can be under a girl Kelly clearly I am right now so I gotta be careful I really got to be careful that she doesn't honestly suspect that I'm an undercover right now because this could be bad she said there's a lot of fake girls coming through oh my god oh my god we see them all the time oh my god okay yeah like I was saying I gotta be careful man this is not good gotta be super careful she said I always tell them about the boys only school opening with the boys only school wait there's a boys only school wait wait wait whoa what's going on she said but that's a lie oh my god what is going on she said we refuse to do such a thing and we'll never do that okay what the heck that's interesting okay I don't know what's going on there but she's odd to me I'm not on to me but she knows about fake like people going undercover so maybe they've gotten investigate in the past I don't really know what's happening here but let's go ahead and move to the next room I'm just gonna kind of initiate it here I don't have access to anything yet so I can't really do much but she said the boys that come through here are always excited to join a new school this is girl me school that's the thing okay but it doesn't exist oh she's talking about the ocean so she's talking about the boy Quantico only school this is the girl this one is girls only yes just she's talk about the boy only one dude Houston here's the room with the signs no boys allowed okay this is a we obviously I like these signs okay we got it kind of like blendin she said uh-huh those signs say at all of course okay so yeah this is this Joseph girls literally she she's on this girl's not like she really just wants to literally go here for some reason but there's got to be something more to this okay she said how are you guys liking the girls only school I'm gonna say I'm gonna say I'm just gonna say I'm just gonna see what she says all for that because like actually not a suspicion I'm gonna say I would say it's great it's great I love it not really a wink wink all right so yeah you know honestly I really want to know what's on the other side of that door but the thing is I'm kind of curious I'm just saying why aren't you guys opening the boys school is there a specific reason I don't know I'm kind of curious she said I'm glad you guys like the school okay I'm actually kind of nervous to see what she says off of this because like she said is that even a question always suck I'm gonna say I know I know I know I know but there's gotta be a bigger reason there's literally gotta be a bigger reason than that like come on let's be real like something something's a little fishy said this is girls only um I know but she said there isn't a bigger reason okay are you axed to the boy side get out now wait wait wait wait hold on hold on hold on no no I am NOT I swear I look oh my god she literally just blocked me she literally just blocked me did I just get you down she said don't defend the boys I'm gonna say I'm not I'm literally not defending the boys okay what is going on right now this is so freaky she said or you won't be accepted okay she's back to her aggro way she definitely needs to make sure that you're a girl that literally hates boys in order to get in the school I'm just saying why does it have to be that you hate boys in order to go to this school okay I don't know what's going on here I'm gonna say I'm gonna say Joseph please help me please tell me she said because this is girls only I know but but please like literally please I don't get what's going on right now this is so weird I don't know man this is just this is weird all right guys I don't know what's going on right now but this is kind of nerve-racking because I think that she thinks I'm undercover I don't really know exactly what's going on right now but let me know what you think of the comments down below because this is just weird I don't know how this is gonna happen I'm gonna try to get back inside and see what is in that secret door wait Joseph said if you're saying we have fake boys here all the time then how do we know you are not a fake girl oh wait a minute wait a minute wait wait I don't even know she's talking to me wait oh wait Joseph who are you talking to she said I swear if you're another one of those Undercovers trying to get in to see what's going on here what dude you know she said no Jenny I'm talking to you oh my god I would say obviously yeah Jenny what the heck and I'm not an undercover what are you that's that's the real question you she said cuz I own the school okay clearly but we don't know that that's the thing like I'm on an alternate account you said I'm the owner of the school I'm gonna say I hate boys I swear okay we got to get back in there guys this is the only way to be able to do it there's a try to convince her to actually like goes back in there she said don't question me Joseph she said okay then okay so she's totally just like wait wait did Joe Joseph just got blocked Joseph just got blocked oh my god what the heck is going on right now okay I knew you're a boy I'm not a boy as though please let me back in she said if you show me what's behind the door then I will say you are really telling the truth that you are a girl oh me too me too oh my god this is not this is will be working out perfectly guys like I don't even know what's happening right now but Joseph quote-unquote girl is literally trying to like get us both back in there she said are you two promising me you are girls I promise I promise I promise ha ha yes of course the cross finger effect in its in its prime she said okay this is your last warning no boys I'm not I'm say I'm not I'm literally