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[Music] hello boys and girls it's a beautiful day here at Timber Ridge just wanted to talk to you guys today a little bit about saves and balls we have with us today Randall runnels he is with Billy Lee's locksmith awesome group of people over there they've done some great jobs for us and we also work with them hand in hand on some gun safes and balls Fort Knox tell you a little on them looked into Fort Knox a few years ago right and decided at that point that if I ever carried saves in a store that's the safe that I want well fast forward to opening Timber Ridge lo and behold there's already a Fort Knox dealer here in Lufkin well I wanted to take advantage of that and work with those guys and I've known the family for a long time as well what do we got here today Randall this uh beautiful Vault right Fort Knox is in the business of selling security that being said they're not just going to sell a box with a lock on it they're going to sell something that's you know going to last you lifetime warranty on them this safe here is the brilliant white it's actually my favorite color um this is a Defender series it's got a little extra fire rating than your average gun say it's actually got the best fire rating that you can get on a good safe at 1680 degrees we can get them in the electronic lock or a dial where you can get a redundant lock where it's either or this safe here it's kind of a mid-size safe it's not the biggest not the smallest so what you you just noticed too is how you're spinning that handle right most of your guns saves you're going to just turn a knob and open it this is where the Vault comes into play right got the extra gearing in the door and extra relockers and things like that pull handles on these because the door's so heavy where you're not pulling from the center of the door this specific safe has the half done configuration to where you only have guns on one side there's multiple different oven configurations that we can get you can get all gun half gun three-quarter guns they even make drawers for jewelry and things like that completely custom he thinks that we order is built to order when we place order they don't just have a warehouse full of prefab safes we have to tell them specifically what we want them every safe that we order that's why whenever we place an order it takes a few weeks to too and that's the cool thing about it though as far as you can get what color you want there's a whole rainbow of colors the color of Hardware that you want on the front of it the look of the front the other thing like as far as the look is one of the things we're going to move over to another safe that we have here that I kind of talked him into bringing in and trying out it's their distressed look right so let's go check this other one out that we got okay so this one is their distressed look right so it kind of gives it a little more of an old school look to it you still get the same quality that you would get out of all of their series like you said this was a the Maverick mattress okay so the Maverick series didn't have quite as much fire rating as the defender but it is more firing than your average gun safe out there it does have the exterior hinges it gives you the option to open the door 180 degrees when the defender is only 90 degrees some people like the look of the Hidden hinges better it just makes it look a little more Sleek like you said the distressed look it's one of their newer styles that they came out with this was one of the first ones that we actually ordered in this distressed I think it looks pretty good though like I said I kind of pushed him on that trying to get something different it is unique and it is different again we've got that Turn Style you've got multi-gun configuration as far as long gun so you've got four different rows of guns that you can stack in there my ignorance here I'd have to look at the sheet to know how many guns it holds but it's a lot shelving I mean everything the fit and finish on the safe is so nice whenever you really stop and look at them that was the opportunity that we had at SHOT show a few years ago whenever I really took the time to look at it at all the different companies right and you start going into the details and the little things that they have that they offer how much better that these guys build us a vault than others so we'll put links to their website you know you'll always be able to come check out these here we're going to head over to your office right to your shop let's go check out see what else there is to offer that's in stock but remember everything's made to order so we can order whatever you want however big you want it however thick you want the steel we can make it all happen so everything on the showroom is for sale and I can special order anything for you they'll do anything custom and I have some more talking points I want to go over about how they're constructed it's pretty cool so yeah and Randall just got back from going actually to the plant where they build them out in Utah Utah we're going to look at including some of that video and we'll talk about some of that more when we get over there but otherwise guys we'll see you over there thank you okay so we made it over to Billy Lee's to check out the other things that uh Randall's got to go in and check it out so you're telling us a little bit about even though he's been here for a long time right so let's talk about that back in the early 1900s Mr ramsager on the locksmith shop here uh downtown Lufkin Billy edwardly which was my uh step Grandpa started working for him once Mr remsegger passed he left his business to Billy Edward which opened this business in 1956. in 84 he passed the business down to Billy Scott Lee his son which was my stepdad and we've been at this location since 84-86 we do anything instead of lock on it would work on it saves cars houses businesses it doesn't matter we just got a lock on it we work on it if you lose loose keys to your car we can definitely come out and help you out there and even got some nostalgic stuff from background yeah right so everything in that case there um is all antique stuff that's been used in this shop at one point or another we have all key machines and some uh