Exploring Dubai as an Introvert Alone ♡ Aesthetic Solo Travel Vlog فلوق دبي

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] hey I'm  so glad to see you here welcome to   this Vlog my name is rahma and I love  flowers cute cafes coffee more coffee   and also long walks as of recent I have  been romanticizing living an introverted   life and I've really been enjoying it and  I'm going to be sharing some ways that if   that's something that you're interested  in you can live your best introverted life good morning your girl she's out in town  she's out in the city oh it might be actually a   little bit too loud because I'm sitting outside  it's lowy the weather starting to kind of get a   bit hot here but I am I am sitting next to a fan  I don't know if you can hear me right now so for   so long I would disconnect from life every Here  and Now I would spend time away from everything   and everyone and I found that it really recharged  my batteries rejuven gave me time for Rejuvenation   okay and now I fully understand and can it's  I it's almost like an in a connection yes in   a connection and whenever I feel like I'm over  stimulated or I've been talking too much or doing   too much or in too many places I just spend some  time by myself somewhere go somewhere quiet go to   a cafe go for dinner even going for a long walk  and people watching as an introvert extroverted   introvert what whatever it may be in a way okay  we we don't need the specifics it just gives you   a chance to change your outlook you know refresh  press that reset but I've somehow come become   really really quiet recently how whatever I'm at  this restaurant um it's called doors and it's in   L and I really like L it's one of my favorite  areas I come here like for walks and stuff all   the time and yeah I really love the Vibes of  this restaurant so far I got my little melini I've been to um other restaurants along this  part but I think this might be my favorite   restaurant and I haven't even eatting yet because  I love the view of sitting up here it's so chill   so quiet and yeah I feel like this would be a  perfect place to come around probably time so   yeah and I also I really love just watching water  Still Water like I just find it so so calming   yeah and the view are so pretty it's like  city views but it's not too like over baren [Music] I'm going for a little um I'm going for a little  brunch today um I'm at the mall so you are really   so large so capable so complex but however one  thing that traveling has made me realize is you   are in comparison to the world the world is  just so large okay like you can see there's   people walking down there they literally look  like ants the world is just so large okay and I   want to travel more because you get to discover  such fun things like one thing that I've really   been loving lately is breakfast pick and mix okay  and I know it's traditional breakfast okay and I   mean no disrespect to the culture but how fun is  breakfast pick and mix guys anyway we resumed this   place is do and Dubai Mall and I was really  enjoying the views it's so pretty up here all   the restaurants here in Fashion Avenue guys best  views hey guys so today um we are heading to have   a little beach today I actually haven't had that  many since I've been um here in the UAE but I'm   really really really excited I'm wearing um Lyra  swim I'm going to show my OOTD later it's really   cute it's blue um and absolutely love it super  comfortable so yeah let's let's [Music] go so   when we first got to the beach there was a lot of  unss it was not the peace and quiet and relaxation   vies we were going for but it was still kind of  nice after a while it quietened down we got to   watch the sunset however guys I took a book did  I read any pages from the book no I'm not sure   if I've mentioned but my phone kind of broke this  week and right during that time that it was broken   I read so much of my book I need and I kind of  got gathered and it's something that we all kind   of know but put that phone down put that phone  away and life is so great so Grand so beautiful   with your phone but also without your phone in  some cases so um you guys can hear the INS INS   you guys can hear the INS INS right we were on  that side of the beach but it got a bit too much   o o so now we're on the quote unquote quiet side  of the beach um it was a little bit more quiet   before I feel like people are getting way way  way into their evening they are having a time   over there I should have actually known because  I was wearing like an Abaya and I was wearing   like my swimming clothes underneath and the guy  said M Muslim you know cultural clothing and I   get it it's not the vibe on the side of the beach  however on this side of the beach is