Expedition 65 Soyuz MS 19 Launch - October 5, 2021

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[Music] you are looking live at launch pad 6 at site 31 at the baikonur cosmodrome in kazakhstan where it is early afternoon where a soyuz 2.1a booster stands fully fueled and where the watch phrase of the day is lights camera action a veteran russian cosmonaut a veteran russian actress and a veteran russian film producer director are poised to blast off less than 40 minutes from now to deliver a new soyuz spacecraft to the international space station the soyuz ms-19 and to film elements of a movie titled challenge as part of an agreement between the russian space agency ross cosmos and moscow-based media and production companies good morning from mission control houston and the international space station flight control room where another unique chapter in the expansion of commercial space activities is about to be written 49 year old russian cosmonaut anton shkaplerov about to begin his fourth flight into space flanked on his left aboard the soyuz by 38 year old film producer director klim chapenko and on his right by 37 year old actress yulia parisild shipenko and parishild will spend almost 12 days on the orbital outpost filming scenes for the aforementioned movie challenge they will return to earth on october 17th kazakhstan time for a landing in the soyuz ms-18 spacecraft with veteran russian cosmonaut oleg novitskiy who will be a subject in the movie that they're filming on board and who has been in orbit since april shkaplerov will remain on the station until next march returning to earth in the soyuz ms-19 with nasa astronaut mark vande high and russian cosmonaut piotr dubrov today's launch will push gapler off paris field in chipenko on a fast track to orbit rendezvous to reach the international space station a little over three hours after launch with a docking schedule to the rassvet module on the earth-facing side of the russian segment of the station there they will be greeted about two hours after docking by the new station commander thomas pesquet of the european space agency and the rest of the expedition 65 crew perisild and shipenko will not be expedition crew members but rather space flight participants under the terms and agreements for the execution of their film making mission the expedition 65 crew is awake they have had their daily uh planning conference with centers around the world and they're ready to watch the launch on a feed that will be uplinked to them from mission control here in houston and then several hours later greet the new arrivals to the station that will expand the population of the station from seven crew members to ten crew members [Music] shkaplerov perisild and chapenko flew from their training base at the gagarin cosmonaut training center to the baikonur cosmodrome in kazakhstan about a week and a half ago this past saturday on a gorgeous morning in the central asian desert the traditional roll out of the soyuz booster and the soyuz ms-19 began from the integration building to which the elements of the soyuz had been mated over the course of the past few days for launch operations at site 31 it is a short trip from that integration building to the launch pad only about a 30-minute rollout the rollout again taking place under cool conditions very cold conditions for an early october morning in baikonur as the soyuz slowly made its way uh horizontal on the rail car that is traditional to reach the launch pad where hydraulics then lifted the soyuz 2.1a booster to its vertical position allowing technicians to begin hooking up data lines electrical lines and fuel lines for the final processing of the rocket over the past few days while we're watching the video of this uh roll out of the rocket this past saturday to the launch pad we can tell you that uh the soyuz was fully fueled uh about four and a half hours ago the crew arrived at the launch pad uh some two and a half hours ago uh climbed uh aboard uh we'll be seeing a launch day activity b-roll coming up a short time from now about 10 minutes from now on our feed from baikonur again you can see the hydraulics off of the rail car lifting of the soyuz booster to its vertical position again this occurred this past saturday once uh they climbed aboard the spacecraft earlier this morning shkaplerov chapenko and paracel conducted leak checks on their socal launch and entry suits and everything was reported to be in good shape for liftoff that is scheduled just 34 minutes from now launch time is 3 55 and 2 seconds am central time 4 55 and 2 seconds am eastern time 1 55 pm at the launch site at the baikonur cosmodrome once the soyuz was vertical on the launch pad the gantry arms swung shut around the vehicle to enshroud the spacecraft allowing the technicians to begin hooking up all of the critical connections for data for power and for fuel that enabled them to begin the final few days of processing of the soyuz for launch that is coming up a short time from now huh once again this is video that was captured this past saturday down at the baikonur cosmodrome in kazakhstan as you can see the gantry arms swinging a shot to enshroud the vehicle that allowed the technicians to begin their final processing of the spacecraft [Applause] at the time of liftoff coming up this morning at 3 55 and 2 seconds am central time the international space station will be flying 260 miles over southwestern kazakhstan the iss will fly directly over the baikonur cosmodrome 33 seconds after launch its trajectory allowing it to leapfrog ahead of the soyuz as the soyuz climbs toward orbit it will take eight