Excommunication and They Thought I was a Hooker!

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Mark Buton. Yes sir. So you have five parking tickets. They're all on Donaldson Street, and they're all, let's see, there's one overnight, and there's four parking 25 feet to the corner. Now, after you got the first ticket that you can't park 25 feet to the corner, why would you do it again? Your Honor, that's my son's car. I gifted that car to my son. How old is your son? He just turned 31. He's not a kid. No Why isn't he here? His mother found the tickets. That's how we found out about the tickets. Yeah, I mean you got one-- He doesn't live with us anymore. You got one of these last week. I could believe that. No, I'm telling you, you got one last week. You got one. Yeah, that's what I'm saying. Exactly one week ago today. We didn't know about the tickets. I didn't know about the tickets, your Honor. I really didn't. I understand everything you're saying. You, being a good father, your son probably doesn't want to pay the big insurance rates, so you're paying all the expenses. So you register the car to you. You say, "Son, I want to put you on a good path in life, "I want to give you a good start. "You know a lot of kids are really struggling, "your mother and I, we're gonna help you "and take care of you. "We're gonna register the car for you and pay everything." That was the basis. I understand that. That was the basis. You come before me. You're a good person, you're a good family man. Your son is probably a good kid, except that he's a little irresponsible. Yes sir. All right, he's not a bad kid. He's kind of cheap. (laugh) Yes sir. Except when it comes to other things. Is he weak? (laughing) Like having a good time for himself, right? Pretty much. Yeah? Nice clothes? Shoes, sneakers. The best, the best shoes? He's got 10, 20 pairs of sneakers, and I only wear one, so, what does that explain? I don't get it. You have to talk logic to him. You have to sit him and say, "Son." Right? He doesn't live with us anymore. He's recently been excommunicated, Your Honor. Within the last week he doesn't live with you? Within the last week, yes sir. Oh. You don't communicate? He communicates with mom. He doesn't communicate with me. That's the new buzz words. Poor people say, "I can't stand to live here anymore!" They say, "We don't communicate." (laughing) It's the new thing, you know? It's very fashionable. Instead of kids saying, "You don't live at home anymore?" They say "No, why?" In the old days, they'd say, "My father threw me out because I wasn't behaving." He got kicked out. See, I know. Inspector Quinn. Your Honor, you kicked him-- I was trying to be nice, I was trying to be nice. How do I know these things? I know these things. Yes sir. You kicked him out, I know that. But now, well, "We don't communicate." Is he going to give you the money for the tickets? I doubt that very seriously. Well, maybe you should go to the-- I've already, I've already canceled the plates, the registration and everything. Oh you did that? Yes sir. Okay. And when I found out, when everything was found out, I went and did everything. I went and canceled everything. Let me see that. Let me see that. That's how we found out. That's what made me go do it. I can't do it anymore. I can't afford that. I'm disabled and I can't afford, on my limited income, I can't afford that. I figured if he was smart enough, he should've just came to me and talked to me, I could've tried to still help him out. But I can't do it when you're hiding things from me like that. I can't do it. My heart goes out to you, it really does. Thank you. You know that? I appreciate it. I didn't mean to make light of this. No sir. I try to make people feel comfortable when they come in. Yeah. That's why I talk to them like this. I am so impressed that you canceled the registration and I'm gonna reward you for that. Thank you, your Honor. I'm gonna dismiss the tickets. Thank you, your Honor. I'm not going to hold you responsible. Appreciate it, thank you very much. You know. Good luck. Thank you. I was happy to reward Mr. Buton for his decision to cancel his son's registration. When words and warnings fail, you are left with two choices: continue enabling or to take action. It's often a painful decision, especially when the parents are not on the same page. But please remember this adage: It's not what you do for your children, but what you teach them to do for themselves that will make them successful adults. (Funk music) Christine Derado, your motor vehicle has been