Exploring AIX-EN-PROVENCE: decor shopping, artist workshops & more! | XO, MaCenna Vlogs

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[Music] [Laughter] oh hello flea market was today too and it's still happening and we're here [Music] [Applause] good morning guys welcome back to the Vlog we are checking out packing up and heading down on a train to the south of France to specifically to exim Provence we are saying two nights in the south of France we just have to Lug our luggage down three flights of stairs like big flights like one of them is very very skinny because we had so much luggage I actually booked a car we're using a company called Welcome pickups it's the same car service that we used to pick us up from the airport just because there's three of us and we have so much luggage it's hard to gamble with like Ubers and vans having enough space just makes the trip a lot more enjoyable when you have a car that's going to pick you up on time with enough space you know so we just like check it off the list of things that we don't have to worry about looked at the difference in price on Uber van to book and welcome pickups banned a book and there was only a 15 difference they don't rush you Ubers you're not there in two minutes bye can you get charged it's just too stressful our car's coming at 10 30. our train is at 11 38. I'm just like no not sure with Parish Traffic how long it's going to take us to just go the two and a half miles um so we're gonna take the train get there get our bearings understand where to go and just sit on the train until it's ready to leave which is the biggest is totally fine it's a three hour train ride and then we'll be there and we can check in at 3 P.M and we'll get there around 2 40 in the afternoon [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] and we had to go on a scavenger hunt for our keys I've never checked into an Airbnb like that but all of a sudden Romeo and I were having so much fun trying to find the decipher the word we were like in an escape room we got her it was it it was wild okay we have arrived we've got our luggage here [Music] oh hello welcome to Accent Provence we are trading our 18th century like really rustic French country Vibe which I love for more of a Scandinavian look come on in I love this though like a porthole this one is a little more Scandinavian modern uh than the last one I prefer that style over this one but this is really nice we had a lot more space we had two bedrooms instead of one bedroom and a little thing for Mom a little thing Ramon a full kitchen and things like that so it's really nice come on in we had candles that we lit immediately and air conditioning that we turned on immediately because we did not have AC at the other one and it is very hot and then a nice little living room which [Music] I love these shutters I have Shutters on the upstairs guest bedroom windows and it almost makes me want to put them on the rest of the house like seeing these shutters these are really really pretty because they look like our windows with the same kind of light structures so this is a living room then you go to the kitchen it's really nice and modern like even the fridge is hidden in here which is really nice I mean you could like seriously cook in this kitchen kitchen we well we're only here for two nights but it's really nice they love Nespresso here we've had an espresso machine and each Airbnb that we've gone to which is really nice well we can make some tea some hot water and then you come back here and you've got uh we've got a washer and dryer so it's a all-in-one unit um that we can you know wash under our clothes which is the literally the one of the first things that we're gonna do tonight right yeah and you have a little toilet room that's still that even is decorated it has a little Shelf so this is bedroom number one this will be Mom's room we just kind of picked we didn't know moved to Luggage in here it feels so good I turned the air in each of the rooms um this is so nice like the view and everything is so nice let me show a video look how beautiful the courtyard is like that is so beautiful oh and then you have the second bedroom which we'll be in they're both about the same size I think the beds are the same or this one may be a queen slightly bigger just because there's two of us but I love how the bed is under the windows that's like really pretty and then the bathroom has a lot of light so I can see when I do my makeup finally and Mom can too so this will be our home for the next two nights it's really nice just to change change and Pace even just getting here from the train station it's just slower paced so it's about uh 4 30 5 o'clock now we're going to explore XM Provence we're gonna walk around because this is just like the for yard is kind of everything you guys like it's just very clean like hi down there oh my gosh and the guy that lives downstairs has the cutest King Charles puppy she came up here was it a girl it was a boy oh it was a boy I didn't I was trying we were trying to bring luggage up so it was like we're killing we're getting such a workout with this luggage upstairs he came up here with me one time he's like I think he wanted to stay Romeo had to carry him down he's like here's your dog he could stay I miss Kinsley so much Mom misses Bentley and Olivia and all of them we'll put pictures the mini here are the mini pictures that we've received of our dogs since being on this trip we're like requesting them on a daily I FaceTime Kinsley every night we're obsessed yeah we have made it out of the Airbnb we're on the way again we're walking to like the main street I kind of want to we're hungry and I want to scope out where the flea market is going to be on Tuesday I'm preparing so you want to go down I feel look because if you go here there's nothing let me go that way that's all like food and like stores so the flea market was actually today as well but I didn't think we would make it in time but we're just like walking but the flea market was today too and it's still happening and we're here we're looking beautiful [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] but that's that's a cool piece of art [Music] pretty fabric I love that and you can you can help it'll help you rob your stuff [Music] I would love to find if you see any um [Music] cute coffee mugs I'd love that and I'd love like a dog those are cool these are these are amazing what are you like look at how pretty that trunk is [Music] yeah some new kids I don't know if she gave it to me or not crazy [Music] [Music] [Music] chairs that we keep seeing yeah they'll love them yeah there's just so much good art all the time it's like how do you even look at that one over there cute espresso cups for us or something like that [Music] these are so good it's the whole things [Music] okay [Music] looks like it actually [Music] signed [Music] up that is beautiful oh my God I don't I don't even know how far did literally the most amazing spontaneous flea market thing didn't even know I just met this sweet sweet woman she was like this one is every other Sunday so we haven't like we got to do this fully the whole thing but some people were packing up because it's like towards the end they've been here since 6am and then we have and these vendors won't be here on Tuesday there'll be a different like full full-on market like food you know like um produce and also home stuff so uh we'll get to do kind of two because I was like sad because of the timing it was all really hard it's like when planning this trip you kind of had to pick okay which flea markets do we want to go to because there are a lot the Paris flee in this but they also happen on similar days so you you can't do them all in a day so you kind of have to pick and choose and we were only here for a week and a half so we had to be selective and I think we've done we've now gone to three different flea markets on our trip and we have one more so we'll get four total and that will be awesome but I lost my mother I mean she can't go anywhere but here where'd she go I'm thirsty and hungry I don't know where she went this town oh you got some Fabrics some brass candle holders and you show us your teapot oh it's very cute oh it's very cute eating Italian there's a lot of Italian restaurants actually [Music] good morning guys it's the next day we had I slept so sound because we had AC I was just able to like sleep without waking up felt like the first you know four nights at the other one I was sleeping like lighter I just kept waking up uncomfortable just because it was so hot so today is going to be a bit cooler I think the high today is 85 and we've been dealing with 95 so it's definitely gonna feel a little better but I have this cute dress for the south of France we're going to take the walking direction and hit some places along the way up to the Atelier of Paul Sazon um he's a famous artist and known for like impression impressionism he's from here he lived here and a lot of his work was inspired by his house and like his garden and Bridge and things along it I think that that's the location and you can get tickets I believe I paid about six Euro for a ticket and it's for a 30 minute slot so that's not until noon so we have time to get breakfast to walk that way it's about a mile from where we're staying I was trying to decide if we were going to take a train to another place but we are only here for today and we're gonna play it by ear I didn't like to over book this trip I kind of just picked one thing that was like we are gonna do this and then everything around that was just go with the flow kind of thing and it's been so wonderful I did look into like the Lavender Fields because Provence is known for the Lavender Fields that's usually in summer time they had a pretty cooler July and August so I don't know if the Lavender Fields are really going to be blooming it's going to be lavender like you would see in summer since they did have a cool uh summer this year it's not really the time of year for it so I don't think we're gonna do that either so we're spending today exploring the city walking around going to the Atelier so from our bathroom window you can actually see oh my God it's so pretty you can actually see Hotel particular's Garden or one of them how adorable is that that's Hotel particular in exim Provence since we're more towards the Mediterranean a lot more of the architecture is more Mediterranean French uh it has like the tiled code Roots like the in this the stucco you know what I mean or like this looks like the roofs particularly get get Mediterranean terrain is we're closer to the Mediterranean and closer to Italy [Music] so we came to um Madeleine's Kristoff I knew it was a chance because it's a temporarily closed and it does look like foreign [Music] 's been walking around all of France looking at every building and saying Notre Dame and he knows where it is he knows what it looks like we just didn't get to see it last time so it was like completely covered so he's like [Music] thank you [Music] foreign foreign [Music] thank you [Music] very much it's so pretty one of those is the prettiest man we're walking the little Trails our houses on Atelier so he did not live here he built it specifically he built it specifically to paint with all the light because it was outside of the city and he even built a little door not a little door a very skinny tall door to bring his canvases in so he didn't have because it was hard to bring them up the narrow stairs we got a lot from the gift shop it was just so so cute Charles show us what's inside good only um we just okay we just came back and rested for a little bit Romeo's it was actually a nap we've been walking around so much and it's so nice that X improvals is like more slow paced a little slower you know so I'm actually taking Mom to a museum it's just really pretty it's a small Museum but it's music The Pavilion it has like Gardens and then you can like sit outside so we're gonna go get um like some pastries and some fruit and just like sit down I'm bringing my Kindle we're just gonna like lay and hang out too funny [Music] whoever they feel the volume [Music] very interesting part okay I'm just saying that is now the second person that has told me that I speak French well and it comes out way better when I'm just in the moment yeah I've been working on like the inflection and like you know like there's some things I can't say I still can't say la Marie I can't I can't roll my eyes yeah I can't say I can't my mouth won't do it [Music] I did not see that side we were there for quite a while too I had no idea embarrassed how did we not see that I thought it was like a park don't do what we did that was an honest mistake it was so nice though while lasting I think I'm so used to in America we that's what you do that's very this very common thing to do we have all of our stuff packed ready to go we come back at 10 just to bring our luggage down and completely check out but it's about 7 30 now uh we were officially starts at 8 30. we deal with a time because we're trying to make the most Market or early got three books I've been wanting books there were three for ten Euros so Mom got the Olivia one and then I got a French version of Anna Grenada and pieces roses it's like um play they're like plays like Scripts look like my room huh foreign [Music] so a little disappointing update there's only like four booths of home this Market has been like pretty much taken over by new clothing vendors like new pieces yeah here's yeah we'll go here it's at the very end I don't know how to say it's by the the large fountain at the end of the Marabou all the way down the street they fall new clothing like not vintage just new clothing vendors doesn't look like the pictures and what I researched at all so there's that I'm actually so glad that we made it here in time for the end of the food market and Sunday you know there's only so much you can do like I said before you kind of had to pick the fleas get two we still had to get here it's still a three hour train ride this is literally the fastest that I could have gotten this year um so and we were able to do all of that free I think the only thing that we would have missed out on is anything that was purchased before we got here this was a little flyer that was at the flea market so in Texan broke at this place and this is the street that we're on right now so this is the one that we went to September 10th then again in October and then November then this is also a different one this one September 20th so it's every second Sunday you see like there's this Market one Sunday a month and then two weeks later there's this market so if you hear any of those days you should go or at least look it up because this one was a really good one really nice clothes though like it's new clothes but it's nice towels yeah they have the different ones they have the different artists [Music] you guys Karen Jazz are my new friends yes we have seen each other every day since getting on the train coming here to the flea market where oh wait I can call him I can call him we've made it back to Paris it's raining it must have been like 40 people in front of us in a taxi line just when you come to Paris if men are asking you like take a taxi taxi taxi taxi no we did see a pickpocketer she didn't do anything though because I think everyone's pretty aware yeah Romeo's watching her just don't take the taxi just stand in the line there's a reason the little taxi line is so long just stand there it's it's all gonna be good this made it to our final Airbnb it's very cute it was an old bookstore and it's red outside so cute got some pretty art and these little steps that go up to this little seating area which is super cute um and then we're pretty much right on the street though like I don't right on the street like hi okay uh so this is the only one that we've been to that's like that but there's one bedroom here then you can close all the drapes obviously where double security locked in here too and there's bars so it's safe I read it was very safe this is a cute little room Mom's room is over here Mom said this is her favorite it's my favorite is it it is I love the iron what is it but what is this it's in every room what what is it it's plugged in what does it do it's in every room though look at this little alcove with a little chair mom's got some pretty art in here and her bed is here oh a heater then you go downstairs got this cutie little Shelf with cutie little things on it you can tell I very much have a style a very uni I want to always stay in some place really unique like this wall is so cool another little Shelf and then there's a kitchen down here kitchen with a rope stone walls everything we're only here for one night too see there's another one of those things I don't know what it is and then here's the bathroom cute cute cute cute with the stone the stone Bowl get like really gives it a whole vibe and then you walk up some steps into the shower isn't that nice I mean just such a unique kind of experience you know what I mean like just imagine this place filled with old books and things and they really did a good job of like trying to maximize the space because they put mirrors on the wall so it made it feel larger up here than it actually was like all of that is a mirror you know but it feels makes the space feel a lot larger let me change my shorts really to shorts really quickly because it's like getting really kind of Muddy outside like the bottom of my pants are like destroyed we were walking in the rain we are on it we're on our way back to Shakespeare and go because I tote bag yes I want it and they were sold out when we went before we left we're just on the option we're actually staying by Shakespeare and Co right now um so on the off chance they got more stuck we have to go see and uh we're gonna get something to eat because uh we're hungry oh my gosh there is a line to go inside let's see if there's still a sign because there was a sign that said that they were sold out I'm sure they're sold out Yep they're sold out of stock [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] the way it goes this is good we walk like three miles but we made it we have like 15 minutes before it sparkles [Music]
Channel: XO, MaCenna Vlogs
Views: 175,813
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vlogger, xo macenna, macenna diy, macenna vlogs, lifestyle vlogger, day in the life, mckenna, kinsley, romeo and macenna, romeo, macenna lee, aix-en-provence, south of france, flea market shipping, decor shopping, travel vlog, paris france
Id: gqb8l3jOz-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 22sec (1882 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 26 2023
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