Explore the JetPack 4.2 Samples on the NVIDIA Jetsons

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hello it's Jim from Jetson hacks comm where we are all about showing you how to develop on the Nvidia jets and developer kits today we are going to show you how to run the demos that are included on your Jetson let's set up our desktop let's turn on our webcam we will run the cheese application there I am hello let's open up a terminal we can right click on the desktop open terminal when you first start up your Jetson one of the first things that you want to explore are the demos that are installed on the system let's see what this baby can do there are two sets of demos the first set is the CUDA samples well let's switch over to that directory let's switch to the samples directory there's quite a few samples this is all sample code as you can see the samples fall into seven categories these samples include all of the source code most of which is written in C++ there's quite a few samples there's probably 50 to 100 somewhere in there let's copy the samples over to the home directory there's a convenient script to copy the samples and let's copy it over to the home directory which is the tilde and let's go home now and you can see the directory here let's open up a file browser and let's open up the system monitor that will tell us how busy the CPU is let's build our samples here's a make file in here all we have to do is type make wow we're back okay we're finished compiling our samples let's take a look over here they're in the bin directory artsy for Linux release and here they all are that's not very useful take a look at them in a different manner most of the samples are named after the director that they are in let's go into the simulations directory these are the demos I usually run here's the popular ocean fft let's run that one and you run it by dot slash ocean FFT there it is you can zoom in and out with the right click on the mouse and moving it rotate it click drag that's a pretty cool demo you can enlarge the window here it's pretty mellow another popular demo is the smoke particles smoke particles click drag to rotate right-click brings up a context menu it's kind of fun another one that abused is the n-body test kind of looks like fireworks let's take a look at particles right-click brings up the context menu reset that's fun working there's all sorts of things you can do with this demo let's go up a directory there are a whole bunch of demos here explore them have fun the second set of demos is vision work samples there are three sets you may have encountered the first one when you opened up your home directory it is this SFM sample bin art 64 Linux release you can see here that we're doing the SFM point cloud that's the first one that you usually encounter the next set are a little bit more buried let's close this we have three sets of vision work samples the vision works SFM which we've already seen vision works and vision works tracking let's go take a look at vision works there's a convenient script located here to copy the files let's put it into our home directory you can see they showed up let's switch over to that directory and make ha see if I could get better these slide ends let's see let's open up our bin let's switch over to our pin directory let's try out the feature tracker we're using a Harris detector we're driving down what looks like the Golden Gate Bridge that's kind of fun let's try something else Oh one of my favorite Hough transforms we had em to switch the source and edges we use Hough transform to try to figure out where the edges are in an image let's see what else there is let's start the video stabilizer [Music] oh this one was fun it takes the image and then tries to remove the shake from the camera that's pretty impressive let's try the object tracker it looks like it tries to figure out the objects that you've outlined by this rectangle it's kind of fun what else you got anyone these things it's totally amazing and then you kind of say well what's the next one let's see motion estimation oh this one my favorites I like this one because it has Dougie's see the doggy it basically detects an object and tries to tell you which direction that's moving let's open up another terminal the third set is this vision works tracking this is included in the vision works samples that we looked at earlier so that gives you an idea of how to run the samples they're kind of scrolled away a little bit hard to find but once you get them up and running they're well worth exploring and it's great to exploit the code if you liked the video give it a thumbs up and subscribe thanks for watching we're out of here feel like a scolding mother subscribe young man [Music] you
Channel: JetsonHacks
Views: 45,065
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: JetsonHacks, jetson nano, jetson nano developer kit, nvidia jetson nano developer kit, nvidia jetson, nvidia jetson nano, jetson nano tutorial, developer, nvidia jetson tutorial, jetson agx xavier, jetson xavier, jetson tx2, jetson tx2i, jetson jetpack, jetpack 4.2, jetpack 4.2 samples, CUDA Samples, Visionworks, VisionWorks samples, deep learning
Id: KROP46Wte4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Tue May 28 2019
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