EXOTIC ASIAN FRUITS MUKBANG | First Impression (Rambutan, Durian & More)

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what's up thinking gang you stay and it stank thank you thank thank you thank thank you what are we doing eating baby ever got what I say I can't believe that just happen but tastes gonna pick it up anyway like wow well it's really what are we in baby girl I don't know cuz you know today I think well we call it like exotic fruit Asian fruits from the Asian food market some of these fruits are very expensive this bunch of fruits cost lumen I a whopping sixty seven dollars six dollars for some fruits y'all my fruits I get them three four five dollars but it smells like $65 it smells heavenly right now like it just it's all in my nose some of them smell heavenly Dury and if you don't talk about but we'll get to that later on so we're gonna go through these fruits my dare you ready to go yeah I'm gonna move this out the way now that you guys have seen the beautiful presentation and it will go one by one alright people so we're gonna start with a dragon fruit this is very pretty it's so pretty would you like to cut it no to know this color comes out of nature's it's crazy no I've never cut one of these four so we don't have the sharpest knives right now y'all because we use these knives a lot and I'm definitely do to get Lu a beautiful knife said I've been promising her that so so I'll just cut it like normal I don't know watch it I'm gonna cap this first and cut it Wow look at how beautiful it is inside people I've had where this is probably the only one I've tasted before you want to cut that oh my god and this is all its natural color wait this guy's can I cut some more you do what you want meantime hopefully you guys can see that look at that very beautiful to me dragon fruit is pretty tasteless most taste and I like it because it's pretty tasteless well you killed that off yeah so this offer I think I would not have done that this has no it's smells pretty alright so yes this is the final thing once more and you ready no it's me so okay oh wow I don't smell like to you i lo it smells like papaya to me oh my god Oh you ready who answer it very good site slightly sweet slightly sour but this light is a slight as it's so subtle it has almost no taste and it's really good dressed up with other things how you feel gives me it gives me Kiwi texture mm-hmm like I just bit a Kiwi but you're right it's kind of like it's not flavorless it definitely has its own flavor so obviously how can carry with other things when you get to the middle taste a little bit sweeter that's really good that's beautiful it's more beautiful than good to me but yeah to know this edible die me I can use this to plate up something that's so pretty mmm that's good that's a beautiful fruit who discovered this and said hey let's eat it interesting one two five three three oh yeah I thought I said what's in for a second it tastes more like tastes like ala al says however it sounds like yeah it's it's like a hint of autumn no not to me if you've ever since the aloe vera aloe vera taste horrible that I give a four I really like that now the next thing we have a are called these are called but then apple banana apple banana is also called I want to say a lot to nan bananas when I licked it up um I'm gonna put interesting facts about each of these fruits that I can find on the side so you know you know tale or educational around here it'd be yes educational so hopefully we're eating this fish right cuz after this we're really not sure why we're kind of winging it to the best of our ability loo look this one up you said babe yeah I didn't toss someone its eat it or just slice it to make it pretty but this one's a bit ripe it seems as you guys can see they smell just like regular bananas you ready one minute your banana it's a it's not you know what I like this more than a banana because bananas have a weird aftertaste to me that I can't stand this doesn't have it this is really good you see what I'm talking about how bananas give me that like sharp aftertaste is it just means it's very no no but mellow banana apple banana my sister can eat these he's allergic what do you rate this one you clearly like that one out of five yeah you get a surprise another four cuz I was really good but I don't like bananas that much but I like that bonus I like only bananas in my frosted face shout out if you cut up okay um shout out to everybody that cuts up slices of banana in the frosted flakes it's the movement alright next we have a Korean shingo pear now apparently the pears are like given I'm not sure for this particular parent but this pair was pretty expensive I've never bought a file up here before so you give these as gifts in the culture beautiful that's so it's kind of like what I did with you when I first met you yeah when Lou first members what did you bring to the house I brought a huge avocado and a bouquet of herbs and my view a bouquet of herbs on that just no no ziplock herbs a bouquet like you know it would look like I was just looking at her like crazy and my my roommates were looking at her like Oh cuz my roommates are feminine I was I'm more boyish and that sense and they were like right it was literally like like like the nurses it's really it really was um I was panicking on the way it's not the first time meeting today at her home and I was like okay obviously me being a Southern woman that I am I can't just come and be handed so I went to the market and I got a huge avocado and some herbs so they can cook with them in my absence it me being the city boy that I am I was like go to hell you better booze nobody's been hurt so I offer this pair to you oh thank you half of my hair she's got a big butt let's go yes just took like some type of Wow it is like some high top show mm it's like a