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what's going on guys to back again hope you are fantastic today and welcome back to Roblox doors a brand new update has just been released we're going to check it out I can't even remember the last time we played doors it must have been like a year ago the update is called the hunt it says don't look for spoilers just go in it completely blind so that's what we're going to do uh and we're probably going to die a lot so what is this where are what is this Blue Portal Device oh this is it doors the hunt first edition escape the back door sub floor to complete your quest enter one of the elevators on your left or right to begin okay well where's one at one because I want to play alone oh my God is that Freddy Fazbear I'll just I'll just I'll just try it on my own first and if we struggle play on my own first it we play on my own first if we struggle we'll uh we'll play with people leave me alone three two one yes I'm alone didn't think I'd be celebrating that but here we are okay guys so this is the hunt so I'm really excited to check this out because it's like a brand new area so this is a oh look at this the back door so oh hello already hearing smash windows so yeah guys I'm I'm going completely blind I don't know what's going on I don't know if there's new enemies there's going to be trial and error you can hide in the wardrobes what a surprise so I do think the normal enemies are going to be here we'll just see how we get on what is that noise already oh we can Crouch down here what was that noise bro we already got a key which is great so this is to open I don't I don't know how many floors there are either I have no idea I've have no idea what's going on but we are at minus 50 so that's that's that's that's great so maybe there's 50 floors oh I got a countdown I got a countdown oh was added time to my top oh God have I going to keep oh god I've only got two minutes to beat it what is that what is this I've just got like a flask of lava remnant I don't even know what this does cuz this is a new item but I've got I've got another one does it make me super quick or something should we try it oh yeah I am I'm super fast I am oh I hear I hear a beeper so I think I've got to keep finding these Le what the heck is this bro what is that I don't get it help me I hear a beeper oh it's there it's on the door bro oh God God I've only got a minute so if that countdowns oh accident oh God oh God yep you're [Applause] back oh God they are back they are back you going to leave oh my God all right so what I don't know what the 40 seconds bro I don't know what this is honestly guys I I think I've got to speed run it I think this that oh God what is going on here what is this area bro uh minus 4 oh oh there's one here give me extra time extra time please give me a minute oh my God okay so it's like a speed run then it's like a speed run you have to keep finding the levers to get get more time hello oh God ah well that was close that was close hello so the green one's the one that comes back nope he's take goodbye right so yeah the levers are very very very very important and we just got another 30 seconds got to find a key this guy's literally speed running this is crazy and ow what was that for oh God who is that who is this thing that's a new new enemy that's a new enemy don't look at him don't look at him don't look at him but need a thumbnail stare at him it's like a shadow man oh God he's back oh God so this is a new enemy don't look at him don't look at him don't look at his feet don't look okay oh yeah okay go um guys ow guys he hurts a lot oh not this again bro can I just have a a Le a lever I need a lever or I'm going to lose you're not running this that's why you can run in this oh here's one another minute thank you very much I appreciate it can I find the right room though cuz this is wild oh god I've only got a minute to find the right door bro well I just got sucked up in a black hole so it's like a black hole door didn't expect to see me here why I just opened the door and I just got sucked in and turned into spaghetti I died to a door guys why would you you didn't you didn't you didn't even oh I did walk into it to be fair I didn't open it and then look watch where you're going next time the vacuum is down dangerous what I've got to do that all again because I just got spaghettified I don't I just use my roblo to revive myself why don't I just do that which is what I'm going to do because I don't want to do it all again oh oh hello loading watch i' I've respawned guys uh I didn't respawn I pressed I pressed the wrong thing guys I pressed the wrong thing is this the is this the right time to cry everybody I press the it's okay it's okay we we'll try again right press this again go it go it's speedr running time you got to speedrun so apparently it is easier when you're not alone so I'm alone right now if we die again hey don't watch me like that guys if we die again might be better to uh we'll retry it we'll revive ourselves obviously ah do not go in there do not go in there I repeat do not go in there guys help me ah don't go in there it's the vacuum oh God guys I feel like squid with tentacles man alone hone alone hello hello so yeah that's what happened guys it was a black room and I went in I didn't look properly but I haven't seen anything so of course I just walked into it I didn't know I was going to die yeah it looks like there are 50 areas to explore so that needs grind right let's keep going don't come after me please there's no wardrobes I I did see the lights Slicker oh it's you again ignore ignore right go in here so yeah that's a new ENT entity I've never seen that before the Red Shadow Man so just don't look at him that's it don't look at him 35 oh we got another one we got another one I'm kind of potion please I'd like to run super fast right so to be fair to be fair oh God I don't like these big areas looking no yes okay can't be a trick oh God that was close right actually it wasn't what am I on about I