Exploring the Civil 3D Geotechnical Module

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in this session we're gonna take our first look at the civil 3d geotechnical module now just to keep things easy to see on screen I'm working with a simplified drawing this drawing contains just a couple of alignments I'd like to start by inserting some geotechnical data we'll do that by coming up to the ribbon and I'll select the geotechnical module tab I apologize for my screen size it's not allowing me to see all of the tabs up here once I select that tab we can see all the tools that make up the geotechnical module I'm going to start by clicking this Help button when I do this brings up a PDF file that contains comprehensive documentation on how the application is used it also includes a link to some videos and tutorials which can be helpful when you're getting started using the application let's close this to import my geotechnical data I'm going to come up to the data management panel and I'll click import from here I'll select a database I'm going to go with the default geotechnical module this is a database that is stored on the local machine and it's created when you install the geotechnical module let me click login from here I will select the project that I'd like to import my boring data into now I don't have any projects in this database yet to create a project I'll come down and click the Create button from here I will give this a project ID I'll just make this xxx 0 0 0 for name I'll call this geotechnical demo for status I can open the menu and I can choose one of these statuses or I can use the manage button and create additional ones if I want to for right now we'll make this open same thing with category I've got one option here I can make additional ones using this manage link let's go with a default you only have to respond to these four questions the rest of these are optional so for right now I'm going to keep what I have and I'll come down and click Save now that I've made a project I will select the project I'd like to insert my data into and I'll click OK using this dialog box I will choose the file format notice some of the choices we have in here in this case I'm going to choose a GS 3.1 that represents what I'm using I'll click Add I will then navigate my hard drive and select my file and I'll click open now I can choose more files if I want this is what we'll use for now I'll come down and click next the module will then do a file check if we look over here to the right we can see it as a valid file if we look down here to the lower left we can see no errors were found that being said if it identifies anything that it thinks you may want to take a look at it will include a warnings hyperlink let me click to see that from here you can make decisions regarding making adjustments to your data let's close this I'm gonna click Next from here I can select the boring data I'd like to insert into the project by default it's going to select all I can use these toggles to be more granular if I want to let's bring everything in I'll come over and click Next I am then given a quick report showing any changes that are going to be made to the database let's click Next and finish and this imports the boring data into the file let me zoom in and if I hover over some of these boring locations we can see these were created as kögel points that means if I come over to the prospector and click the points group we can see that point data down here these kogo points are maintaining the northing easting and elevation of the boring holes all of these strata data is being held in that database let's zoom out a little bit and then I'm going to hold my shift key in the mouse wheel will orbit the drawing notice that in addition to the Cova points civil3d also created these 3d stacks this is a 3d representation of the borings if I hover over these segments I can see the material I can see that's clay this one is sand this one is considered mg let's zoom out and we'll pan this down we'll make it a little bit easier to see I'm going to open up the visual style menu and I'll choose shaded there we go if I want to control the display of my boring data I can do that in the asset management panel I'll click the location manager here I can see a listing of the boring data as well as other attribution associated with those shots if I want to I can sort the data much like we can a Microsoft Excel by clicking on these headers if I come down here we can see a column called model this controls the display of those 3d stacks I can turn these on and off globally by clicking this title or I can use a more granular approach by clicking these titles let's turn them all off momentarily and then I'm going to zoom in we can use this toggle to control the view of the kögel points both globally and individually I'm going to go back to a top view I'll do that by typing plan and I'll press ENTER twice let's zoom in I can use this center column to view a strip diagram for instance we can see boring hole 14 right here let's find boring hole 14 in the location manager and I'll click the strip toggle and we'll zoom in and take a look if I wanted to I could display a strip diagram next to all the points I'm going to turn this off let's close the locations manager and I'm going to change the visual style here back to 2d wireframe I'll zoom out next I'd like to create some surfaces that represent the strata that's defined by these boring holes I can do that by coming up to the asset management panel and I'll click strata in this dialogue box I can see all of the geology codes that are being used if I want to create a surface whether it be the top or the bottom of the geology code range I can do that as quickly as clicking these buttons I'm going to create four top surfaces I'll do that by clicking top top top and top I'll hold my shift key and I'll orbit the drawing let's pan this up a little bit and then we'll change the visual style back to shaded and we can see those surfaces these surfaces are dynamic to the data notice geology code mg that represents this top surface if I click this view button I can see all of the shots that are included in that surface if I wanted to I could remove points from that surface let me zoom out a touch and I'll do a quick regen you can see how that cleans up on screen let me put that data back in and I'll do a quick regen let me close this and we'll close the strata manager I'd like to open the locations manager one more time notice there's an include button to the left side of this manager this setting controls whether the data is included in all surfaces as an example I will turn off some of these and I'll do a quick regen and you can see how that affects all of the strata surfaces let's turn these back on as long as I'm here will turn the 3d stacks back on we'll do it regen and I'll close the locationmanager let's change the visual style back to 2d wireframe and I'm going to go back to a top view I'll do that by clicking the top hotspot here on the view cube finally now that I have my strata surfaces let's create a profile through those surfaces in addition we'll have that profile include strip diagrams for any adjacent boring holes I can do that by coming up to the profile panel and I'll click the Create button right here I can give my profile view a name I'm going to keep the default here I can select the style I'm going to choose five times exaggeration here I can choose the alignment I'm interested in I can do that by using this menu I can create an alignment from a selected object or I can choose the alignment from the drawing I'm going to do that let's pull a profile along this alignment called access wrote here I can select the surfaces I'd like to sample you can see that I've got four top surfaces just for a second notice that I could have pulled the bottom surfaces as well and if I did I could have civil3d hatched the area in between the top and bottom surfaces let's click Next here's where I can select any boring data that I'd like to appear in the profile view I can do that by selecting boring holes from the drawing or I can use a buffer this says that any boring hole within 20 feet of that alignment will show up in the profile then we can see there's four of them here this is dynamic so if I change this and make it smaller you can see how fewer boring holes are included let's bump this back up to 20 and I'll come down and click finish I will then click to place my profile view in the drawing let's zoom in take a look these are standard civil 3d surface profiles so the stylization and labeling of this content is controlled using the familiar tools set available in civil 3d note that in addition to the surface profiles if i zoom in we can also see the strip diagrams have been included finally we'll zoom out we'll Center the drawing on screen as you can see using the civil 3d geotechnical module I can easily insert and visualize my boring data I can quickly create surfaces representing the various strata and in just a couple clicks I can generate profile views that display strip diagrams would you like to explore other Autodesk infrastructure ideas and workflows if so please visit the civil immersion blog by scanning the QR code or by following the URL listed below
Channel: Jeff Bartels
Views: 31,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Bartels, akn_include, Autodesk, Civil 3D, geotechnical, module, boring, data, sample, lens
Id: gr-ISPzLcU0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 01 2016
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