Expert Software's Ultimate Game Collection from 1998

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greetings got a blurb here for you about an expert software game collection shovelware shareware pack this is the ultimate game collection 500 games of non-stop fun cd-rom for windows 95 3.1 and maybe dos i don't know never opened it it's from 1998 so probably all windows stuff but you never know with these things this is one of those random finds i believe from thrifting years and years ago and i just never opened it and ran across it again today in a box of my compilations and yes i have boxes full of boxes of compilations like this this is one of them that's sealed and uh look at that it's easy to install isn't that nice doesn't mention dos well just assume it's all windows and that's what we're gonna try and run it on once we open it up oh yeah i was trying to remember like why did i pick this one up because i usually just i like skip over these things whenever i do find them whether it's thrifting or ebay or whatever and uh i if i had to guess it was probably because it had blitzer in the back and that's one of those games that's not one of my favorites or anything i've covered it on lgr years ago it's just one of those games that i remember it left an impression it's not a good game but it was something i had on windows after hours and that's a book that came with a shareware disk just one floppy disk anyway uh let's see what's in here the most games for your money i doubt that there were much much more substantial collections of shareware like shovelware and packs like this in 1998. but hey whatever marketing go for it the oink and one of the reasons i decided to open this today too because uh like i said i was just going through those boxes and like saw this one the shrink wrap was actually shrinking the box causing a bit of damage like it's just you know pulling it all inward you know as as time goes on that plastic tends to shrink or it can anyway that type of cheap plastic like this and i don't expect that there's much in here pretty much never is these okay well there's a catalog and that's about it catalog registration card and the cd itself there we go ultimate game collection ah it's a little different it's got kind of a yellowy tan thing going on interesting it almost looks like it's like a yellowed plastic look beige anyway installing it insert it you do things doesn't mention 3.1 we'll probably run it on windows 95 why not all right registration card cool oh advertising for smart computing pc novice is a magazine or a book it's a magazine all right monthly issues of smart computing anybody ever read that back in the day i don't know if i've ever heard of it or if i have i hadn't paid attention look at this product catalog man expert software they really were kind of a shovelware company but they were also a company they got fascinating releases i mean look they got sonic on here ronald mcdonald people get married he got everything expert software just had it all and that's why i like collecting their releases many of them not all of them a lot of them are true garbage but this one looks interesting with the collection of shareware and such okay now let's see oh man all these home design things i love collecting those as well zoom in a little bit here yeah i got a few of these from expert but yeah so they had a bunch of things that were unique to them where they were developed and then they snapped it up and and decided to publish it but they also had a bunch of things they ended up kind of getting a second run through them and they would put it out as a budget release a lot of sega pc games actually and i've covered that in my sega on pc video on lgr some time ago but yeah i'll be curious what that mcdonald's thing is i've never seen there was an expert mcdonald's like i've got mcdonald land i believe a pc copy or maybe one of the 16-bit micros but that wasn't my expert classic t5 shape you got to have that in your 3d program image bonanza coral reef screensaver angels fonts oh man like a word art pack just in a box i'd love to find that tamper-proof pc protect files limit time and pc regularly internet use yeah all these things that they just stuck in a box sold in stores for relatively cheap man fun times seriously all right here we go games quiz quest i've covered that crosswords and word games i used to have that i probably still do somewhere but i don't have the box anymore chess casino cd 100 amazing kids games it's got a possessive there card game classics oh man 40 games for windows 250 slam till pinball heck yeah got that one that's a actually a pretty awesome package that's one of those where it got another release and then expert picked it up and yeah released it again a whole bunch of things mentioned here look at all these pinball 4000 combat aces crosswords and more a lot of this is junk but a lot of these are pretty cool too absolute pinball there we go that's uh that's worth picking up i don't think i have this one definitely not the expert release corridor seven don't have an expert release of that i even know that expert re-released that hodge hodgen podge can of fodder they re-released that too what in the world great naval battles piranha yeah yeah usually it was like between three and five years later after the original release they would get it and then put it out again for a budget release i mean you know it was a way to get games in a box and in a store like had dust a tail of the wired west i remember seeing that around commander blood yeah that's a a trippy game and here we go these were the ones that i was always interested in i think i own every single one of these from expert software so the sega pc collection so you got sonic cd sonic schoolhouse virtua fighter bug daytona usa garfield in tv land and panzer dragoon man now sega did release them on their own as well