ledgers and stuff there from even the 40s that Billy used so that's awesome so when we know that business is great been around forever but the one thing that's really growing and you guys do better than everybody else is the saves the balls right so exactly um you do have the the Fort Knox is what we're talking about but got a couple of things over here that I wanted to share um you've got some smaller stuff so they come in all sizes right and Fort Knox does a variety of ranges and there are some other things you can get too correct yes so this one here is the jewelry safe that I really enjoy the main seller on this one is usually for the women or wives when they don't have to put their stuff their jewelry and things in there husband's gun safe and happen to go in there and get in as a big mess so they could just put this Mount this on a shelf or something in the closet and put their jewelry in there and the start of the day they can just go in there and get their things out for the day you know diamonds are one of the things that we saw it was kind of a over-the-top selling point to me with Fort Knox was at the show they had this this beautiful awesome jewelry set right and it was like you know they went over and it was a it was a pretty color it was a new color it's like a rose gold colored and all and I was like well you know ladies get their own gun safely oh no check this out and you opened the door and it was like wow that just blows me away yeah it is really nice those are 40 inches tall so from the ground they're probably about this tall or so and they've got a shelf up top and a mirror so if someone's getting ready in the morning or whatever you want to put jewelry on and then it has like wooden drawer keep things in they're really nice yeah very secure very safe and I mean as far as very cheesy on the jewelry and be able to take care of it right exactly yeah so got the Fort Knox brand On It lifetime warranty just like the gun safe or gun vaults again all part of the program and different things that you can get so um so let's check out some of the stuff that he's got in stock so hmm we've got some some variety here for sure so you know automatically there's two things that stand out right they're a little different than the others and these two colors are just cool okay yeah twins yeah so uh these are my two favorite or well the wild one is my favorite color but as of right now I'm really liking these two colors um they've got the the brown interior with the beige color shelving on the tan one and then for the ladies this uh baby blue color with a silver interior is really pretty the lights and and these really kick off that color I really like it so we order all of the safes with light kits the door organizers like this and dehumidifiers we do believe in even if it's in a climate controlled area to uh have a dehumidifier in there so your guns don't rust that's very important you know I don't think about that and don't think about how the um especially when it's in a secure concealed environment like that what could happen you know it could be some condensation and committee to get in there so just from opening and closing the door so those are important and I'm kind of partial to the blue I guess we try to you know you can see our colors it's kind of yeah that's true but uh we're gonna call that fde right yeah it really is so but you got something unique with that guy right yeah so this is a redundant lock what this is it's a mechanical lock with electronic override so if anything ever happens with electronics if they fail you can still get in the safe with the mechanical lock a lot of people like that especially when um talking about emps and stuff like that a lot of people want the reliability of the dial but the quick access of the electronics so just just in case because I see so many videos where people will use that dragon or use abbreviations and stuff when you say EMP okay the EMP is an electromagnetic pulse um really the military is the ones that um that came out with this they're using the battlefield sometimes what that does it sends out a pulse and Fries All Electronics and when the game Call of Duty came out a lot of people saw that on there and so they started thinking that they make that might happen I will say the sng electronic locks like this one here it is EMP resistant they they really hammer on those things because when they put them through their uh their testing it would take a lot way more than you could imagine to actually for an empty of actually even affect those locks but some people still don't really trust it so for those people we have the um redundant locks so that you still have electronic but you just have the reliability of the dial and we can always put a dial and several Electronics if you refer to in the kicker of that too right is number one the opportunity or the the chances of an actual EMD affecting your safe right you know we can always we can always imagine but um that's probably not something that'll ever happen right and the other thing is not going to be something that affects the security the safe is still going to be locked and done exactly can't get into it um you know we can order these things they have what's called a AR 500 steel which is abrasion resistant steel that's what that is you can't really cut through it with a grind or anything like that we can put those layers in any of these safes we can make them as thick as you want to as much as as heavy as you want them to be for the fire resistance uh the fire board and stuff inside they don't glue anything in it's all either welded or screwed in there's a gap in between the outside layer of the metal and the fire board so that's kind of like a vacuum seal so it's like taking a a skillet and picking it up off the on the stove it's pretty much you know so there's no clue so you know other guys will glue their stuff in and if 500 Degrees that blue will melt and get all over everything you know there's none in Fort Knox they the bodies are all I have some clips video clips the bodies are all being they're not welded so whenever you look at these these grooves here it's all bent the whole entire sides are just one sheet of metal continuous sheet now they do weld the top on and the bottom one but they're a