minutes and 45 seconds for the soyuz to reach its preliminary orbit now you see video yesterday from the state commission and the final remarks of the crew to the state commission as they pronounce their readiness for launch and now the microphone is given to mr ragashnikov i'm sure that well oleg is a professional cosmonaut and the guys i'm sure they're looking ahead for a future high orbit in their professional activity thank you thank you very much i know and now we're back live at the baikonur cosmodrome in kazakhstan as those gantry arms have begun to retract exposing the soyuz 2.1a rocket which is fully fueled venting liquid oxygen as it is being replenished the vehicle will go on internal power shortly before launch the soyuz is a three-stage rocket again it will take eight minutes and 45 seconds for the soyuz spacecraft with the crew inside the descent module or the center stage of the three sectioned spacecraft they are strapped into their seats with shkaplerov in the center seat as soyuz commander flanked on his left by klim chapenko and on his right by yulia parisild once the soyuz separates from the upper stage or the third stage of the soyuz rocket the solar arrays on the soyuz will deploy almost immediately along with its navigation antennas and the chase will be on automated rendezvous operations will begin almost immediately to meet this two-orbit fast-track approach of the soyuz for the docking that is scheduled at 7 12 a.m central time 8 12 a.m eastern time [Music] you're hearing some traditional russian music that is being played for the crew on board by the launch conductor at the block house in baikonur site 31 is being utilized for soyuz and progress cargo mission launches to the international space station while gagarin's launch pad site 1 is under renovation and reconstruction [Music] people are fond of asking about mascots the zero g indicator mascots that usually hang over the center seat of the soyuz there are two that you may catch a glimpse of assuming we have in cabin television you see a picture of them on the left is a toy cheetah that anton shkaplerov's daughter gave to him as a zero g indicator and mascot on the right uh is a baby bird that yulia parisield contributed also a symbol of the charity fund that she's a part of both of those mascots will be hanging over anton shkaplerov in the center seat of the soyuz as zero g indicators during the climbed orbit and their arrival in their preliminary orbit to begin the chase to catch up to the international space station [Music] the call sign that you'll hear from mission control in moscow for anton shkaplerov and his soyuz vehicle is astraeus which is an astrological deity in greek mythology associated with the winds so you'll be hearing that call of a call sign for soyuz ms-19 from launch to docking and ultimately for the return home next march when shkaplerov will be joined by nasa astronaut mark vande high and russian cosmonaut piotr dubrov van de hyun dubrov will be returning to earth in late march to complete some 355 days in space [Music] [Music] you can select any displays copy selection of any display is allowed we are at t-minus 27 minutes and counting again the gantry arms have retracted you can see buttressed up against the side of the soyuz rocket are two umbilical towers that continue to replenish fuel and electricity for the vehicle before it goes on internal power at about the t-minus 30 second mark one of those umbilicals will retract at 15 seconds later at about the t-minus 15-second mark the second umbilical will retract that will initiate the launch start sequence for engine ignition the turbo pumps will come up to flight speed the hold down posts will retract and soyuz will be on its way this i am monitoring for the views ready message on the display for casu for the entry system and the uh could you please confirm there is a power going to acceler accelerometer e3 and e5 affirmative bobby [Music] is [Music] we'll be standing by here momentarily to receive a video b-roll of the crew's activities in baikonur earlier today [Music] and there we are this is uh the traditional walkout from the cosmonaut hotel in baikonur paris healed on the left shkaplerov beside her and capturing all of this on his phone the producer director klim shipenko crew posing for pictures boarding the bus to take them to the site 254 integration building for their suit up yes this is the narrative for the movie that we're about to film up there we didn't forget to take it with us [Applause] the cosmonaut hotel and there you see the crew having suited up to have an opportunity to talk to their families and to officials in attendance down in baikonur um [Music] obviously in good spirits uh the equipment that shipinko will be using to capture uh paracels during the filming of the movie on board the international space station was launched to the orbital outpost on a previous progress resupply mission good morning [Music] [Music] i think [Music] director for the movie challenge that will be shot on board the international space station the premise of the movie is that uh portrays a surgeon being launched from the station to perform uh an emergency procedure [Music] on board [Music] [Music] scheduled 15 [Music] [Music] [Music] well great job once again you're watching a video that was captured a few hours ago down uh at the integration building at site 254 where the crew suited up [Music] is is [Music] today i believe my producers cannot see me right now okay please hurry up hello please definitely [Music] um [Music] see my cap is right there i took it out [Music] yes show us the heart everything will be just fine