Exploring the "StrayedAway" Voicemail Thread

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On March 13th a user on Twitter by the name of Ty made a thread about a cryptic voicemail he had received. Make of this what you will. He uploaded a video of the voicemail, and this is what it said: "Sierra. Delta Alpha November Gaul Echo Romeo (DANGER) Sierra Oscar Sierra (SOS) India Tango India Sierra Delta India Romeo Echo Foxtrot Oscar Romeo (IT IS DIRE FOR-) Yankee Oscar November Oscar Tango Hotel (it says 'YONOTH'. I think it's been cut because in the tweet he says that it says 'YOU TO EVACUATE BE CAUTIOUS, THEY ARE NOT HUMAN' 'TO' to the 'H' in human is cut. Why is it cut?) Uniform Mike Alpha November (-UMAN) Zero four two nine three three nine six four two three zero, Sierra, Oscar, Sierra (coordinates, SOS) Delta Alpha November Golf Echo Romeo Sierra Oscar Sierra (DANGER SOS)" (See tweet.) (See tweet.) At this point, he StrayedAway is referring a tweet from three days prior, that says this: (See tweet.) Someone then chimed in, asking what he was doing sitting in a car at 3:29 a.m, to which he responds: (See tweet.) Back to the voicemail. A user by the name of 'Uzumaki' or 'Justin' chimed in with some input about the supposed recording: (See tweet.) (See tweet.) (See tweet.) Another user then chimed in: (See tweet.) Justin then closed with: (See tweet.) And that's it. So, what do you think? Is Ty hearing a lost black box recording from missing Malaysia flight 370? Or is it something else entirely? Anyway, I'm working on something you'll like for the next one. I'll see you guys then. I love you all, and good night. [Captions by Zhina Abdulkarim]
Channel: Nexpo
Views: 772,884
Rating: 4.8964868 out of 5
Keywords: strayedaway, twitter thread creepy, creepy voicemail, ty strayedaway twitter, twitter creepy voicemail
Id: zLd9Q6687Cg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 55sec (355 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 16 2018
Reddit Comments

wtf is this non sense conspiracy shit.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/donkierweed 📅︎︎ Mar 17 2018 🗫︎ replies
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