Exploring the Embodiment of Cellular Consciousness through Movement: A Body-Mind Centering® Approach

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you you one thank you for being here welcome to Bonnie's exploring the embodiment of cellular consciousness first class of her summer series online classes we're very glad you're here my name is Basha and I'm one of Bonnie's support staff team members and before Bonnie begins teaching we'd like to take a few minutes to introduce everyone who's been working behind the scenes to help make Bonnie's online classes possible we are a team and we're also a family as I said my name is Basha and Bonnie's daughter and I am the project manager for Bonnie's events and projects and this is Bonnie hello welcome next we have Len hi everybody Milland Bonnie's husband glad you're all here today welcome I hope you enjoy it and ISA hi everybody I'm ISA I'm Bonnie son and I'm the class administrator so welcome and I'm the face behind many of the emails and very importantly we have our review great for those of you attending the class in zoom at the bottom of your screen and zoom you'll have an icon called chat and one called Q&A if you haven't already introduced yourself in the chat please make take a moment to do so now we would love to hear we would love to know who you are and where you're from and for the Q&A box if you have a question for Bonnie about the material that she presents please type it into the Q&A during the class and towards the end of the class Bonnie will take a few minutes to respond to as many of the questions as she can for those joining you on Bonnie's YouTube live and Facebook live welcome and without further ado here's Bonnie enjoy I'm really overwhelmed that we're here welcome to my corner in my home what to say except I'm speechless but I'm supposed to say something so I have to find words mainly thank you thank you in this first session on cellular consciousness so we could start with vibration and one of the ways that vibration is experienced is through the tone of us there's also the tone of the environment and that it's just letting me hear and yet we're all here and in each of your places of shelter we're here we're here together we're neighbors it it makes me weep that it has taken such a strong force for us to be here worldwide I think people from 77 countries registered doesn't that just amaze you that we are here together in this moment and yes I will come on until morning it's morning here in the middle of in Asia and Australia it's late New Zealand but we are here and so there's something in the vibration of that which has brought us together and then in the flesh feel your flesh so that's another thing this is I hope not a performance but that it's a shared experience so just feel your flesh there's a tone in your flesh and sometimes we're very low and tone and maybe some of you are very tired and ready for bed some of us are waking up in there and some of us wouldn't wake up are tired we have different rhythms I'm a morning person so I'm awake and some of us are very fast and high talent and some of us are flow or and I'm or lower with age that happens also perhaps so what is meant by tone usually we think of tone and music and sound and this kind of tone body tone is called well it depends how you're looking you're looking at cellular tone are you looking at the tone of blood vessels or nervous system for the stomach digestive system are the lungs certainly during this pandemic I've been in touch with people who've had the virus and how to meet that kind of tone day to day emotional tone to the illogical tone and we actually approach this in all different ways physically and psychologically spiritually so because the muscle tone excuse me muscle tone is more calm let us start with looking at muscle tone so as an occupational therapist for over 60 years I learned about testing muscle testing and how we we know if something is well first of all if it doesn't have a nerve innervation it doesn't have tongue but then within that range can be low tone hypothalamus to high tone hyper tonus and then there's arranged it we call normal tone and feel your tone you know we're anxious we have a different tone and we're passionate and peaceful or excited we change our tone but now just feel your muscle tone and again with age muscle tone generally diminishes although I still have enough tone to jump around I'm on a ball that helps then we contract you just hope you're doing this as well you can do it sitting and eventually we'll find other postures although we're somewhat limited in the spaces that we are now this is called flexion and this is called extension but this is not really movement I mean its movement we're moving but this is movement the qualities of movement play with the quality of movement it's not just now I'm AB ducting now I'm having but I'm moving I'm moving and how do we enliven the cell so that all the cells of the tissue are moving and for those of you who've known me for a long time look at right hand how it's opened up so even though looking really soon at 80 and a hand as a child that was like this by opening the tissues the cells opening it probably looks almost the same it's not but it's alive how do you feel the aliveness of your of your tissues so then we're looking mechanically again at flexion the muscles get shorter and when we extend the muscles get longer and if you haven't studied kinesiology which is considered the science of movement but it's such a small part of movement it's not it's the science of the mechanics of movement but not of the aliveness of movement but it is getting shorter and then it gets longer and yet these muscles are called flexors and these muscles are called extensors these flex but these are not extending the arm when we are in this position with gravity this is getting short of it now this is getting longer it's not controlled by the extensors so the flexors extend and flex so if I flex from here and you do the same careful for this one watch me first good I want you can hurt yourself if you use the extensors you all