EXPOSING Azealia Banks: Satanic RITUALS and SACRIFICING Innocent Animals

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do you practice magic real witches do real things the amount of crap that's about to come off my floor right now guys 3 years worth of bruh are we forgetting that this is the same lady that dug up her dead cat on live to boil it for the bones and we're digging them up that [Music] works aelia Binks is casually casting spells on celebrities and using her home as a place to perform Magic by sacrificing innocent animals boiling their bones and wishing death upon her enemies sometimes aelia's magic doesn't work but when it does celebrities find themselves losing loved ones missing out on opportunities and succumbing to aelia Banks's alleged witchy Powers so let's get into [Music] it I want to talk to you guys about rapper aelia Banks because I think it's fascinating how she is a celebrity and she's open about her witchcraft I mean we talk about how the Illuminati exists in Hollywood and how there's so much evil but really this rapper is putting it on full display I mean look at this headline aelia Banks cleans Blood Stained room she's used to practice witchcraft for 3 years so aelia posted a series of disturbing videos on Instagram of the room she had been practicing witchcraft in and that she had been using for apparent animal sacrifices which I understand certain religions have beliefs and traditions but I would also consider maybe like animal protection laws I mean can you really just go and sacrifice an animal for witchcraft I feel like that'd be considered animal of in the video you can see her panning around what looks to be a closet in aelia's apartment the room is a troubling sight to see the walls are covered with what appeared to be hardened stains of blood while a mix of feathers and black substance cover the room's wooden floors you can also see two dead chickens in there and I don't know if she rents or she owns but either way if she's in a condo the HOA probably should uh pay attention to that because um I feel like all of that will like seep through the floor and just like rot the building she even says the amount of crap that's about to come off my floor right now guys oh my God you know I got to scrape all this stuff up I've got my sand blaster and goggles the amount of crap that's about to come off my floor right now guys oh my God this is so gross it makes my stomach sick and she's like super proud of it which makes me even more appalled I mean I'm going to have a lot of this blurred because I can't even really look at this right now my stomach is churning 3 years worth of [Music] bruh yes you know I got to scrape all this up I got my sand blaster my goggles it's about to go down real witches do real things [Music] [Laughter] [Music] like oh I feel like we need to do a little prayer real quick uh Jesus thank you so much for protecting us and our animals and I hope Bunny's doing well you guys know bunny my dog I want to make sure she's okay and all the other animals I love out there I don't like this um reports right that it's not clear why as IA has been reportedly sacrificing animals over the past 3 years I mean I think it's pretty clear she thinks she's doing some witch power now of course when things like this go viral on the internet Peta is going to step in they said that people are rightfully horrified to learn that aelia Banks has been slaughtering chickens in her closet for 3 years and that she is apparently so out of touch with public sentiment that she bragged about it on social media Peta says that we hope that aelia's closet cleanup is a sign that she's planning to clean up her act become a good witch and stop the cruel and gruesome sacrifice of frightened animals they went on to say that chickens are highly sensitive and intelligent birds and while I must admit I am not a vegan I have consumed chicken before I did have a pet chicken back when I was on fifth grade it lived in my backyard its name was clucker I always want a pet chicken I would incubate eggs for months my grandma would take me to the farm i' would go and get an egg I'd bring it to my room and i' put in an incubator the incubator thing never worked but eventually I I was like I did it for so long that I was like can I just get a chick so then I got a chick from the farm and I raced it as my own and that was my chicken clucker so I can't imagine hurting a chicken I mean even eating them alone sometimes I get that guilt of eating the meat um I even try to have a pet one but they were not that they're probably smart and sensitive but it wasn't that friendly I could not like cuddle him chicken or not the whole evil mentality behind this I think is what's so appalling and just so confusing to me that it's kind of allowed or at least tolerated the amount of like Grime in her closet tells me that she'd be putting in work I've only seen uh one other person's face that had that much Gunk and grime like that and he was a whole Bal now this was actually isia bink's first time showing us some of her witchcraft she has spoken about it before and claimed to be a witch in the past she actually claims that her mother is the one who got her into it all she said my mother practiced white table magic prayers for the ancestors in prayers with the Saints in cleansing and praying for all kinds of protection sounds a little bit different than what zelia is doing you've tweeted times about witchcraft like very cryptically do you practice magic what what are your favorite spells the egg spell the egg spell you cleanse yourself with an egg right pass the egg all over yourself praying for all of your negativity to go away into the egg right but usually you do it like when somebody's working with you to get like what the person is doing off of you you crack it in a crossroad and you walk away and you don't look back that works when did that that start my mother practiced what you would call like a speedo like white table magic prayers for the ancestors and prayers to Saints and cleansing and praying for protection all type like that you know now of course in this sit down interview aelia is able to sell it off a little easier I mean she's talking about like rubbing an egg all over her body which I don't know why it's so chicken focused I mean maybe someone in the comments can explain that iselia also has other politically charged thoughts when it comes to Magic saying quote but really it's all about magic the most magical people are the ones who have to deal with oppression because the non-magical are jealous that's why Jews and blacks per quote um have been persecuted over and over again throughout history because they have the most magic then she joked that