Explore the Most Sacred Lake of Tibet and the Most Isolated Monastery in Yamdrok Lake, Tibet

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after they cut the body they will throw all the meat into this River good morning and Tracy delic from Vasa hope you are having an amazing day at zamyang and today we are driving from Plaza to Young Rock Lake and then to the most loneliness Monastery in all over Tibet which is high elevation at sacred Lake in Tibet and so we are going to walk around the monastery we are going to tour the lake and then we will be going to a village that's right near or surrounding the lake we are going to meet up with a host who is going to cook us and prepare for us the local traditional Tibetan food of young Rock Lake I'm very excited to show you about it to teach you about our culture and to see just the magnificence of the lake and of Tibet and we are on our way before we start everything in case if you miss our last video it's about the real life here in Tibet Himalaya with all those beautiful family oh I really love this documentary and hope you don't miss it foreign [Music] taking but I'm really excited to get out of the city into the countryside of Tibet just yeah I mean the views the mountains I know we are going to do a lot of switchbacks living around the mountain passes it's gonna be gorgeous the weather is a little bit cloudy today hopefully it will clear some so this is the first Viewpoint to overlook the Brahma Patrol river which is one of the most important river it is massive and it kind of just filled the entire like plant just like multiple channels of the river look how huge it is and when you are traveling in Tibet on the Rocks you can see tons of painted letter or staircase and that's a privilege of symbol of good luck or going higher and now I'm gonna show you a really really interesting place where they are doing the water burial all right that's pretty Steepy so so this is where they do the water burial one of the five different burials from Tibet uh so first we have the sky Barrel as most common burial in Tibet we have a water world which they do it yeah and they usually hold the body into really really tiny pieces and wrap it in the cloth with a stone and then they will throw it in the brahmaputra river and there we can see all the knives and acts to do the cutting and after they cut the body through all the meat into this River the brahmapudra river and I guess this is the place where they burn the bones [Music] [Applause] hey and now we are winning our way up to the mountain pass that's at 4998 meter but stopping here for a view of the valley man it's stunningly gorgeous the mountains surrounding here and here they have this platform that you can walk out but a lot of locals come here with their Mastiff Tibetan Mastiff they are beautiful dogs as well as huge but they do things like put sunglasses on the Tibetan muscles oh and here is the final Viewpoint The Monuments and the overlooking the entirely River Valley and Villages below and additionally it's kind of Pit Stop too there's some Street Food Store set up you can get drinks you can have a cup of tea you can get noodles and they are also doing some fried potatoes or french fries to Batten french fries [Music] what do you do with chips I think that's like a Tibetan hook or something and then she kind of like mixes them around in the plastic bag this smells so good nothing sounds better at this elevation and I'm also ordering some noodles that's just full of seasoning [Music] fire trucks it is hot and fresh out of the foil oh that tasty [Music] [Music] and sit on paper in there so so delicious it's hot I think that's in the red white it tastes so good we are back on the road and now we are on our way [Music] foreign at the mountain pass and now it started to snow and you know we came all the way the show you this beautiful Lake wow look at the view of young Brook Lake it is unbelievable stunning it's just it's otherworldly and you can really really feel like that you are on the rooftop of the world and here we are on the top of the world at Tibetan biker look at his bike and you see you have a really nice cool jacket garuta Tibet beautiful [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] but now we are driving down to the bottom of the lake and then we will be getting another view of the lake and it's color the lake is just stunning it's breathtaking the color the peacefulness of the water and just calmness the glossiness and the Crystal Clarity of the water and do you know it is one of four of the most accurate of the most holy lakened Tibet and there is something so magical so peaceful so harming about it it is unbelievable spectacular so amazing and look at my beautiful yak and he's eating my finger [Music] he is called sintu and he is called chinkang which means King Kong I can feel the wound coming out of the fur oh my gosh this is king of Tibet so beautiful goodbye my friend good boy my friend good boy okay that was spectacular now we're gonna move [Music] thank you [Music] okay that was just a five minute drive from the Viva before what a beautiful family and I'm also really really hungry and I'm also so excited to show you how the Tibetan people here are cooking the traditional food look at all those beautiful yet done so whenever you enter a Tibetan family what you notice immediately is all the dried young dumb which is often the feel in this area because there's not much wood thank you and today they are going to show us how they are going to cook a beautiful Tibetan traditional food wow so this is the living room and step up here and it's like a whole another wall a little Courtyard family Courtyard living area it's a beautiful the Tibetan style and design it's just gorgeous and this is the indoor living room the coziness of this Tibetan houses and home and it's all like a shival blankets and the pillow with a huge