you could hurt yourself so do it slowly with your extensors and I'll make your shoulders come up that it's you're extending with the flexors by lengthening so we use the word contraction traditionally and we're just talking my wife will contract it for shortening but contraction is also lengthening but in our cultural English anyway and there are people here from many languages maybe I should go a little slower I'm pretty slow anyway I get excited and I that this is equally a contraction we have contracted not by the extensors but by lengthening the flexors and the extensors are engaged but they are not the control the control is the expansion so the I'm not the first one to come up with this there is actually a traditional term concentric contraction and eccentric contraction so when we bring the knee extend the knee this is the extensors extending the knee but we're also using the extensors too if that role is the expend me again careful and also I might fall off the ball that would be funny extend the leg through here I am gonna fall here but then if you use the big flexors to flex that's not releasing the leg down this is a controlled eccentric contraction in most injuries I'm assuming that most of you well everybody's moving hopefully I did have paralysis of the spine so and couldn't move it at a period a couple of periods but given not not speaking about that although there are ways to regain the movement when you go to the cell you actually have more possibility that you're just trying to go through the nervous system which is limited by its cellular back back up in other words from my experience is not a fact you have to find your own facts but my experience is that the nervous is a recording system so we didn't have a nervous system when we first the egg and the sperm came along it took a while for the nervous system to develop so far for something I read when I see I read you have to check and google it because it's transferring through to my body and through my dream which is also my body the brain that when people are looking at the concept us the the embryo and the fetus in the womb that in the embryo which is the first eight weeks that they pick up the heartbeat and three weeks so the first three weeks of the eighth week the heartbeat can be picked up but I have read that the brain waves are not picked up until about six months in the fetal stage and that's a big difference going from the beginning of creating a body and to having a functional one that can survive outside of the womb for those of you who are new we haven't met yet what we're meeting today I have difficulty going it's straightforward I just go round and round and round maybe ad nauseam for some but that's the way it is I attempt to go forward but I stopped okay so where was i before I went around that ring it had to do with concentric and eccentric contraction had to do with tone when I went to the cell so in all of these years of exploring movement and looking for what is the essence for the child who's born with severe neurological challenges and disorganization what is the fundamental movement principle that applies also to the the professional dancer and Olympic athlete and everyday life that the principles must be the same and not that you do this for this case and this for that case but that I wanted to know and still want to know what are the basic principles that go underneath all of our movement and then what happened excitingly is that also we could look at that and animal movement and look at the philosophy and the consciousness and emotions that follow that are raised so in this this process the nervous system records cellular movement I'm saying this for those of you who are new to we haven't met or another person who has teaching body mind centering those of you already have heard me say this through actually almost 50 years some people and I'm so happy that we're here still together so the brain also is cells so approaching the brain to know itself as well as to record the rest of the body how it records itself so I'm going round and round eventually I hope that the membrane around what I'm expressing and sharing is coherent so I hope you're still exploring how you just do this and how you move here how do you just turn it flip your head around or how you discover the cells moving your head instead of your brain saying move your head but your your cells are moving and therefore you are moving in vibration there's a condensing and expanding it's it's a common elastic process but I think there's a better word I also sometimes say the wrong word not the one I mean but my mouth has gone out without migraine I try to keep them together as much as I can that the standing and condensing in the universe is holding and it's in the space so when you have your hands and you bring your hands together you can feel the space it has a dynamic and it can get so you can't bring your hands together even everything it will just open your clothes I'm not sick you up and down and then I'm going to stand up and I'm going to stand down I'm going to sit down so this is very helpful of someone for example it has a problem if they can't I'm going to stand I'm saying this for the cameraman cameraman let I'm gonna stand we're doing this welcome to our home my paintings I need my feet to be shown I'm so happy you can see us as real people so if somebody can't lift their foot maybe my head will get cut off if you can't lift the foot let the space lift your foot so you can stand you don't have to worry about the camera how you could lift your foot but then you know the space could lift your foot this is very helpful when there is low tone or there's some neurological issue that you can't or maybe you think I have to lower clear space can lower yeah and space you lift you out so even without the ball there's buoyancy space I hope you're walking with me space can lift you and lower you the space pulled me down or I could pick us down you see it it's but where does it it's different space and lift you can move us rather than that I'm going to kick my leg analyze which muscles