Exporting to Unity using Blendshapes within Omniverse Audio2Face

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hi in this video we're gonna quickly go through the process of setting up some blendship solve exporting this animation and then importing it again into Unity also we're going to be using blender as our intermediate software so let's get started by importing the default demo scene the next step is to set up the blank chip soap for this we need a model with the blend chips for this character we provide the blankets for Mark and you can find it if you navigate to your local nuclear server in the localhost Nvidia assets audio to face samples and then inside blendship solve you will find these male blend chip 46 USD file you can simply drag it into the stage and you can check that here the neutral mesh has all these blend shapes now the next step is to set up the blend chip solve to make it more convenient we can first move the original Mark slightly to the left side and then Focus the scene to have a better View to set up these blanches we can go to the data conversion tab and I'm gonna go very quickly through this process but we have a really good series of tutorials in the launcher you can find them here in the learn tab if you go to the application tutorials and find audio to face you will see that we have a whole series about working with blend shapes which goes much more into detail on this process but nevertheless to get started we need to First specify the input animation mesh that is the mesh that it's actually driving audio to face so that's the gray mark it's called the head water tie high so let's just find it and then the blend shape mesh that contains all the blanches so that's the neutral once we select these two we can just set up the blendship solve now again if you want to know more what all these options do please refer to the tutorial serials about blend shapes just for these specific tutorial we are more focusing on the export and importing it to Unity so just for this purpose we can see that it works just fine uh with this we can just simply export our USD as a skeleton animation so let me save it in a place that we can find more easily so let's choose this folder and then choose the name something like export blend chips and to make it a bit quick we can just simply put a lower frame rate and then we can export this file you will see that we will have this USD cache created and this also cache will also show as a skeleton animation object here in the blend shape object so we have two options to export these two blender but the simpler one is to just simply clean this scene and by clicking this scene is that we only keep the elements that are needed and here we have three different skeletal animation objects the one that we interested is this one basically it has all the data that's needed the blend shapes uh itself and the animation weights so in order to get rid of the other ones as you can see I cannot do it and this is because we have here a reference so in order to basically uh get rid of the reference and make a proper USD we can just save the Sim flatten I would save it as Mark blend shape animation and it will create a new file so if we open that one again uh we will see that basically it's been flattened so now we can access these skeleton objects and then just delete them one last step that needs to be done is uh basically change the animation Source when setting up the blendship solve basically it's pointing to this BS anim object that's the one used on the blend chip solve so we need to point it to the new cache that we created so after adding this you will see that we have our animation here playing in the global timeline and if you don't see it we can actually show the timeline from here once we have this we can just simply save the file again and then we can move to blender to use uh but you have to use the blender from our Omniverse launcher and the reason is that here has many new USD functions that one of them is the import for these blank ships so in order to get it we can just simply search for blender and then use this production blender which basically is a kind of like an extension of the 3.2 3.4 Branch you can install it I already have it so we can just simply launch it and then we will have the blender we can simply clean up the default scene and then proceed to import the file that we created so in this case Mark blanchip animation and you can see that we have some keyframes if you check in the mesh properties we will see all the different shape keys that we have and again we have the animation all right so now in order to use this in unity we have to do something a bit particular which is basically created uh action these shape keys and animation basically is not seen by the RPX exporter so the way to expose these shape key animation is by basically creating an action so first we create an action and then in order to basically save this properly we can create just two simple keyframes at the beginning so I'm gonna create just a location keyframe and then move to the end of the frame sequence and then just create another one and then with this basically we will be able to export this animation so let's call it my let's just simply say a to f animation all right so with this we will export the fbx we can select the mesh and choose to go to export fbx and then here a few important things is like uh the important thing is at least we need to get the mesh and the amateur the amateur is important because the animation is somehow related to the Armature and these actions so we need to at least export these ones if you want to export all things like camera lamps is up to you and then in this case I'm just gonna select the selected objects that's what I want to do and finally bake the animation needs to be set up with this I'm gonna just save this file and then I'm call it Unity a to f blend shape animation all right so now that we have this uh we can move to Unity so I have here a very simple uh scene with nothing so what we can do is navigate to our fbx file and then just drag it into the asset folder to import this SBS file and it might take a while depending on how big your file is once this is loaded you can select it and then you will see that we have our action here in the animation so make sure that we can import the animation uh you can change the different parameters as convenient and here in the model section it's important that import plan shapes is selected and with this basically we have our animation here so now I can drag it into the scene and we can uh just verify that our animation is here so in this case I will just simply apply it you can see that we have we have our blend shapes here and then by dragging the animation the animators here and then we can verify the animation just simply by going to animation and then as you can see we have here that we can just play and then we have our project face playing inside Unity
Channel: NVIDIA Omniverse
Views: 7,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NVIDIA, Omniverse, RTX, PixarUSD, OpenUSD, Ray Tracing, Animation, Collaboration, Photorealistic, GPU, Connector
Id: TJqtsnUAKx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 14 2022
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