Explaining EVERY DETAIL of the Pathfinder 2e Character Sheet

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howdy my name is nonat and my hair has a mind of its own if you're watching this this feels important today I'm going to be going over the entire Pathfinder 2E character sheet and explaining every single place you can write something why it's there and what it does this will almost work as a very hyper basic introduction to the system so if you're new yourself or you have some newer players who might want a taste of what they'll look like and the game this is a great video to send them I'm going to be going over everything giving like a one sentence description of what it applies to but I'm not going to be going so deep that I'll be explaining the entire game itself just the player character sheet so with that all set up watch out here comes an ad for about the last year and a half I've pretty much completely switched over to using Opera GX instead of something like Google Chrome it's a lot less resource heavy and has some really cool features designed with the user in mind using their 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for yourself use my link in the description to go and download it I promise it's a game changer my games would lag and my Discord would glitch out when I was using Google Chrome to the point where once I switched to offer GX I could physically feel the difference so can't recommend it enough it's a great program I literally have it right here with my script open on it it's great and if you don't have a PC they also have a mobile version of Opera GX specifically for mobile devices which can be connected to your desktop version to share settings send files and do all kinds of great connected stuff so download Opera GX today and thank you Opera GX for sponsoring the video so we're gonna go top to bottom today with this character sheet starting with the hardest to fill block your character's name if you have it you can name them whatever you want your player name obviously can go into here experience points if you're tracking them go right in the experience points block ancestry and Heritage if you've played other games like Pathfinder are also your race and sub race as they were called in other games so we could be like a snow goblin Goblin is our ancestry snow goblin is our heritage our level over here for a sake of today we're gonna be level one simple as that our background you know backgrounds you can be a soldier you can be a bartender you could be whatever background you chose from your character creation class also pretty obvious we're going to be a fighter because Fighters are easy you just put whatever fighter whatever fighter whatever class you're playing in there size you're either going to be tiny small medium large huge or gargantuan let me tell you 90 of the time you're gonna be medium the other 10 you're going to be small there are no large ancestries though there is one tiny ancestry if you play a Sprite alignment it's the same nine you're used to everything from Waffle good to chaotic evil just pick the one that it's your character as well as any traits typically these are just going to be like Goblin and humanoid dependent on your ancestry your deity is the god you choose to worship so we're going to worship Kate and Kaylan even though I don't know how to spell his name he is just the single best God in the Pathfinder Pantheon fight me uh hero points these are sort of special meta gaming points you get typically one per session sometimes the GM will give you more this is just where you keep track of them you can use them to re-roll a dice or stabilize while dying back over to the left we have your ability scores which once again at least for now follow your classic 10 is a plus 0 12 is a plus one etc etc these are going to range from 8 to 18 everything from a minus one to a plus four you can get over 18 but it takes a long time at higher levels hi like the video and subscribe to the channel this data rate probably isn't accurate for a level one character I just put random numbers in I'm just filling things in to show you how they look a lot of what I'm using here as well is a fancy form fillable sheet that has some Automation in it you can see whenever I put the numbers in the modifier is filled in automatically along with some other things on the screen like our saving throws in armor class I will have a link to this sheet in the description it has been my character sheet of choice if you're not using something like a virtual tabletop or a character building program I cannot recommend this one enough if you're the kind of person who really wants to put everything in themselves your class DC is going to change depending on your class but it'll always be based on your key ability score if we're playing a fighter let's say our key ability score is strength we'll select strength as well as starting in trained proficiency which will automatically calculate to 17. here in the middle we have armor class which has its own calculation to figure it out the cap is always the max dexterity bonus of the item you're wearing so if you're playing say plate mail you have a DEX cap of zero we could be trained in it and if the plate mail say gives plus six to Armor class we would put six in the item bonus leading us to 18. below that you can also keep track of everything your character currently has if we're playing a fighter that means we're trained and unarmored trained in light medium and heavy armor and as you level up and get new proficiencies you can tick the appropriate boxes right below that is your Shield which will show you the amount of armor class you get from raising your Shield how much damage your Shield reduces if you use the shield block reaction your Shields Max HP it's broken threshold which is when the shield can no longer function but it's not fully destroyed as well as your Shield's current HP below all of this we have your saving throws which if you've ever played a game like this is pretty self-explanatory uh if we're a fighter I believe we start with uh expert fortitude expert reflex and trained in will saves which will automatically tabulate but if you need to do it yourself it is proficiency plus the appropriate ability modifier is your total saving throw bonus here on the right you have have hit points hit points are pretty simple to keep track of you have a Max below that you have a current uh if you have something like a spell like false life to give you some temporary hit points you can keep track of those over here as well as your dying and wounded conditions I won't be going over those here but if dying ever hits four you die if wounded ever hits four you also die so if we are currently unconscious at zero hit points we could put dying one which might go up or down and if we get back up we might be wounded one resistances and immunities actually since we're specifically a snow goblin we could put uh one cold resistance in here and if we were something that could potentially be immune to something that would also go here right below that is conditions this is where you would put something like frightened one and maybe