were doing what's going on move my body no I can myself can move me instead of my brain saying bring your leg over take your leg apart No [Music] cells move here and you are in your cell so it's not a projected image from the outside of the culture it could be family you know lot of cultural issues historically and currently this is a personal culture imposing on your own self and as we as we live more as a community in our body we know that the heart needs the liver needs the bladder that the muscles are not working on their own you're expressing the blood expressing to see is that the length of an interstitial this is what I want to share this summer and of course I'm doing it now fifty years but there's something about our international community that's here it's reflected and the way that we are here is reflected by how we have been treated in our culture and society so somehow opening ourselves to ourselves perhaps will allow us to [Music] live more communally in the outer world all right get off that box it's a very passionate one so I need to before I go further I need to know and hope that you have been feeling what it's like to convince a muscle into elongated muscle a concentric contraction eccentric contraction concentric eccentric concentric eccentric eccentric concentric Easton trick concentric that's mechanical but it's helpful to to see it as a mechanical visual process but now I'll come to the leg my leg your leg a leg if you use the extensors to extend your leg do that and just see what that feels like and then lengthen it what happens instead of if you extend your leg from the extensors getting shorter you extend your leg by the flexors getting longer I might fall off the ball with this one I have to kind of feel harder use my muscles I'm going to build my core strength by shortening we're here whoo I just flip up so but what extends the leg is it is a question so if you ask me that question I can't answer it it's a multiplicity of factors so now stand up having did you just do one leg I didn't tell you not to but if you have to if you only did one leg you can compare but also our legs are different anyway but when I stand here I feel more supported on this leg with this leg I'm okay it's really great I'm glad I'm okay in the back I don't know if you'll hear me I want to turn around I guess I can do this that when you lengthen the muscles the buttocks line can draw this the buttocks but those ears maybe not learn that word that we'll all lengthen I'll just say it's just but mine longer here or here now I don't know I can't see it so now instead of going back to the ball I'll just do a shortening of the hip flexors are you standing with me kiss Joe otherwise I don't know you get maybe 10% maybe that much so it's shortening and now it's lengthening its shortening its lengthening but what if you use your your extensive muscles will be never - but mom so there's a function of the muscle that's often called not often that's always called the antagonist well it's a language that came out of right and wrong either forward or you're against it instead of that it's complimentary and in this case again I could say shorten this and then lengthen it or I could say come up from lengthening the best so the one that has been called the antagonist is actually the one who can bring us the most spatial intent so play with that a moment and know that there may is playing together it's a challenge I always avoided the camera because I would feel shy and inhibited and what you're offering to me and I appreciate it is that you are through the camera so I want to to be in dialogue with you and I have to do that through the camera and that's I care I care I'm you must care because you're spending the time by choice thank you so where are we one concentric and eccentric or condensing and expanding and then expanding and expanding now I'm giving you my experience if you're very loose then you would focus more on the condensing so I'm not the one who can help you the most with that because I'm more squatty like that I'm kind of short and condensed so for me doing long gate but somebody who's very already very long arms long here I just you know so you know that the grass on the other side of the track or the fence maybe you'll want to be more condensed within that length so I'm going to go up marry my for me I think this keep going when I go out but maybe now I'm going to condense it's not just concentric it's condensing what do I mean by condensing and expanding versus concentric and eccentric concentric and eccentric is helpful concentric eccentric concentric eccentric if we're here though this is concentrate reflection and concentrate extension because gravity is been eliminated as a change in fact as soon as you had gravity than you have concentrate key subject but when you're just parallel to the earth you have basically concentrate here in eccentric here concentric here Eastern jerk there so can you feel that so it's not like oh let's see what did she say that she said I don't remember useless phenol the shortening feel the lengthening feel the shortening here the lengthening here feel the shortening here the lengthening there so that I spent many many many years exploring from this perspective and it's very helpful so if I wanted if from the old way you want to go to the side you could think this is shortening and this is lengthening this is now shortening and that's lengthening or you could feel that you're expanding cell your leg through not just looking at I'm sorry she we're here not just looking at that's getting longer and now it's getting shorter but it's lengthening and now this again is I'm going to get myself doing lengthening if I'm really long and tall very flexible then I think what I'm going to condense as I leave it out I'm going to condense as I lengthen out so even I say not tall and person but just who I am I can condense and I can expand I can even I can even expand coming in as I'm condensing these balls are great if you don't have one and you're able to invest they're really nice to move on a chair can be doing this on