Tibetan cabinets the color the design the life of the modern Tibetan Village is so so rich these are some of the best bike sitting sections anywhere ever that's the sweet tea the yak milk sweet tea I would say deep milk sweet tea isn't this place amazing you can enjoy all the way over here the Yum Drop Like The Turquoise link see the color of the lake is amazing so if you can travel with me in Tibet I will definitely bring you here into this Village to experience the local Tibetan life here and to experience the local Tibetan traditional food she takes some of the yard butter put it into and now she uses a blender before they kind of like churned it the tea with hot water it's salt I love it [Music] so this is the real Tibetan butter tree this is the Poetry this is a good stuff and the dishes today are Loco Momo Tibetan Momo Yak radish soup and Santo something which is a barley soup and you know in Tibet we can grow two most common vegetables which are radish and potatoes because of convenient Transportation nowadays they can get every kind of vegetables where they usually cook Ed foreign [Music] and then steamed it for a while and then she just added lots and lots of black tea and that's how it looks like this is [Music] falling let's go inside the house now I think all the food is ready being dished out but we are having some budgeting before we get started that is the poverty that is the polity that is the teeth you can just feel immediately your lips closing the saltiness that's what you need at this elevation oh this is the ultimate warm heart warming food it's the thumper the roasted barley it is kind of like a porridge but the little dumpling noodles in there I have lots and lots of potato and this roasted barley so that's what you want to be eating at 4 700 meter there's some serious yeah fat in this porridge but you need it the carbohydrates that's what you need to survive on here okay next I will fry some of this bread when you pick it up it's built it's heavy but it's like spongy on the top and then really crispy hot on the bottom because of the way she seared it and send it at the same time that weight is stunning and it's Christmas [Music] and now it's time to move her to the soup with the radish and lamb and I really really like radish when it's cooled down it's kind of like melt in your mouth is really tender because the pressure cooked it and cooked it for a long time all the food is really simple but this is local food this is a Tibetan food originally Tibetan food from this region of the lake and it's simple but it's hearty it's definitely cooked with the love this is a good food oh yeah small present for them thank you so much for their Hospitality I really really enjoyed it I love this place with breathtaking scenery breathtaking culture and people and a local man that is really a good foot I really love it and please remember to follow my website so that I can thank you with me to experience this real Rural Life here in Tibet wait baby [Music] [Music] okay so from here we are driving again caroling the lake and now we are on our way to the loneliness Monastery in all over Tibet and I really can't wait to show you guys how beautiful this Monastery is thank you so peaceful here today I would like to share you a very good news with you guys that foreigners can finally can come to Tibet for tourism for the past three years inbound tourism in Tibet has been a standstill but now everything is finally back to normal if you're planning to travel to Tibet this year please feel free to contact us and we will definitely help you out with all documents to travel to Tibet for free charge and for foreigners who are visiting China you need to provide passport plus tourist visa to apply for all needed documents if you plan to travel to Tibet please contact us and please remember I'm the one who can show you the original Tibet with lots of local experience while you travel in Tibet [Music] oh [Music] after driving three hours we finally are here at the most loneliness Monastery and from here we have to do a little tracking to the monastery look at this amazing most loneliness Monastery in all over the world and people say this Monastery is one long one Island one Lake and one Monastery so this is why they are calling it the most loneliness Monastery and I'm so excited to show you this most loneliness Monastery in the whole of the world 1550 meter the Monastery is 700 years old it was founded in 14th century the most loneliness monastery I thought it's a little tracking but to go after that this is otherwise look at this monster this is unbelievable this is another world it is so beautiful inside but sadly we couldn't come inside I'm so sorry for that but please don't worry I really want you guys to come here and explore this most stunning loneliness Monastery in the world next time with me and please remember that we can organize the most amazing spectacular cultural activity streaming Tibet and if you want to see Realty but please contact us I'll have some links in the description box that you can check out and be sure to watch all my videos about Tibet and I'm gonna say goodbye from right here I want to say thank you so much for watching please remember to give this video a thumbs up if you enjoyed it and leave a message and leave a comment below I had love to hear from you and if you are not already subscribed click subscribe now and also click little bell icon so that you get notified of the next video that I published goodbye from the most loneliness Monastery and see you on my next video thank you
Channel: Tibet Travel ( Tibet Vista )
Views: 159,210
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tibet, tibet tour, tibet travel, yamdrok lake
Id: kn4g7MmmMHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 0sec (1260 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 21 2023
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