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what is up sheriff's welcome to the vlog welcome to another epic day welcome back to my channel if you guys are new here you just joined the sheriff am so smash that subscribe button and join the strongest family on YouTube oh yeah woo the sheriff Amazon for different channels right now my channel Stephens channel Lizzie's channel even baby otter has a channel so don't forget to check out those channels and see what the share of Fame is up to a lot of you guys have been asking to do a house tour and I was thinking you know a house tour is kind of cool but I thought of something even better I was looking on YouTube yesterday and I found people who found secret rooms deep in the house sometimes they found like rooms underneath the carpet I get a floor they like lift up the door and they would climb down a set of stairs it's like a darker room they found these really cool secret rooms so that got me wondering do we have any secret rooms in the shara house so that's what we're gonna be doing today we're gonna be looking around the share house to see if we can find any secret rooms I just have a feeling that there is some secret rooms in this house oh yeah sure in the basement it's super easy to get messy because we do some awesome and fun stuff down here and mom is helping out putting some stuff away that is super awesome thanks so much for help mom oh it looks like we got Steven over here - what's that Steven what's going on shares they're just playing some Xbox Oh Milly's don't eat my headphone million daughter what are you guys doing like wrestling who's gonna win who's gonna win really you're gonna win come on don't get hit on your back come on water good get out of there get out of there come on Billy's got you kid Billy's got you Pig come on Billy okay are you done editing the swag star that's awesome the spikes are looking really good and now you can even track your orders that's so awesome so Liz today I'm gonna be going around the house I'll be looking for like secret rooms in his house oh that's such a good idea I didn't even know there were any yeah well that's the thing seeker rooms are secret nobody knows about secret so we'll wait to do is like look very closely and see we can find like a little door hidden and we're gonna open it up and see if we can go inside and see if there's like a secret room behind there oh if there is a secret room I think I might know where it will be you think you know where one is yeah you wanna yeah yeah we got a show I want to know I think it's this way okay so Sharon's we are in the basement right now and it looks like liz is going back in the closet so I think this closet goes all the way back and it curves around and then you can like go underneath the stairs so it's actually like a huge room huh let's go check it out well actually look okay I'm just gonna look to see if there is a secret room back there I'm not sure Bella's gonna kind of like leg lean and see if there is there is so much stuff jam-packed in here this is all the cardboard for the box for it's right here okay let's see okay so that's the back and it looks like that's the staircase okay so that was really much of a secret room so we got to keep looking there's a lot of other rooms a lot of other places we can look but I think if somebody knows best who has anything back there just a Nerf closet yeah shares the whole ideas we were trying to find like a secret door that like you don't even know is there and then open that door and that reveals like a secret room behind it that's the whole idea of what we're trying to find right now and I think there's probably one in this house somewhere we're just gonna look for it and if anybody knows where one is I think mama Sherratt will know best hey ma do you think you know where see your door is but then it wouldn't be secret door so you're telling us there is a secret door hey yeah where is it we got we're looking all day for one so where do you think what is well I don't really know if there's a secret door but if there's gonna be one I think it wouldn't be back there yeah all the way in that closet yeah because that area is very strange I would go check that out mmm what it was it's strange what do you mean was it strange Wow I often hear strange noises back there strange noises that's ugly there could be a secret door back there sure it's like it's haunted or something maybe oh maybe there's a little people living in there who like secret people living in a secret room yeah that would be awesome okay thanks mom let's we're gonna go look back there come on let's go come on that's not like a pretty good tip it sounds like back in here there are some secret noises or some weird noises that happen so maybe we just gotta like look around oh you do yeah look it's the door to a car oh that green yeah that doesn't count as a secret door that's a car door so the cool thing about hidden doors is that they can be anywhere they can be on the walls they can even be on the ceiling sometimes they're on the ground and they can be any shapes and sizes sometimes they're actually really small little doors and sometimes they don't even look like doors they just kind of look like part of the wall cause they're so hidden so good to be on the lookout really well for a hidden door just shares if you see a hidden door that you think might be a hidden door let us know because sometimes they don't look like hidden door sometimes they look like part of the wall or like a bookshelf or something so let's keep looking let's see is there anything back here umm it's a pretty big room I mean there's a lot of silver looks interesting what about on the ceiling there could be one in the ceiling yeah I'm gonna go check that out let's see if that is a secret door or maybe at least like the wall to a secret room there's a light switch back here and see right there I think that might go back to the closet we were just looking at so I don't think that's super-secret that's just the closet we need to find a room that super-secret that we don't even know of and my mom says she hears noises coming from here so I wonder where they would be coming from let's see if the floor is hollow anywhere oh yeah it looks concrete Liz I don't think there's what is that it's the world's smallest spring oh it's so little it's so tiny oh uh and it's gone okay we gotta find this secret door because I have a feeling that there probably is one in this room this room is a pretty big room it's kind of creepy so I think there would be one back here Liz you gotta just keep looking I don't see anything there's gonna be one on the ceiling I don't think so whoa look what I found what is that it's a white house ornament look it looks ancient that looks really old I don't know maybe it's like a Medal of Honor ooh maybe somebody died back here or something that would be kind of creepy that would be really creepy I hope not whoa it looks like it's s of the rent on the wall there I don't think I can read it very well okay I don't know what that says but Cher's coming right now what do you think that says on the wall I can't quite read it but let me know if you guys can read it okay so there's no obvious door back here so now we're out to look a little bit closer we need to look for like hinges or like a doorknob or like some sort of latch or something like that what did you find what hinges we're right here is that a hinge yeah there's two I think my gosh it sounds hollow hit do that again oh my gosh is that a seriously