Exploring AlUla - SAUDI ARABIA's Hidden Gem (Hegra, Elephant Rock, Maraya) #alula #saudiarabia

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In this video we explore AlUla. We are Kylie, Kasper and Ella, an Aussie Danish family living in Saudi Arabia. Our plan is to document our travels around this beautiful country. If you would like to follow us on our journey, make sure to subscribe to our channel and follow us on Instagram so you don't miss out on any of our adventures. The road trip has begun. It's about a six hour drive up to AlUla. The landscape is starting to get really nice now. Beautiful mountains with jagged peaks, then you have these beautiful wadis with all the green date palms and we've also seen a lot of camels on the side of the road. So we're just heading along the highway and we were just starting to get hit by things on the windscreen and we figured out that it's actually locusts. We have one poor unfortunate soul that's stuck to the windscreen. That did not help. Oh oh yeah that's heaps worse. We need to find a petrol station. Oh stop doing that! Oh my God stop! We're almost at our resort now and it's pouring down. The scenery though it looks really really beautiful. It's been a really beautiful drive on the way here today. [Music] in our car it detects like the temperature outside and it went from 35 degrees and then all of a sudden it rained and it went all the way down to 15 degrees. We have the ritual here to say hi to your family member [Music] [Music] Can still hear all the thunder in the background. I'll be giving you a tour of our beautiful villa. Near the entrance there is this first living area where I will be sleeping. The room even has a second living area. There's this beautiful carpet, beautiful pillows and it's just overall really a cute space here and here's this massive bed here. Kind of jealous because I'm going to be sleeping over there but my parents get to sleep in this beautiful huge bed. And here we have a walk-in closet and a mini bar and here is the bathroom. So we have the toilet. We have this beautiful shower here and we have his and her sinks. It actually looks like we have an outdoor shower. Wow that's so cool! A really amazing feature about this villa is that it's full of glass windows so you get a panoramic view of the beautiful cliffs and rocks. And here it has an amazing deck so you have a little living space here, a table and you also have a little traditional style living area down here. This particular Villa is very private because it has the rocks in front. So this hotel property is pretty large but it comes with an electric bike so you can basically use that to scoot from one location to the other [Music] Pretty fun. I actually got up to 40 kilometers an hour [Music] Okay let's go. We're off to our first stop. We're heading to Maraya which is the famous building with all the mirrors. it's only about a two minute drive from our resort. Wow that is so cool! It really looks like the invisible cloak from Harry Potter has just been thrown over a building. The building really blends in with the surroundings. [Music] You need to have a reservation to access this building. However, if you are staying at Banyan Tree or Habitas you actually have access because it's within the gated premises. This building is great for Mirror selfies. Maraya actually means mirror or reflection in Arabic so, I guess this is the perfect name for this building. It consists of almost 10 000 mirrors so that makes it the largest mirror building in the world according to the Guinness World Records. [Music] We are now heading to Elephant Rock to watch the sunset. [Music] I came to Elephant Rock in 2019 and back then there was absolutely no infrastructure. There was no car park, no places to get a coffee, you could basically drive your car straight up to the rock. When I was here I think there was only another two or three people around so this has completely changed now. It's really busy, lots of tourists but it it is in fact a really beautiful spot. I'm really glad that we're here now experiencing Saudi Arabia because in a few years to come it is going to be overridden with tourists but there are so many spectacular sites so I completely understand why. I think we're going to go to one of the cafes and get a coffee. [Music] It's coffee time! [Music] It was so nice to sit and have a drink while enjoying the view of the Elephant Rock especially when it got dark and all of the lanterns turned on. [Music] Good morning guys, we just woke up from having a fantastic sleep in our villa. We also just had a delicious breakfast overlooking the pool. We're ready now to go and explore. Woke up and I'm not feeling too good. I think I've caught a bit of a cold so hopefully it gets better throughout the day but yeah if I seem a bit off that's why. Kasper and I slept well so we might have to take over. Yeah Okay, just waiting for our car to arrive. I'm a little bit worried about how this is going to go today. We're going to take you along with us so that you can see how it all goes. It should be an exciting day though. I feel like I've got like butterflies in my belly about this. Alright, are you ready guys? Alright, Let's do this! Hello [Music] Looks like we're about to go off-road. I'm just here for the ride. [Music] Okay maybe turn around oh god! Oh I can't stop here I'm gonna get stuck. Turn around turn around! Oh my God! Oh my gosh! Oh God oh God oh we're gonna run into a tree You can't just stop or we'll get stuck. okay Hi Hi Oh wow! Stuck it's head in. That was so cute I almost thought I was gonna get a kiss. Wow this drive has been absolutely spectacular today. It has been so much fun. I'm really glad that we took a