continuous weld on the inside and out so and then they they do you know make the edges I used to think that was Bondo but it's actually not they actually grind the edges to that oh well that uh bevel stuff so overbuilt by far I mean pretty much that's a thing I mean if you're going to do it you might as well do it right they're entry level thickness of their metal in the body is 10 gauge other competitors their entry level is 14 gauge now that's entry level from Fort Knox I go all the way up to a half inch steel body the entire body and you can put as many layers as you want to AR 500 steel or anything on them so it's it's pretty good like I said they they're definitely in the security business they sell security they don't sell a lock box you know I'm seeing some variety in sizes right like we can you can almost use that thing as a safer yeah I mean it's it's very big all the way down to some smaller and you can see the different like variety as far as different models I guess with the other unit but already that thing is huge yeah so so this one um how it sets so that's another thing is the Gun Slots they are spaced out enough free to fit rifles with scopes on it uh there's other competitors that they say oh it'll fit 50 rifles well there's 50 spots but there's no way they're too close together you can't fit them all in there the whole 26 or 52 guns um so it's either half or full configuration so you can actually change so if I had a ton of rifles then I could literally have two of these instead of the shelves you could or we could take all of those shells out to a continuous shelf I can order anything that's it that would be included in the process safe if you wanted that and you'd actually will hold more than what I say 52 it would actually hold I think 58 with the continuous because you don't have this middle middle bar here that makes sense so any other you know so it almost kind of reminds me of something like Legos you know where you can just kind of change up your form on how you want to completely modular we can do whatever you want they are built in the U.S like you said in Utah all of the steel every part only says it's from the US they don't um they don't bring anything in from overseas they don't build anything overseas everything is built in Utah so so which we'll get into that in just a minute because he just came back from there right um the one thing else I want to mention that that you don't have here but you can get are the same there's a couple different sizes configurations things like that um normally you would build a vault room out of you know fire block or something and a lot of people will line it with steel but you can build as big as of the Vault room as you want order the vault door from me and then we can get you know get it installed for you so we don't actually install them ourselves but we do deliver safes so we can deliver any of these safes that we sell I'll take it as far as you want me to so so you do deliver but you also move current somebody who has a safe or either usually worked on exactly needs it moved that's also for our service of paper so if you already if you already own a safe and you're moving it doesn't have to be Fort Knox if you're moving to a new house you want to take it with you we can come out get the safe move it to the new location install it for you it's not a problem so I got a little distracted here I was looking at this little fella so Fort Knox makes all shapes and sizes right so um it looks like just an average regular little little gun vault box or something of that nature that's full Joker's handy it is um I don't remember the thickness of that metal but it is it's pretty good yeah it's a heavy heavy Little Mix and it's all bent also not welded it's it's formed yeah so and it's got a great look to it got pneumatic opening on it um it's got a mechanical loss you never have to worry about batteries yeah and just push button combination of buttons and it twists and opens so it's a cool little piece so that's something that uh that you can add as far as for a bedside or you know different areas if you need it it's got mounting holes in the bottom you can mount it literally anywhere 3 8 3 8 inch holes in the bottom it's got whole floods in you can just pop those out you can screw it in your car and you know bedside table some like that but they also make different sizes so this is the original size they make what's called an auto for your vehicle it opens from the side have different sizes of that also they have a a rifle box that you can mount under your back seat in your car and it's pretty cool so it's awesome um so let's talk about your trip I'm a little envious on that you got to go out to Utah you flew into Salt Lake yep because the plan is where uh it's close to Salt Lake right yeah well so um it's kind of like the Dallas Metroplex it's connected so aurum Provo and Salt Lake City are all connected Salt Lake we flew into Salt Lake actually stayed in Salt Lake City Utah um and then we drove down south to Orem it was about a 40-minute drive so but it's all connected to Salt City so the mountains were beautiful and those guys up there are they're just awesome they're awesome guys so well it's nice to be able to actually so many of us eggs that are on the market today and balls or whatever whatever they might have out there they want to call them most of them are not made in the U.S well I keep talking about everything about this paint from the U.S so that's not something you can get everywhere else so the ones that you go down to the big box stores and you pick up some of the big name safes that are out there gun brand safes and stuff those are not you know as much as they'll tell you they are or want to say they are you get to dig in they can't back that up yeah not like Fort Knox right and they uh they're in it for the money I think you know they said they sent all their production overseas they're making them cheaper but you know the yeah the prices are cheaper on them but there's a reason for that you know they're just they're the metal on them are so thin and literally most of them you know me as a locksmith I go out and I have to drill them open all the time because the locks fail and stuff I've never had to do that with a Fort Knox the only time I've ever