a secret door I'm scared if I not and somebody's like coming out to get the door what if somebody knocks back wait I see hinges but where's the doorknob there's no doorknob how is it work it's so secret there's a lot it looks like a painting is in the way can I take this off yeah maybe somebody doesn't want us back here that's weird okay we got the painting off now okay it's locked it's locked look it's LA it's locked from the outside so what unlock it I don't know sure so it looks like it's locked so whatever is in there is locked in so if we open that door we might unlock something bad I don't know let me get a closer look at this door okay oh my gosh this looks like a door Liz I know I'm scared should I open it look at the hinges and then there's a seam that goes all the way across and then that's the lock so it's totally locked in here should I open it yeah oh my gosh it's so hard is it rusted shut don't let it open I'm scared oh no sure is what do you think is back behind this hidden door this is really creepy that there is like it's like it's not even on the ground look how high it is okay so that's the door and the ground is all the way down there we're standing on a table on top of a stool or a chair and then the door's always on the ceiling okay sure should we you open this thing smash that like button right now if we should open the same I'm a little bit scared of this door I don't know what's gonna be back there maybe nothing maybe something let's let's find out let's open this door oh my gosh was it so dark back there a rocking chair it's like a rocking horse thing was it rocking I don't know hostess oh my gosh did you see it Steve Steven here okay so I think we found a secret door did you know about this door okay Steven there's a secret door up there so I saw a really cool video on YouTube today and as people finding secret doors in their house like under carpets in the walls and so I was thinking let's find one mom said she hears noises back here we found this door behind a painting do you know about this I wouldn't open it whatever it is well it's already unlocked we open a little bit yeah it's really dark in there we don't know what's back there listen she might have seen a rocking chair so we're like a rocking horse or something I don't know I didn't see it Sherrod's if you saw the rocking chair coming if you saw that but see she what are we gonna open it if you over good luck I'm not opening that yeah come on I really want to open this I want to see what's back there really really really really bad so at least just stand there and watch just in case something bad happens all right I'll be right here good luck okay it's so dark I can barely see there's a chair that's so creepy this room is huge it's like somebody lives here oh my gosh it's a Liz that room it's freezing in there freezing sure is I can feel the cold air rushing out in this room is huge the doors so small but the room is so big Carter I dare you to go inside okay I'm gonna go in for a closer look oh my gosh you need a flashlight okay I'm looking in right now yeah it's so dark let me see okay so there's this a good door or there's like a horse and a sled and a chair two chairs okay I wonder where it goes how far does it go back it looks like it keeps going and going on Sharra's this room is absolutely huge I think we got to go in and take a look you can go in good luck I'm not gonna there's a light bulb right there should we try turning that on yeah Steve it works let's see if this works oh okay okay well um it does go all the way back out there okay just kidding I didn't see anything okay I just wanted to prank Liz okay I thought I felt something on my head you that's coming down that insulation is falling it looks like pink slime and I'm looking back there's a huge chunk over there that fell I wonder if there's something that lives back here that made it fall I don't know I'm kind of scared to go in and there's this horse just sitting here I'm going in I'm gonna get a closer look at this whoa okay so now that I'm back here I can actually see a lot of stuff this is not a prank this is scary okay Liz seriously open the door don't walk it yes okay no come leave the door open okay this is not a funny prank at all because I am really scared back in the secret room all by myself and that horse thing is kind of creepy I don't know I'm just scared and there's only one light in here so if anything happens to that light cool okay Liz Liz Liz open that door it's not funny back here Oh where'd that light go Oh what's happening to the light oh come on come on come on come on oh gosh what's happening why is this late now where's Liz the light's not working wait this isn't funny okay the lights back on [Music] Liz let's open up the door this is really scary you got to keep tapping the label you don't tap the light because I look Liz let's get me out of here come on come on light come on light come on come on Oh Liz the light turned off for me super scary I think I started hearing something keep it in their steeple what do you hear that it's locked okay okay but that was not a funny pregnant it encounters the prey that was just scary oh oh that was so scary what happened in there partner I don't think I saw anything because it was so dark and that light kept flickering I think I can I hear something I'm not sure it's the same thing your mom here yeah maybe it's the same noise as my mom heard I don't know but that is really really scary so let's get away from that room I don't know I kind of feel scared about about that like a secret door in there I don't know we shouldn't have been it we shouldn't gone back there I would not have gone I wouldn't have gone in sure especially fun for cars we've got even going in that yeah Liz it didn't help that you locked the door on me it was just a prank that's not a funny prank that was really scary okay sure if this video can get twenty five thousand likes I'll go back in there and we'll do the 3 a.m. challenge but other than that I am NOT gonna go back in the video gets 25,000 likes we will all do the 3 a.m. challenge oh ok 27,000 ok 27,000 and we'll all go back in there one more time at 3 a.m. because I have a bad feeling about that but last time we explored the abandoned town I said 25,000 like so we'll do it again at 3 a.m. and that video just reached 25,000 like Steam so that means we have to go back to the abandoned town I will be doing that soon I'll be going back there in the middle of the night at 3 a.m. and see what we can find it's gonna be super scary it sure is I even told you not to smash that like button but you still did you guys really wanted to see this soon uh yeah 27 for this one if we're gonna go in there because that's even more scary than abandoned town I think okay sure is will there you have it until next time you know what to do stay awesome and share the love peace [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Carter Sharer
Views: 5,463,351
Rating: 4.8801928 out of 5
Keywords: carter sharer, exploring abandoned, haunted, hidden room, secret room, carter, stephen, found secret room, exploring haunted, exploring secret room, exploring abandoned town, hidden rooms, sharer, hidden rooms in houses, exploring hidden room, lizzy sharer, stephen sharer, sharer fam, sharer bros, lizzy, share the love, haunted room, snuck in
Id: opEHIGcrEIw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 3sec (963 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 28 2018
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