risk and we did the self-drive. We're gonna leave the PIN to this location in the description. The scenery has just got more and more beautiful with every turn. These rock formations are just absolutely spectacular. I'm really loving the way that the light just hits all the rock formations and it's actually been a really good drive. It hasn't been too dangerous. There's been a really good track so it's easy to drive and it's easy to follow. It's been so cute seeing all the camels along the way as well. Oh! People think this vlogging thing is easy, but it's not! I'm actually really surprised driving through AlUla. It's really green. They have so many different date palm plantations and other agriculture along the road and also within all the rock formations. It looks really cool. So we're just driving through the AlUla Oasis at the moment it's a really lovely spot. It looks really cool with the contrast of the green date palms against the backdrop of the beautiful mountains. We're currently walking along the Oasis Trail. This part of the trail is called the Orange Trail. We've just come to a spot where they have these gorgeous camels and there's a little baby. It's so cute! and I think there's goats up here but you can see behind me it's so green. All the beautiful date palms there's a beautiful Breeze. Oh Just poke a camel? No I mean I think I might have accidentally. Oh Nearly got my finger. Oh obviously good stuff. It's giving me some intense eye contact there. It reminds me of Billie Jean my dog. You're so cute! Yes Ew a little sticky. I need some Dettol wipes now. The animals here are just so adorable. I love the way the goat was licking on Ella's fingers. I'm not sure what she had on those fingers that was so tasty. We've just come across these really cool mud brick homes. So we're gonna go have a look inside and see what we can find. This is so cool! So the beams in the roof are actually made out of the date palms. I can see that they're growing something here. I'm actually not sure what they're growing. So if you know, drop it down in the comments. These mud brick houses along the Oasis Trail are just so cool. They look really good the way they are set here in amongst all they date palms. We pretty much have this whole place to ourselves It might get busy in the mornings and the afternoons when it's cooler. Yeah me too. This place is like a maze. If you come through these little doorways you can see they're actually growing some type of Agriculture through here. It's hard to picture that people used to live in these dwellings. They're growing some type of cabbage I think over here. Have a look here, they actually have tomatoes growing on vines. Okay, so I figured out what this is it's actually green chilies. They're huge! Kind of fascinating to think that it's not that many decades ago that people actually used to live in these types of mud brick houses. It's been really beautiful walking through here today but it's getting pretty hot and we are ready now for a mint lemonade. After a hot day out it's now time for some lunch and a nice cool drink. [Music] How's lunch? It's yummy! Delicious! Really enjoying it. It was good to get something to eat. I'm getting my lamb on. It's good. It's very good. The setting of this hotel is absolutely crazy. It is literally surrounded by all these tall rocks. It just looks absolutely amazing. I didn't actually expect the cliffs to be this tall. Definitely a beautiful setting for a resort and it's really handy that they have these golf carts that take you everywhere you want to go. There's some extraordinary views especially up from the pool and restaurant area where you can see rocks all around you. Of course, I had to do the famous walk along the iconic infinity pool. [Music] So we made it up to the Harrat Viewpoint. It's certainly a stunning view. You can see all the date palms down in the valley and you can also see the old town and all the mud break houses. [Music] So we just parked the car in the old town and we're now walking up to see the old mud brick Village. [Music] This mud brick village is super cool. It has small streets and laneways that lead into courtyards and to small houses. Some of the houses are really well maintained and others look like they're kind of falling apart. So you have to be a little bit careful going into some of them. This village is more than 800 years old and it was actually inhabited up until the 1980s. It's kind of crazy to think that people were living here not so long ago. So you have to be a little bit careful where you walk here. I just walked up to the first level of a building and most of the ceiling on the first floor was just wooden sticks so if you had stepped on that you would probably fall straight through. So, you certainly have to keep an eye on where you actually put your feet. [Music] How are you? It tastes a little bit different to the lot of the Arabic coffee I have had. This one is almost a little bit stronger. I think yeah it has more flavor like less cardamom yeah less cardamom. probably oh yeah yeah. It does taste different. Yeah, it's very nice. [Music] We stumbled upon this gorgeous boutique hotel located within the restored mudbrick houses. The owners were kind enough to give us a tour. [Music] We've had a fun time exploring the village. We're now off to Hegra. [Music] This rock formation has about 10 different tombs and every single tomb has different carvings on the front and they all look different on the inside. Some tombs are bigger and some are a lot smaller. [Music] So we're told that the bigger the tombs are, the richer the people were. Most of the tombs they date back to the first century. They only started excavating these tombs