so nice and quiet you can kind of still hear the UN and if you  look deep deep deep deep over there you might see   people dancing the water is so nice and still  here kind of regret not going in I'm not going   to lie it's been a while it's been a while since I  got in the water it's been a while since I got in   the water I'm not going to lie but I need to make  that change and we're right on the palm is that   someone in a hot air balloon so over there just  above the Atlantis you can see a hot air balloon   that is insane guys I feel like Dubai is one  of those countries where nothing literally   should surprise you I saw this a video like  last week where there was like they're going   to have flying taxis here soon about time we  had flying cars to be honest with you [Music] [Music] [Music]   hey guys so tonight um I've gone for a little  soilent dinner um I feel like sometimes for   my Vlogs it looks like I go out a lot because  they're usually combined or like over like a   certain period of time or days or whatever  it might be I'm pushing myself to go for   like more solo evening dinners um I'm at this  restaurant now it's called um jardino and it's   in near the creek I haven't explored this area  before so I'm really looking forward to going   for a walk after dinner so yeah let's have a  lovely little dinner they're so good and the [Music] sushi I have a selection I've got a bit  of fish meat fish meat sweet potato and   some more fish and some salad she's in  her healthy Gara I've gotten better at   doing Buffet because my thing with  Buffet is I eat like with my eyes   however I've gotten better at doing  like a little little bit of [Music] everything that was too good little  bit of fish more fish can I say   I'm the one eating but the chefs really  ate here they really ate thank [Music] you so cute thank you thank you so much oh thank  you yeah so guys today this morning I must admit   I was feeling a little bit anxious okay and  I thought I was pushing through my anxious   era okay but sometimes all you need to do is  pray and go outside and do the little things   that make you happy okay and for me going out in  the evening or daytime or whenever and having a   little selfcare evening it's the little thing  but it Mak it makes me happy until I get home   and the impending doom and the anxiety try  creeping again want tell them to back off you   know what I mean I used to hate h lip and steak  but I might my big go Arrow because I love steak now sorry for the closeup but  how cute is this chocolate heart decided to sit Outdoors for a little bit  you know enjoy the fresh air I got a little bit   of editing there and I don't know if you guys have  noticed I've been in my vlogging era so subscribe   subscribe okay okay I'm going to goe head home now  it's actually past midnight and way way past my   bedtime I don't usually stay out this late but I  was kind of enjoying the outdoor scenery and Vibes   I would really recommend just coming down here  for a peaceful evening and treating yourself to   a lovely dinner and sitting inside and also coming  outside so that was a really lovely evening I am a   creature of habit so once I enjoyed my experience  at this restaurant I did end up going back another   maybe two or three times or something but yeah and  we end the day with uh morning at Parker or was   it afternoon afternoon at Parkers yes and I had  this really lovely view I had the largest plate   of pasta and more of the days when I vog Vlog out  the days where I'm going out and about and doing   something but I do actually want to Vlog more of  my ordinary kind of days which is the 90% which is   I'm a bit of an introvert I'm a bit of a home body  and I've come to acceptance is the first step but   yeah and I feel like that would help me show up  more on YouTube a little bit more and also show   more of my personality just a little bit so let me  know if you guys would like to see that and I hope   you guys have enjoyed this Vlog as usual like this  video And subscribe and also comment okay because
Channel: Rahma Ali (Rahma’s Visual Diary)
Views: 6,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: travel vlog, dubai vlog, travel vlogger, travel vlog 2024, travel vlog airport, dubai, solo travel, solo diaries, introvert diaries, dubai city, uae, united arab emirates, dubai vlogs, solo travel vlog, dubai travel, things to do in dubai, dubai 2024, dubai travel 2024, dubai may, dubai in june, summer in dubai, summer vlog, hijabi, hijab, dubai vlog 2023, dubai vlog 2024, travel hacks, فلوق دبي, فلوق, دبي, travel tips, dubai travel vlog, abu dhabi, rahma ali
Id: 8O7o-C1ODE4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 38sec (758 seconds)
Published: Thu May 30 2024
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