racism might end a lot sooner if black people could make their enemies sicken and die with a thought and of course that kind of statement and sentiment leaves a lot of people a little bit uneasy people are not feeding into aelia's beliefs one person wrote seek professional help another person tweeted killing animals isn't cool perhaps we need to begin snuffing witches oh remember back in the day they used to like uh behead the witch can you imagine if they did that still this person wrote witchcraft no mental illness yes another person wrote 3 years of Witchcraft and no one still doesn't know who you are so if she's using it to get famous then she might need to work on her powers another person wrote you could have built a shed or something to do that all in which if she's like in LA in an apartment I cannot imagine this smell of all that in there now this wasn't the first time that aelia had gotten really disturbing on social media there's a clip that she posted where she actually dug up the bones of a cat that I believe that she had killed to use it for some kind of spell and she's just casually posting this all over social media which I still can't understand why this isn't considered illegal and a lot of people are like oh well who's aelia Banks like who is she to you know spiritually do something so egregious right are we forgetting that this is the same lady that dug up her dead cat on live to boil it for the bones 3 months ago and we had to put him in the ground and we're digging him up for the very first she was not going to eat the dead cat I'm pretty sure she just wanted the bones now other people in aelia's life have come forward and confirmed her witchcraft beliefs actually aelia bank's partner reveals the rapper gave her advice on practicing this article reads that Zia is well known not only for her music but also her eccentric lifestyle pop author Alex said that he once asked the star for some advice when he considered taking up witchcraft according to the Canadian pop artist the rapper suggested that he used snake blood for a spell aelia literally told him to go down to a river to find a snake and to cut it and to use its blood again I don't know what else you need to do once you have the blood do you like is there a rule book is there some uh like some words that you need to chant he didn't go into further detail maybe he got the details but aelia clearly knows a lot about this subject and she's tried to reach out to other people like Nicki Minaj and and tried to pit cardi B against her by saying that cardi B's grandmother was using Witchcraft and aelia was the source of this knowledge that Nicki Minaj was getting or that one time she convinced Nicki Minaj that cardi B's grandmother did voodo on her this lady is unhinged being so low that you that you resorting to voodo and Witchcraft as if you don't have to pay it back then she goes on to let Nicki Minaj know that she had trolled her she literally goes on the ground and this was last year y'all I lied to you you stupid cardi B's Grandma did not do witchcraft on you what is wrong with this lady but then added the chef Kiss by also sending a voice in m the easiest form of Witchcraft is to tell someone that witchcraft is being done to them someone with a weak mind they get paranoid and they start turning on themselves moving on from Nick Minaj and cardi B but on to Lad Del Reay because you guys know I'm a big lad Del Ray fan and at one point AIA Banks hinted that she was going to use Voodoo to burn down her home reports write that Lana criticized Kanye's support of Donald Trump writing that Trump becoming our president was a loss for the the country but your support of him was a loss for the culture this prompted a response from aelia Bing saying you a privileged white woman have no effing business opening your mouth to a black man from Chicago she completely going after Lana for having an opinion which that's really aelia's desire to do or not I mean that doesn't need to involve Voodoo AEL went on to say that you know the big bad witch is smarter than that when her house mysteriously Goes Up in Flames while she's asleep inside I want to see as many aelia Voodoo hashtags as possible this isn't the first time that aelia has wished death upon a celebrity she wished death upon Wendy Williams which I question whether Wendy's current status is due to aelia but I don't think she has that much power I mean Lana is doing great she just headlined Coachella for this next issue that aelia got involved in DC youngfly a rapper called aelia Banks ugly on wild and out she was really pissed off and allegedly she did a spell on him his baby mama then suddenly passed away allegedly aelia Banks caused this using her spell but uh I don't know I don't want to put faith into that because those kind of things do scare me Jacko uh DC Young fly's late baby mother who tragically passed away during Blas surgery y'all remember in 2018 when ailia Banks went on wilding out and DC Young Fly called her ugly and she was fuming it embarrassed her so when I see these two related but unrelated videos a couple days apart from each other my wheels started turning AIA Banks is basically on Beyonce's internet like yeah I did it I don't know what that girl was doing but I say all of this to say I wouldn't underestimate nobody in this world and the fact that she did pass away on her birthday did not make it any better just a message to ailia we're just talking about your witchcraft here don't do any spells on me or this Channel please I feel like you can save your energy for someone else who's a bigger problem because I I'm not it I'm not it I'll be praying extra hard tonight but I want to hear what you guys think of this in the comments below do you believe these kind of things do you believe in witchcraft I mean I do believe that people can cast spells and it can get very real so yeah I don't really have time for all this in 2024 but I want to hear what you guys think of it it does make me question like where this kind of energy belongs in Hollywood and and entertainment I mean are a lot of people doing this in aelia is just sharing it I would hope not because I can't imagine having like a corner of my home I such a clean freak I do not want to have a corner of my home all black and feathery and gross and dirty and smells bad like H that sounds like a nightmare but I hope you guys enjoyed this video and I'll see you in a new one soon bye guys [Music] he
Channel: SLOAN
Views: 100,521
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AzealiaBanks, Controversy, Witchcraft, AnimalRights, CelebrityFeud
Id: 8uW7Z8jLCgs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 08 2024
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