um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] so guys we're always with you [Music] and uh shortly thereafter the crew did their traditional walk out from the 254 immigration buildings [Music] [Music] flight level where they entered their soyuz spacecraft and the hatch was then closed the checks were conducted foreign [Music] a little bit lower like this hi guys [Music] foreign more time [Music] come back soon guys and that was video shot earlier this morning of the crew's launch day activities including their suit up and arrival at the launch pad where they have been strapped inside the descent module now for about two and a half hours undergoing systems checks and communications checks with flight controllers at the block house in baikonur and at mission control in karayoff on the outskirts of moscow the countdown is less than 11 minutes now until launch everything is in readiness the soyuz has been fully fueled all systems are in good shape the skies are clear and the clock ticking backward toward liftoff at 3 55 and 2 seconds am central time 4 55 and 2 seconds am eastern time at the launch site in baikonur 1 55 p.m will be launch time [Music] and the appropriate strains of rocket man being piped up to the crew for the final minutes of this countdown as we approach the t-minus 10-minute mark this is lunch late five-minute readiness is announced close your helmets copy closing helmets five-minute readiness flight recorders have now been activated aboard the soyuz ms-19 [Music] is directed on s3 1 and 3. [Music] and a view inside the descent module a good view of yulia parishild in the right seat to her left in the center seat is soyuz commander anton shkaplerov about to begin his fourth flight into space [Music] [Music] helmets are closed and rescue eight kaisers are ready copy mouth [Music] is [Music] coming up on the t-minus seven minute mark a special key uh is inserted uh into a start component on the block house in baikonur the camera is directed at a 1 and 2. [Music] once again at the time of launch the international space station will be flying over southwestern kazakhstan and will fly directly over baikonur some 33 seconds after launch ultimately leapfrog leapfrogging ahead of soyuz during its trajectory at the time of third stage shutdown and spacecraft separation eight minutes and 45 seconds after launch the soyuz will be some 1200 miles behind the international space station and the chase will be on launching into a very narrow 14.6 degree phase angle think of it as moving on to a very narrow lane on a highway to permit a two-orbit rendezvous in just over three hours between launch and docking to the international space station coming up on t-minus six minutes and counting [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] one minute readiness is announced everything is according to the schedule i will provide the commentary of the launch this is us day one copy all uh everything is good on board we are ready for lunch so here's commander anton shkaplerov reporting back to the block house in baikonur that the crew is ready to fly coming up on the t-minus five minute mark on board systems will soon be switched to onboard control cockpit displays have been activated the crew members will close their helmet visors putting them on suit oxygen [Music] nitrogen [Music] and the fuel lines and other elements of the rocket engines are being purged with nitrogen that fireproofs the engines by removing vapors of fuel and oxidizer [Music] t-minus 4 minutes 30 seconds and counting [Music] [Music] within the next two minutes propellant drain back will occur that will allow the soyuz 2.18 booster to have the right amount of fuel for its first stage performance and booster propellant tanks will be pressurized [Music] unintelligible [Music] everything in readiness t-minus three minutes and counting [Music] the purging of the fuel lines now complete the ground propellant feed will be terminated moments from now [Music] booster propeller pressurization initiated [Music] [Music] t-minus two minutes and counting [Music] so [Music] less than 90 seconds to launch the ground propellant feed now has been terminated the soyuz about to go on internal power [Music] t-minus one minute [Music] [Music] ground propellant he terminated and the first umbilical now retracting [Music] t-minus 19 seconds the second umbilical now retracting this initiates the auto sequence start for engine ignition second umbilical tower separate engine engine ignition turbo pumps coming up to flight speed and liftoff liftoff of soyuz ms-19 with an actress and her producer beginning a journey to the international space station [Music] 33 seconds into the flight the international space station now flying directly over the bike in our cosmodrome [Music] arcing out to the northeast to an orbit 51.6 degrees inclined to the equator 50 seconds into the flight the pressure in the temperature is nominal one minute four seconds into the flight everything looking good now passing through maximum dynamic pressure on the vehicle [Music] well everything is good onboard 70 seconds into the flight the flight is nominal [Music] so we are feeling a little bit of vibration and uh g loads are also felt anton shkaplerov with the pointer to his left klim chapenko [Music] the first and second stage thrusters are firing nominally 762 is the pressure in the thermal control loop copy nominal this vehicle stabilization is good vehicle stability reported from the block house in baikonur the soyuz 29 miles in altitude 35 miles downrange from the baikonur cosmodrome traveling almost 5 000 miles an hour two minutes 40 seconds into