a chair to do it isn't sorry I'm color-coded of course now I would like to pause and just have you explore and it's nice when we have partners I know some people there are more people in the room family friend 6 feet apart I'm pausing because I'll just keep going round and round at least pause so what I'm suggesting is that as you feel your nervous system through your into your brain is recording a different possibility rather than just looking at this contracting to strengthen it's condensing to strengthen or to move into space isn't just moving your arms out it's expanding into space it's expanding through all the tissues and if I move my finger here I'll feel it in my foot there even if I don't move then moving through our whole body even with the small movement and again that's helped me to open my hand from a serious very early childhood injury we're always alive as long as we're breathing which is can expanding inhale to exhale [Music] we can what I'd like to do now is to go into postural tone so we looked at muscle tone I mentioned other kinds of cellular tone just a basic cellular tongue if a baby is born prematurely they they haven't developed hone they're going to be floppy and we normally not normally we yes the first tone to develop is the flexors and it's called physiological flexion in which we curl into a little ball and a baby born early doesn't curl they just kind of hang instead of being curled in what will happen with the baby born early and some of us there enough of us hear it were born early that it takes time to develop tone because the tone has developed in the last three months of being in the womb and if somebody comes early the first tone develops in the feet and it moves up the body and ahead in the arms or the last so depending on that how we're handled a lot of times where we're encouraged to sit and to stand and so we develop a high extensor tone but still a weak flexor so then we go to the gym and we do all the strengthening to get the the core strength I'm going to make another suggestion is that to develop the tone of the body rather than the concentric contraction of the muscles so we are earth people living in cosmos of the heavens and that's our basic environment we have all the personal environments but that's our basic one and so my my path to I don't know the right word but like to to understand the [Music] difficulties in my own life my own cultural personal challenges has been to to open to the to the the earth and heavens and what is that what is that process as a as the person who's living in this body and when in your body when our spirit leaves the body has no and no more life in it so we're here now what is our relationship to to the earth to the heavens to ourselves and to each other and somehow nature has also Clues the environment help I go off off off so let me come back to postural tone our postural tone means the culmination it's an expression of the of our all of our tongue expressed through our muscles in our readiness to move so muscle tone a definition of muscle tone which is more commonly spoken about is it's the resting state of a muscle before a contraction it exists before during and after the contraction it's the resting state so if I'm kind of worried about I'm inferior about something I'm gonna have a different resting state or if I'm really bored depressed I'll have a different one and if I'm just enjoying the day then I'll have a different resting state so all of our movement is in relation to earth in heaven underneath all of the other relationships that we have with ourselves and with others so I've been exploring that since 1969 yeah when I study with dr. Karl and that Berta Baba it opened up it opens up another way of tone so there's a phenomena that when we are faced down and this is a little bit awkward maybe it's a lot awkward actually some honest I'm doing it where I can still be seen when we're faced down lying on the belly if you can lie on your belly or if you have a blanket you can put over a chair this is a little bit off it isn't that what it's awkward that when we're belly down what I learned was that tone postural tone is increased on the underside so this case it would be the front of the body which are the flexors if we ignore the legs for now because that legs turned around the other way but the front of the body so we're not going to talk so much about flexor and extensor as the front of the body and unless you really in touch with it you're not likely to recognize that but the way that it comes out of the way that it came out from the early researchers this was a very early identity was with animals if they cut the brain or they did different things or with people with neurological problems in particular children with cerebral palsy when and I I was able to see the children at a time when there wasn't a lot being done to help reorganize their nervous system now there's much more but in lying on the belly the children would go like that they would curl up and then when they were on their back this amount of all this would be lying down and lying down on the back they have extensors the back of the body tone would increase and I asked that question of myself what is this and what I found was instead of talking about the tone increasing what would be the underside increasing whatever the underside so on the side they would come up this way and this would diminish and then the other side so we can do that if you're you know you're in your place lay on the floor and feel how if you're on your back or you're on your belly or you're on the side or this side that this is a natural response because we're gravitationally oriented in the body it's it's the nature but we don't do that normally normally it's so subtle we may not even notice and so one way we lean explored is to feel the yield feel the yield that's different than a contraction it's a condensing it's not a contraction it's a yield it's a condensing it's not expanding on this side it's condensing it's just condensing and we we learn to embrace and if I'm on my belly I don't know how to do this you