booted. Yes it has. You want to tell me about it? Well I have a parking spot, but I've been parking in the front of my house because my daughter's father actually put sugar in my tank. So I've been kind of parking in front of my window to make sure he doesn't do nothing to my car. I do have other tickets, I know, that are there. Some of the red light tickets. Who's he? My daughter's father Who? My daughter's father. First of all, you have three red light violations. Yeah, them are the ones that I'm worried about. Me and him shared the car when we lived on Branch Avenue. Who went through the light, you or him? I think I went through it once, I think maybe he went through it twice 'cause I remember one time. But I don't remember going through it that many times. So that had nothing to do with parking outside. Yeah. All right, then you have tickets that go back. Way back, yeah. On Washington Street. No, not way back on Washington Street. I don't live on Washington Street. My babysitter lived on Washington Street. She lives right here at the 1890 house. She was supposed to pay the tickets. Obviously she never did. Yeah. So, unfortunately, I guess I'll get stuck paying for 'em. I'm a single mom, I mean, I work a part time job. I'm just trying to get my car booted so I can get my kids back to daycare. They gotta be in camp by 10 o'clock. Oh, so now you wanna rush me? No, no, no, no! (laughing) I left them there with their older sister. They don't even know why I'm gone 'cause I walked here down Elmwood Avenue. You've got 14. I got pulled over like, three times, 'cause people thought I was a hooker. I don't know. (laughing) You've got 14 tickets, you haven't paid any of them. You've got three red lights, right? Yeah, I know. You give me a story about your baby's father. He's the problem, it's not you. And maybe you shared the car. And now you say, "Oh, I gotta get to work, "so let's get this done pretty quickly." (Laughs) Inspector Quinn. Why are you keeping her tied up? I'm sorry, your Honor, that's why we let her go first, 'cause we know the kids gotta get to camp. (laughing) Oh, then I should make a fast decision here. Yes. I'm willing to do anything, I mean, I just want to get my kids back and forth to school. I need my truck. All right, Christine, you have, you have tickets that go back three years. You haven't made any attempt to pay any of them. You came in today with excuses. I'm trying to talk as fast as I can 'cause I know you're in a hurry. I'm not in a rush. (laughing) A minute ago, you were in a rush. No I'm not. It's gonna cost you a $100 boot fee. Yep. And $260 for the tickets. It's gonna cost you a total of $360. How much of that can you pay today? I only have, like, $200. Okay. Is that gonna leave you broke? Yeah, because today's rent. Unfortunately. All right, I'm not gonna leave you broke. $125 to remove the boot. Okay How much can you pay a week? Can I pay $25? Yeah, okay. Now listen to me, and listen to me carefully, okay? Are you listening? I'm listening. I gave you a monster break on these tickets. Thank you. And I'm allowing you to pay $25 per week. If you don't pay that, 'cause your record is terrible. You haven't paid anything. I know. So when you walk out of here, if you say, "Ah, I got away with it, I'm not gonna pay the $25." Now listen to me. The boot's gonna go back on the car and it's gonna cost you... Six, eight, $950. Wow. Which is what this is with all of the penalties and the boot fee. It would've been $950. So just remember, pay the $25 per week. Now, we understand that, on occasion, you may have something come up that you can't pay the $25. We're not changing our phone number. Call up, speak to Inspector Quinn or our Chief Clerk, and say, "Listen, I can't make the payment this week." But don't just say, "I'm not gonna pay it, it's gonna go away" Okay. Do you hear me? Yes I do, sir. How much is it gonna cost you if you don't pay this? Nine hundred and something dollars. Nine hundred and something dollars. Right. Yes Remember that. I am So it's your choice. Either save $600, or pay $945, okay? Thank you. I very appreciate it. Thank you, sir. Okay, bye bye. 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Channel: Caught In Providence
Views: 409,461
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Keywords: court show, judge, tv show, providence, judge caprio, frank caprio, reality tv, court tv
Id: IqLTxn6MpUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 7sec (547 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 14 2018
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