even uh persistent damage would go in there that's just to keep track of things that are currently affecting you that are typically temporary we have our movement speed as a goblin I believe we would have a 25 foot movement speed this doesn't change too often unless you take some specific feats if you have more than one movement type perhaps if you have a climb speed you could add that in there as well as its personal speed just in case it's different otherwise unless stated otherwise everybody only has a ground speed under melee strikes this one can feel a little bit intimidating for new players but you're just going to put your weapon or your weapon's name if you're that kind of person or strength base we don't want to rape your uh if we have a great sword and we have we know we have a plus four in strength so we can put that in our strength bonus we are trained with it it's not Enchanted so we don't get an item bonus we know we have a plus seven to our attack rolls we know it deals One D ten points of damage plus four from our strength I believe it is slashing damage we don't have weapon specialization this is only important once your character level seven or higher uh other is if you like Homebrew something maybe it's a special magic item and has some special ability it doesn't and then traits will be entirely dependent on your weapon and I don't know great sword traits off the top of my head so the great sword only has one trait and that is versatile piercing so you can use it for slashing or piercing damage we put this here but if you're weapon at any other traits you can put it right in the trait section as well as a little bit of you know a reminder of what that trait does which can be a little difficult because sometimes weapons can have four or more traits so you might run out of room sometimes if for some reason we wanted to use a dexterity based weapon we can do that you just ignore the strength here on the attack roll and then instead we'll just say you know we'll use a Rapier and even though we don't have a good dexterity if we wanted to use our dexterity of negative one we would just put that here still make it trained you know put the 1d8 damage die of the Rapier you would actually still add strength to damage in this case only Rogues can add decks to damage so it would still be a plus four from strength piercing damage we have no weapon specialization no other and then whatever rape your traits I'm too lazy to look them up rain strikes work the exact same way if we have a short bow we will use our -1 dexterity modifier give it the train proficiency we know it deals 1d6 points of damage if it has anything special like maybe special damage or a special type of ammunition you could put that bonus damage there in special we would know it does piercing we don't have weapon specialization there's nothing other about our short bow and we do know it has deadly d10 along with whatever else it has other is also a great place to put the range increment of your weapon I believe short books have a range increment of 60 feet that's a great place to keep track of what how far that might be and finally at the bottom here we have your weapon proficiencies which if we're a fighter that means we are expert in simple and martial weapons and trained in all advanced weapons which means I've actually done all of this wrong and all of these should be expert not trained and that's weapons really once you set them up they're really sort of set it and forget it unless you get a new weapon or something outright changes the aspects aspects aspects of your weapon this is going to stay this way even if we level up what's really nice about this sheet is because your proficiency gains a bonus based on level if we level up to level four all of our weapon bonuses are going to level up accordingly it all just got that added bonus of increasing my level from one to four but for the sake of today we're going to stick with level one and over here on the right we have our skills depending on your class you'll start automatically with perception everyone in the game either starts trained or expert in perception and then the rest of the skills you'll get some from your class for example Fighters do get trained in athletics and the rest of it will be typically your choice maybe your background I do think we picked the soldier background which also gives trains and Athletics if you ever do get training in the same skill twice you can put it in anything else you want like medicine unlike other games there are no class skills in Pathfinder 2E so when you're creating your character feel free to become trained in whatever skills you want at the bottom here is languages pretty self-explanatory most people speak common you might speak under common maybe you speak or simple as that character creation will tell you how many languages you can speak that's the first page done and the second page once again while it looks very overwhelming here with with all these slots it's really not starting in the top left we have your ancestry Feats and abilities these are Feats and abilities you get from your ancestry see how that works since we're a goblin we know we get dark vision and since we picked snow goblin we know we get cold resistance uh equal to half our level and then we would have picked a first level ancestry feat from being a goblin uh I'll put Goblin lore just because that's the one I can think about the top of my head and if you want to you know you can I think it gives training in stealth and performance um you know you can remind yourself what the feet does there there's enough room to add a little bit of something otherwise it's just the same thing your fifth 9th 13th and 17th level feet skill Feats the only thing you have to worry about at level one is your background because we picked Soldier we get whatever skill feat comes with Soldier so that gives us intimidating glare to start with which by the way this entire time I've been calling it Soldier it's technically Warrior but same idea and then every even level you get a skill feat unless you're a rogue who gets twice as many same thing with General Feats you don't get any any of them until third level but when you do you put them right here on the right here is just where you keep track of every single thing you got at every single level leveling up for a feature for a fighter we know we get a tack of opportunity at level one since we're a fighter we also get the shield block reaction and a first level feat so maybe we took combat grab to go with our crate sword which makes no sense in a build and then you just go like that whenever you level up second level you get a new feat put it there third level you get a class feature put it there all the way down to level 20 nice and simple bonus Feats sometimes over the course of a campaign your GM might be nice and give you free Feats or it might even be written into the game I've played a campaign where my character got a Bonus skill feed that made them better at taming animals if you ever get a feat that doesn't come from any class feature ancestry background or anything like that you can put it right in here I