can see I'm looking at you though instead of contracting there's a condensing into the ball for me now otherwise the floor you can put a pillow or a ball or just the floor itself that you can dance you embrace and then I go to this side but maybe in the womb I was curled the other way so when I come on this side I just feel kind of sloppy I don't feel bad I don't know what you mean by me I'm talking to myself by that condensing so then I explore I thought this condensing I can find this condensing I can learn to yield where I didn't know how because I didn't have the experience to yield and then underbelly this is crazy [Music] maybe I am kind of hyper alert that's that I grew up hyper alert and it's hard to yield here because what if something happens here we a lot of earthquakes and a lot of other things can I really yield into the earth when it the environment it's not safe and I learned to stay alert and so to to condense um I better wait till twelve o'clock to do this no is that the right time yeah yeah all the times are different doesn't matter what I say but I might just fall asleep and that's been one of the things that I've had trouble sleeping for many many years and I'm sleeping today not now but I learned to sleep again and one of the ways is to feel it was condensing just with the earth and then the condensing I can let go I can trust the heavens who knows ultimately but in this moment and maybe something happens that I have to get up and I'm getting up with the sense already of my nature in this lifetime I'm going to pause again I'd like to do the other side of it so we've had this for the first session and some of you I hope will come back and others of you I know about everybody will but I welcome you to come back as we build this over the summer so as I'm yielding you know if you can hear me I asked who want to raise their hand but I can't see it yeah as I yield and I'm condensing in the back I'm expanding in the front and that expansion on the upper side takes me I have to be careful follow from the ball takes me into space I think I'm going to go on the floor to show this worried about falling not from my steak but I didn't want to may be worried so here I'm condensing here I'm not condensing I've laid down okay what do I do now what am i required to do now attitude instead oh I can feel the surface of this floor I can feel the earth I can feel gravity supporting me I can I can yield so I'm not only yielding I hope you can hear me I'm not only yielding now I can see a time I have a different body than when I wore it and so many many years ago but I thought you could see me better and I never wanted to throw it away give it away someday so here I'm condensing in here I'm not eccentric in traffic I'm expanding I'm expanding my front my face in front of my legs so that's where we have to not say flexor expensive but the front of my body I can expand it because it's the upper side it's the heaven side and the back side is convincing and yielding into the earth and it's hard to come on I have the strength of the back and the spaciousness of the top to rise and that's different if I would do a belly crunch the belly crunch I don't think I can do it years ago I could do it no I don't have it but maybe I could do it you see it's really different then if I condensed the back expand the upper side I'm the relationship to the earth in heaven now if I do it on my belly I've changed again I don't know if you can hear me I'll raise my voice but I'm going inward into myself because the front is more personal my front my underside is in relation to mother earth I am bends into mother earth who is embracing me and I'm expanding to father heaven it's different if I condensed now if I just lie here and I do it back contractions I'll hurt my back over the years you can do it but it does add up I condensed I feel the embrace of Mother Earth I'm her child she's older than I am I don't want to grip my butt and lift my leg that way I want to expand the back I'm still embracing leather but I'm expanding the back I'm expanding the back and I can rise where if I'm just doing it back tightening and I'm too old for this but if I embrace the front isn't condensing my back is expanding I can come up there I was I could do that I'm showing off because 20 years ago I couldn't even read my head forward I had not the strength so I like to share the glory of being able to move again I think I've covered what I want to cover for today and I want to pull it together and we'll have time for questions and not answers that's again a a a philosophical concept from here that one actually has answers there's response and I want to respond but if I ever answered your question I apologize because your questions our questions guide us they guide us decided that oh what's the answer otherwise you get a good mark that mark there is no answer their responses and how do we feed the questions open them up to our people to receive so I can add a few things to the spaces in between what I went over one is what is cellular consciousness I don't know but what I'm wanting to point to is its awakening the cells to themselves for example we started I said feel your arms or yourself when you feel your arm I don't know how much you can see here come closer you can lift your skin and you can feel your flesh I'm thinking I'm going back a little bit here feel the fleshiness and kind of shake it a little bit maybe you don't have flesh so much flesh maybe yes I have a lot of soft flesh but there's a way you can feel it right with your bones squeezing it making it hard ness to the softness rather than that you use the flesh of one hand to feel the flesh of the other arm or with this hand instead of I want to see what's here from my brain saying close open close open close open I'm using my flesh of this hand to feel the flesh of the other so my whole body is fleshy and if I move from that fleshiness it has sensuality its fleshy then underneath that fleshiness is the bone there are two bones here and we could start to feel there's something dense underneath this fleshiness so instead of