Exploring the Abandoned Six Penny Water Park

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all right so it's time to do some exploring this morning again I'm back in French Creek State Park been here a couple times but I'm going back to an area I was a flower back here I'm going back to an area where there's an abandoned water park and I was here in an earlier video and I found like some ruins everybody know what they were until some people comment on my video let me know that it was an abandoned water park it's called sixpenny water park I found some cool stuff back there like a set of creepy looking stairs and some other things I'm going back because there's more back here than what I had seen the first time I was here I looked it up a little bit there should be some other interesting things so that's what I'm gonna do today and I'll show you on the map more where I am want to get further down away from traffic noise here I should say it this is Geiger Town Road just up there with the Hopewell Road and Kristen is all French Creek State Park there's a little pull-off in here I guess this is one of the roads that went down to the water park at one time that's where I am of course this isn't Berks County Pennsylvania alright then just making my way down they banned and rode here there's another trail goes off there but it's rather overcast hazy foggy morning kinda like it was the last time I was here it was kind of really foggy and stuff kind of ghostly almost anyway we'll talk more about that later this road just narrows more and more green tunnel and here's an old bridge let's start trying to look familiar no it's your last time nice little strain yeah right up there is where the old lake was I think we'll go up there first okay I can all see this sorry okay I will see the dam from here don't give up and we'll take a right up here and more choices I think I could take this little path in just off this little trail to our first foundation I think I remember seeing this last time you can see foundation to some building here go rock around the other side again thorns yeah you're just from the other side some steps going up there yes I'm not entirely sure what this was I know there was like a storage building out here they said it's pretty ornate though the bottom is nice stone work I mean this was the greeting Center I don't know let's cool gullies those spiders down there all right cool a spot oh yeah I'm still at this foundation I looked up there and there's something else cool up here oops no it just is cool they're like a little concrete thing here Oh people are using it for trash bug spray would not I think that's what it was a trash can at some point or what turn into yes alright there was that building and there's like a little parking area off the road so this may be this was like some kind of a administrative building you know the people that ran the place maybe three checked in or something but there's a old parking spot here I'm just guessing or something continue down this trail could take up to over the dam is like you'd get inside track which is okay [Applause] we're back on this trail a bridge here [Applause] down this way the dam would feel close we can get the old footbridge here yeah there there's the dam let's try and get closer I can zoom in Bunga seep and get up closer this is the sixpenny Creek right here the flow is going down this way put a name the park sixpenny Park this takes us right to the Dan here I don't go that way or not never been that way but right here's the damn this was six penny Lake at one point popular place I think the research I did it was opened up in the 1930s to the 1980s I think in 1999 they opened the dam up to let the water out something to do with cleaning up the streams and whatnot dam removal program or something but the biggest dam was starting to silt up with garbage and lots of goose poop from what I read they decided to close the park down and drain the lake out so but the popular place in the area a lot of people I guess the water was really cold here that's what I've read about people I came here when they're younger days but not a whole lot swimming anymore pretty much overgrown take a walk out here a bit more that's where it came from you and I'm on the other side of the dam now and there's something really cool up here see momentarily this is why I came from this way last time I was here now here's the other here's the other side of the dam I just go ahead walk this way be over ground this just takes you to the other side from where we were we were over there now we're on this side and we just came from there but the Dan was but there's all kinds of trails this trail goes off that way we're gonna go down this way as you walk down here this is actually the damn breast right here and we're walking down you know back in a day we'd actually be walking down into the lake right now getting into the cold water so now it's all dry so let's there's something cool here like I said yes we just still be in the lake the lake was still here you can see well right up here it is the first time I'll show you the mo me the first time I was out here I came upon this they was like whoa I had no idea what this is doing out here it was kind of creepy at least a little bit but now it's really cool and we'll talk about it a little more about to in a moment here let's go take a look at what it is the old staircase out here of course I know now that this stonework that's the dam this would have all been underwater here these the steps that people walk down to get into the lake continues on that way yeah so I made that video last time I was here I got I got yelled at by people they're sick they're like you know don't you know that if you find