Ejecutar consulta SQL desde Excel @EXCELeINFO
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Channel: Sergio Alejandro Campos - EXCELeINFO
Views: 131,571
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Keywords: Aprende Excel y macros, Bussiness Intelligence en Excel, Connect Excel to SQL Database, Curso de Excel, Ejecutar consulta SQL desde Excel, Excel, Excel avanzado, Excel básico, Excel BI, Excel for beginners, Excel intermedio, Excel vba, EXCELeINFO, Execute a SQL Query in Excel and import data to Table, How to run a SQL query on an Excel table, Import data from SQL to Excel, Microsoft Query, Power BI, Power Query, Tutoriales de Excel, VBA for beginners
Id: fk5aHnWTRiU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 8sec (788 seconds)
Published: Thu May 24 2018
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