feeling fleshy mess with this hand to the bone of this hand I want to feel the bone and this is the bones of this hand into the bones of this arm so it's bone to bone it's not again press its bone bone through the flesh to get to the bone now if I move with my bones it's very different there spiraling the ball and spiral but it's different than the flesh then I can do bones and flesh together [Music] but my whole body is moving with it I'm not just doing something here it's all there pathways of tunnel flow pathways of tonal flow so it's not just some isolated conceptual thing with my brain but this is going into my brain my brain knows what I'm doing so I'm putting hands on people which isn't it it's kind of a no-no right now it's very strange you can I can tell one can tell I can tell when I'm working with someone who is not so maybe it's an injury or it's numb or it's just not the pathways of tunnel flow have been disrupted and I start to feel the way the fluids and the the tone of the tissue and relate to that through the tone of my own tissue I feel like oh that's passional then I can go to fashion not here here and then all of a sudden I'll say oh you felt that been in you maybe they say yes or no but it's like the nervous system connected and do it recorded it then you can use your brain to do it but there's a way to tell through touch and through movement that when you feel that tunnel flow that organization then you know it's made of loop to the nervous so through the nervous system to the brain but if it's not there through the tunnel flow in the nervous system doesn't it's not using that information it's using the restricted information all right flash but skin flesh bone once you feel the bone then inside of the bone is marrow so a bone has an outer layer called the periosteum it's the sensitive part of the bone it tells you where the bone is in space among other feedback and then you get to the hard bone that gives us the ability to rise and support ourselves and then you get to the marrow and the marrow is where we create our blood cells white blood cells it's the base of the immune system which right now we want to strengthen you want to all the time but right now it's being called forth and also the red blood cells are circulation our sense of warmth our connection with each other the limp is more defending not through pushing away but through entering so if you want to feel the bone your bone you can feel with the skin in one bone let's get it one side that one go to the skin of the bone that you're feeling this case the inner bone here you could take a finger your leg and feel just the shape of it then you go to the hardness oh this is this is where strength is strength isn't in the muscle yes it is in the muscle it's in the muscles for moving but not for support so we need strong bones for support we need living juicy muscles for movement they move the bones we need strong bones but not hardening the bones but feeling the compact bone the density of our bone and then the marrow is the fluidity of the bone so that the bone has fluidity it's not like a skeleton that's kind of you know hanging here yes it's got life it's creating blood creating the immune system so when we're afraid and we all know what fear is I I never met anyone who didn't I've had a lot of fear is that we have a tendency to close off the marrow so open your marrow at this time there's a lot to be afraid of but instead of closing off your bones closing off the marrow what if you open the mirror so that you have more immune system in which to engage with what needs to happen or what is happening rather than to limit yourself by closing it off so feel them I miss them feeling into your legs so that there's a fluidness there's a fluidity rather than I'm going to stand up and I'm going to sit down how to stand up and sit down using the strength of my muscles to get up and down step now I'm using the fluidness a few my bones and the muscles are cooperating I think I can pause there I'm looking for spaces I mentioned also the dynamic of space how we can feel that space is an entity it's holding us up if I go this way and just it's it's following me rather I think it's not there then I but I know it's there and it consumes me did I say anything else I think I'm going to open it up for [Music] question and comment or response not answer that will give a little more time and if there are no questions then I'll make up more stuff but I also have to take one minute and get a tissue I have it here thank you did anybody ask the question Basha yes we've had some wonderful questions come in the first one is can you explain information coming in from the back and out the front coming can you explain information coming in from the back and out the front coming in through the back that would have to be lying on my back for that coming in through the back of house and front I would need to be lying with my back toward the earth so that there's a condensing I'm assuming that and maybe I'm making a not correct assumption that information is convincing in the back I can't answer this the person who asked the question by exploring it you'll find it is then I'm opening to heaven and I had to be careful because some of the ball I can come up the opposite of that would be if I'm lying on my front I'm condensing in the front and opening through the back to heaven when I say opening on expanding but I'm not expanding I have to go down a minute I'm not expanding in the front I'm expanding in the back I'm condensing in the front do that again maybe if I'm expanding in the front and condensing in the back which would be looking at it through what's shortening and what's lengthening my back is shortening right my friend is opening but the town is just the opposite I'm expanding in the back condensing in the front so another way of looking at that when I'm not in relation to gravity I have the choice because there everything is happening simultaneously for help I'm expanding instead of answering reflexes which is something I want to also explore this summer interact with postural tone