ABANDONED $6,000,000 Abandoned Mansion | Titanic Mansion

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what's going on everybody here we go again I'm freaked ography and I'm on another adventure that it's gonna blow your mind I don't even know what to say right now I've tried to get into this place so many times and I've never been able to get in but it's all about being consistent coming back on a regular basis you don't want to break in but you kind of want to wait for somebody else to do it for you and I can't believe what I'm looking at right now so what we're gonna do I'm gonna cue the music I'm gonna cue the intro you guys gonna hold on a second and we're gonna turn this camera around and I'm gonna show you the very first thing you see when you walk in this house so what do we always say cue the music cue the intro I'll see you guys on the other side [Music] okay guys are you ready right now we're looking at the bathroom here comes the big reveal I am inside an abandoned mansion probably the nicest abandoned mansion I've ever been inside let's take a look at the grand staircase mean for you guys look at this let's just take this just take this in for a minute check this out what's a bummer though is that the chandelier is right there that would have been so nice if it was still hanging right there now let's just take a look around and look at this guy's holy crap there's me in the back what's up guys so the fire alarm is uh batteries are dead on the fire alarm so that's the beeping that you guys are hearing here we are the main feature of the entryway of the house guys there is so much okay we're gonna take a walk down these stairs here and we'll show you everything from the main floor we're gonna tour the whole house check this out ready look at that looks like my stuff is still a bit crooked okay so here we are we're right in the middle of the main staircase and you can pan up and you can see the big beautiful skylights lighting up right down in the middle and you come down you got this nice wooden feature at the main door I've got to be careful not to slip there's a lot of water in here and cuz it's so cold it's a bit icy so here we go I'm gonna walk right to the front door slippery right here so we're going to turn around and here is your view upon entering this home right here a lot of water damage here's your closet okay guys so we're coming out of the coat room and the main closet and the foyer and we're gonna turn around and I'm gonna try not to slip and fall here here all the ice you got a bathroom on your left there I am again the mirror you guys love when I say hi in the mirror and looks like you've got another closet right here on the right man these guys had a lot of coats and then here it is entering the main grand staircase and for a you go to the right you've got some rooms that way you go to the left you've got rooms that way so let's start to the left then what looks like is just the sitting room a family room you've got some shelves right there and you've got your windows and your curtains some more shelves all the way around looks like the kitchens in there we'll come back to that oh this would probably be the dining room then okay so the kitchens right there so here we are in likely in the dining room area and then we're gonna head straight this way heading right as we walk in the front of the house and we've got a sitting-room carpeted sitting room looks like your ceiling has fallen with water damage and then you've got that right there which is your windows and then this interesting stone arched door into this sunroom solarium type room lots of light very fancy and you've got a two sided fireplace still with ash and logs inside of it so here's a look so this is obviously some kind of an addition to the house because this is the original brick outside and then we head through here into another living area there's the other side of the fireplace with the mantel above it this is likely the TV room the entertainment room check out the ceiling guys pan up you got some interesting wooden decorative decorative ceiling here nice stuff very nice then moving on back here you have another room with another fireplace there's me in the reflection so there's your fireplace lots of light just like all the other older houses and mansions I've been in you've got an intercom system to go through the whole house does it work hello I know no this doesn't work guys wait no it doesn't work there is power in parts of the house anyways so now here you've got a way down to the basement where we're gonna do the basement later we're gonna stick to the main floor right now so we're gonna walk across I have not even been to this side of the house yet whoever going right now so here we are in the kitchen and everything's pretty much been removed you can see there was likely a stove right there your sink is on the floor right there and what do we got in here this is probably just the closet that's dateable yeah there's a cupboard storage space and moving back here likely another dining area entertaining area I don't know raining out take a nice pan around here head over and check out this side of the house here this is Blakely your laundry room most definitely a laundry room check out this blue and white decorated cupboards here you've got a curtain rod up there to hang your clothes to dry oh my god it's so annoying and then you got another bathroom here very simple bathroom and looks like here we've