thought he was right next to me h we're almost halfway don't look at me bro he just watched me for ages hello ow excuse me just coming through ow don't do that don't just spawn him oh thank you don't look don't look at him don't look at him here it is here's the door right floor 30 okay okay I need some health that would be great uhoh no we're fine that's not fine though right there's another lever there oh God he's right in front of me down [Music] look stop watching me through okay Red Man's there oh another minute thank you I'll take that I don't know where are we going please be the right door no um um ah that was really mean that was really rude actually 25 oh you're back all right guys we're halfway and I've only got a little bit of Health left I need a bandaid please I'd appreciate it if you had something for me because one hit from that guy and I'm dead come on you've got to have something for me oh a key I need a key all right I'll take the key I guess oh uh just don't look don't look don't look don't look go around him 22 guys floor 22 we're not doing too bad um we're going to YOLO this way floor 21 I bet there was 11 yeah okay I hear a really weird noise right now like a droning noise it might be the shadow man going to come back y all right can I have something please 20 can I have I don't know I don't know what time I'm on by the way I could just die here oh give me give me give me thank you we floor on 18 the heck's that noise bro you can't do that oh that was close I thought I thought I was dead then but remember I've got to retry I've got to retry if I get killed by the Red Man 17 17 I got to look down guys I'm sorry but I have to look down because if I don't then I might just get killed hello look L 15 oh God don't do that that's really get closer right guys um I've got to be at like 40 seconds or something I need to find a level now come back go away thank you all right good Lev 14 we getting close I need a key oh hello money what is that noise bro hell oh hello where's the key at thank you there's no medkits or anything guys there's no medkits oh oh I'll take that what is that what is that eh I won't it won't even let me pick it up what is that behind me I hear a noise what floor am I on I don't even know 11 right it's okay go go go we're getting close you know I feel like even if I get a reset I should be okay here maybe 10 oh God he's here guys hello just walking past or nine guys we getting close he oh not this one bro I hate this one just don't look seven all right open we're getting close come on please okay don't come back thank you right six I don't even know what oh knock I don't even know what uh time I'm on I've got a minute oh God I hate this one bro hello I know you behind me right now shadow man but four oh my God I got another lever free oh God oh God do I go down or up oh God I might be going the completely wrong way here guys no I'm not I'm good if I went up then I would two oh getting scared one oh what is this I don't have enough gold you could have told me I have to collect coins oh what is that guys a freaking potion and I I didn't get enough coins to collect it sh that is I'm annoyed I'm annoyed I'm guys I didn't have a money are you for real wow well there's the thumbnail shot guys what is this potion this magical potion how many coins do I have I got 95 bro I've got to go back I've got to go back and find coins I've got 95 bro give me coins now I got it off I've got it off I have 30 seconds I don't even guys I don't even know what the potion does I don't know what it does then me just getting intense now bro give me the potion give me the potion give me the potion I don't know what it does I've got 10 seconds to get it what is it so intense for what's it do bro what's it do I want to drink it whoa oh my God I'm like super quick H I did it so what was the what was the what was the potion for then the potion just makes you super quick is that it oh oh okay that's pretty cool so that would oh I like that a lot so yeah the back rooms is minus 50 to to floor zero and then you start off here again you start off with the normal game okay so that potion that I used uh I would have had it here so that potion gives you super speed basically so the back rooms is basically like a little bonus bit so if you beat it you get a potion for the full Doors game all right I wonder if it's like invincibility or something but yeah this just this just looks like normal doors I don't think they updated this this this bit Hello by I died on Purpose By the way yeah that wasn't too bad actually that was not too bad I'm going to just join some uh I'll just join a team this time all right guys basically do doing the same thing again but you know I actually want to use the uh the potion this time I I used the potion and then I just left what's that oh here's one this a new potion too this gives you super speed here we go guys so if you use this you go super quick yippee I wait for these guys I feel bad for leaving them so yeah the new entities is the Red Shadow Man a black hole door oh God the thing is though if you with other people you've got you've got a speed run you've got a speed run where did the other guy go we just left him so this guy's going to die already what the heck ow I think that other guy is dead already let heal you oh this heals you so the potion heals you as well which is good what what is going on ow oh my God there's so many shadow people I think my friend's dead I'm on my own anyway now super close to getting enough money for the potion at the end but I'm I'm only on floor 30 bro I don't think think I'm going to do this guys never mind never mind it's okay I found one give me money five more coins and then I've got enough for the potion if I make it to the end I might not make [Music] it still got halfway to go right yeah I've got 100 coins so oh we're going to go down again we're going to YOLO down or this is a problem we find the oh God okay we got lucky he might be up guys it might be up oh God Shadow man's behind me I could do with a potion