misspelled devilishly don't make fun of me please I misspelled handsome please don't make fun of me how do you spell devilishly and then right below that to finish off the second page is once again big but easy it's your inventory on the left here you have worn items these are items that are in your backpack in your pockets in a pouch but are not readily available you can keep track of how much they weigh if you're the kind of group that uses bulk bulk is just a different way to measure weight in Pathfinder 2E I think it's incredibly sleek and Polished so I recommend it writing items over here on the right are a little bit different in that they are easier to acquire this is a dagger attached to your sheath on the side this is not in a bag this is not in a pouch general rule of thumb is that a worn item takes two actions to get to a readied item takes one action to get to so if you have a healing potion in your backpack it's one action to take the pack off one action to take the potion out if you have a potion in a little holster on your waist it is one action to take the potion out of the holster simple as that ready items are going to be your weapons your probably not your armor armor will still count as worn but anything that you have at a moment's and other items is typically more so for Quest items things that don't really matter where they are you know maybe you're carrying a statue of a goddess somewhere you could also put that in worn items other items is almost just extra space for whatever you might need and then below that we have the automatic bulk calculation from this character sheet it even shows you your encumbered and maximum based on your strength score which is awesome I'm not going over bulk here today but it does do it for you on this sheet and then of course your copper silver gold and platinum which is 10 10 10 10 10 copper it becomes a silver 10 silver to a gold 10 gold to a platinum nice and easy no dirty electrum everything on the third page is entirely fluff it is everything from personality notes allies enemies if you ever want to write down a very specific action perhaps you got a class feat that gave you a new action or you just want to remember exactly how shield block works as a fighter you can add it here in the actions in activity so if we put Shield block we know it's a reactions we'll put an are here doesn't traits if you want to keep track of those 99 of the time they won't matter you there's a spot for the page number if you need a page for where Shield block is which is really really handy if you need to recheck things and then the description which is you know reduce damage by Shield hardness feel free to just use it however you want to word it you can copy paste it but if you want to save some space you can just sort of shorthand a lot of it if that's all you need to remember it and then same thing with free actions reactions I guess I technically should have put Shield block down here because it's a reaction but same difference and the final page is entirely dedicated to spell so if you're not a spellcaster you don't even need to worry about it starting in the top left we have your spell attack roll if we were using Arcane magic and our spell casting ability score was Intelligence like a wizard we would start trained it would automatically add our key ability score to our proficiency giving us our spell attack roll same idea with our spell DC which 99 of the time is just your spell attack roll plus 10. like I said we pick a tradition we can pick if we already prepared Caster like a wizard versus a spontaneous Caster like a sorcerer this box doesn't really do anything it's just helpful for you to keep track of things and then our spell slots per day is our cantrip level which at level one is just gonna be one and most of the time you will probably start with three spell slots in a level one character no matter what spellcaster you are typically and each time you use one you can just reduce it by one keeping track of how many you have left that day and of course you can list whatever spells you have over here we have cantrip so we could have our electric Arc which we do have prepared which costs two actions and I believe it has somatic and verbal components and we know it does 1d4 plus mod to two Targets simple as that and then same thing goes for spells which we could put you know magic Missile one to three actions somatic and verbal components One D four plus one per action easy simple as that just a great way to keep track of the Spells you are using most often and it's great it's nice and like sleekly designed so you can keep track of it looks like probably 30 spells here it's fantastic innate spells are specifically spells that are not from your class these are typically from your ancestry or maybe a special background so if our snow goblin Heritage gave us a spell like some do we would put it here and finally the third type of spell focus spells these are available to some non-spell casting classes and most normal spell casting classes everybody starts with one Focus Point except for one or two classes and then just like any other spell you would put it here like the wizard has Force bolt which is just one D4 plus one damage for one action done and that's the pathfinder character sheet as well as a sort of overview of just what you'll be looking at on a normal game a lot of this is just there to keep things clean and available a lot of the times you'll just be looking at Armor class saving throws hit points and attack rolls and sometimes skill checks and if you need a reminder you can scroll down to your spells and check those out but overall the feet page is there to help you keep track of where and why you got everything which is super nice to have on hand as someone who often forgets what I got at individual levels being able to look back and be like Oh I got combat grab at first level that's actually really nice to know it's just a nice little reminder of why you have everything otherwise 90 of the time you only need to worry about that first page you could even get away with just using the first page and then using scrap paper for everything else like your Feats your abilities your spells Etc it's a great great character sheet in my opinion it's just a little bit overwhelming for new players because of how much there to look at but I promise if you get used to it you will start to really enjoy it or maybe you'll just use Virtual sheets
Channel: Nonat1s
Views: 38,672
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pathfinder, Pathfinder 2e, Pathfinder Second Edition, Advanced Player's Guide, Pathfinder 2e APG, Nonat1s, Pathfinder 2e Nonat1s, Pathfinder 2e Level 1, Pathfinder 2e new features, Pathfinder 2e New Ancestries, Pathfinder 2e Gamemastery Guide, pathfinder character sheet, pathfinder vs dnd, Dnd5e pathfinder 2e, dnd pathfinder difference, pathfinder differences, what's different about pathfinder, how it pathfinder different, dnd ogl, wotc ogl
Id: 2GysbJfeTsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 33sec (1173 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 17 2023
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