you know stairs or steps down the woods you're not supposed to climb them because you like you like die or disappear or I and I didn't I know I did not talking about first I look it up online i watch the other videos and sure enough there's this whole thing online about you know ghosts steps down the woods and how if you find a set of steps just randomly on the woods you sort of stay away from them because people have climbed them have like disappeared or going back in time or you know they climb to the top or just start screaming uncontrollably all kinds of weird stuff so we're going to test that right now we're going to climb these steps together so if I enter an alien dimension or enter some demon world or something we will all see it together all right let's go let's go climb these all right here we go well I mean it's the top and nothing has happened just looks my backpack down there all right so I'm good no go steps all right I'm gonna keep walk around there's other things to see here that I read about lots of trails replies I hear too lots of trails everywhere so I'm just going to explore this be yeah like it's other stuff like water fountains and other things just kind of randomly on the woods so we're going to continue to look for those things all right let's go back down the steps make sure we haven't gone back in time for like five years nope 30 is good I'm still these steps I found something in the Attic crack here I'm not sure if this is we turn this off a moment well it opens up there's like a like a newt inside here [Applause] [Applause] that's the geocache stone staircase I guess you can I guess you're supposed to leave a note or something that you found this place I don't see anything written in here that well it's back where it belongs that was pretty that was kind of cool I'll open us up a little bit older but I think there I read there is another one of these up here it's not a no no a geocache but it's like a time capsule that someone buried and wrote about their memories in this place so we'll see if we can find that I gotta find something else first before I can find that all right so we're in keep exploring all right so I walk up to this main trail here there's a orange blazed trail and this is the sixpenny trail this trail is actually on the map for French Creek State Park all this other stuff is not on the map at all all the old roads and trails so when I came to the first time I came down to sixpenny Trail and saw this side trail took you down those steps and I was like well and what's this that's what led me to explore all that so yes I know that's on the map I'll show you a little bit later exactly where I am in relation to the map so I'm going to looking around for something else here now I'm going to walk around it up here off the trail is something let's go check it out you don't know what this is I can hear water in there though there's a stream that flows out of here so this must be like a little spring house or something yeah get up here's the entrance to the tank yes all right hey here's another little thing you got trigger tons of carvings on it no these are date from time the park are not the oldest one I saw was 79 over there where that was so there it is 79 all these different the 90s over 93 there's no 8 heading back way I can't I can't went too far this way yes I came back and I don't remember seeing this at all us and there's a foundation down there smooth roofing stuff let's check this out Magus you can see that down there the trail all there's a drum down here oh you know I never made it to this part of the trail that's why because like when I came down here I went down that trail goes to the dam I never saw this stuff before cool [Applause] yeah so this is pretty cool this is the this is the bath house of the changing house where people came to change and stuff to the park these are probably the partitions in the bathroom get yours toilet or sink that's been smashed and there's another partition I thought there was roof enough first but those are partitions cool you see some of the plumbing here better shattered toilet back there and over here and remember reading about these these are the baskets that people will slip their belongings and you know like if you're and over that too I guess you get good stuff and you know people came here you know before they went in the lake they put their other clothes and maybe their car keys and other things of that basket leaving this building I guess locked up probably people before they went down to the lake a little bunch over here stacks and there's back there back in there there's a stack more back there's bunches of them cool all right when will they go down see I'm just going to explore see a trail that goes down this way to just keep you're sure you keep exploring yeah here's a better view of all of them just stacks of these metal baskets some kind of water tank to right along the trail and the foundation just continues on it's a pretty big building this part of the trail is brick I don't think this is original I think someone put this brick here and starting to rain now too if you can hear that yeah well yeah there's with the scattered thunderstorm today I brought an umbrella sorry I should stay dry all right here's some click on that foundation yeah the bathhouse is right over there and the lake the edge of the lake is right here a little trail here something to follow this a little bit yeah right down there with the lake and up and here's another foundation stuff there's more pipes there foundation wall here and not no ruins in this one though no broken toilets or anything all right here's what I was looking for among other things with this purple blaze trail the Kalmia trail he said