EXPLORING A WW2 BUNKER and Opening the 'SECRET DOOR' hidden in the Floor. Mystery Finally Solved!

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about two weeks ago i discovered this underground air raid bunker style shelter a few days later i came back with a wood stove a backpack some food and i stayed for 24 hours the wood stove kept me nice and warm i slept in a hammock after cooking up some great food and while i was exploring the woodland at night time i found a few more shelters but one thing that really puzzled me was what i found underneath these leaves right here in the entrance what i found was a concrete slab with a hole in it i tried lifting it up but i couldn't quite do it it seemed like there was a compartment underneath this concrete slab and i know there's about three or four bunkers in this woodland the question is could have been a tunnel connecting them all could it have been drainage to stop them from being flooded however i've had a look around the back of the shelter and i can't see anywhere where there be some sort of piping or drainage it just looks like i i really don't know or could have just been for storage or could have been a toilet like many people have suggested i said i was gonna come back with a few tools because what i used last time was a stick and a bit of paracord well i've come back today with something a little different first thing is the same i've got paracord the next thing i have is a nail i'm hoping by using a bit of paracord and a bit of nail i'll be able to get into whatever that is down there we might find something we might not however before we do that what i'd really like to do is go and have a look at the other bunkers to see if they've also got a slab at the bottom of the steps which means they might all be connected [Applause] okay so this is the other bunker let's go in lots of leaves oh more graffiti and though wow i've not actually been in this one yeah a bit rubbish unfortunately right moment of truth is there gonna be a slab underneath all of these leaves so this it's quite i can't make out if there is anything there's lots of dirt now i don't think there is one here bits of glass i have to watch the dog i use this as a digging tool no so i don't think there's anything there there's just lots of loose rubble which is a bit odd unless there was a hole and they just filled it in with all these loose bits of broken brick roof tile you know it's a bit odd they're a bit out of place stones so if there was a hole there and if this has been filled in with rubble then surely there should be an outline somewhere i mean it was only a small hole let's find the floor let's find the floor of the bunker and maybe take it from there let's see if this reveals a a hole or a line where the lid would have been where does that take us to all right yeah look you can see there that's the edge of the floor and that's probably about as big as the hole or the slab is that's interesting see look it goes all the way there so that's rubble that's loose rubble and this is the floor and that's loose rubble there as well yeah look at that i'm going to cover this back over i'm going to leave it okay so what i think i've worked out from that is that there was a hole there whether it was a tunnel drainage i don't know but it's been filled in however if it was drainage why would it be filled in and surely this would be flooded i don't know so let's leave this one let's go and find the other shelters and have a look at them so yeah just walking through the woods and found this as well it's like an old slab could it be the foundations there are bricks going around it yeah could it be foundations could have been for um you know some sort of anti-aircraft artillery i really don't know i really don't know let's keep going so we're approaching the other bunker or air raid shelter right there again bit of graffiti on the wall you can see it's underground or kind of half underground protected again with lots of soil this one's got a bit of a door with a modern door uh graffiti wherever you go there's always graffiti such a shame snail well okay interesting what's that so it's exactly the same as the other two bunkers both the one that i slept in and the one that we just had a look at a few minutes ago more beer cans more shame right moment of truth let's have a look oh yeah yes look right let's put the camera down okay so there's definitely a slab underneath here and i think i've located oh there's a there's several holes in this one right so this one's got more holes that's blocked it's a hole there that's blocked no no is it i know it's not i can feel the lip as in the edge of the floor that this plate is sitting onto i think there's a few more holes it goes all the way through but how deep does it go let's see guys it's deep let's go all the way in oh okay i've covered the hole over i haven't lifted up the slab because i want to go back to the original shelter the airaid shelter or the bunker that i slept in that is the one i really want to lift up so before we do go back to the shelter and lift up that slab let's have a