the flight so we have the automated descent flag copied a good view vehicle stable good motion control parameters as we pass the three minute mark into the flight we are seeing the video from the external camera 200 seconds into the flight second stage shutdown will come at the 4 minute 37 second mark into the flight this view from camera on the upper stage of the soyuz 2.18 booster [Music] 220 seconds that's three do you put any we could be loud and clear everything is good on board the crew is feeling fine thank you [Music] passing the four minute mark into the flight all the reports from the block house in baikonur are excellent performance by the soyuz all systems are nominal onboard four and a half minutes into the flight standing by for second stage shutdown and we have second stage separation soyuz traveling almost 10 000 miles an hour 97 miles in altitude 287 miles downrange from baikonur 15 seconds into the flight [Music] third stage performance reported to be normal as we hit the five minute 46 second mark into the flight three minutes of powered flight remaining third stage is working stable he's stable [Music] 360 seconds of flight roll pitching your nominal third stage performance continues uh to be excellent six and a half minutes into the flight all systems are nominal copy what 20 seconds of flight yaw pitch and roll all reported to be nominal at the 7 minute 15 second mark into the flight about a minute and a half of powered flight remaining 46 seconds into the flight one minute of powered flight remaining soyuz continues to fly straight as an arrow everything in good shape applied for please have power car ready [Music] for 80 seconds of flight parameters are nominal do you have the people the car ready five seconds of flight is public already eight and a half minutes into the flight about 15 seconds away from third stage shutdown and spacecraft separation get ready for separation [Music] 520 seconds of flight and third stage shutdown is confirmed and spacecraft separation confirm third stage separate next step will be the deployment of the solar arrays that you now see unfurling [Music] and we now have confirmation of the deployment of the solar rays and the navigational antennas as planned and we copy and good day to you we are ready to listen to your report about how are you feeling guys moscow this is us 301 we're feeling great everything's working nominally we're working for page 35 third stage separation went nominally and cadet with rusted repress is no longer eliminated and we are closing valve one and two please move on to page 35 and that's going to be table 3.2-1 so it was a flawless ass into orbit for the soyuz ms-19 everything went by the book liftoff occurring on time at 3 55 and 2 seconds am central time which was 1 55 p.m at the launch site the baikonur cosmodrome eight minutes and 46 seconds later third stage shutdown on the soyuz 2.1a booster and soyuz separation from the third stage with the solar rays and navigational antennas having been deployed the chase is on a quick two-orbit rendezvous upcoming for anton shkaplerov klim chapenko and yulia parisild [Music] sr pressure is 815. bare pressure it's going to be in five minutes astray mcc moscow [Music] and um please monitor the process so the soyuz ms-19 and its three occupants including a veteran russian actress and her producer are heading to the international space station where they will spend the next 12 days filming a movie titled challenge we're about 43 minutes away from the start of the automated rendezvous sequence a series of pre-programmed engine firings that will raise the soyuz altitude to match that of the international space station this uh fast two-orbit rendezvous is the third being executed as we watch uh some of the launch replays coming to us from baikonur please select uh rendezvous or approach uh display copy docking is scheduled at 7 12 am central time 8 12 a.m eastern time as the soyuz ms-19 makes its way slowly but surely for a link up to the rassvet module on the earth-facing side of the russian segment of the international space station we no longer have indicator mode illuminated and i confirm oscar built bobby two and two one [Music] for the measurements from this is mission control houston with the three occupants of the soyuz ms-19 now well on their way to the international space station following a flawless launch this morning from the baikonur cosmodrome in kazakhstan everything went by the book no issues a flawless ascent to orbit with spacecraft separation occurring 8 minutes and 46 seconds after liftoff with the soyuz now chasing the international space station we'll offer this programming note we'll be back on the air a little over two hours from now at 6 30 a.m central time 7 30 a.m eastern time for rendezvous and docking coverage docking scheduled at 7 12 a.m central 8 12 a.m eastern time and we'll provide all of that to you here on nasa television so for now don't wander far we'll be back shortly in just over two hours with our rendezvous and docking coverage as the soyuz ms-19 makes its final approach for link-up to the international space station in the meantime we'll bid you farewell for the moment and be back shortly this is mission control houston you
Channel: NASA Video
Views: 31,380
Rating: 4.929368 out of 5
Keywords: nasa, International Space Station, ISS, Roscosmos, Expedition 65, Soyuz MS-19 Launch, Yulia Peresild, Kim Shipenko, Anton Shkaplerov
Id: oqIEdEWKB4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 49sec (3349 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 05 2021
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