but yeah like i said check out that video i've done i was getting to the mcdonald's section here so let's see what is this a mcdonald's okay so there's some mcdonald's stuff but it's not quite what i was thinking it's some different things that are related to that property or that i don't know whatever they were trying to make it so not the mcdonald land platformer that's another thing silly games creating paint stickers and fun card game party card workshop and t-shirt fun that's a lot of mcdonald's things is that six mcdonald's expert software releases in a box for some reason i want to see all of those together has somebody ever collected all six of those please share if you have because that's an absurd collection that i can get behind by anyway that's enough time unboxing let's go ahead and open this up and just look through here briefly maybe test out a couple games i mostly am just kind of interested in the front end and seeing generally what games are on there how it installs them because all these releases do something different pretty much so yeah let's check out the ultimate game collection yes it's packard build time so let's get this going and uh see what it's like have never seen the menus or even if it has menus or what kind of setup it's got going on at all i don't know but there's over 500 count them different games so that's what i want to see oh here we go ultimate game collection high quality artwork with lightning over a planet and very green greenness we can just run it or install it let's install even though i don't have much space left on this computer as a 1.6 gig drive and i think one and a half gigs is taken up so we'll see how big the installation is okay it's complete it didn't ask me anything it's just installing icons so that's not much space taking up at all so apparently there's also a software catalog well you need adobe acrobat sure oh man i haven't seen reader 3.0 in a long time look at this we're so proud of those 3d fonts surprisingly high resolution for you know what it is it's looking like it's just going to be a pdf version of that actual catalog we already looked through still that's kind of cool it's kind of uh like a higher quality version of it with all of the little design components intact it's neat to see them load in look at that zoom in so far all right well whatever game collection oh we good music well just a sound that was it okay well this is uh a little better and worse somehow than i was expecting that's fantastic wow look at all these arcade games good grief that is quite the collection i see a lot of classics and a lot of things i have never heard of dude one casino game a grand total of one when you have like 400 arcade games oh man i'm enjoying this music games b2000 hmm yes it's cool stuff i love how terrible this menu is look at this it's got kind of a 1996 website aesthetic what is with some of the spelling on these things look at that flipped out we'll have to install it i guess okay great we've already got visual basic files not on here wonder if those are on the cd oh dear i hate when this happens like you get a shovelware disc and it's just a bunch of numbered folders not actually named anything useful oh that's so stupid like all the files are at least just hanging around but that sucks yeah there's there's a bunch of them on here so that's good in fact they're all in just d copy those over and we'll put them in windows ah do i want to replace some of them now let's just all right let's try that again uh like you'd think that that installer would just installed it would have copied these over but guess not there we go flipped out it needed it just to run this stupid installer all i wanted to do was see if it was ridiculously capitalized in the program itself too apparently it is so i thought it was okay it's just going to be reversey or something yeah interesting you get like different sizes of a board depending on who you play against let's play against the caveman presumably you cannot pass you have a valid move i don't wanna oh it just starts immediately wow shaggy mane [Laughter] shout out to shaggy maine for putting this one together where does it stick in these games hopefully it's all going into what the same yeah it's all no no it's not is it nope it's putting them all in individual folders in the start menu i was hoping it would put them all in the same one now it's just going to be filling up the start menu with shaggy means whatever the heck there's a game called flux for dos i don't think it's the flux i'm familiar with nope moonlight software sorry about the refresh rate okay oh we got some high res vga going on here looks like i could switch back over to 70 hertz what is this oh oh it's like the ball game that i reviewed yeah not my favorite type of puzzle game i'm melting all right i'm just super curious about these b2000s things what is techno demo for b2000 yes it is a windows thing cool b2000 techno it says it's a game but somehow i'm wondering if it's like a okay like a techno like a music generation thing where you can mix your own stuff or something requires a lot of your system resources and cpu processing power oh man well i'm going to use all 200 megahertz of this pentium one wow this looks pretty cool so i'm assuming this was like a retail program it's just a demo version of it interesting not familiar with this at all okay so it is kind of a mixer audio workstation type type thing because the first thing that came to mind was techno ej i had that back in the day it was 303 craze this is different you're just like straight up drawing on the timeline let's just put a bunch of stuff in here dude i'm enjoying this already okay so you got little loops here [Laughter] so well this is intriguing if anybody knows anything about the complete version of that oh this is only a demo never mind don't tell me anything here double it's all