reflexes writing reaction equilibrium responses I have to get my words connected to my movement in order for reflex to come into existence it needs to have a specific stimulus unless it has that specific stimulus it doesn't come into reality but it's always there as a potential it comes from our ancestors however far back you want to trace that but it won't come into our lifetime unless we stimulate it into our lifetime and that's physical you know no social spiritual we require an environmental support for our own development and therefore to provide this support to others for their development I'll go off and on so once a stimulus brings the reflex into existence the stimulus is no longer needed but that reflex to be alive and well to occur and the stimulus can occur without the reflex so they become they have to be brought into existence together but then they can exist separately but they're still working they're still existing so for every reflex there's an opposite reflex and they coordinate and modulate with each other to create freedom so when I was lying on the back and I felt the condensing here in the opening here I don't need gravity anymore I don't need this position I wasn't my job but I can do it now for example back-bending people push forward usually I see it for over 50 years in yoga here or dance no it's to condense the back not convince it by contracting but to feel the condensing and to expand the front and doing a forward bending if I found it on the earth lying then I don't push back against my heart I can dance and expand the back if I made it more complex I hope more questions but did I have anything to do with the question if you'll ask that person can you ask that person if that made any sense at all can I expand that's not a easy thing to do at this moment but what I can do is move on to another person's question yeah that's okay yeah okay there have been several questions about a statement that you made about lymph you said lymph defends by entering and there were questions about what you what you mean by that again I have to do other things to get to that get I'm lymph own interesting personal comment the our blood circulation and our live circulation are interwoven with the blood we usually start with the blood but we could start with the capillaries start with the blood because I have words when blood leaves the heart it goes through art we call that arteries and arteries in a way is the way that I remembered it early to kind of connect the language which is a struggle for me many times so the blood goes through the arteries and it gets to the gets smaller and smaller and then it gets to the capillary bed and if you would imagine that my fingers are connected that there's no break there this could be an example of an artery an artery going to a capillary bed and the capillary vessels get small enough for one blood cell go through that's quite amazing and in this area say between where my fingers start and they start earlier but you see them starting there that we can call this this is not the ISO ring of this zone zo & e of the ISO ring I asked o RI ng is is i/o ring RI ng that comes from lymphatic work that I learned through Austrian lineage I think it went back to Danish but whatever it's not a word that we find in English physiology books so the ISO brain is this area of the capillary bed because this will be the veins coming back where the fluid the oxygen whatever it's being carried not the blood cells but the fluids what's carrying the fluids secretes out of the in this area secretes out into the interstitial fluid which is the C inner sea of the body and then it goes into the cells and then whatever the cells do with it breathe etc they send fluid carbon dioxide back out and it's brought in the fluid that flows into the capillary bed on this side of the vein easy to do difficult for me to say so the blood is flowing hard here it gets to what I call the zone of the ISO ring because it's not like this point it's a zone and there's a word in English well if there were people here I couldn't ask estuary I think is the word where the freshwater is flowing into the ocean and ocean water is flowing in where the river meets the sea this is kind of like an estuary fluid is flowing in its following let me just say it's flowing in and then it's flowing back and it comes to the heart this is an unbroken system unless you cut an artery or vein it just cycles back to the heart and then it goes into the pulmonary circulation and comes to the lungs and then back and then stuttering the circulation is spiraling and it's in the hardest the center of the spiral meanwhile at the capillary beds and every cell has access to blood fluid oxygen the walls of the capillary the vessels can't absorb large particles it's limited what it can reabsorb so the lymph system starts at the capillary bed and carries and I'm not being clear the lymph vessel only goes from the periphery to here so now I've mentioned here what is here take your fingers of your pointer fingers you go in front of your ears and then like a ski slope come down and just slide down to your clavicle your collarbone and then if you take your finger heat like this your thumb and your pointer finger and you you don't squeeze but you just take hold of your clavicle and you laser it in by feeling that by poking but by receiving you will find there the terminals for the lymphatic system for the lymphatic channels so all the lymph of the body everywhere flows to these two points and then from these two points flowing up from here down from here and from here it's flowing in from here whatever it is I have to go back again something else but not just to here it flows then into the blood and goes into the heart but meanwhile it's gone through lymph nodes it's gone through filtering systems so for bacteria that's one of the reasons they remove for cancer is that it's it's it's a way to filter foreign matter virus this is another one I don't know all the things that it's filtering but it's filtering to clean out the system and to take care of particles that can't be