Explore! Deadliest ghost town Pioche Nevada Boot Hill Cemetery

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welcome everyone to weekend escapades today we are headed to piyoche nevada it is home of the only standing or left-standing gravity-powered tramway that carried ore from all of its mines to its mill and you can see here in all its glory still standing heavy timber this is the gravity tramway and you can see up on the hill uh there is still a lot of cable in or cars that are dangling from this to the stanchions that come out of the ground on the hilltops and down into in across boot hill cemetery where we are going to head over and show you the details on that so let's take a look here at just a few of the mining areas that are still here on the road entering into ph mining cabins uh and maybe uh you know some of these are are the houses or the buildings where they the operators were a little sign that's coming into town tells you a little bit about the history and off on to boot hill cemetery now this is quite an amazing location as well they say here that back in the 1870s during its boom day it was said that 72 men were buried with their boots on before anyone died of natural causes many of the men are said to be buried here right in boot hill cemetery some of the details from some of the locals that have been there for a while i'll say that it was more like 40 but we know how stories grow and get out of control but the aerial tramway you could see right there above all of the areas where people are buried in some of course what i would call headstones i guess made out of wood and carved in there some interesting information too much to list and show you all of those headstones and what are on them um kind of eerie uh to be in a cemetery don't like filming them that much but there are some interesting things here to look at so these are just some of the areas where the boot hill cemetery is it runs down in a line again you can see some of those aerial ore cars that are overhead and a lot of damage from the wind and weather over the winter and we were here last year as well and they picked all these up and set them back up so that they do that every year it seems like off to the left of this area here you can see a lot of iron a lot of intricate iron work around some of these plots not like again i don't like to linger around these areas but these were just some fairly stunning photos i thought to take a look at well this right here was for the chinese workers that were there this is kind of a little monument that was put up i understand that there were many that mined there in ph and again a little bit of a view of those aerial ore cars this is actually quite stunning to look at when you're there to see it in the picture it doesn't do it justice it looks okay and it shows you exactly what it is you can see it headed up the hill and how far this actually went it's amazing that it's still standing and looks amazing some minor shacks that we saw here on our way to the million-dollar courthouse now there's something to talk about this is a huge destination it was built in 1872 originally called the lincoln county courthouse the million-dollar courthouse was basically a 26 thousand dollar budget contract back in the 1870s the contract was broken and it ran the construction up to 88 000 by early 1900 the debt had climbed because of interest extremely high interest in faulting on the payments due to the fact that uh silver and the ore kind of went away the business it went down but it went up to 670 000 dollars by the time it was paid off it took 65 years to pay off this courthouse and it was over a million dollars when it was finally paid off the stairways going up to the top a lot of documents a lot of books a lot of the library it's just a great place to see all original they restored a lot of it you can see here they've got a lot of mannequins and so forth in the courthouse really cool to see we really enjoyed it it's kind of eerie at the same time not a big fan of looking at mannequins just staring back at you there as you can see it looks like the judge up there holding the gavel and this is the jail now i found this the most interesting love old jails this thing is built heavy out of stone you can just feel the heavy timbers in the floor and kind of eerie when you walk in here on the left there's like a really thin hallway that goes back right there and then it goes back behind the cells and that's where they used to hand in food or or whatever they needed inside the wall you'll see a window on the back wall that they did that with so there's kind of a little hallway that's very thin that goes around the back and the doors are very heavy they don't look like solid iron but they were definitely had some kind of a core to them that were really heavy and heavy iron to close them and i was told i've heard that the slats were just big enough uh to where somebody could shoot through those those bars and it has said that the sheriff was uh was a little dirty in this town and when they'd arrest people for uh for mind claim and mind jumping they'd find out and they would actually uh shoot them or you know take their gold or take their claim that gold silver in this area some old lanterns and area there looks like it was the old bathroom that they had in that jail cell for people to go to the bathroom and then again the courthouse is a great look you got to see that and it's really made out of heavy stone in brick and this is right here in town right