right here i love the demo i did uh then i do want to get the full version yes i do i want this anybody have this let me know i want it i'll buy a physical copy off of you if you got it uh all right so let's see here other stuff man mind games a lot of stuff just classified as a mind game huh you got hangman for dawes and junior for windows let's try the windows version welcome to hangman jr oh dear oh this is not by weed guy or whoever was the other one by i forgot already hey man junior by all student software in modesto california okay um but it's telling you what it is okay that's dumb i feel like i've seen that one on shovelware diggers uh oh yeah okay hounds and jackets jackals jackets what the heck man this is great seek the glitter in the dunes what all right there was a bit of an intro narrative there but it was going by so fast on the title of the windows that i couldn't keep up and dag on it [Music] okay [Music] that's too much for me man all right how about some adventure games what's in here you got depth dwellers oh man all the hugo games of course uh palace of deceit there's a classic for you there we go you know cliff blissinski yes of jazz jackrabbit gears of war unreal lawbreakers fame you know this is it right here i forget how to play it but it can be done it's kind of a icom simulations thing was it icon simulations i don't know but they made like uh all those mac adventure games you're in your cell deep within the castle the faint sound of water dripping comes from above i don't hear it but i'll trust you cliffy you've been here for several days now eating rats and mice well the hang on dude you think i would have tried to do something else before now but i have anything in my inventory okay like what you've seen you can find out what happens tonight j next and you'll have to get the render subversion see the designer's head on a plate and talk to it yeah uh cliffy b's heads on a plate there's just i think a screenshot of that in moby games uh-huh i'm in the east corner of the cell where my bed is along with some food i do have to get out of here oh there's a hole in the wall all right to the hallway nice i get some of that uninvited goodness oh i gotta open it again what does it say ancient script is hard to decipher says something like to the next unfortunate one red means death green does two yellow drains life but leave one the blue leave one the blue you know what it's okay ah man pixel hunting for those little exits ah don't go pushing strange buttons i died uh how the mighty began good times shareware gold edition i like that it makes it feel all premium it's version 2.1 it's good stuff male strip show i mean come on now we got to try that [Music] not what i was expecting but i'll take it what do we do what the [Music] uh huh [Music] because i'm supposed to try to get things to it's like a slot machine i don't know what's going on i am [Music] not enough male stripping all right i'm done with this at least for a video like this where i'm just kind of going through here there's hurl in here we got a demo of gobble i guess is that a demo it's got to be a demo yeah double demo well there you go that just all right it installed it is it gonna run it there we go up and there it went it's not gonna open [Laughter] fine helius i'm assuming it's there goes my lights whatever it's mood lighting i'm assuming that's healy use yeah so they just misspelled it completely this game is all kinds of weird ross's game dungeon i heard about this one oh space pilot i used to like this one as a kit just i have my disc yosemite software this is one of those that i have never been able to find like the full version the registered version which is sad because i i enjoyed this if anybody in the world has a copy of this the full game please let me know or some way to somewhere to find it just cause like i don't know i like i said i have a particular weird fondness for this one even though it's not a great game and there's a lot of games like it but this one man oh well it's not gonna work i have to set it the keyboard i guess i could just use the mouse but it's still not working oh man what the oh no okay fine i guess i'll use the mouse and there's no sound huh up um i pressed something and now it's frozen up what no came back nope there's no graphics and i've actually tried running this under a windows like dos prompt like this before so apparently there's a problem doing that [Music] anyway this is a special collection of programs i'll put a link to this in the description if you'd like to download an iso and check it out for yourself i'll check and see if it's already available somewhere and if not then yeah i'll just make an image real quick and upload it to internet archive because i mean you know it's not really anything you can't get anywhere else but each one of these collections is unique in its own way uh just for its particular selection of games and how it presents them with menus uh or doesn't i don't know what i'm saying anymore anyway that was a stand out for this i do want to see if i can track down a full version of that because that looks fun man it's even got a sim park a demo for that on here it's pretty neat it's quite the mixture of 90s like early 90s on up to late 90s 1997-98 so uh yeah that's it for this blurb i'm gonna call it here even though i could look at these things all day thank you very much for watching
Channel: LGR Blerbs
Views: 82,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: LGR, blerb, expert software, PC, games, shareware, demos, shovelware, compilation, pack, game collection, classic, vintage, retro, DOS, ms-dos, windows 3.1, windows 95, packard bell, software, cd-rom, gaming
Id: 3ndaozA54Wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 21sec (1581 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 11 2020
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