got a probably a young girls bedroom with owls and butterflies on the wall and hearts and flowers there is another intercom that door right there has been locked from the inside with a wooden 2x4 as has the garage entry has also been blocked by a 2x4 this is the entry to the garage right here guys we can't get in the garage okay so now we're going to take you to the next best feature after the staircase there's an indoor swimming pool guys so let's go on in here's your indoor swimming pool check this over it's got you got a fake well that's a real plant you had another plant growing inside it's still kind of green which is weird and then we'll do a nice panning shot here of the pool room you can smell the cedar from the ceiling and the wall paneling pretty deep very deep actually here's your stairs to get inside the shallow end is pretty shallow it doesn't last very long and then it goes right to the deep end and then you can hang on underneath a diving board there so take a walk around try not to slip and fall I have a feeling I might be here for a while guys this place is huge cobwebs in my face here's a look from the other side from the diving board it's still crooked this is very annoying to the left okay I start again so here's a view from the diving board guys there you go and check out how far down I go deep this pool is like that's really deep I don't think I've seen an indoor pool in a house with a pool that deep before and then here you've got a staircase metal staircase that goes up to the second floor and we'll show you that in a couple of minutes here's something interesting leading from the pool to the kitchen you've got a serving window so mom or dad or whoever is in the kitchen cooking up can just pass the kids their food kids are playing in the pool and they can get their hamburgers and their hot dogs and the pizza from the kitchen okay guys here we go take another zoom around it's a nice look at this staircase and we're gonna go upstairs now all right here you go take a look let's take a walk up the stairs how's the sound guys I got a new microphone for my birthday to help improve the sound of my video so tell me how my video sounds do i sound better take a pan around here and we'll go up here to the left and check out all the different rooms in here again everything's empty here's another little girl's bedroom you've got Disney Princesses on all the walls I believe that's Bella or Belle whatever that grinning is Ariel Snow White Belle is that right is that belt oh so now we're back in the main upstairs bathroom there's your toilet stand-up shower jacuzzi man I wish I had it to koozie after a long day of her back sing there's nothing like sitting in a hot Jacuzzi and then you got double sinks and guess what what's up guys there's me again look at this is this is the little girl's bathroom so look at this this is not mom and dad's bathroom this bathroom with this hot tub and this shower and these double sinks hey guys and these double sinks are for little girls man okay anyways back into another room very slippery in here we got a lot of water damage in here guys look at the ceiling all the insulation has crumbled and crashed down onto the carpeted floor from all the water damage there's your chandelier somebody pulled down the chandelier then you got a bunch of water damage here and let's do another pan around from this side now man what a nice place okay so it's pretty wet and slippery down here and I'll show ya so I'm gonna walk through the other way because I don't want to slip on nice we're gonna go this way guys okay okay let's go to the left check out this mirror guys holy crap what is this is this the master ensuite bathroom what the hell guys look at this bathroom all black stand-up shower there's your bidet they always have a bidet in these people's houses there's your toilet and look at this I think we have a sauna here guys I gotta put my light on yeah check this out the master ensuite bathroom has a sauna a bidet and this giant jacuzzi and two sinks one two and a walk-in closet guys look at this place this is the walk-in closet in the bathroom and then look at all the mirrors Hey it's okay and then you've got this glass here that when you're sitting on the toilet or when you're in the jacuzzi you can see through the other side but the other side well yep you can still see in there that's really weird because there's no door there it's just a wide-open bathroom so you got to go to the bathroom and people can see you anyways here's your master ensuite here's your master bedroom guys it's huge you can see where the bed was right there by the marks on the floor and they have the TV in here probably really big floor-to-ceiling windows lots of light man this is a big bedroom what do people do to have a house like this well there's your rocks from the sauna right there yeah tiled floor man okay now I'm gonna go to the other side now guys here's a look at the pool from up here now we have another master bedroom check this out guys look at these curtains put the light on so you can see them got these fancy pink curtains leading into this which again is a kid's bedroom man this is a little kid's bedroom it looks like they had all girls in this family here's some wall decals decals decorations hummingbirds and flowers again with the big windows what a room and then another bathroom so here's the toilet and whoops toilet and the bidet I don't know why a little kid needs a bidet well whatever