to be oh thank you yipp yippe oh dear I'm so glad the potions heal you thank you potion I am on really short time buddy please leave are you kidding me Jesus bro right I can't even look I got to go I need a I need I need a countdown now I'm going to die I'm a dead man open the door give me a lever give me a lever I'm dead I'm going to run out of time guys no give me one quickly give me something help what is go ah death man oh my God no time left ah I run out of time oh and if you run out of time you can't use a revive ah you Scurry dog so yeah that was another new entity guys it's basically like the Grim Reaper or something um so yeah let's just go again and see how we get on I'm playing with random people again just going to Speed Run cuz you know we're on a timer each time you've got to find coins for this this partk so you got to get you got to get 100 coins every time and the Green Man I accidentally pressed my keyboard guys what the heck the green man can take ages bro he can take forever oh God Shadow man's back hello oh he didn't even hurt me that time I want to say hello to him We're on 30 seconds we need to need to find a timan now oh it's over again oh it's over guys can you some of these doors have timers in them yes there is okay so yeah some of the doors can be black holes but some of them can also have the levers in them so be on the lookout but again you want it's a risk of wasting time cuz what if what if they're not in there you know you're looking around for Le ow look behind you as well cuz sometimes they're on these these walls on the side yeah I can't waste time here we're going to lose again just look behind you and everything for levers anywhere on the walls Ow like here for example see what I mean but it's wasting time looking for a Leever and they're both black holes oh sugar did not mean to do that right we need to hurry up we need to hurry up now oh this might have one in nope it's just coins oh God the Grim Reaper is going to come and kill me now we I've we got enough time to hit that lever I think as long as Greenman does not stay here for a year okay shadow man is this is this person still with me Y open I'm not risking it guys we got to go we got to go go here straight away oh God you got to be kidding me I don't know guys I don't know how I'm feeling about this one I don't know how I'm feeling I didn't realize how oh oh here we go yeah I feel I feel better now feel better now another potion got enough coins did you get the key hello key where's the key come on we got to go wasting time right oh oh God don't pick the same one as me okay I'm feeling a bit more confident now good let's go let's go let's go let's go got a minute we got a minute oh I feel a lot ow I feel a lot more confident if we had a lever that would be great if there was one here I've not seen any which is not good there's got to be one in this next bit there's got to be one here oh god oh dead end we got to go we got to go we've got to go oh Lea no please be L somewhere please usually there's one in here yes I'll take we'll take 30 seconds we'll take 30 seconds 30 seconds could completely change everything no why you got to be here green man we got a minute to do 10 floors are you kidding me we need to find another one hurry up hurry up yeah I left a bit early then right come on come on come on we've got to find a lever I'm going to Yellow this no let's just go let's just leave we got to leave we got to leave oh my God we got 30 seconds bro oh we got another one okay okay that's good that's really good where's the key where's the key oh God ow that hurt key key key you don't say hi don't worry come on let's go um um I'm actually panicking here guys this is actually really close oh no oh where's my friend you okay you're okay oh guys oh we got like 40 seconds 40 seconds leave don't come back okay go go go go go go go oh we got 50 seconds feel a little bit better but this is still cutting it close guys six oh we've got got it we're fine we're fine we did it we did it I'm confident now I'm very very confident unless we find like a really oh God where's my friend at oh you here okay good right guys I'm confident I'm going to get the potion again and I'm just going to use it and then just run around and see how fast I go but obviously you use it for the actual next segment when you're actually indoors but I don't think there's anything new to that so well done ow we did it everybody we got the potion again well done you got it too oh no so let's see if it gives me full health cuz my Health's quite low oh you get oh guys you go absolutely crazy how long's this last for oh okay it lasts for quite a while you know I wonder if you're Invincible I don't know but you you go really really fast you go a lot faster than this normal potion let's double check yeah you go faster than this potion you go really quick and it heals you completely so yeah that's pretty cool it's pretty cool we'll end it there good job she did not leave then when I was running around showing you guys the potion yeah it's all right um you know something a little bit extra and some entities and stuff I like the leather mechanic actually it's really good and adds a lot of pressure to the situation you know trying to get to floor zero um on a time limit is is really really fun new doors update the hunt I thought that was pretty good it would have been nice if there was a boss or something but it was still a nice addition to the game let me know your thoughts thank you so much for watching and I'll see you all next time [Music]
Channel: Dawko
Views: 87,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox doors, roblox, doors, rainbow friends, roblox rainbow friends, nicos nextbots, nextbots, gmod nextbot, gmod nextbots, nextbot, garry's mod, roblox nextbot, roblox nicos nextbots, roblox nextbots, dawko, fnaf, five nights at freddy's
Id: CullsnOuXXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 46sec (1726 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2024
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