absorbed into the blood vessels so when you have swelling it means there's more particles of some kind could be dead cells right and so the length is important to get the circulation to bring that that excess of particles out of the fluid of that place and filter it through the lymph nodes and eventually that the fluid returns to the heart and can be processed ultimately we process through our heart when we can so let me say a little bit more a little bit of time so if you hold your hand out and when you get pokey let get pokey that's not helping your defense system it might seem like a little but it's not helping your lymph system which is the system that is the cleaning system it it clears the water so that I read once there was a pond so I'm gonna know what size of water that was very polluted and they stopped putting the pollution into the pond and in five years the pond cleaned itself or when things are stagnant water outside inside the body it gets diseased in some way it's toxic and so you need to get the fluid flowing freely and the it will clear the toxicity so when I say it's a defense system it will clear the toxicity so instead of grabbing and pushing out poking from your fingers the lymph is flowing back to here and it requires absorbing the reality into our blood so with that coming in I extend further out it's different if I poke myself out I'm actually shrinking in but when I extend through the limbs I'm actually bringing into me I am NOT going out I'm receiving I accept and I act I have no idea that was what you were asking but thank you great thank you one more question there have been several questions about something you said about the bone marrow you said open the marrow and people are wondering asking questions about what you what do you mean by that these are good questions they have the same questions that I have I'm just probably older than most are you asking the question I'm going to take I only only have a minute but I'm going to take something to show it thank you this is one of the explorations that we we do sometimes in class when we're looking at bone touching bone feeling bone if you take a regular pencil which can be harder to find today I don't know it's a wooden wooden pencil and we you can use it to to feel your own bone I feel a clock ticking here this is simulating our own bones so the outer part the paint of the bone and the shape to feel in yourself the shape of the bone and we often have people feeling other people's bodies to feel the shape to help people feel the shape you have to do it yourself now and then feel the hardness of the the wood of the bone and feel it with the ball the wood of your own bone and then inside I don't know what you can see there there's the lead of the bone to find your marrow and what happens is the bone breaks that don't break your bone please the pencil will break not because of hardness but because you found the fluidity and you know don't go breaking anybody's bones but feel that it broke not because of the hardness it broke because I found where it was fluid so in standing one of the things we'll look at is postural tone or some reflexes from the feet I'm not going to stand from my leg extending by the extensor muscles here I'm going to do it because the tone of my feet is condensing into the earth through the marrow of my whole body even my voice is different than if I want to stand with my muscles it's just my muscles it's local but the tone undertone of the condensing and I'm expanding in heaven to the heavens I have strength that's different than what's a muscle strength here because it's it's I'm alive I'm just muscular I'm not just holding my belly and my button is I might look good no I I'm a lot lies and I hope you feel that too because it's fun it's really wonderful to feel alive even being very ill to feel the aliveness still under the illness what's now Basia that's about all the time that we have for the class if you would like to close the class and then I have a few announcements to make thank you this was actually fun I was uh you know a bit nervous about it then I'd say don't be nervous just have fun I did thank you be well I hope you'll join us again so thank you everyone for being here today and joining Bonnie we really appreciate your presence and support and hope that you had a a nice hour-and-a-half exploring along with her a few announcements to make a recording of this class will be made available for free and we will send out an email to everyone who registered for the class with a link to the recording when it's available we'll also post the link to Bonnie's social media pages and in a general newsletter this this class is the first class of Bonnie's summer series of classes and if you'd like to continue studying with her this summer there is still time to sign up for her summer series which start next Thursday June 18th here in the US you can find more information and registration at personal website Boni Bainbridge Cohen calm and we will put that information on the screen in just a few moments we would also like to announce that for those of you who would like to attend bonny summer series but are not able to pay the full price right now we are offering a pay which you can scholarship and we will put that information on the screen in just a few moments as well information about the pay what you can scholarship will also be included in the email we send to people who registered for this free class as well as post information about it at Bonnie's website Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen comm so please stick around for a few more minutes as we put this information and further resources as well as a message from Bonnie on the screen and thank you once again for joining us we hope you'll be with Bonnie again next week take care you
Channel: BonnieBainbridgeCohen
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Id: xtU8s-r3-IY
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Length: 100min 21sec (6021 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 11 2020
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