I'm not judging here's the kids bathroom right here toilet the day shower and there's where the sink would have been and again what is up guys all right moving along so here is your stairs down to the pool from up here and then there's one more room whoa slippery well this is just a closet yeah this is just a closet here guys take a look around what do you guys think of this house are you guys as blown away about this place as I am like I think we're ten I think we're 20 minutes in and I'm still going and I still haven't finished the whole house yet drop me a comment down below guys what do you think of this place have you ever seen a mansion like this have you ever been inside a mansion like this one do you know anybody who has a mansion like this one drop me a comment down below I'm super curious to know all right we're gonna go in the basement now guys last part of the house to explore slippery it's careful very slippery so I put the lights on down here I was down here earlier looking around so the lights were on so here's a look down from the staircase carpet needs a little bit of help and this is your entertaining area in the rec room of the house lots of mold on the ceiling not looking too good here guys here's our bar alright bar to entertain the guests we got a dartboard down here here you got a bench that lifts up and you got some toys there you go you got a little toy car down there and then here you got the globe and mail let's see how old this is guys we have The Globe and Mail newspaper from October 27 1981 stored down here inside here what we got we got the sports section Monday October 26 1981 physicians management manuals okay no surprise but it looks to me like a doctor used to live here look at this Toronto Sunday Sun television that's like your TV Guide from the 80s that you would get in the Toronto Sun there's your fireplace you got a pool cue there so obviously they had a pool table in here you can probably see right where I was right in the middle there and then here's a shot from left to right let's just go left all the way around right now we got some interesting doorways here some stone arts two doorways we'll put my light on and we'll see what's in here guys this looks to me like an awards room or a trophy room they had some kind of a collection maybe they had some antique cars or some something anyways but this would have been obviously a room where this man or woman would store their prized things now check out the door you see now the door is square and the door is also built square but then you've got the brown arched top so the home was built with stone and brick but then somebody at some point built over it with with plaster and drywall keeping to the right side this is just a big room with nothing in it can't tell you what it was I got no idea I think there's a sauna back here and then stairs leading to the pool this is just some storage back here or like a secret little passageway this would be fine if I was a kid to come and play back here for sure go play behind the stairs yeah okay so now we've got a change room area to hang your coat and your clothes another chain another change room here and then you've got a sauna right here a bathroom a blue bathroom and then you've got stairs here that go up to the swimming pool and here we've got some toys we've got some kids pool toys here and oh we got lots of National Geographic magazines in here guys and then some kids that's not a kids book that's sick that's just a book and then you got a smiley face beach ball and then there's your stairs up to the pool okay so that covers the left side let's go behind the bar guys although this wine cellar there's where you'd hide all your wine here's where you'd store your booze probably now we're back behind the bar interesting selection of wallpaper behind the bar here and then here is just a here's all your power and your and your fuse boxes and all that stuff almost done guys we're almost done here's your furnace room plumbing furnace water heater pool stuff it's about it nothing really of interest in here guys what are you guys thinking this place is this crazy or what is this not one of the nicest abandoned mansions that I've been in holy crap okay guys so here's what we're gonna do as I always do I'm gonna block around now if you guys want to just enjoy this video and look around without the sound of my voice we're gonna play some music and walk around as always we'll follow this video up with a bit of a slideshow the photos that I took while here so sit back relax let's turn on some nice music and let's go for a little walk [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] this [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] in the sky
Channel: undefined
Views: 338,907
Rating: 4.7504778 out of 5
Keywords: freaktography abandoned house, freaktography abandoned, freaktography youtube, exploring with freaktography, youtube freaktography, ontario abandoned mansion, abandoned mansion ontario, urban exploring with freaktography, abandoned mansions, freaktography, abandoned mansions on youtube, exploring an abandoned mansion, abandoned mansion, abandoned, abandoned videos, urban exploration, titanic mansion, titanic mansion abandoned, urban exploring, abandoned house, abandoned places
Id: 7kBir_VR8ow
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 43sec (2323 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2019
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