here from 1986. This is a very nicely decorated tomb from the outside. The facade looks really nice and it's very big so I assume these families here they would have been very rich. Hegra was the second largest city for the Nabataean people with the largest one being Petra in Jordan. [Music] There is a statue of an eagle above every single tomb which represents the god the Nabataean kingdom were worshiping at the time. I noticed that the head of the eagle has been removed from every single tomb. So very interesting. I'm not quite sure why if you know why, drop it down in the comments. Some of the tombs consist of mainly one grave. Other tombs have shelves where there are lots of people buried. These tombs behind me absolutely spectacular. Something I'm noticing though with these ones is it actually looks like bullet holes above the entrance to the tomb. So just talked to our guide about the bullet holes you could see in some of the facades. He just said that it might be stemming back from the Ottoman Empire, but who knows really. Beautiful landscape and then these tombs are just really spectacular. Definitely worth a visit. There's a number of different ways that you can get around Hegra. You can actually take a vintage jeep tour which was unfortunately sold out for this trip for us or you could do a bus tour which is what we are on. Usually we don't do bus tours but it actually hasn't been too bad. It's only a small group and the good thing about it is it's only been one bus per site so there hasn't been too many people and we've been able to get some really nice photos and videos without way too many people in front of it. [Music] Wow that was such a great tour. Definitely recommend it if you're coming to AlUla. What do you reckon guys? Yeah it was really cool yeah. Okay, so we're gonna head into the old town now. We're gonna have a look around the shops and see if we can grab a bite to eat. It's really handy that they have shuttle buses from the parking lot to take you to the old city. We actually caught a miniature double decker bus and it was so cute. So it had two levels. We sat on the top and we got a beautiful view of the old mud brick city and yeah it was very cute to take and very handy. Oh my gosh the main street of the old town is super cute. It's certainly been restored very well. It has a really cool atmosphere here. There's loads of cafes and different restaurants and cute little boutique shops. What do you think Ella? Yeah, it's really nice. There's definitely a mix between the traditional touches but then I have the shops and restaurants that are quite modern looking as well. I also like the fact that it's located right next to the old town with all the mus brick houses. It creates a nice rustic atmosphere having those right next to this main street with all the shops. It's also beautiful with the mountains that are surrounding the village as well and some of the cliffs are actually lit up which is really beautiful. This cafe! I just love it with all the colored cushions and you can see the mud brick village behind it's really cute. There's so many nice cafes here. It's going to be really hard to choose. I wish I knew which one had the best coffee because that could really be the determining factor. [Music] No way! It's a date museum. That's so cute. It has signs with the date benefits. That's so cute. I literally want to go over and lift up all the little displays and try them all. They look so good so interesting. Some are like so big and then some are really small. Such a cute little date museum. They have some really nice shops on this main street. I'm just admiring all the beautiful bottles that they have here. They're so colorful. It's so funny how they have all these rustic cute shops and then they have a Dunkin Donuts in between. This is such a cute walking street. It has a great atmosphere and there's so many cute lights, restaurants, shops yeah. Overall a very nice place. But I think it's time now to go and have some food. I'm getting pretty hungry. We saw a really nice Lebanese restaurant so we're gonna try that in a moment let's have some food. Nice and comfy. Thank you very much. I'm eating vine leaves stuffed with rice and spices and it's really good. This is the best falafel I have ever had. It's so crispy and golden on the outside and gooey on the inside. It's so good. And some lamb chops. Okay well I'll try the halloumi with the tomatoes and it has some olive oil and I think some sesame seeds on top. So let's try it. Mmm Very nice. So good. But there's some black stuff on the cheese and I feel like it's all my teeth. Yep This meal should come with a toothbrush! That was so much fun! I want one! We've had such an amazing time here in AlUla. We hope that we've inspired you to come and explore this beautiful place too. That's it for this video, see you next time on Living the Jo life! I keep looking over it Kasper and I keep getting distracted by his little unicorn hair sticking out from his eyebrow. It's very distracting. We'll get the tweezers out tonight. People think this vlogging thing is easy but it's not. If you want to make an entertaining video, yeah. it's not that easy. So this is like take number 20. It's a wrap It's a wrap for you baby
Channel: Living the Jo Life
Views: 313,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AlUla, Al Ula, Saudi Arabia, KSA, rocks, desert, Hegra, Maraya, Elephant Rock, 4WD driving, Harrat Viewpoint, Oasis Heritage Trail, Mudbrick houses, mud brick, Old Town, Madain Saleh, camels, Arabic food
Id: mL31qb9AXNo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 50sec (1310 seconds)
Published: Sun May 07 2023
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