had to go out and drill One open or service them it's because they went through a fire um and the the lock the dial would melt off of them but Fort Knox you you drill one of those open after it goes through a fire and everything and it's still good you know still okay now the other brands pretty much every time we go out when they went through a fire thing and it's burned up you know well one of the things one of the reasons why we partnered with these guys on doing this is anybody can sell safes right so if I want to say if I'm going to say let's say number one it's it's going to be the best on the market and that's what I feel like Fort Knox is and number two why not partner with somebody who knows the business who this is what they do so if this is their business it's what they deal with every day and they're having to go out as locksmiths to work on safes and deal with them every day and this is what they want to deal with this is what they want to promote and push but then of course it's going to be the best on the market so it's it's definitely goes back into there's a few things that I've used this on especially some of the stuff that we carry or we deal with the whole buy once for our once analogy and or you get what you pay for you know you're it does there are some things in life and some products on the market that that's what the way works unfortunately and and vaults and saves are one of those so some of the other so some of the cheaper stuff may be good enough and I bet Randall can get you something else as well you know if there's a price point that you want to be in um I'm sure we can get you taken care of but you know when you want the best the best that's out there you want a Fort Knox and that's exactly right I mean there's other brands that I I can get I can order for you whatever but if I'm going to recommend something it's going to be this because it is the best and they have the best warranty too so it's more of an investment you're paying for that warranty to where you know your house burns up you know they'll send you a new safe or you know if you have any issue you can call me or you can call them or whatever and they'll they'll send me out and we can figure something out but like I said I've been doing this for 12 years and I haven't had any issues out of them other brands yes we we have to go out all the time and service them and drill them open for people because the locks on old stuff but I mean all the way down to the little details and these saves the bolt Works in them um it's just heavy duty it's got the re-lockers on the doors a lot of states don't have that hard plate the entire door has hard plate on so okay so hard play is um it's still that they put in front of the lock to protect it from anyone trying to drill it open or anything um we have to to drill through we have to have special bits and actually it's like a drill press that we have to use have to have drill points and things like that to be able to defeat the lock to get them open uh on other brands and things now some brands do use the hard plate both they'll only have like uh maybe 40 percent of the door has far plate in it Fort Knox is the entire door so and they have free lockers running through the entire door they're the only ones that I've seen to actually have that in real life the entire in the entire industry so what's a rewalker re-lockers are the spring-loaded um cold rolled pins in the door if someone tries to cut into the safe or you know knock the lock off or something it'll throw that re-locker and you cannot get in it and and there are different places throughout the interior of the door other brands some of them do have free lockers but they'll only have one and it's on the lock itself but Fort Knox has they'll have multiple one on the on the lock itself a few on the door throughout they'll have like a cable running through the door so if for some reason that gets snagged or something when someone's trying to break in It'll re-lock like on the top or the side so it's really worse yeah it's it's really secure really secure is there any other other points or something that you picked up out there that was that we don't know about um main thing is that fire protection is just really cool how they do that um you know that thermal barrier you know it's really cool they're the only ones that do that and and they're the only one says don't glue anything you know um it's just really cool well uh man we appreciate your time on being able to come out letting us come out and talk to you about these these awesome units and uh again you can check out these colors come in and check out come into their showroom here and um make sure you come by Timber Ridge and look at the ones we got there and then uh feel free to come over here we try to keep a a book there in the shop too that you can flip through and see some of the stuff that they have here yeah it's not not real far for uh for you to come over and check these guys out too so again he can get you set up with delivery move it do whatever we got to do to get it taken care of or load you up and let you go there's one more thing it's really cool that they just started this past year that I forgot to say in the state of Texas you don't have to pay any tax any taxes on gun safes so the price that's on that sheet is what you'll pay no extra taxes is there anything like that yeah so yeah tax-free weekend every day all right he's great living in Texas yeah there's there's some blessings for sure so well that's awesome yeah it's a little thing to keep in mind for sure and uh you know let us get you taken care of uh between us there at the shop or we'll pass you over to Randall Randall and his career and we'll do get you fixed up on for your new ball and make sure your stuff's secure so thanks for tuning in with us today guys don't forget to subscribe to our channels and like and share please we appreciate it guys take care yeah thanks guys 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Channel: Timber Ridge Outfitters
Views: 14,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: bHXl_PmRKzA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 55sec (1675 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 27 2023
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