look at the final shelter in this woodland which is another bunker and we'll see if that also has a compartment at the bottom of the stairwell so this one's in really good condition bit graffiti now is there going to be a slab under this yes there is okay we're back here at the shelter that's the one that has the slab that i want to lift up and just to show you the first well the second shelter we looked at was that one right there just on the edge of the airfield where it meets the woodland but i don't think back then i don't think these trees would have been well i think these trees are probably planted shortly after these bunkers were built it kind of makes sense because it gives them a bit of cover as well but i don't think these trees are more than 70 years old i really don't and also another reason is because i've looked at the aerial images for the airfield and i can see where the bunker is and i can see there are no beech trees there are no trees that were well these trees are not present in the aerial photography from the photos taken back in 1943 i think it was but today it's a bit of an exploration to find out what is under the slab just down there okay the moment of truth okay all right this has also got holes in it i didn't realize last time that there these must be holes as well that just blocked up let's have a little look which makes me think it would make sense for it to be for storage okay right sorry not for storage but for drainage interesting interesting so you can see there it rocks and that's how i found it because when i walked down i stepped on it and i realized that it was actually rocking a bit okay let's take out the tools the high-tech tools got the paracord and we've got a nail right there let's hope this works i'm hoping that i can get this through the hole if i can drop this through the hole and then when it comes to pulling it so if that's dropped through the hole when it comes to pulling it it's going to catch and lift a very basic but it could actually work right i might need my gloves for this pulling for lifting the slab with the paracord in fact yeah with the gloves it means i can grab the slab and lift it off let's make sure it's nice and clear okay [Music] right it won't seem to go through oh yes boys and girls we're back in business [Music] well it's not what i was hoping for so you can see it's lined with bricks going all the way around and then there's gaps in the brick there and then so i can't i can't see from the angle but i can't really see how far back that goes and whether it's been filled in i mean this that looks like it could well have been filled in lots of loose gravel lots of loose gravel very interesting but that looks very drainage like i didn't so last time i was here i only saw one hole on the slab i didn't notice the other ones but it really makes sense now for this to be drainage yep it worked it did bend the nail just clean this so it sits flat again well i'm 90 certain that that is for drainage but let me know in the comments section if you think i'm wrong or if you think it could be for something else maybe it could be a refrigerator place to store food it is actually smaller than i thought i mean to get into it you just about you know well me i think i'll just about get into it if i pulled my shoulders in but yeah it's very very small and those bricks so it's lined with bricks and they're kind of like staggered see i'll have to look through the footage to see if i can see through or see if there's another chamber or a room underneath that yeah pretty interesting but yeah i just want to say thank you so much again for your comments you guys commented like crazy i had to come back here and do this one-off video lifting up that slab to find out what really is underneath it interesting that the other one doesn't have a slab but it is filled in the other one does have a slab maybe i'll look at that one maybe i don't know i don't know maybe next time we'll have a look at the other one lift up that slab and have a look to see if that's filled in as well i'm not sure anyway thanks again for watching i've got another video coming out very soon it's quite a cool video make sure you check it out again if you want to see this sort of content or the camping bush crafty cooking content don't forget to leave me a thumbs up see you next week goodbye you
Views: 1,225,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: BUSHCRAFT, SURVIVAL, TAOUTDOORS, TA OUTDOORS, PREPPER, CAMPING, HIKING, CAMP VIBES, FISHING, SOLO, AXE, KNIFE, BUSHCRAFTTOOLS, BUSHCRAFT TOOLS, SAW, RAY MEARS, BEAR GRYLLS, hidup primitif, berkemah, bertahan hidup, memasak, api, hutan belantara, alam, ahli hutan, mencari makan, makanan ternak, penangkapan ikan, примитивная жизнь, кемпинг, выживание, Готовка, лесная глушь, лесоруб, собирательство, рыбная ловля, vida primitiva, supervivencia, Cocinando, pescar, taourdoors, joerobinet, myselfreliance
Id: i2MdvKGnQPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 26sec (1106 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 22 2021
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