subtle like the Asian foods are supposed to really taste like like our furs are probably pump what hormone so sweet yeah this is a subtle yeah would you do this a fact it's my identify for me to the so subtle or not never chased it into winters before I mean I have butterfingers juicer home let's go for that flat peach I never seen nothing like that me either this is good like look at yeah isn't this too cute look at this isn't this nice to you that's not an accident you guys this one looks just like it like they are purposely flat this ain't no Jojo peach now no definitely not no Georgia Peach this is a Cali feat shout cuz you know the guys that look like the Bronx there's a Bronx P you guys I'm gonna be classy hmm okay I tried that cuz there's a whole national that was stupid let me just bite it is more than exact when oh my god that is too like my childhood my mom is gonna be the ones with the fur on it a little bit of fur a peach some nectarines have that two nectarine do how do ya know nectarines are actually the really um they're really smooth yeah peaches I was I used to gonna confuse nectarines peaches but my favorite was the dark dark plums but this is really good finish a five that gets a five for me too because it's not too sweet again been super juicing I almost broke my tooth right into that I want to say I'm getting the sugar rush but I'm not sure cuz it's not that sweet but it's delicious alright y'all this is a Korean melon so I don't even think this looks a little hard to use this would look like a cantaloupe it is a melon oh there's about to be lit this look like channel I love cantaloupe look at this yeah Korean melon you scoop that out oh my god it smells like a camel oh it's good yes but it does not look like a candle off on the inside look how juicy that is I'm about to see you know juicy that is yo that Wow please excite me look at all those seeds we could replant all of those that's the beauty of nature [Music] Wow mess with the Korean melons no don't make fun of my knife skills I've been doing this all my life and I've been good all my life I never noticed that you guys if you notice baby cut this off you need to Caribbean people cut in their hands let's just put like that they don't cut a whole big-ass pumpkin into a small mince without even putting it on a boy too sweet no it's excellent I just feel like my tongue sign it's a little bit it hurts something what do we have Jen's did you learn to turn stems skins like I'm Linda apples Guinness tasting like I said it's gonna Apple no really any skins as far as we know where the emergency room is oh that's cute go on we only haven't tasted that's another pair so let's try that oh you know it could be the pair less mess how about that I think is actually 2 pairs we're gonna skip the next pair because that's the only thing she had that's you know knit yeah I'm thinking mister pair in a moment I've been into like oh well I hope I don't have a logical answer all right let's go to the most interesting one we're gonna skip on right ahead to the main attraction because I want to know what this tastes like this is I'm not gonna pronounce right probably but it's called rim booting rambutan rambutan rambutan I don't know I'm gonna try say all the ways I could think I can have you set so be careful cuz oh good I wasn't supposed to feel that yeah but it's okay I just want to pop this off I just want to get your attention Haley a good a good no that looks so beautiful this reminds me of what again it would look like well you know my people from my side of town are you gonna try to yeah some of em yeah yeah what happened do the dogs bite you did the cat displace you can't just part hell out of me you see the dog and a cat that acted out today over here I don't know why there's a seat in the middle you don't know that tastes good I don't think she's feeling it yeah it's no good up but it's good it sounds great it tastes like a great it leaves just like a big great mm-hmm thank thanks about the witness me have a hole here you can't eat it oh no don't need any more oh it tastes just like the drinks I've had with it there's definitely now I understand what it really tastes like it tastes like a grape to me you're like a really good Grails well don't do it like a grape to me great has more of a creamy taste to me Laura breathing hard job hopefully we can make it to the last one but we're gonna wait two parts to to eat the main attraction because we gotta give my baby a little break you know her bad guy should not eat up here the pear seems to be F my baby up apparently that was the wrong gift to give her what are let me let me show y'all the main attraction this is the durian so y'all comment eat this open this pink thing oh listen it hurts it's gonna smell that way I feel like I smell mango babe my baby has best milk like for smells cuz this thing babe sniff it please you don't smell that it smells like a rotten mango not a mango like a rotten mingle it look at her laughing comment below you guys look cute you guys want to see us eat this during cuz you eat forever open it for y'all hear the comment section No see y'all part 2 peace
Channel: Tae AND Lou
Views: 1,458,574
Rating: 4.7994757 out of 5
Keywords: tae and lou, mukbang, exotic fruit, exotic fruits, asian fruits, fruit mukbang, exotic fruit taste test, exotic fruit asmr, mukbang asmr, exotic food, fruit, exotic mukbang, vegan mukbang, asmr fruit, fruit asmr, dragon fruit, exotic fruits asmr, asian fruits name, exotic dragon fruit, fruit mukbang asmr, asmr exotic fruits, southeast asian fruits, weird asian fruit, southeast asian fruits reaction, exotic fruits in malaysia, asian fruit
Id: Lzg26dGx5vs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 19sec (979 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2019
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