Exploring Japan's Oldest Town: Takayama (must visit Japan)

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People all around the world want to visit Japan. And it wouldn't surprise me if Japan is on your bucket list. It's a country where your imaginations comes alive. Neon lights, fast trains, vibrant cities, anime, gaming, .... for everyone, there's something. And in the last week, we experienced all of this to the fullest in Tokyo. "Oh, you're replying now." However, we know that Japan has more to offer. We want to see the real Japan. So, we boarded one of these fastest train in the world and headed west of Tokyo to a place located in the beautiful nature, Takayama. This city is far away from the neon lights and the busyness of Tokyo. It's one of the oldest towns in Japan and a heaven of peace. We decided to spend a few days in this beautiful part of Japan. So, join us as we explore Takayama. Once we arrived in Takayama, we saw a bike rental and we didn't think twice to get one. We cycled to Hida Folk Village. This village is a charming open-air museum which gives a glimpse of the traditional life of the Hida region. It was fun walking around in the village and discovering the traditional houses and playing the old Japanese games that looked easier than they actually are. So Myra, what do you think about this place? It's so peaceful and beautiful and it's amazing. I think it's preserved also really good. From every house represents a different period and you can learn about how they lived back then. Real Japan, 100-200 years back. It really helps. I think when you start doing it, you're using an umbrella for the sun because you don't need these stupid sunglasses. It really helps... unless you have to film. It's annoying but I think, yeah, I don't know. If you do hikes or so, it can also be nice. You also have these umbrellas where you can just click in here in your bag. Surprisingly, there were almost no other tourists. Walking and cycling makes hungry. So, it was time to search for some lunch. And guess what? We were about to taste the best Japanese curry ever. Yeah, and I think it looks really closed but I think it's open. "I think it's going to be delicious." "The smell here is already perfect and they just have one dish and that's always promising." "I think this is my second best curry after the Indian curry." As soon as we went in this area, it's packed with tourists. The whole town is empty. Just this area, there's at least 500 people. But the ice cream looks amazing. After the delicious ice cream, we went on a hike in the Shiroyama Park. Looks like there's also quite some people here. Yeah, but there's like little walking. That's what we have to do, right? I don't know. Ten minutes in the walk and we're all ready dead. This is our favorite drink from a vending machine. It's like a peach drink with water, super less calories. Bad habits, bad habits. So there's a cup so you can drink some water. How fresh.... Yeah, and there's a frog. So we go. What if this is an emergency thing? It was just a little walk but we enjoyed it a lot. We got beautiful views, we even saw the tops of some snowy mountains. This feeling of calmness, being in the nature all by yourself, away from the busyness of the cities. It was simply perfect. We were so happy that we also experienced this side of Japan. And luckily, Takayama would be just the beginning. In the upcoming days, we are going to walk the Kumano Kodo, live in traditional Japanese houses, spend the day with Japanese monks and so much more. It is amazing and we would love to have you the same experience in Japan as we did. So, good news. We made a Japan travel guide and Google maps, in which you can get information about all the places we visited, the delicious food we ate and the amazing accommodations we stayed in. Head to letsmeetabroad.com and order your own Myra is taking the adventurous route. You're waiting for me to fall, right? I thought you were gonna do pull-ups. Oh, that's a nice stretch. Why are you walking like that? Later, we went back to the Old Town where Takayama is famous for. And yes, that means we were not the only ones. Tourists from all the corners in Japan come on a day visit to walk across the Old Town. So we had an idea. After the sunset, we went back to the streets to enjoy the Old Town by ourselves. The tour was just passed by. So now when all the tourists left this place, this is how it is. All by ourselves. So I think it's a good idea, right? What do you think Myra? It's a good idea to stay here one night, right? We stayed two nights. Perfect. A bit sad that all the shops were closed in the evening. But it was magical enough to come back the next morning. Walking through these narrow streets felt like stepping back in time. Wow, everything just looks so photogenic. And I think this is the best thing what we did is to visit this place early in the morning. Because I think in the afternoon, there will be buses and buses of tours. So it can be a good tip to come here first thing in the morning. So welcome to the morning markets. So what have you got here? What are you checking Myra? Breakfast. Myra, slippers for you. Yeah. Okay, the market is really nice and cute, but there's not many food options. So maybe we find some nice cozy cafe now to have some breakfast. Found a little bakery. Delicious.
Channel: Let's Meet Abroad
Views: 43,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: japan, japan oldest town, oldest town in japan, takayama, hida folk village, old town takayama, hida region japan, unique japan, japan places to visit, travel japan, japan travel to do, places to visit japan, japan 2023, traditional japan, traditional japanese houses, japan travel vlog, japan travel guide, japan travel 2023, japan travel takayama, takayama japan, takayama japan guide, takayama japan food, takayama japan hida
Id: sZPhxXa4oXc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 12sec (492 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 01 2023
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