not she's that promise dad's always mess up names oh god that's a good one okay she said okay all right well I don't know what's going on she said since you two are really girls hopefully we get to see the secret of um I'm actually really hyped about the secret follow me into the last room oh my god he reduced guys the boy okay I don't know what the heck is gonna be on the other side of the store but like dude Joseph is so curious as well so I know for a fact whatever's on the other side of this door is definitely she said are you ready I'm gonna say yes I'm just whatever is on the other side this door is definitely bad bro I don't even know what it is but it leads to a basement and then the door leads to this place there's another door okay she's typing something for sure I'm actually she said stay here I need to use my access I would say okay all right sounds good I'm I'm gonna keep it looking over there cuz I don't know I don't even let's go she said okay follow okay I don't know oh my god what is wait why am i over there wait a minute wait wait first off but no she said okey Paul why she fought why is she bringing this over this group this classroom is filled with no boys we hate boys what the Michael's here Zach's here I'm here we both have X's on us she said this is our secret mission what what is this question mark I said wait she said I want to trap these guys in here because I hate them so much will you help me what is this a is this even really a school what the heck what the heck is going on she said it wait if you do what's the plan Joseph is on board you will stay here at the school for free uh how do we even do this though i'm sokka she said i literally just saw Creely in the game and told him to go away I didn't have a penny back up so I couldn't get him trapped free deal wait wait wait wait wait Joseph Joseph what the heck is this all about wait Joseph what are you talking about so like literally so into the plan this is not good guys my ultimate goal is to trap them all and use their funds to build a mega-girl only school here in blocksberg but I need more help I'm gonna say um how do you plan on doing this she said this is their jail cells what the heck what the heck is going on guys I this is too weird man this is way too weird I feel like I got to blow my cover but I feel like : let's go along with it just roll around here a little bit more information she said this is your jail cells um how do you plan on doing this all or say even with you gotta get them all in one game that's literally so hard to do it hang on I dropped something beforehand can I go get it wait she said if I join my server I'll have backup now that you guys are here all right well yeah that's the thing what they're not that's gonna be so hard to get together I'm gonna say I would say it's gonna be hard to get into a game I don't even know what she's talking about what yeah I don't know what Joseph just as a good plan we'll make it happen I'm just saying okay but this proves girls are smarter than guys or than boys if you said do you guys accept okay guys I do we got a break I'm saying um I have something to confess I gotta see what I gotta see a reaction you this is so creepy yes I'm actually pretty undercover okay here's the moment of truth I don't know what she's gonna say I know Joseph's gonna freak out too but I'm actually kringlie undercover and all she said no you're not and you've been busted said wait what do you mean I have alerted the authorities and this is not okay Joseph's like oh noes okay I don't know what's going on you were undercover I knew it hahaha you believe me just did why did I trust you good question be honest can I get out of here oh wait wait Joe Joseph wait I want to say Joseph are you on don't whoops I just got blocked by Louie just got blocked I obviously just for you on my side I need to find out Joseph's on my side I mean clearly he's on my cell but she just blocked both of us out of here okay guys reexpose this girlie school is darkest secret Oh Joseph on my side okay I don't know what I don't know where Joseph came from but Joseph is definitely like the move right now he knows what's going on I'm gonna ask him one question we need to find out one question Joseph one final question oh he said don't blow my cover don't blow my cover wait wait no way let's say he said wait why me no way okay I got a message to back um are you actually a boy to investigating you're both boys I knew it we can actually blow his cover I think accent blow his cover I don't know what oh no dude she should have gone into the cage goodbye boys girls she just left she said goodbye boys so girls rule and then she this guy said huh she's going away I need to find out I need to find out were you undercover to crush mark he said no offence to everything I said okay well he was undercover as well no way dude this is insane okay guys well we definitely busted a some sort of weird girl only school that had a weird secret to it if you guys did enjoy the video make sure you go and drop a like hit that subscribe button if you do don't forget to turn on the post notification bell and use code in the shop if you want to use my code for some robotics but with that being said yeah a week this guy said I was one of the guys in the other server oh my god this guy was undercover before I even was oh my god good bye guys have a good one
Channel: Ant
Views: 822,073
Rating: 4.8205109 out of 5
Keywords: ant, roblox, bloxburg
Id: WUw3P1v9OR4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 24sec (1164 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 23 2019
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