there was a water fountain right here Noble and sure enough there is still sitting here now what student does it work oh yeah it's supposedly around this water fountain they were the one of these rocks there's like a old like someone wrote a note or something like said like a whole time that capsule in those gonna poke around with it see so I can find lots of rocks to choose from well someone else is exploring the park to this morning what do you think mr. Cho do you like it or that book is hitting that I'm looking for Oh nope yeah well guess I'll picture so that's a good picture there well he's not very talkative he's not telling me where anything is well let him continue his own explorations of the place I've a feeling he's looking for something different than I am bugs do you probably well I picked up a number of different rocks around here I'm not seeing anything it looks like like a time capsule hidden under a rock so who knows I know I don't remember that articles written to me and I would be here anymore but continue looking around a bit more Steve else is here cool little spot and back walking along one of these roads and seen some stuff off here over there is another one of those a cement barrel things I think these are camping sites actually because here looks like a I don't know what yeah you know if that was like an old campfire spot there look at these are like tent sites or what I don't know if you could camp here are not either you go here some in one of those cement things and some full of trash two coolers and all kinds of stuff chair now here's another tray let's take this trail trails usually go somewhere interesting so let's see this was paved at one time too so it just kind of eats back up the other Road which Forks down there there's all kinds of old roads back here let's go this way [Applause] well this looks like the old parking lot to do come and parked in those number those old Smith barrels up there we'll check that up too is this like a parking area let's play what this was and I walk that way down to this the lake yes is this trail that leads up from the parking area sir there one of these things and there's writing on the side this one but it is a charcoal disposal so this was where they dumped their ashes I guess we might have had there's a you know barbecue stands out here and that's really for the dumper ashes so it didn't start a forest fire so I guess you could all that's right there a lot they used to be lot picnic tables out here so these it is kind of flattened here it's all overgrown but they're probably picnic tables around where all these these things were so that's what's going on all right starting to coming together here well since I have this large flat area let me show you where I am in the park here's which is a map of the park but I'm all the way up where this Hopewell Road and Giger Town Road this is 3:45 here up in this section of park you see the sixpenny trail and the Kalmia trail the water fountain was actually right at the end of the Kalmia trail the lake was right in here so all here is where all these old roads and trails are but you can see there's nothing on the map and I actually parked right about here on Giger Town Road doesn't really show any parking there are they a little bit yeah all in they're all hidden nothing on the map nothing on the map says there's anything here it's kind of odd but pretty cool spot to kill explore which is very muggy today and lots of biting flies out and whatnot but that's the way it is let me go explore and you got deal with that kind of stuff alright so let's start making my way back I think it's loose back to the main road Maina well what was the main roads are here I think I've seen about all there is it's probably a bit more but to see but with all the thick underbrush I might be missing some stuff but so it's a cool spot kind of neat here there's a neat little spring coming out of the hillside here if it's back aways in there just kind of flows photos across the road there probably flowed under the road at one time cool I think there's actually parking in there too so we're going for little treats I see the rocks I like mark the boundaries where you can park because up up above was that main parking it looks like another one down here it's out here is this old road again I'm guessing there was parking up there too because when when I read the logical cambian with a popular spot get back in the back in the day yeah I can see it's all flat up here there's actually another roll road I'm going to see that through the trees but there was a parking area in there well that is it then for this adventure I found pretty much everything else coming looking to find I know I didn't find that one little time capsule thing we're on the Idleman elfis there anymore who knows yeah it's a neat spot as you can see you know I clicked that close in 1980s that's like well almost 40 years ago so and nature disk on takes over it's probably more out here but you can see it's very overgrown so yeah assault probably what all I'll be able to see out here and if you know if I did miss something you know you can go ahead and comment the comments don't leave out and maybe come back someday and find it cool spot oh come on go check it out if you can let's go do some more hiking in the area next there's a place so we're just up down the road after going to go so as long as I'll get rained out so I'll see you then
Channel: The Wandering Woodsman
Views: 31,360
Rating: 4.9577332 out of 5
Keywords: Six penny water park, abandoned pa
Id: WF_d6yNqQAk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 25sec (1525 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 04 2017
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