on the main street you can see all the old signs and things in this walkway kind of hard you got to watch it you might miss this so as you're pulling into town you'll see a little walkway and a lot of old little cabins and things like that it looks like they built this to kind of give it a you know a period look of what it would look like in the mining water wheel there and some old shacks and shovels and pans things like that so interesting but the little outhouse there with a half moon on it but neat to look at and nice to see the stairs are dilapidated there's cement but the there's no edges to them so you gotta really watch your step in here too uh but really nice to see uh adds a lot of ambiance to the town uh for you know of course old west uh kind of themed old telephone booth there of course that's not extremely old west uh but interesting uh this is this is what we really like to see here so this is of course the the haunted hotel and saloon and that is a must-see when you go in here and take a look that is said to be haunted there's a couple of rooms in here room 10 a couple others but that's the one that was known really it's the overland hotel of course that's going up the stairs and this is walking in right here the check-in area for the hotel kind of looks period and dated an amazing bar heavy wood this place had was said to burn down i think it's once or twice and uh the old the old safe there and i'm gonna take you right upstairs uh this is where the rooms are said to be haunted and just kind of take a look up and down the hallways as you can see here the last time we were here we were able to actually go into the rooms and they're all kind of a themed the garden room there was one that they showed us and it was said to be haunted and in room 10. they said they people have been held down in the room uh one story was that a navy seal was in the room uh super tough guy and he was held down and he went running out of the hotel uh and never came back so don't know you know you don't know what the truth is you hear stories from things but until something happens to you firsthand who knows if it's haunted so on down the hallways it does look awfully eerie and i think it would be great or we think it would be awesome to spend the night here but i'm just going to be quiet for a second just look at how quiet it is walking down these hallways just kind of creepy to be honest it just looks haunted but actually it's very nice place but it's just kind of kind of weird to walk the hall by yourself and not see anybody in it and it looks like a scene out of the shining now this is headed back down the hallway i turned around and then back down the stairs and on the way out the silver cafe was a great place we had lunch there really good food uh really really basic really modest uh very casual just a great place to grab a sandwich and enjoy a lunch there or something but yeah very nice place this is looking up and down the street some of the old buildings a few of them are empty it looks like a lot of them are coming back and they're starting to do some more things hopefully a few more tourists and people just like us will stop by and take a look these are the old miners cabins and nice you can see there's some homes on the street but behind the homes you'll see miners cabins this one was right here on the road really neat to see this one it's very very old and the couple up there behind the hill these are behind the houses and this is the park kind of centrally located there in ph some rail cars some mining cars it looks like they're going into an old mine shaft there very cool to see you got to stop by here and on the way home we found this little gem this is modena there is about 25 people as far as population goes this is a ghost town as far as i'm concerned that is the bj lund and company building general merck and hotel this is a railroading town back in 1899 it was known for shipping and supplies in the area and that is a water stop is what created this for the steam engines that went through this area and these buildings are eerie so kind of a ghost town effect for me for sure it is just amazing how they look i wish they could have been preserved i'm sure everybody does what a look this is but just kind of scary and eerie looking good thing we weren't here at night you can see some of the old writings still on the building check out some of the pictures of this area online the buildings were incredible back in the day and on the way out here we're going to take a look at some other old buildings that are along the way some chicken coops and some old homes that are there just a really cool little town to drive through it's just right off the road if this is your first time here be sure to like and subscribe for more like this until our next adventure goodbye from weekend escapades you
Channel: Weekend Escapades
Views: 72,950
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: boot hill cemetery, boot hill, pioche nevada, ghost town, tombstone arizona, things to do in nevada, wild west, haunted hotel, ghost towns in the west, haunted cemetery, ghost town living, ghost towns of nevada, million dollar court house, pioche ghost town, desert town, high desert town, abandoned places, silver mine, gold mine, living in a ghost town cerro gordo, living in a ghost town
Id: K4qUrKI58Ts
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 57sec (717 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 26 2021
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