Executive Assistant Tools & Tips for Organisational Perfection

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when it comes to keeping track of the many and varied tasks and ei needs to handle on a daily basis how do you stay on top of it all how do you make sure nothing slips between the cracks there are countless platforms and apps for task management collaboration lists and reminders it's easy to become overwhelmed by choice and paralyzed trying to determine the best solution for you today I'm going to share with you the two things you need to consider when finding the right organizational method and the three tips I live by to maintain my position as chief organizational officer the first thing you need to consider is your company systems does the organization have a policy when it comes to things like task management whether you like that system or not you may need to deal with it the second thing you need to consider is what works for you so today rather than focusing on the many corporate systems you may be faced with I'm going to share with you what works for me and the three platforms I use all day every day number one is Trello no one else that I know of in my organization uses Trello this isn't a company system but it is the one that I can't live without Trello allows you to create boards collaborate set reminders utilize checklists and create customizable categories there's really so much you can do with it and it's free and it's really really easy to use if you would like a detailed screencast showing how I set up a managed Trello then please let me know in the comments and I can do that just briefly you can see that I organized a lot of travel and I have a travel list on my board and then cards for each individual trip if you click on the card you'll see all of the details and the checklist you can set a due date add labels all kinds of things as I said I am happy to do a detailed video about how I use Trello so please pop a message in the comments below if that's something you would like to see the second thing I do to ensure I stay organized is practicing disciplined inbox management my three rules for inbox management are number one the only item is allowed to remain in my inbox are items I'm actively working on for example a board member has requested a meeting with the CEO and I'm exchanging logistical information with another ei the most recent email in that thread stays and the others are removed once the meeting is confirmed and a calendar invite has been sent the entire thread is then moved to my done folder which brings me to rule number 2 have a folder for everything I don't delete emails because I want all emails to be easily searchable so everything I would normally delete is dragged into the done folder this keeps my inbox clear and my mind at ease knowing that all emails will remain easily searchable other examples of folders I have our IT finance venues Christmas party planning HR receipts and folders for each individual trip I have booked to keep track of all travel related emails so an example if my boss is traveling to Paris I will have a travel sub folder labeled Paris 28 November in that folder I locate hotel confirmations flight and train itineraries conference attendants confirmations and any other emails relevant to that trip my third and final rule is never procrastinate on replies emails should be responded to within 24 hours and then moved to the relevant folder this makes rule number one super easy to adhere to the third thing I do every day is check the calendars thoroughly I check for conflicts and make sure all calendar items have sufficient information for example all of my exits travel plans go on his calendar a calendar entry for a flight will contain the booking reference and the e-ticket an entry related to an Airbnb booking will contains their Airbnb house manual and check-in instructions so that's it for today if you have any questions at all please do pop them in the comments below and I'll respond and who knows I may even make a video to answer your question I would also love to see your comments with your favorite organizational tips and tools so please do comment like and subscribe until next time I'll see you in the next video bye
Channel: EA How To
Views: 163,047
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Executive Assistant Tools, Executive Assistant, Personal Assistant, Executive Assistant Tips, How to be organised, Executive Assistant Organisation, Executive Assistant Organisational Tips, Organisation, Organisational Tips, Alicia Fairclough
Id: S0QH5kzKs-k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 5sec (305 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 24 2019
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